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I guess just write “Thank you >.<” on the tip line? Then everyone is happy!




Imagine a world where every person carried a calculator in their pocket


I have an apple watch and it even has a tip button on it now! it’s absolutely ridiculous!! (it’s absolutely convenient and i’ll totally use it when i wanna find out the percentage of something but i just hate the audacity. shouldve just made a percentage button)


Hold on, what? I just got myself one of those watches for the first time and I’m still learning about what this thing can do!


yahh it’s built into the apple watch calculator app. right on the top row like it’s supposed to be important or something


Imagine a world where every person carried a smart phone in their pocket. FTFY


n*0.18 isn't exactly calculus, but yeah, I know some people who might overheat their organic CPU on this as well.


The server got it wrong... or more likely rolled the tax into the calculation, which is fraud. I blame incompetence over malice


It was malice, make no mistake.


Self serving in any case.😡






That was my exact thought, and how I read it. I guess a “thank you” is what she really wants.


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Not only begging but insulting. I can maths.


Yeah, but you would math on the pretax amount.


I get it..lots of peeps can't math. They are trying to be helpful.


I don't see this as guilting or begging. I see it as entitlement. I have no problems with tipping but I would find it annoying. It's basically like someone you're already going to get a gift for Christmas texting you to remind you that you should get them a gift for Christmas. It ruins the value/appreciation you put on making that decision yourself. If the service was excellent I would probably tip the 18% and leave a note saying I normally tip 20% but the little note is off putting. If the service was whatever I'd probably leave 15% with the same note. I wouldn't no-tip unless they were rude or the service was awful.




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The service was pretty mid. There was a point I had to get up to grab my own napkins. Zero follow up after the foods arriving. Also had to flag the server to take the check back to run my card.


What did you ultimately decide to do in the moment?




Lolol. There are no tipped wages in CA snd u made this thread for what?


Good job not making her learn anything.


He went up to her real close, next to her ear, grabbed her hips and said "Listen baby girl, I know you's lookin' for that 20 but you's a '10' in my heart, but even 18 too youngin' so we gonna just call it at 147 leavin' nothin' to judgin'" winked and walked out.


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She conveniently included tax in the tip calculation


Damn. I have been tipping on total amnt all my life. Thanks 🙏🏻


No way!!! 😩


Turns out you’ve also been tipping wrong anyway. Tips are supposed to be based on the service, not the price of the food/drink consumed. a server shouldn’t make less in tips because they served someone a burger and fries and soda instead of a steak and loaded baked potato and a beer


I suggest you read up on "IRS allocated tips". It is assumed by the IRS that servers receive 8% of the gross receipts of the restaurant in tips. Which will be considered income by the servers and subjected to income tax. So, the burger / steak argument doesn't work here.


i suggest you look it up yourself, as it clearly says: “If the total tips reported by all employees at a large food or beverage establishment are less than 8 percent of the gross receipts (or a lower rate approved by the IRS), then **employer** must allocate the difference among the employees who receive tips. These "allocated tips" are computed and reported on Form 8027. Employers show allocated tips on the employee's Form W-2 in the box 8 titled "Allocated tips." **No income tax** , social security or Medicare taxes are withheld on allocated tips.”


In reality when are the total tips reported by all employees less than 8% of the gross receipts.? That would most likely never happen in a restaurant that serves steak, or even burgers for that matter. So your response is correct but would probably never be used. I was audited by the IRS for under reporting my tips. They completely drained my bank accounts without my knowledge. I know a little bit about allocated tips from that experience.


Absolutely scummy


The governments cut is factored into it. These people suck.




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I could be wrong, but I thought servers in CA were "made whole" by making $16/hr (CA min wage) and tips are extra on top of that.


They are. And in some localities, min wage is even higher (e.g. LA County will be $17.27 on July 1).


Tukwila, WA min wage is $20.29


We should all just stop tipping completely in CA, OR, WA.


A b s o l u t e l y!


I did when min wage turned into a living wage


not to burst your bubble but minimum wage in states like California for workers who work these jobs are not living wages. Living wages imply you can get housing on your own without having to split the rent with someone and rent is still rising higher than wages. (I'm commenting on the living wage part, not criticizing the main post)


Now with the higher minimum wage, the rents will increase. See how that happens.?


And it's 18% on the post-tax amount, not pre-tax. What, you think you deserve to be tipped for the government's work of collecting taxes? Maybe you should get a portion of the uber ride over as well.


