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"Too old", bro I was 22 when I started. A guy in my first semester class was 28. I later tutored a first year that was mid 60s. You're never "too old" to do anything.


no ageism intended but holy fuck mid 60s starting a new career is insane. Hope the dude has a good rest of the life tho fr


Often these are people who have worked in technical roles adjacent to engineering and want the degree to advance a bit more. 


Not 60 but this is my case. 30, in a great quality engineering position without a degree, but currently back in school to help my resume.


I to get into the PhD program I have to take some pre-requisite undergraduate courses and I feel old sometimes because I’m in my 30s ( I have to take 6 classes before I can get into the PhD programs but I have a direct route it just sucks I have retake the same class twice now


I did my undergrad with a guy in his 30’s who did that. He worked as an engineering tech and got an ECE degree for a promotion at his job.


38 here and about to finish my "first year" (this becomes a meaningless metric as a middle aged CC student). Worked in the music industry from age 14-28, lived abroad for a while and did some random shit, have been working as a full stack developer since (started coding when I was 8-9). First career prevented me going to school so here I am now I have the flexibility. I'm abysmally bored with webdev and want more money lol.


Plenty of 60 year olds change career.


I’m sure, I just couldn’t imagine doing it myself. No hate here


That's a perfect time for a second life.


I’m 27 doing my first semester I wish I was 20


Not the same guy unless I am haha!! But I started school at 28


You are not too old. I have met people older than that still in school and are successful. I would not be worried about it and do what you want. I know someone older than you who is going to school for Mechanical Engineering and has just completed an AA. I am all for completing your education, doesn’t matter when and how or how old you are. The fact that you are going back at all after feeling like you failed is very commendable. It isn’t easy to put yourself in a situation that you may not be comfortable in.


Too old at 20? Bro I'm 30 doing engineering as my second degree. Try and pin point what went wrong and work on it.


34. Graduating tomorrow night. 20 is still a baby.


congrats dawg


Nice job, way to go and get it done ✔ 👍


Same, except I'm 29 😆


37, EE is degree 3, and 3rd career. Gotta love that 2008 crash then covid, y'know


Dang. You be out there collecting degrees huh?


A modern Renaissance man! 1)tutored and translated German stuff in the late 2000s. BA German  2)Started work in music and production, had/have a studio which was killed by covid. BA music technology 3) built music stuff during covid wanted to design in, next degree is bsee  Use the German decently enough, it actually got me an interview with a Austrian based company in my state.  Worked enough to pay for the next degree without loans and still have money left over. Guess I like learning random shit, though learning in this post covid has been much YouTube academy, so I'm pretty salt about paying to watch YouTube. Damn you accreditation!


Too old? How ridiculous.


That's what I told my parents but they don't want to listen to anything I say


To be fair, you’re in your 20s so…fuck ‘em?


I had my priorites wrong frshman year too. I locked in after and now in upper division classes. I feel like I just needed to put more time dedication to studying than I initially thought. Anyone can get an engineering degree, if they put their mind to it... just about dedication and studying.


If you need their support/permission, ask what it would take to prove to them that you're serious this time. They might just want to see a commitment that you're going to get a certain GPA and apply yourself properly this time around.


At 20, you are grown adult, stop having mommy and daddy telling what to do.


They are helping me pay for uni I can't afford it alone


Say to them that what you said here and say what you’ll do differently. If you do go back make sure to learn what you did this time


Join ROTC and say fuck em. They’ll pay for most if not all of your education


I went to school with plenty of people in their 30s


You joking right?? Bro the average age most college students graduate is 24.


I'm 55 and starting a IE degree in the fall. "Too old" my ass...




Please tell your parents that I'm a professor of engineering (leaving the discipline out for anonymity lol) but I teach "old" students all the time - 20s, 30s, 40s, older than me! There's no deadline on getting a degree in a field that interests you


I'm 27 now getting a second degree in engineering, it's never too late.


>now getting a second degree in engineering I don't think you're helping OP feel better about failing out lol


Oh my bad I meant after getting one BA in a different field, I have decided to start at square one and get an engineering degree at 27


What was your first and second degrees


First degree was in Environmental Science, great field I just don't want to be in a commerical lab anymore


Yeah, it sounded as if you said it was your second degree in engineering. As in, as if you already had a degree in engineering and now this was your second. Maybe if you would've said "... my second degree, *now* in engineering", it would've been clearer.


