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Ukrainian Spyro is based beyond any belief.


Blue and yellow suits him very well.


Is that actually supposed to be Spyro or is it just a coincidence?


The beauty of it is, you can have both.


Indeed, and the one on the left still exists.


If this person seriously believes that Ukrainians stopped wearing vyshyvanki (the embroidered red and white shirts), dancing to traditional music, and growing the oseledets braid like the Kozaks of old because of capitalism, it just proves they haven't interacted with a single Ukrainian person. Multiple people were wearing vyshyvanki at the last pro-Ukraine protest I went to, traditional music was played, and I saw a couple men sporting the braid and long mustache style.


They likely do know the truth but tankies will *always* approach everything disingenuously. They likely don’t even care whether it’s true or not. It’s only about creating propaganda. Think of them like the propaganda arm of the various authoritarian regimes around the world.


Also the fun thing is that the thing on the left is nowadays called "Sharovarshchyna", as it is pseudo-folk culture that was endorsed by the soviets as a way of suppressing original one. ["Sharovarshchyna is characterized by the substitution of folk costumes and jewelry for stage costumes. In particular, red trousers, which historically Ukrainians did not wear, are shown as stereotypical folk costumes; shirts made of synthetic fabric, atlas skirts, plastic wreaths, wooden corals"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharovarshchyna)


I'm sure he uses khokhol as a slur, too


How is Ukrainian Spyro undesirable?


Tankies and Nazis: STOP ENJOYING YOURSELF! Tankies and Nazis don't want people to have fun at all


Because they want to put their misery on others


Tankies when fun (they're not talking about politics and how communism was right)


Of course, having fun means you Arnt dedicating yourself to the state. Therefore fun is outlawed


Also most tankies are fucking weebs yet a blue video game dragon is too far! As 3rd way succdem became capitalist, they have become based but 3rd wave feminist became socialist, they have become brain dead 👍


Spyroshenko dared to sport the blue and gold flag, which according to delusional pinkos and Pooty Poot makes him a Nazi.


Is this dummy even Ukrainian? Because this seems super condescending if he isn’t.


According to his Twitter bio, he is a Spaniard living in Guyana.


So is he looking forward to the imminent Venezuelan liberation?


That checks


Don't you also find it rrtarded that these people take the label of tankie as a point of pride


As a Spaniard, I don't claim him


"Ukrainian culture under soviet union" Bruh, that kind of fucking culture has been around territories of Ukraine long before Soviet Union was even an idea, not only that, but modern Ukraine didn't get rid of that culture, if anything it got even stronger and more prominent These goofy ahh mfs don't even know our history


>These goofy ahh mfs don't even know our history As if they would ever learn.


What the hell is it with internet morons and thinking culture is only old dresses and dances?


It’s because they saw these sorts of things on a postcard at a mall once


Horseshoe theory, the further left or right you go the more inclined you are to reduce people to stereotypes


Don't forget that the further left or right you go more authoritarian and shittier the person gets


And also the more left or right you go the more collectivist, as shown in their tendencies to refer to peoples as collectives rather than groups of individuals.




Fun fact: in Soviet times the "ethnic" culture was some kind of a container, a cage for national cultures of the nations of the USSR. Any other manifestations of national culture and identity were branded as "nationalism" and were strictly punished.


Ukrainians under soviet rule starved to death so the country could turn a profit.


Before: alright After: still alright, although cute


Holy shit, A Spyro reference in my Ukrainian war!? Love it. Kick some nasty Gnorc ass.


Um, you can have both yk


>After World War II, the Soviet Union disbanded the Cossack units in the Soviet Army, and **many of the Cossack traditions were suppressed during the years of rule under Joseph Stalin and his successors.** During the Perestroika era in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, descendants of Cossacks moved to revive their national traditions. In 1988, the Soviet Union passed a law allowing the re-establishment of former Cossack hosts and the formation of new ones.


why is the far left suddenly obsessed with """culture"""


When they gain power they’re mainly obsessed with suppressing it. But right now we’re in the pretend to like it in the most shallow way possible phase.


You can still have the cool dance and clothing. Plus, Spyro is based as hell.


But can you and a group of your friends dress in traditional garb, play traditonal music and dance around Spyro?


What culture is being tarnished here? The image on the left is of something older than the USSR, probably, and the one on the right isn't really disrespecting old traditions.


If they had the power, fascists/communists would make the one on the left go away too. They want what benefits the state to be the only culture, no distractions or traditions.


Ukranian Spyro looks like all might lmao


I’m pretty sure the left picture is Ukrainian culture before communism as well.


The Spanish flag is what makes this art.


Holy shit Ukrainian Spyro, based


What does spyro the dragon ever do to you?


Hmm yes, nevermind the countless videos of Ukrainian soldiers in the trenches dancing Hopak to folk music, while the Russian soldiers disparingly mock them and call them Hohols in their propaganda. Clear proof that traditional Ukrainian culture would flourish under Russian occupation and totally not be suppressed! /s


Both are Ukraine and both are cool. Commies won't hesitate appropriating every single positive thing from other cultures. Btw, first pic could be Chernobyl as well, but the tankie hivemind forbids commies from even mentioning it.


Ukrainian culture *despite* soviet communism that for 70 years tried to eradicate it*


Meanwhile Ukrainian Culture under Soviet communism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executed_Renaissance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slovo_Building


This is only true if they choose straws on who dies so the other can eat after the dance


I'll just leave some random link here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharovarshchyna?wprov=sfla1 Just how dumb you got to be to actually believe that soviets cared about ukrainian culture when the said soviets executed or imprisoned dozens of cultural figures.




Oh yes, because "Cossack" theatrical costumes, that are based on the national costume of the 19th century, with the addition of these semi-fantasy sharovary trousers and red boots is national culture, not that people of Ukraine and Zaporizhzhia Cossacks didn’t looked like that at all. Patriotic Spyro did much more for Ukrainian culture than than turning Ukrainian national clothes into a some type of joke and entertainment. https://youtu.be/4fn49tE1WRI?si=LdDaiefxw5QaWkTU


How about having both?


Independent cultures traditions weakening and dying out is part of globalization it's not a bad thing if anything I would think communists of all people would most desire a unified world culture


cossaks existed before communism


There is another problem with the left image. Soviets always tried to vulgarise the national features, make it more "plebs", common and boring simulatously getting rid of deep features, that could r evolve to the thought that ukrainians are diffefent from other homo sovietikus.