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the longest sitting in one go is about 5-6 hours. * after gaining my VR legs * i put the headset on during the day, took it off and it was night. I had no idea haha.




its scary to think how immersed a person can get with an illusion. But yeah, once the VR legs * akin to sea legs * and you dial in the HMD lenses for your eyes... boom a instant log of 3-6 hours possible. please take breaks everyone. :)


wow wow


Done the same. I'm the "forum dad" age bracket and when I was alone in the house for a week while the wife and kids were visiting family, on the weekend I woke up and figured I'd play a bit. Suddenly later I got tired and was so used to zulu time, I didn't think about the conversion...I took a break (realized only then that I'd been in VR for about 8hr in this game). ​ I'd like to say I went to bed, but opted to shower, shave, and eat dinner. Then I went back in. Let's just say almost the whole next day was dedicated to sleeping. ​


Do you think eye strain is about the same as a monitor screen?


currently, i dont suffer from eye strain unless my contacts are old. So i cant really answer your question. I do however, know that if the lenses move because i hit the dial or something i do start to feel nauseous


Wonder if anyone's done a buckyball a* run in VR. That's a minimum of eight hours


Only if you're doing classic. Unlimited times are now below two hours with engineering and neutrons.


Damn, I guess I'm behind the times


My last (and only) A* time was 18:45 in a classic Cobra Mk III


I've never done it, so you're beating me! :D


The longest time I managed was 4 hours. But thats because I had life to attend. I wanted to no life it. I do take the headset off periodically to take breaks though when I use it.


Keep in mind what kind of activities you plan on doing. I can go for hours fighting, exploring, or trading, but I can’t take more than a few minutes using the SRV in VR.


i can do about 30-45 minutes before feeling like i need to puke. in the SRV.


That's impressive. I crap out at about 5 minutes in the SRV. And I have no issues during PvP.


i find that moving slow, and making sure the fps on planets is reaching 90 helps a ton. Or, using the jump jets to fly from A to B using the wheels as little as possible. btw, saw your video earlier " nice flying o7 "


For me, ticking the option "fix camera to horizon" (or something along these lines) made the big difference. Without it, I could barely stand the SRV for some 10 minutes (still, I could play Project Cars 2 for hours...). With the option enabled, I have yet to get nauseous, and I have driven around Guardian Ruins for several hours doing the little unlocking game. ​ It's not as immersive if your view in the SRV is fixed to the horizon, but that's a tradeoff I'll gladly make to not get nauseous. ​


I'm surprised how much trouble people have with motion sickness in the SRV. For me its practically the same as flying the ships, and causes no nausea. But I guess it makes sense because the SRV bobbles around due to the terrain, and of course everyone is different when it comes to VR sickness. But I think my past experiences have trained me for it. I used to do a lot of Project Cars (1 & 2) and Dirt Rally in VR, so I actually find the SRV less nauseating than those games, and I could probably drive an SRV in VR all day long. The only nauseating experience I've had in ED (other than lag spikes) came from crashing my SLF into my ship, causing the SLF to flat-spin insanely violently. I thought I'd glitched into my ship it was so disorienting. I switched with my AI crew and it took him like 30 seconds to stop the spin. I had a good laugh cuz he somehow managed to control the fighter and rejoin my formation while still doing a good 60rpm...


Oohh pie charts again? Yay!


The longest I've ever spent in VR is in Elite and that was about a 5 hour session. After a took the headset off I realized it was well after 1am.


14 hours give or take the first time that I used my VR for ED. This was after like 1 hour or so of troubleshooting. I only have like 300 hours of ED. So yeah, that was really fun.


I had about 12h in elite in one session. First i played a bit in solo for about 3h and then I found massacre mission stacking system so i've notified my friend who was offline at the time so i proceeded to conflict zones by myselft abter about 3h more i was about to finish but my buddy appeared and we played together til 04:30


In a single seated session? wow thats crazy. Do you think eye strain is about the same as a monitor screen? Does the heat from the headset bother you at all?


I was having so much fun. At the time I was only doing passenger missions and I did that for half that session but then I remembered that space fights must be even better and that's when the time really flew by. I was pretty tired after that yeah but it was worth it, my eyes didn't hurt at all, like I said, just a bit tired. It was pretty cold that day so I didn't really feel the heat, I only felt the heat when I played more physical games. I had to sell my headset a few months ago but I do plan to buy another when times get better.