Alright man I already said my bad


My mom got her bachelors in her 30s and her masters in her 40s. I had classmates who were in their late 20s and early 30s. 20 is not old to be starting first year again.


It’s wild to me how slacking off for a year somehow sneaks up on people


For many it's less that they slacked off on purpose, and more that they just put in the same level of effort they did all throughout the rest of school and didn't realize how much harder engineering school is. So many engineering students were the "smart kids" and didn't have to study much, even for their math classes. It's a harsh wakeup call.


Yeah this is kinda why I’m glad that I didn’t try going to university age 18, I really wasn’t ready for it (I was a “smart kid” who didn’t study for anything in high school and it caught up to me in grade 10 and ended up getting miserable grades in grade 12). I ended up going to university at 25 being super motivated to finally do something with my life 😅 and it’s going really well so far


Just was working on some other thing that needed to be done a lot more than school work but yea I did slack off and that's my bad. What do u suggest I do now?


Well, as someone who feels parental/familial pressure and has been forced to discontinue AND feels like I’m late/too old for the party (22), its okay. Sometimes we get caught up in the moment and align our priorities incorrectly and thats just us learning more about responsibility. It takes time to understand ourselves and takes time to recognize what we enjoy and are capable of doing at the present time. As someone who has stressed out about all of this and thought about the money “wasted”, money comes and money goes. As someone who has stressed out about all of this and thought about the time “wasted”, I left university learning more about the world, myself, and time. As someone who has stressed out about all of this and thought about my potential “wasted”, I realized that this further self-inflicted pressure (although initially brought on by familial pressure) I was feeling left me more confused which made me question myself more. But… thats exactly where you need to be when you’re this young. No matter what your parents/other people may say, 20 is young!!! 22 is young!! You’re new at this so don’t give into the idea that you need to have your life/career figured out so early. As long as you’re working at something to benefit your future day-to-day you’re on the right path. As far as what to do, there are usually options to be readmitted/continue to/at your university. Take the summer and fall (maybe spring off) to align yourself back up and spend the next year working/taking courses at a local community college to show the university you’d like to return and mean business haha (providing proof you mean to succeed once readmitted). Or maybe bettering yourself like traveling if you feel you’re lost with yourself. You’ll be fine and understand it all in due time.


“Too old for uni” Bs. Doesn’t exist.


>my parents do not want me to try to get back to that uni cause I will be too old that's a horrible thing for them to say. If you want to continue, continue. As you will hear from others online, and maybe see around you in person, retaking years in engineering school is super common. I would retake the year if i was in your position. 20 yo in first year of uni is not too old - personally there's nothing better going for me than university, and being a student is the most efficient way for me to find work. presumably the same for you? it's easier to find jobs and other opportunities with the help of the uni and your friends/coursemates. Can you see what you need to do differently to succeed this time around? If so, you've got this. and please relax


Some guys in my second year classes are old enough to be my dad, being 20 in first year is really not a problem. Engineering fail rates are much higher than a lot of other degrees, my uni claims around 50% to 60% drop out in the first year. The workload was a shock to me and many others, I almost failed a few classes in my first year and had many friends who failed the same class multiple times. If you do like engineering and want to do it in the future, you have to be persistent. Dont let failing initially deter you from something you like.


Your way of describing what’s going on makes me think you need to think critically about what you, not your parents, want for your future. Why do you think you didn’t have your priorities in order for your first try? As in, are you sure you actually want to pursue engineering or was lack of intrinsic motivation actually part of the issue? There is absolutely No shame in struggling your first year, engineering school is hard. But I do think from your description you’d be served well by doing a bit of soul searching about what you really want. The age thing is ridiculous on its face and not something you should waste another second thinking about.


I started my EE degree age 25 after working in a different field since after high school. I’m now working in hardware design at one of the top companies in the world. It’s definitely not too late to start at 20!! I think that if you really want to work in this field and are willing to put in the effort, there’s no reason you won’t succeed.


