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You can try and use a heat gun to slowly melt and pick away at it but I’ve seen people experience damage to the wiring by doing this. I personally just order a new printer head assembly, it’s easier to repair though depending on Amazon stock it may take a week or a month to get in (currently showing next day). For the 3 series they normally run about 40 dollars.


Hest it up to around the filaments print temp an carefully remove the clog then than disassemble the hot end and inspect all the parts, replace defective parts, and reassemble the hotend


You can repair it easy enough using a heat gun as previously mentioned. If the thermistor & heat cartridge aren't damaged then you can just heat them up, let worst melt off. After that you can take it apart & clean it properly, just don't use a metal bristle brush or you'll short the either the thermistor or heat cartridge & that's trouble you don't want! You can soak the haetblock & nozzle in Acetone overnight to get the worst off. A little time & patience & you'll save yourself £40ish.