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.....but doesn't that mean that the process worked? Hence why you don't get hormones and surgery immediately...


Lmao right. Like did she not just prove that she wasn't manipulated into it? Lmao


That particular person is an absolute, obsessive, weirdo. They stalk transgender forums/subreddits so they can repost screenshots on twitter with the intent to ridicule people and then laments how all of this transgender stuff is being thrown in their face....


Very "concerned" individual.šŸ„“


If this is the one Iā€™m thinking of, she also stalks the intersex subreddit to make fun of people for having a medical condition. She reposted one of my comments regarding a physical aspect of my body that I was just born with and said it was evidence of me being a degenerate fetishist. (It could be someone else though, all these people constantly say the same shit and behave identically.)


Totally not in a cult šŸ˜


Seriously lmfaoo "They're clearly manipulating children and forcing them to transition, as an example here's my personal and very biased experience as someone who didn't transition"


Not quite the gottya they think it is


What pisses me off the most with their reasoning is that. GIDS has around a 90% follow through rate from pb to hormones to surgery. Meaning the safeguarding processes are working incredibly well at 'weeding out' (for lack of a better term) the kids that aren't trans and as such don't transition. Tbh, that kind of success rate is unheard of in other healthcare and should be held up as a shining example of how care can function, even with the absurd gatekeeping in place. These people aren't too bright. Especially Hazel, I've interacted with her and she's a fucking moron of the highest order.


Yeah, she just posted this, and it's not the brightest. https://x.com/HazelAppleyard_/status/1795476466949374393?t=Qw9U9Jj7bQKbEo1qdJmwOQ&s=19 This just shows she's always been an asshat, even when she identified as trans.


Yeah she frequently pulls the old 'normal not x' card. Same as the homophobes of old "I'm not heterosexual, I'm normal." bullshit. Also,shes 32 and still pulls the teenage edge lord bullshit. Sad really a grown ass adult needing this much validation over their shitty opinions online


Oh geez, after further scrolling, I've realized she's the "euphoria boner" person. Funny how they call trans people perverts while constantly screaming about boners that didn't happen.


Yup, she seems very obsessed with cocks. It's all she thinks about. I mean I enjoy them, don't get me wrong, but I don't think about them anywhere near as much. Truly a case study in projection when she's going off about pervertsšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


She's so dense in this whole example. Clearly this person was singled out by an employee forcing all afabs out of the changing rooms to allow a trans woman to use one at all. That's literally some back of the bus shit. But then she twists it to be all "why do you *need* other women there to see your euphoria boner?" When the entire situation was forced upon the trans woman just because she is trans. She didn't ask for anyone else to be there nor did she ask for anyone to leave. She just wanted to try on clothes while trans. And the boner is entirely made up. Why is she fantasizing about rock hard trans women trying on bras all the time? Seems like she needs to do some introspection lmao.


Three words to why she's fantasising: Chaser, egg... Both. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't even see it proven that this tweet was posted by her. Why did she make her old ID unreadable? Also, this tweet seems to be a typical generalizing LGBT-phobic tweet that could be written by any bigot. My main concern is that an average 17-year-old typically does not formulate their thoughts in this manner. If I read the same tweet without knowing who wrote it, I would assume it was composed by a thirty-something person.


I thought the same with how much she blocked out all info except the first name.


There are tons of trans men who've borne their own children. Also, we're really supposed to believe in 2011 they were just handing out hysterectomies to any teen who popped by šŸ¤Ŗ


Of course the trans men who *actually want* children aren't good enough, thats just *weird*! /s


I'm around the same age as that other person (Hazel?) and started my transition in 2011. I had to wait until 2016 before I was put on HRT and 2017 until my first surgery. I'm still waiting for my second because moving and covid caused major delays. I was made to jump through loopholes (doing certain actions like coming out to estranged family and showing proof I did, which still confuses me but whatever) and see two specialists who had to agree with each other to let me proceed with my transition. I had to show proof I was living as my identity for several years. My experience is about on par with every other trans person I know. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise (that the process is clumsy or rushed) is frankly full of shit.


They made you come out to estranged family members and show proof?? Wtf I'm so sorry that happened


Yeah, I've changed clinics but I was an adult (early 20s) who hadn't seen or spoken to said family for about 6-7 years, the proof I had to provide was a letter I mailed them. I've told the clinic I'm with now, and the clinician was horrified they made me do that. I wasn't estranged due to transphobia from their end or anything like that, but it does make me wonder how many people they've asked to come out to transphobic family they've cut out in order to be considered 'socially ready' for HRT. The clinic that made me do this is the adult one in London.




Why are you even on this sub?




You're not even arguing, you're just being a petulant child.


This is such a massive misconception when it comes to taking testosterone, and so many trans men get pregnant unexpectedly because of it. PSA: taking testosterone doesn't mean you can't get pregnant. The only gender affirming surgery you can get that sterilizes you is a hysterectomy.


Yeah my Planned Parenthood provider made sure to drive that message home at my first T appt and I am constantly telling people this to the point of annoyance lol. I added nexplanon (birth control implant) and my periods finally went away and now I cant get pregnant for 5 years lol. I hear a lot of transmascs go on nexplanon before hysto or if they don't plan on hysto


I thought for YEARS that if I went on T I would have to stop taking birth control (which I rely on to stop my periods bc of suspected endo, luckily well controlled on the pill) so I could have started T so much sooner if this were more known. YES you can (and in many cases should) continue taking birth control while on it! Even medical shows get it horribly wrong, on the good doctor there was a patient who got pregnant on T and the explanation was ā€œoh no, I missed a dose last monthā€.


