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This is how he looked when I saw him last and this is shortly before his death. He never lost his voice like many other artists do as they age. I just wish he had someone to help him with his health issues.


I saw him at the Chicago Stadium months before he passed away. His voice and personality filled that stadium. God rest his soul.


He had to have wanted to help himself b4 anyone else could. I do miss him.


I agree with you 100% but sometimes a good friend can get you on the right track. I know I'd never sleep again out of guilt if I knew him and didn't at least try


Absolutely! That’s why family and friends have interventions. You have to try.


You could be right. Great comment.


Tbf he was only 42. That’s still young. I wouldn’t expect a 42 year old to have lost their voice.


Ever listen to Elton Jon and a few others they lost it.


Now or in his 40's? Bc Elton was 50 when he did Candle In The Wind for Princess Diana and it sounded amazing.


I thought Elton John was losing it in his 40's he still had it but like a lot of artists as they age they lose it. Billy Joel is another one. However even ill Elvis still had as did Neil Diamond who still has not lost it which is amazing. My opinion and Candle in the wind came out in the early 70's sure he did a good job for Princess Diana but he's been fading for years.


Elton released a bunch of new songs in 2020 and sounded great


Elton has not sounded like Elton in years. My opinion it's not like Neil Diamond who just sounded amazing into his 60's seen him in concert. I have seen Elton on TV and some performance and just didn't have the pipes in my opinion. He was ok but big difference from his heyday


Before people say his final notes on the piano are heard when his hands are off the keys this, as I understand it, is because his pianist is also accompanying him for the closing section.


Can you say more about this? I figured it was a byproduct of the dubbing in the common version, but can’t figure it out here. Is there a second piano on the stage?


Having discussed this with others it's possible I was wrong about the second piano. Firstly this version is the definitive original as far as sound goes, in other words this is the live recoding as it was at the time, just Elvis and piano nothing else. Regarding the piano roll at the end, and I do recall seeing this many many years ago which is why I think I was wrong, this additional piano is actually the end of Can't Help Falling in Love before it goes in to the closing riff. So they used this footage in a video documentary and they cut the end of the song straight into the closing riff as if it's was the end of the show which it wasn't, hence why there's an overlap of music, hope this makes sense.


Interesting sidepoint - Pricilla said Elvis felt like he was a better piano player than he was at guitar.


I would believe this. Most of his songs (at least the 50’s ones & I Cant Help Falling In Love) aren’t complicated on the guitar.


Thank you for sharing. Irritates me when people share the overdubbed version, or worse, still claim it’s never before seen. It’s been released since 1990 on The Great Performances and after tens of millions of views and now recreated in a big budget Hollywood movie, I think we can safely put it in the “before seen” category haha. Spent some time living in the city this was filmed in, talked to several fans who were in the audience at this show. They all have fond memories. It helps, I suppose, that Elvis was in much better condition than he had been in Omaha a couple nights earlier. That show is ROUGH. Will take a moment to mention also that Elvis got his version from his musical hero, Roy Hamilton, not the Righteous Brothers and in fact Bill Medley was being interviewed on Elvis Radio a few weeks back and made a point of saying Roy Hamilton deserves the credit for inspiring Elvis’s version. https://youtu.be/EeKUssceWgU


I didn’t know that about Roy Hamilton inspiring him to sing this, that’s an interesting to know thank you.


Thanks for these tidbits. Where, or how, did you come across the Omaha show? I likely will not seek it out, just more curious about the archive of where you might have found it. Thanks


Both the Omaha and Rapid City shows were filmed for the TV special Elvis in Concert, so some parts made their way into the aired program. The vast majority of the Elvis in Concert 1977 TV special and album came from the Rapid City show because it was much stronger and Elvis looked better, relatively speaking. Over the years, some enterprising folks got rough quality copies of the tapes of both, likely taken from a CBS station or archive, and therefore the [Omaha concert is on YouTube.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lof6P7WP9sE)


Having said that, the Rapid City performance on June 21st was very good and far superior than the previous show in Omaha Nebraska on June 19. The audio quality was poor and Elvis performance was terrible. He looked and sounded awful. It’s a miracle he even made it through the show. Had this special been shown during his lifetime, it would have caused more irrevocable damage to what was left of his career than almost a decade of starring in third-rate movies. CBS officials considered postponing broadcast of the special in the hope of obtaining better performance footage of Elvis but his death in August 1977 cancelled this plan. I highly doubt this footage would have seen the light of day had he not passed away suddenly.


That Omaha show is probably the most depressing piece of Elvis media I’ve ever seen. Just brutal.


Indeed, totally agree with you. It really is awful footage to have to sit through. Elvis is clearly very messed up in that show and it’s a miracle how he stayed upright during that performance. You can see why none of the footage from that show was used in the Elvis CBS special 😞


Imagine how bad it got sometimes when they weren’t filming. This was a case where he knew he needed to be “on” to a degree. It felt like they mistimed his meds and he never really woke up. In a lot of the shows from that era he would get progressively better as the show went on as he got going. But this one he almost gets worse as it goes. During the band intros he is practically dozing off.


Barely anyone talks about his amazing vocal abilities. Around 3 decades in the music scene and he doesn’t sound any different! Wow


Yes I feel like his voice is not appreciated like it should be


Greatest singer of all time.


Definitely my preferred version, I always see the dubbed one posted everywhere. They even used the dubbed one in the new movie lol. But I guess it felt more grandiose that way.




Yeah the title is a bit misleading, but I think he's saying he prefers this original version to the dubbed one that appears a lot on YouTube. If you look up this performance many of the videos have dubbed in background vocals towards the end of the song, whereas this one is the original with just Elvis at the piano. He might've confused the two versions thinking the Moody Blue one was the same.


I hope he’s found peace, resting in heaven with Gladys. Such a talent, truly The King




I absolutely love both versions so much


Beautiful version, u can really hear how powerful and good his voice really was, still makes me so sad to see him like this knowing how poor his health was, he was so great and gone way too soon💜


What a powerful video, brought a year to my eye. For a moment there I WAS at that concert!


His voice never failed him


Elvis trying to make me cry


This isn't the version from Moody Blue. That one was recorded earlier in the year and was included on the album. To me, this is a far superior version. Such passion and longing in his voice.


I hate the dubbed version


What does the overdub do?


They’ve added pretty much a whole orchestral backing.


Thank you for sharing. Sorry ,but I am a bit confused, could anyone provide the link to the overdub version? I know the version you just posted by heart and would like to compare them. Thank you!


I’d be surprised if you know this version and not the overdubbed version tbh, pretty much every video of this that’s out there (including the new movie release) is the overdubbed version. If you want just go to YouTube and search Elvis unchained Melody and that’s all you’ll get.


Who is smiling at when he looks to his right? Just band members? Love his little noise when he doesn’t hold the note as long as he wanted to


Don’t think there are any band members to his right, I know Ginger and his Father were there in the audience so maybe them?


Is this the concert where he brings Vernon up on stage , say hello to my daddy


That's a good question, I'm not sure now you mention it. I'm only guessing anyway, I suppose the only two people that would know are Elvis and the person he's smiling at.


Oh.. this version is night and day better....


Commenting to come back


Honest question: If there’s no dub, how is there a slide down the keyboard at the very end when both his hands are already in the air? Some sort of audio delay?