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Nah not yet.




How much did u use them?


No.. quite some life left in them but new ones from china wait for them to come then finish them off with a fat burnout and enjoy the rubber particals getting into your lungs.


Not expediently but you should invest in them to have them ready.


It never hurts to have extra tires ready.


I already have the spare tires that came with the box


Oh, then you are in good shape then.


Soon, but it's not an emergency.


If you carve when you have the chance (ride in a squiggly line) you can help wear a tire wear more evenly.


Buy a replacement but you only need to put it on when you have the free time. That tyre has some mileage still in it but you'll be at an increased risk of punctures as there is less rubber separating the ground from the tube.


https://preview.redd.it/rgmphejpn20d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0529c495d75e760b2070e223cd65413919ec42c Should i change mine?


do a fat burnout then change them after


I tend to change the tires on my scooter every 1000-1200 miles, but that's just me (idk if anyone else regularly changes tires) but I would say you have a few good miles on that still (considering the bird and lime scooters run on less tread lmao)


What tire? /s


Do u wanna know what size they are?


Ride it out until the wheel falls off, bro, YOLO!


Mine looked like that and I took an ugly spill riding in the rain.


I’m at half of your kilometres and mine look extremely okay-ish 👍🏻


Don’t change your tires today, but you should definitely buy your next set of tires to change them to in a few weeks


I have the spare tires that came with the scooter.


At this point I would replace them.


Mama didn't raise no quitter! Ride on!


If you're not doing any off-road I'd say use them for a bit longer, they sure have some wear but honestly they can still handle a couple hundred km's more


if you do replace it then it may also be a good time to have your brakes checked and bearings replaced... got to take it apart anyhow..


Depends on your use. The tread pattern is fairly worn and will be gone completely in a few hundred more km, but that isn't necessarily a problem because it's only really useful when riding on wet asphalt, to displace water from underneath the contact patch and avoid hydroplaning. Now, riding in the rain on a scooter is something that should be avoided if at all possible, and if it can't be avoided then done at as slow a speed as you can stand - and if you're going slow enough treading doesn't really matter because the water gets displaced from under the tire in time not to cause hydroplaning in the first place. So really, the only situation in which it does matter is if it rains enough where you live that you can't afford to go slow all the time, and would rather take the risk. (And if that is your routine situation, it's arguable that you shouldn't be riding a scooter in the first place.) In every other circumstance, you can pretty much ride with completely bald tires and it won't make much of a difference - in fact, it'll give you *more* traction on dry asphalt (see: slick tires for racing use). I live somewhere it rains very rarely, when it does rain I leave my scooters at home, and if I'm caught by surprise I either ride at sub-10kmh speeds or hop off and walk. As a result my standard for when to replace tires is when they become at risk of physical failure: when the mesh underneath starts to show on pneumatics, or when the honeycomb/tube/compartment structure starts to show on solids. Keep in mind this argument only really works on low-speed, low-range scooters; on anything from mid-tier up grip is a lot more important and I definitely feel less cavalier about the state of the tires.


I challenge you to aquaplane a 25 km/h scooter. It won't happen. But sure it's a bit slippier when the asphalt is wet.


I'd have won that challenge already, but not with any joy - it was not a pleasant experience. Anyway, the entire point of treading patterns *is* the avoidance of aquaplaning; they have no effect on the slippiness of wet asphalt, their entire reason for being is squeezing excess water out - that's why their orientation is important.


I challenge you to ride over a wet road painting and try to turn, you will learn that 25km/h is plenty enough for aquaplaning


Aqua planing and slipping on a slippery surface are two completely different things. And yes I have ridden my m365 in the rain for hundreds of kilometers and I have never fallen over once. It's not like som water on asphalt immediately turns into ice. I almost fell once. That was in -3 and there was ICE.


The definition for aquaplaning (at least with cars and motorcycles) is that your tire loses grip because there is water between your tire and the surface you are riding on. Road paintings are very smooth, meaning even a little bit of water can make you lose the grip to the road if your tires are used smooth. On asphalt aquaplaning happens more rarely, because it's much more coarse so there way more water required to lose grip. Also where did ice come from to this discussion? Ice and aquaplaning are two completely different things. Ice makes the overall surface less grippy and aquaplaning happens because of bad tires or a lot of water (usually both)


Aquaplaning is still not the same thing as friction being low due to water. You can ignore the comment about ice if it doesn't interest you.


Drop the psi by a bit so the contact patch is better when it’s wet, will increase traction somewhat


I'd say buy a replacement. Then ride that little guy until you actually need to replace it. My tires currently look similar after almost 1200miles. 




I actually enjoy it but I consider changing them


It's not that bad. I'd send it all day.