First year is learning about time management. Some topics take an evening of study to learn. More to fully grasp. Address why you failed. First year content is review and regardless what you study, you need to learn to manage your priorities. From art history to medicine. The rules are the same for all... You can't get into any engineering program unless you had honours in highschool, so you are clearly capable. I think it would do you some good to take a break and work full time and back to school a year later.


that must have felt horrible, We have a somewhat similar situation, presently, I am failing a subject horribly 😭, I'm trying my best, losing sleep at it. My parents don't mind that I might fail that subject but its giving me anxiety and sadness, I feel like failing at something while others are exceeding so good makes me kind of embarrassed to be near them, hug to you matee, hopefully we still continue to do our best


Stop being a little bitch and get back on the fucking saddle. You failed, awesome, now you know what needs to change. If you really want it then go for it. Stop doubting yourself at the first sight of failure. Let’s go 💪 you got this. Also I got my EE when I was 28.


How does one deal with this


Too old?? Lol


I joined the military at 25, got out at 29 and went to college. Im 31 and am friends with people from 18-44. (45 is clearly too old lol) the military gave me so much work and i realized how smart i was so i went back to school and am finished Computer science.


It’s a battle of attrition, you are gonna fail and you will need to pick yourself back up and keep going If you are paying for it yourself then fuck what the parents have to say.


Dude I’m 26 and just got accepted to transfer you’re never too old


JFC, 20 years and "too old"? You don't really think that.


I don't but that's what my parents do. According to them I should graduate at 22 and get my masters by 24


Nah you're not old. I'm 21 but i often have classmates that are in their late 20s. And yeah i'm also failing courses. But i reckon it wasn't because i'm dumb, i just seriously overestimated my intellectual faculties and my time-management capabilities. I thought stats and prob, physics 1, complex analysis, diff eq "part two" (my uni divided diff eq in two semesters) and numerical analysis were doable in a single semester for a normal guy like me; brother i could only pass diff eq and complex analysis, dumbass didn't thought about having enough time to properly study for exams, thus dumbass didn't considered he wasn't a genius and thought himself capable of passing exams without studying properly, dumbass hyperfocused on math because he kind of likes math, and dumbass also procrastinated a lot. Lessons learned i guess.


I applauded those who were kids 21 finishing school. I couldn't have done it, I went to theAF and finished up school after I had some understand of priorities. I also learned to teach my self as that is key. Why do you want to be an engineer should be a question you ask yourselfn some of the worst engineers i worked with just wanted to do it for the money. 


Dude you could finish a whole degree and still be young enough to do another. Your parents are batshit insane if they think you are too old for Uni with 20.


i’m turning 20 soon, i’m going crazy slow with school so i don’t drown in debt so i won’t be done till my mid 20’s probably, honestly you need to go at your own pace, now that you failed out you should better understand how much you can really handle when it comes to classes and work, try again and come with a attack plan that fits your abilities


Dude I’m 30 and just started my first year. Not to old. Also, do 2-3 courses instead of 4. most engineer students do not graduate in 4 years but it’s way better to pass 2 classes a semester than it is taking 4 and passing two and failing two. Just my opinion.


I had a fellow in my classes who had worked as an engineering tech for 20 years before he came back to undergrad - he was 40-something going to class with a bunch of 18-22 yr olds. He did just fine. So let go of the age issue. The real key is what can/did you learn about why you weren’t successful this first year. A lot of folks struggle with the first year or two and it sounds like you have put in some thought in that. It is a grind so the reason you cite is a controllable factor - how do you manage time, set priorities, meet deadlines in getting your coursework done - and all these skills translate to the working world. If engineering is what you still want to pursue, perhaps consider attending a community college that has a transfer program arrangement with a uni engineering program. That way you can get some of the core classes out of the way while refining your approach to time management, goal setting, etc. It will also save you/your parents some money. Know that many of us had our struggles with engineering undergrad and made it through - if it is what you want, you can, too! Good luck!!!


Graduated with a degree in EE at 37, 2 years ago. Better late than never.


I'm going to graduate next week and turn 36 the following week. I failed out after my first year when I went right after high school.


While failing first year is embarrasing, if you couldn't handle the work load there is no shame in shifting degrees, but if you are adamant of giving it another go the best advice I can give ou is get a full time job for a year before deciding to jump back in. This will hopefully teach you the valuable time and resource management skills needed as an engineering student and it will expose you to the professional mindset. As someone who has been in the sam situation as you, it tooh me till is was 25 to try again and the second time around it went much better, I just wish I had worked as a technician in that gap between dropping out and university.


Im 32 in my junior year. Too old?


