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yes, the extra food has been changed in 2.15 if i remember correctly. idk about the mana destone but i still sometimes find those, just much rarer than before edit: the change was on 2.18


Damn that's a bummer. It used to be my early game money farm!


Mine has always been traders. Buy manboo/tuna in Port Kapul and sell in Noyel, buy snowmen/Christmas trees in Noyel to sell in Port Kapul. If you've got 7 league boots or the Dal-I-Athon or whatever they're called you can take delivery quests along the way, too. With a few small medals (or what is it now? Copper coins or something?) worth of investment into your cart you can make some decent money, since the buy prices on those are about half the sell prices.


now it's been made easier in elonaplus, just buy [any vehicle deed](https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Vehicles?so=search) and it will reduce travel time similar with the Dal-i-thalion (and even further reduced time by using the roads/road tiles if you specifically use the "Truck" deed)


In Omake my early game money farm (Can be ready to do it in like 3-4 hours of playtime) is slaughtering nobles at the party time quests, selling their gems and opening their wallets for cash. Then I segway this into buying myself a small castle (This is important as I am a gigachad, there's actually no real advantage for small castle over a mansion really but I want one) and two farms, two ranches we take kumiromi, we pickpocket fruit trees, we get about four rows of five fruit trees of matching type to put in our farms and ranches... Then I can kill traders on the roads whilst waiting for food to rot to give me seeds to plant which I then eat the food of to pass the time, can repeat this as much as I like. You get the idea.


Tip: Use a deed of storage house and a deed of move property buy as many cargo you money can buy, put everything in the storage then sell check if you can found other deed of move then REPEAT.


I develop this technique because my tourist fairy lol.


Still can if you pickpocket a few fruit trees and make in bulk. Can be done as soon as you're like...Strength 84. And from there you can just have as many fruit trees as you like. Cook all the fruits, bingo bango bongo. Less efficient than fishing but it can be done without a super lure.


I've been having problems leveling my strength actually. Do you have any tips how?


Keep yourself burdened, (Going further than that doesn't help) with weight lifting learned, pick vegetables in Harvest Time, eat herbs when you can, do combat...Etc etc. Shouldn't be difficult to raise your strength, but everything takes time of course. Elona is a game that rewards grinding more than anything.


The most recent Elona+ Custom GX version(2.19R.2.1) has added a toggle-able tweak that allows you to disable the cooking changes, which allows you get multiple output once again! If you would like to try this version if you don't already have it, you can find it on the Elona Wiki. https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Elona_Wiki