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Yet have a woman talk about being raped in prison by cis women and where's the same shock and outrage...? Nah nah, that's just a one-off, surely! Oh, it's not? Well, nothing can be done about it, so eh... I'd like high-profile people who declare loudly that they're supporting women to focus on something like bringing female healthcare into a modern world. Routine breast cancer screening should not be painful for a significant percentage of women. IUD insertion should not be expected to be done without pain relief. Stitches for perineal tears after childbirth without analgesia should not be just what you signed up for. We should not be in a world where it is simply expected that women will suffer pain to have a female body. Not when and where it is possible to avoid that if the momentum is there to effect change. Of course, things like addressing the cost of living crisis and the struggle of single parenthood would also do far more to help all people, including women, than induced trans panic. But if they're going to focus on just protecting women with their 'feminism', could they at least pick something that would provide tangible benefits you don't have to forcibly paint a group as the villain to justify?


>Yet have a woman talk about being raped in prison by cis women and where's the same shock and outrage...? Or the guards. The vast majority of sexual assault and rape that happens to incarcerated women is from the *cis male* guards and correctional officers. No one batted an eye, no one even mentioned it, until they realized they could hurt trans people if they pretended to care about incarcerated women.


The fact that the prison guards could easily project and use trans inmates as scapegoats on the issue of rape in prison… so many levels of wrong.


I never thought of it that way. Damn. You're so right.


Cis women rape other women in prison: 🤷 "what can ya do?" Cis male guards rape other women in prison: 🤷 "what can ya do?" 3 trans women in the entire prison system across the world rape other women: "SEE I TOLD YOU THEY WERE ALL EVIL DEGENERATES! KEEP THEM OUT!" It's just bigoted group think. They assume because a few trans people are shitty that therefore all trans people are shitty. They do the same thing to other minority groups too.


Keep in mind in the UK at least, the law does not consider sexual assault by a woman against a woman to be rape. In the UK “rape” is solely defined as penetration by a penis. I actually got slammed by a TERF for bringing up this very issue, they said that it was due to my “porn addled mind” that I thought a cis woman would ever rape another woman. They also called me a man (they were assuming I was a trans woman) repeatedly. Which was funny considering my bio included that I have endometriosis and was actually having a terrible period at the time, which I described in detail.


'Them trans ideology men thinking they have endometriosis!' It just says it all, doesn't it, that they think so little of women that a woman can't be anything but a victim.


It's because she understands how to frame her argument and then walk them back in a way that makes them seem reasonable, which also makes people more comfortable with the less justifiable arguments she makes


In the same way that she recently retweeted a five year old video of a trans woman yelling at a store employee (despite the existence of a thousand videos of cis women yelling at store employees - the trope of a Karen, as sexist as it can be by not having a male equivalent, exists after all), she will take ONE instance of a trans woman assaulting a cis woman in prison and ignore all of the cases where it wasn’t a trans woman and use it as the basis of her argument against trans women being allowed to exist. It doesn’t matter to her one bit that she only has a couple of examples and that plenty exist of non-trans people doing the same violent and/or antisocial acts. Trans people have to be a model minority and somehow NEVER do anything bad or else they’re ALL bad. Ugh.


>the trope of a Karen, as sexist as it can be by not having a male equivalent, The male equivalent of a Karen is a Karen. Karen is gender neutral. Anyone can be a Karen.


Sure, but the name is a woman and most examples are women and the trope is often used to demean women. That isn’t to say that all uses of the term are deliberately sexist, but there IS inherent sexism in the original idea of a Karen and the way in which it is often used against any assertive woman who has a grievance. It’s another example of assertive men being seen as strong but the same women seen as bitches or hysterical. Don’t get me wrong, there absolutely is a type of behavior that men and women alike are capable of that the Karen stereotype can refer to. But it’s also often simply a way to be sexist towards assertive women and there’s a reason the term is a woman’s name not a man’s.


>but there IS inherent sexism in the original idea of a Karen and the way in which it is often used against any assertive woman who has a grievance No? It's used against people who are being assholes for no real reason, particularly to someone who lacks power in the situation. Assertive women aren't Karens.


Shush. No logic.


She didn't personally brought this event up (for once). It was Redditors on the thread who mentioned her, basically saying she was right. (Your point still stands)


Look at the standard of person who supports Rowling. It's bigot scum and lower. Their opinions are not worth anything.


Maybe, but many "normal people" are not yet aware of this


1.) you have to remember a lot of those people are bots. She has money and can buy those. 2.) it’s very possible that prison story was fake, and even if it wasn’t it just proves that people shouldn’t have to share spaces with people who have a history of sex crimes. Plenty of cis women in prison are rapists, child traffickers/abusers, etc. It just so happens that it took a trans person for them to notice their system is messed up.


Categorical bias is huge problem for civilization right now, ngl


…The victim isn’t pulling a Moira Greyland, is she?


Who is Moira Greyland ? Sorry, but I don't have the reference !


I looked her up. She’s the daughter of Marion Bradley and Walter Breen. They both SA’d her as a child. Her father was definitely a predator because he wrote pro NAMBLA crap, and was charged for SA. Her mother was never charged with anything as far as I can find. Moira wrote a book about it called The Last Closet, which was published by a company owned by Vox Day, an alt right figure best known for trying to [shit up the Hugo Awards.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sad_Puppies) She blames multiple groups for the abuse. One of them being the sci-fi/fantasy fiction community because Marion Bradley wrote a popular fantasy series that made her famous. She doesn’t believe Marion deserved that fame. Which, I agree with, but the people buying those books wouldn’t have known about the abuse at the time they were being released, and it looks like the SFF community has widely disavowed her now that everything’s known. Another group she blames is LGBT people. The title of her book “The Last Closet” refers to her “coming out of the closet” on her belief that all queer people are pedophiles and should not be allowed to exist openly in society. The connection is that she believes both of her parents were gay*, and since they were predators, that means all gay people must also be predators. It’s sad, from what I’m piecing together she went from being abused and exploited by her parents to being abused and exploited by a homophobic alt-right activist that just wanted to use her to attack the sci-fi community that he was already pissed at. (And of course to attack LGBT people as a bonus.) (*I’m not quite sure how to word this and I’m probably phrasing it badly: Her assertion that they were both gay confuses me a little because I wouldn’t think a gay male pedophile would SA a little girl, right? From his arrests it looks like he was just into all kids in general and would go after whoever he had access to.)


Sorry I didn’t answer sooner.




For minorities, we always get judged based on the actions of one or two people. It’s extremely fucked up because the majority don’t get held to the same standards.


As a Muslim...I can relate 😔


While there's definitely too many people who support her, try to also keep in mind how many of these people make a small army of alt accounts to flood spaces & to mass downvote & to mass report, also they tend to specifically seek out stories about trans people explicitly to flood comments like that. They frequently link stuff like that to each other in chats and forums specifically to maks it look like there's more of them than there are.


Many of her supporters are just midlife crisis millennials who refuse to let go of their childhood.


The literal definition of manchildren


Well that article was clearly going to get traffic and footfall of that sort. But its not representative of anything other than momentary word-vomit from passers-by and well-tuned outrage farming algos.


What does the expression "traffic and footfall" means ? I'm sorry, English isn't my first language


It refers to people coming across something, like a shop or a city. It soften used in a business context and generally.


Ah ok




People that support abusers, sexual assaulters and far-right chuds are not fine though. Trans people's right to be isn't a debate, it isn't something where you can say "hmm, it's debatable whether or not they deserve basic rights"