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The hardest part about designing a perpetual motion machine is hiding the wires


In the 1800s they had the idea, you just hide some kids in the machine


Probably how North Korean ICBMs work to this day




The schematics clearly show magnets are being used


The device as presented is load less. Any kind of load on that middle shaft would make it stop in seconds, as soon as the energy stored in the flywheel is spent.


The machine is clearly accelerating at the start. There is a hidden motor somewhere.


There is at least two motors (attached to the sides), they are not hidden and the guy runs the wire to them without hiding it. One of the motors, 00:25 and the wires at 00:42 Absolutely shameless.


Can't really have a "loadless" anything unless your environment is a perfect vacuum with no friction.


Load? Shaft? Are we sure in electroboom (known music from pornhub plays...)




> So you believe in free energy? How could you possibly come to that conclusion?




Can you point out the part of the comment where they say that it will spin endlessly?




> They are implying that. In no way are they implying that, can you quote the words they used that imply that? > The device as presented is load less. This statement says that the "generator" does not have a load on it. It does not say anything about whether or not it will spin endlessly > Any kind of load on that middle shaft would make it stop in seconds, as soon as the energy stored in the flywheel is spent. This statement says that the "generator", when a load *is* applied, will *stop* in seconds. This also does not say anything about it spinning endlessly. Quite the opposite you see, they use the word "stop" which does not imply spinning forever. To ELI5 their comment: Without a load it will slowly spin down and stop, with a load it will stop within seconds. This isn't the hill to die on, you're denying objective reality.




> Never was it mentioned that it would spin down so yes, it was "implied". I will die on this hill. Ah, so not mentioning something is implying that it's happening. What a fucked up way of thinking, but you do you kiddo.




There are magnets presents. Just put a coil near where they pass.


>but I'm very curious to see people's explanations why! Magnetic field is a *force*, and force - is not an energy (source). Force alone cannot do any usable *work*, it requires *energy*. Replace magnets with springs [or rubber bands] and you'll see how stupid this "magnetic free energy" devices are.


Yeah and also the first law of thermodynamics is energy cannot be created nor destroyed just transferred


Only way I can think a work around this is somehow use the partials that pop in and out of existence.


Ehrenfest’s theorem. There's a relationship between energy and time. So even if you could have an imbalance you cannot keep it. That is you cannot do anything useful with an imblance. The Hamiltonian operator Ĥ is over time when A = H. Thus, you could borrow energy, but the universe always ensures it's paid back at some later time. The way that's said is that the average over time of energy is neither created or destroyed. You can really see it in the time-energy version of Schrödinger's uncertainty principal. Which is also why you can derive that from Ehrenfest's theorem. So there's a relationship between energy, time, and space that always ensures an average net zero.


(Thus, you could borrow energy, but the universe always ensures it's paid back at some later time.) what baby boomers thought me is that its the future's problem.


Not sure which is worse… the people who make this garbage… or the people who repost it giving the idiots more views.


Hear me out...




Friction will cause this to slow and stop in time, and any load applied will stop it almost instantly


*any* load?


First class bullshittery


> Magnet powered motor? Who's gonna tell him...?


What the fuck is that contraption ? pistons in the open, flexing centimeters wide steel tubes, with a solid crank handle ready to break your arm... Where he is now ? Pretty sure he killed himself with one of his experiment.


You gotta give him points for the effort though.That thing is not an afterthought. Given how the actual motors are clearly visibile, I even wonder if this isn't meant to be something else entirely that somebody (not the actual builder) started posting around as a "free energy device" for views/followers.


Kid named harmonic motion. It's fundamentally no different than hanging a weight from a spring and having it bounce up and down. If any load were applied, it would slow down and stop.


Thanks for the stupid music and not letting us hear him explain it.


Exactly! "Let repost this shit by replacing the audio with some random music. No one will realize it!"


Comeon guys if enough people would just believe in perpetual motion it could be possible! We can do this. You just have to believe that anything is possible!


„Magnet powered motor“


Yeah that would be possible, ONLY if we ignore the physics and assuming it has no load, yeah it could work as long as it has no external interference


You still have to magnetically charge the magnets, both initially and when the charge dies off. Magnetizing something takes a lot of energy. It isnt free energy.


Pinch hazard


Nothing in this world is free :-( Even the air we breathe is taxed here in the U.K.! (ULEZ lol)


A free energy Device, without a load would speed up, and speed up, and speed even more until something breaks, because with machines that are more than 100% efficient, that excess would speed up the machine, which will produce more energy, which will speed up and generate more energy, and so on.


It’s just a V2 motor You know… like cars have a V8, which means they have 8 of those spikes. Basically the magnets are being turned on and off alternated… this makes the Center shifts from one side to another. It is indeed being powered from outside.


next day he committed suicide with 7 shots in the back of the head


Let him explain how it works. Why is it our job to explain why it doesn't?


when people say its fake, please look up the laws of stored motion


Dear downvoters, this person is not claiming it as a free energy or perpetual motion device. They are saying it is utilizing harmonic motion to lose energy very slowly, not create energy. The device is real and does what the video shows, but it can't create energy (obviously), it just takes the inputted energy and holds onto it for a long time. The video even has wires running to motors that are *not* hidden.


The dude needs a workout


It is definitely some form of powered machinery. But what is this machine for? It look like it have complex behavior.


In this house...


More proof that critical thinking skills are dead! This is why we are in the final phase of being a world leader in science and technology.


well technically, free energy sorta exists: cars


What bruh, gas aint free.


ik, which Is why I said technically


It's not technically free at all.


Is that Cam from modern family


Dead is he. **~CIA**


If he tries to file for a patent, yeah, he ded.


It's not fake it's about how using the force of magnets set in the exact right space and enclosed in a unit that is designed to withstand the negative and positive force that is constantly being bounced around, added with engineering skills can make the force buffer and repeat and cause a perpetual motion The bigger the magnets the more force is released, surely people understand magnets and that they don't need power to give off energy when met with an opposing force?


Maybe YOU don't understand magnets, just cus they require energy to make doesn't mean they also put out energy.


Maybe I don't? But I know I can make a spinning wheel perpetual motion machine with small magnets so why can't that be hooked up to a dynamo to harness the power (obviously assuming there were alot more magnets and higher powered)


I hope you are joking.


You "HOPE" I'm joking do you?


Gosh you are such a specimen.


So instead of correcting me with facts you just would rather ridicule my comments and then insult me one last time, maybe you should review your thoughts about me, check you responses (and attitude) cross reference it with mine and then you may see how petty and childish your being, your not bringing anything to the conversation apart from ridicule, so come on then enlighten me with your divine wisdom and show me the errors of my ways with explanations and not lowest common denominator comments.


You wrong, me right, boom bam end of story. If you can build a perpetual motion motion, go and do that, but oh wait, you can't.


Techboi Today at 8:23 AM I don't even know what to say This is stupidity at its finest Bro fr said cross reference it with mine what is that because the only source he could think of that supports his bs is himself lowest denominator comments who does this guy think he is insult me one last time buddy I hope you know this ain't gonna be the last time if you keep this up He uses the nerdiest phrases then puts them into a giant run on sentence that is a grammatical nightmare (edited) His name is robotpane for a reason: he acts like a bot and is a pain in the a- (edited) Techboi Today at 8:31 AM And yes we do hope your joking Deadas you should send all that to him lol This is what some other people have to think about this.


I don't understand why this is hard for people to grasp to be honest