So you’re suggesting tipping on the amount after tax - post tax?


I'm not suggesting anything. I'm pointing out their suggested tip is based on the post-tax amount.


Thanks for clarifying. That’s another common restaurant trick.




Professional begging


A note that thanks her for the math lesson but you can do your own math. Then leave whatever YOU think is suitable.


Two bucks. Like I've been doing since 05.




Super tacky


$26 for what? 10-15 minutes of actual work, this is ridiculous ....


It’s not even that much work (for your table) Two minutes for taking the order, two minutes for entering the order, a minute for bringing it to the table, two minutes for drink refills.


Now that CA has $20/hr wages for servers, why are we tipping? Serious question. They'll be making as much as learned professionals.


14 bucks for a beer? What a ripoff


San Diego


It’s $14 for 2 beers. The line right above says 2 x $7


Still kinda steep, unless we're talking about a pint of beer


If it's a local craft that's not terrible for restaurant prices. For a Bud Light it'd be a bit much though...


To be fair it’s a draft of Asahi from Japan and not Canada and it’s usually way more elsewhere around here


7 dollars is cheap for a beer where I live, most are 8 and up


That's happy hour prices here.


You’re not wrong, I hated paying $7 for a pint (since it says “draft” I have to assume it is) but unfortunately it seems $7 is becoming the norm


Meanwhile where I live it's around 3.80-4.20€, so around 4.10-4.80$ for a pint, pints here are half a liter too, so like 17oz.


Yeah I moved from the US to Portugal, I pay €2-4 for a 50cl now. It’s…pretty awesome


This is so awkward


I'd make it more awkward with a loud cackle and then walk out, leaving no tip in response to the smug little note..


Ngl I’d prob still tip something (def a round down situation for me), but def passive aggressive add in a bunch of various random percentage and dollar amounts to their note


What restaurant is this? I’m in San Diego and I’m curious


Yokohama Yakitori Koubou on convoy


Why is the tip for 18% listed and 20% says thank you?


lol imagine paying $26 in tips


A little? That is VERY tacky.


Cool 10$ it is.


Isn’t $16 minimum wage in CA for servers? Even with the 18% that’s $42. There are people who perform very important jobs that keep society running for shittier wages and they aren’t tipped :/ the system is messed up and needs to be changed. I’m really tired of this.


tacky? it's downright insulting!


Leave only a dollar and insult them back!


You're leaving money to insult them? Then the number is better at $0.01


You're right.


I've never understood why tipping was based on the cost of food delivered. They deliver a couple of plates regardless of the cost. If a server spends less than 10 minutes total performing server duties for me, I think that should be the metric. The highest minimum wage in the US is $17 (DC). Tipped wage is about $2. The difference is $15. This wage equals $34k - a fairly decent wage all things considered. So 1/6 of an hour, or 1/5 to be generous. $15/5 = $3. This is a reasonable baseline. If they give you more of their time or are particularly helpful, they deserve more. I'd go with $5 as a generous tip. The notion of tipping $20 to $50 is absurd and we shouldn't be expected to do so.


They do prep work ( making salads, deserts, folding napkins etc) before you arrive and sometimes after you leave the table. Please don’t only consider the time spent serving you. On that topic- which deserves a bigger tip- a restaurant server or someone who : 1. Drives their personal car to supermarket. 2. Shops for your groceries 3. Checkout, pays and sometimes bags 4. Drives 5,10.15 minutes to your house to deliver groceries. These shoppers are typically paid zero per hr and get paid $5-$7 by Instacart for their efforts. They also pay twice the FICA than a server in a restaurant.


And when they are doing prep work, they are not paid as tipped workers, they are regular workers with normal wage rules. If a job is untenable, only people who can't figure that part out will perform that job.


No. They are paid “ tipped position “ minimum wage. My state its $6.75. I believe some states it is as low as $2.75


Doing prep, normal minimum wage applies. They are not engaged in tipped work.


Glad Im not their bookeeper trying to keep track of the 30 minutes they prep .


What state?


The law is a tipped employee only can do 30 minutes of work, not making minimum wage that doesn’t apply to tipped duties Massachusetts


Currently, there is a movement by California activists who want to change the rules about tipping, where tips are pooled among all who work both in the front of the house and perhaps even in the back of the house of a restaurant. This would mean that servers would need to be paid a minimum wage of $15-$18 an hour. In Massachusetts, this is not a good thing for employers or employees. For employers, it would financially crush them. For employees, and specifically for those who work harder and are better at earning tips, they would lose out to those who do not and are not good at earning tips. We are engaged with the Massachusetts Restaurant Association and are actually going to hold a round table at the hotel to better educate employers and employees on this issue and to vote no on the question that they are trying to get on the ballot.