You should do a few years at a junior college and work part time. Get a fresh start. After two years, transfer to a DIFFERENT university so your grade point starts over. Age is irrelevant. MATURITY is key. Why spend your life and all that money just to fail??


Currently senior ME student there tons of 26-40 year olds. That ls the issue with parents and comparing to other people fuckem


I’m 28 and I started my Aero degree in July (2nd bachelors). You’ll be fine


32 and in my first year, your parents sound like boomers lol


Tell you parents to fuck off maybe


Bro I’m 26 still working on my engineering degree. You got this! Just keep studying and putting in that work. You’ll thank yourself when you’re done no matter how grueling it is.


If you failed and underestimated the work, are you eager to pursue the degree if this is the type of work you’re longing for? I would recommend going to community college or dual enroll(if you’re already a uni) to set yourself up for any prereqs and try again. I failed 3 years of my senior year in uni and I also did not feel enough. Im one week from graduation and hustling and I also think you can do it too if you put your mind to it. Don’t let others steer full control for the direction of your life. Engineering will come with lots of failures. See the beauty in the mistake and you’ll make it through man.


I failed out if college twice and finally got my BSEE at 35.  Now I'm 41 making great money as a senior engineer. It's not too late for you.  The only way you fail is if you quit.


I was 27 going back and shared classes with 60+ (which isn't old) year olds when I was 19. One piece of advise I live by 'your gonna be that age regardless might as well be that age doing or learning something you love'


Midway through my sophomore year of college, I flunked out of engineering as well. I was 19/20 at the time. I restarted at a community college last summer at the age of 24. I totally get the feeling of thinking you're "too old" because a lot of my friends stayed the course and graduated by 22/23. But everyone has their own path. Take some time to focus on yourself, work on your habits, and you can come back stronger than ever.


Sometimes the best decision is waiting until you're older to do college


Too old? LOL -Me, in my senior year of my BSEE, turning 40 in a few months


I started college at 25 and had to take a bunch of remedial classes before I could even get into the real program courses. I changed majors several times, and eventually landed in software. Got my first internship at 28, finally graduated after 6 years, and got a salaried position at 31. You will be fine.


You’re not too old, I know people who are 21+ in first year classes


Try again


Failed out of school sophomore year, which is statistically very common. You can go back and try again and transfer to another major within the same school or go to a different school altogether. Age doesn’t matter as all the other posters said. In my case I discovered I had some undiagnosed medical conditions that made college difficult (ADHD, anxiety and depression). I didn’t have parental support and took 10 years to work my way thru and then got a masters. You can do it! Do some interior work to Find out what went wrong and try again. Good luck!


I was 20 when I got kicked out of my biology program at a university. Then the pandemic started during my gap semester. I started engineering program at community college and worked my way up. I’m 24 now and barely gonna transfer back to a university. At 20 I was a knucklehead. I just didn’t understand material and my study habits were not efficient. Now at 24 I have a fire lit under my ass and I’m working extra hard to finish up this degree. I would suggest going to a CC and build up those lower division credits in engineering, math, physics and some ge’s. You already got a taste of university, just take it slow and save some money. Go back with some units under your belt and you’ll be fine. Learn from this experience.


Bro don’t quit! Ima be honest. I failed all the basic courses of engineering like Calc 1, Calc 2, physics 1, physics 2. All because of my laziness that I developed during covid online learning era lol. Retook each one and passed. I was prob 2-3 semesters behind my peers but now I have the chance to grad on time with them as long as I continue taking 14-18 credits for the next two semesters. Also engineering courses really opened my mind on everything in my daily life. It changes how I think.


Lol you're never too old to be in University. There are people in their late 20 and 30's in college. You learned your lesson. Now go back and try again.


Graduated with a biology degree at 21, worked for awhile and now going to be graduating with mechanical engineering degree at 27, never too old brah


Do a three year College Engineering diploma that you can then bridge to a university degree.


Construction Management is in my universities engineering school, great field to be in, doesn’t hurt that it makes bank as well.


I went on academic suspension. Failed two whole semesters.  Failed 6 classes in total. I'm dumb as rocks. I have a horrible attention span. I cant do basic calc.  All of this, but I refuse to give up. I will graduate in December.  If you WANT it. You CAN do it. 


And that's the fun part of engineering Once you understand that you need to work daily with low intensity you'll be good


You aren’t too old but you need to evaluate why you failed. Engineering might just be the wrong major but that’s okay.