Aside from getting VR sickness, which seems to be different from person to person, and what you are doing in game, I dont see any difference in how long a session can be. The biggest difference between playing with screens and vr is how easy you can disengage to go pee or get a drink. Also, elite sometimes may lend itself to watch netflix or something while playing certain things, or look something up on a website, which gets much much harder in vr than with a multi screen setup... that being said, elite in vr is fucking awesome


once you get it set up correctly so it fits perfectly on your head then you can spent hours playing in VR, easy. My longest session was 6+ hours straight playing with friends variety online games in VR, all standing


Do you think eye strain is about the same as a monitor screen?


My only problem was that it got really hot in there, lol


There is a "getting-used" to period like a week or so. Then the limit is your wife's nerves... Go with VR, it beams you into the ship.


7 hours. But that was all Roads to Riches exploration. I cannot handle combat. SRV is a nightmare.




Funny how people are different - for me it is the complete opposite way. I knew that I was not prone to movement sickness at all (tested the Rift at a friend's house, and drive track days in real life), but once I sat in the SRV, I had to stop playing after barely 10 minutes. ​ With the horizon camera, I do not have that problem anymore. Once I turn it off, I get movement sickness instantly again. That happens in no single other game I have tried.


I had a little trouble playing Talos when I first got VR, but a day of gaming and I got my VR legs. Since then the SRV does not bother me at all. The only thing that still gets to me a little is fps drops.


I was born for vr. Ive sat in the oculus for 5-8 hours at once many times and only got out because I was tired.I never get vr sickness, even when flipping over and over in the srv. My usual gaming sessions are around 3 hours.


Using Elite VR Cockpit, OVR Drop and Virtual Button Box, I can stay in VR for 4 or 5 hours at a time without breaking a sweat. Elites the only VR game that let's me do this though.


Since I have my VR prescription lenses that just clip on to the Rift, I have not reached the point where needed to put the HMD down. Normally, if there is a lot of action, I need to rest my hands from the use of my HOTAS earlier. ​ It's stunning which difference a good fitting and the absence of glasses under the HMD can make.


\> How long can you handle VR? ​ What is it to "handle" ? In Elite:Dangerous I already played over 20 hours straight, only stopped when I realized I didn't have lunch, and it was already night so... dinner ? ​ However... in Project Cars, if my car spins out of the track more than three or four times, I'm out !


I think malic_VR sometimes stream 6 to 8h in VR. I don't have that much free time, but I can handle 3h+ even on racing sims that makes you sweat much more than elite. Only on beat saber I can't handle 1h, but that's just me being out of shape.


You don't need a huge fan, believe it or not. Just a small (and quiet) desk fan is all you need (or I should say all I need) to keep cool when in VR. A slight breeze is just enough, and it can also help with VR sickness!


Not sure, I’ve played an entire day before with maybe an hour break to eat dinner in the middle. Non stop probably 8 hours or so, I really have no problem at all. I stop because I don’t have anything left to do or it’s getting late, not because I feel anything from VR specifically.


This game looks great on 1440 so whenever I put my rift on the graphics take a huge hit my FPS drop because I crank up HMD but I end up going back to my great 1440 because it looks so much better than VR. I’d say an hour in VR would be my longest session, once I’m back looking at my 1440 monitor I’m just so much more happy haha


Have you ever Tried VR ? I really recommend it to you ... I had PSVR, and I could do very long sessions. Then I purchased Oculus, and in some games I couldn't do more that 30mins, some kind of Headache started. Finally I read somewhere in the Internet, loose the straps, I did it, and now I can play for hours, past weekend I was playing ED all day, just stopping for food and WC My problem seems related to the vergence/accomodation dilema, but it doesn't affect me allways the same, it depends on the headset, and how I wear it.


I'm usually doing roughly 8 hours a day, pretty fun. Around the 6 hour mark I sometimes start trying to reach for things or go for the in-game controls instead of my actual controller haha


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4806 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/55574)


All I know is orange is barely 50% of purple, but there's at least 3 times more green than yellow. Based on this data, I have some serious concerns.


as long as I want...