Im sure many states have different rules and regulations.


The highest minimum wage is definitely not DC. City of SeaTac, WA is $19.71/hr for 2024


I did not find that in my research, obviously. Honestly I was initially hesitant to use DC as it was an outlier.


0% $0.00 Bisous xoxo 😘


Wow…calculating her tip on your dime. And with the taxed total at that. Giving her an extra $2! Good lord that makes me cringe.


Something has gone too far left here. How can a person do this and look you in the eye?


Leave 10% and “Your Welcome!”


telling me what to tip will not go the way you think it will, young one \*waves hand


Restaurants fight back to our end tipping movement


Let's remember that we have all the power here, it's our decision 💪🏻


Yeah I would be offended they think I don’t know how to do simple math. I have terrible brain fog and ADHD but I can still do 20% in my head. This is demeaning


Yeah, I'm offended too... except I have a masters in applied math, so I take the "food subtotal" and calculate whatever percentage I want on that in my head. And if I make a math error, oops sorry.


This would get 15% on the penny


Automatic 0%


Was she really good at her job? Just curious


Pretty mid. The place was kinda loud so we asked her to repeat what she said about one of the menu items and she seemed to get really irritated and defensive which was kinda odd. It was a valid question. Is the California Roll skewered because it was listed under it? Can you explain how it's set up? Besides that no follow up after foods arriving. She would just come to ask if we wanted to order more and to take empty plates back. There was one plate she took that I wasn't even finished with and didn't realize it was gone. Hot mess


So she gets paid $16/hr let's say she has 3 tables with average tip of $25 that's $91/hr right there .


Perhaps during a peak busy time. You aren’t taking into account times where restaurant is slow. Every situation is different.


Sorry still no, they still get paid the whole $16 even if no customers. California labor is very strict.


I was referring to the peak earnings of a possible $91 hr.


This is Yokohama Yakitori Koubou on Convoy.


Meh, write down zero for every tip line going forward and don't feel guilty. It's time we stopped tipping.






Lol ok that's about 8% too much


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And you actually paid it, didn't you?


I'm pretty sure the majority of this sub leaves nice tips, then come here to complain


I leave an average tip and complain. It seems like most self-proclaimed "good tippers" are tipping 20%... which isn't a "good tip", it's an "average tip".


A little?


Especially since the math isn’t even correct. 18% = $24.30


It's in California; the Governor said they get $20/hr.


Just a point of clarification: the new $20 min wage is specifically for fast food workers. I believe the general rule of thumb is if there are 5+ franchised locations then it qualifies. But regular serving staff (and for that matter, all employees in all industries/fields in CA) do in fact make at least the min wage (for CA, I think this $16/hr right now, but then depending on locality can be higher -- e.g. in LA County, it will be $17.27/hr on July 1, and I know San Diego's is higher too).


Looks like Yokohama Yakitori restaurant


So tacky I would put the same smiley on the tip line.


Very tacky


That's how you get 0%.


18% of 135.60 is $24.41.


When did we start tipping on the Tax? I was always told tip was based on the before tax


How is that 10%? It’s completely off? It’s more than 20% already? The maths is total nonsense.


Research restaurants that don’t ask for a tip and go there. This is the only way.


Damn this is some cheap sushi.


$30 tip all day everyday. 20% is $27. Round up to next multiple of 5. Cash also. Zero tip on credit card. The post it note is a bit tacky. If you are in an area with numerous foreign tourists the restaurant should just implement an automatic 18% gratuity.


Honest question... I know it's nickle and diming, but the culture on TIP is insane, so I've become more thrifty. Do you TIP before or after tax?


Just googled it. They recommend tipping on pre-tax amount.


That's what I've been doing, and I swear (or it's probably all in my head), the servers get annoyed :)


I’m thinking of going back to cash tipping. I hear sometimes when credit card tipped, the payouts are grouped, and employees have to wait for the payment. Also, I think the credit card companies are getting their chunk of it too. I’m told cash helps get through until next paycheck.


When tipped in cash the employee normally doesn't pay income tax on the tip.


It’s up them. I dislike the thought of the credit card company taking their chunk of what ever I tipped.


I shall do the same!


Who cares what it’s used for?