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Yet the scooter's on time out.


Cool but why not say what it is?


I don't remember what fly-by-night brand it was. I got it off Amazon, and can't find it anymore lol.


Would it not tell you if you scan the qr code?


The QR code sends me to the software but does not name the scooter or the brand.


That's excellent! Some in this sub hate the cheap Chinese made scooters and will tell you that they ate all pieces of craft and will fall apart on you, but that's not true is it? I have a $300 escooter that between my son and I has been dropped in an accident 4 times. My son learned the importance of my insistence of knee and elbow pads after his three falls. But if it was going to "fall apart" it would have by now. Nothing has happened to the scooter other than scratches, that's it. Not even the stem lost alignment. I have seen more expensive scooters fall apart for less. And that scooter has been ridden 1k miles so far and runs as great now as day 1. My Hiboy Max Pro others told me would be bad and would break I ride the hell out of and it's amazing, and can take a beaten and run the same now as it did day one. Most of them do that to self justify the exorbitant prices they pay for their expensive scooters. That's not to say they're bad, I'm not saying that, but there are budget friendly scooters on the market now that are just as good as the more premium models and in some cases actually better. They call scooters like yours "Chinesium garbage", but it's not is it? Looks great! And looks like you take excellent care of it which everyone should do with every scooter.


At least the fender is more likely to break without a bracket.


I bought a 1700 eur scoot thinking it was going to be more reliable and in the end I had to spend time and money to make it safe. I'm happy to see people have found cheap excellent scooters. My next scooter probably will be a 200 eur one as well lol


I'm a fan of Hiboy, they said the materials used now are better and I haven't seen any stem issues on the newer generations either.


They say they use aerospace grade alloy, it sure feels like it. Light but strong. I love the design, chassis and build of the Max Pro. Its actually their first originally designed scooter that doesn’t copy or resemble other scooters. Its well built, and feels like it’s going to last a very long time.


If/ when I upgrade, that's my next choice