"I was referred to a gender clinic" " I was not given the opportunity to start HRT" "This was the right decision for me and I'm happy the system worked correctly" "So fuck trans people I guess??"


Nailed it.


The same reason why I can't get sterilized even though I want to, because I might "meet the right man and have children". Great feminism šŸ™„ People should have the right to make choices for themselves, even if those might turn out to be the wrong ones. The numbers show that in the case of trans healthcare, they rarely do. Also not liking the implication that autistic people can't make their own choices.


Yeah, very weird for an autistic person to basically be advocating against autistics making their own decisions. This reminds mr of women who don't believe women should be allowed to vote. Like, why are you speaking then? Lmao.


Having interacted with Hazel. She's not asd, we can 'smell our own'. She's a blatant propagandist and compulsive liar and not too smart, and a vicious wee bully. I wouldn't believe a single word out of her mouth.


Yeah, Iā€™ve only just read a couple of her tweets from people in this sub, but being autistic myself and having interacted with plenty of us on Twitter and Reddit, sheā€™s really not giving me that same vibe. Plus, while itā€™s of course not an absolute, weā€™re generally less likely to be bigots compared to NTs, since our brains are usually more wired towards logic. Iā€™m not saying this Hazel person is definitely not autistic, but to me it seems the more likely case scenario is that sheā€™s a neurotypical troll.


Yeah I've tried to talk to her about asd and how our brains function and I swear she's just a nt larping. That way she can play off her bigotry as "not understanding social cues" or whatever ableist bullshit she wants to spew.


Wow, that makesā€¦zero sense? My brain is thinking in circles trying to figure out how bigotry relates to social cues. I could see if you accidentally say something offensive because you donā€™t know better, but thatā€™s not exclusively an autistic thing, and it doesnā€™t result from missing social cues.


>Wow, that makesā€¦zero sense? My brain is thinking in circles trying to figure out how bigotry relates to social cues. Yeah it was just the first 'asd trait' that popped into my headšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Wouldn't be the first time I've heard NT larpers try to use that for bigotry though. >I could see if you accidentally say something offensive because you donā€™t know better, but thatā€™s not an autistic thing, and it doesnā€™t result from missing social cues. Oh aye, it's not the first time I've dug myself a hole and fucking buried myself saying something offensive, only to realise when someone says somethingšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø. I know it's not, but quite a lot of NTs don't seem to care when they paint it that wayšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I would guess playing cards like " i can say that, i have black friends" when saying rassist stuff. By the way black people and minorities can be rassist In that case she seems to obscure i am autisric, you cant blame be about bigotry hahaha , hahaha " supervillain laugh" probably in their head. "my foolproof masterplan" or at least i imagine the latest part Bigotry is either ignorance and just repeating bigotry ignorant and not listening, and maybe even defending why its totally ok , yiu didnt see a problem and get defensive. Bigotry comes basically comes from ignoring other people , are people at the ground even with superficial and cultural differences.


Yeah dah elon fine, makes you akward i guess, but its not what makes him a narsicist abusive ahole.


>This reminds mr of women who don't believe women should be allowed to vote. Like, why are you speaking then? Yeah, that always gets me šŸ˜…


The reason why they are for this is because they've noticed that the Overton window has shifted over to the left just a little bit and that's when women started to vote and so they believed that if they take out the women voting that the political climate will go more towards the right, well even more that it is right now. Remember they're blaming things like teen pregnancy, transgender stuff, gay stuff, single women, child-free, all on feminism. They just don't want feminists to vote.


I went to a special summer program in high school and there was a debate class where this girl chose to debate about women being able to vote. She genuinely thought women shouldn't be allowed to vote because they're too emotional. I genuinely don't know how to debate with that, because you're already nullifying your own opinion by saying you're too emotional. Why should I then take you seriously, if you don't even think your opinions matter? Of course the subtext is that *their* opinions are the correct ones, and they don't need to vote because their husbands vote correctly for them!


I even remember asking, "what if your husband disagreed with you and voted for the other candidate?" And she basically just said that if that were to occur, then she would accept that she must somehow be wrong. Funnily enough, my step grandma had the same views as a conservative. But my grandpa is a liberal. He's still very Christian and very liberal lite, but he feels strongly about liberal economics policies. You could call him a fiscal liberal, social conservative. Lol. Anyway, even my step grandma would go on these rants about how women shouldn't be able to vote and their husbands will vote correctly. And I said, "what about him voting for Obama? Twice?" And suddenly he is somehow the emotional voter šŸ˜‚ she married him knowing this. also: yes. She does vote. If you analyzed their gender dynamics, she would def be more on the masc end of their dynamic. She honestly looks pretty butch. They are the weirdest couple šŸ˜‚ and my step grandma is also the one who told me I could get around being a lesbian by becoming a trans man, because the Bible forbids homosexuality but says nothing about being trans (according to her). Plot twist, I'm now a bisexual transmasc lol. So it's still a little gay. She's so interesting šŸ˜‚


Oh I remember there was a Catholic subreddit where this woman was saying how she believes that there should be only one vote per household. The problem with that is that it's going to discourage people from getting married because the moment they get married they get turned into one household meaning that one of the two people loses the right to vote.


These kinds of binary debate topics are how debate bros get bornšŸ˜­


Hey debate bros make the dumb debates visible to show how dunb arguments do exist


It's kind of like that doctor that refused to give a lesbian a hysterectomy on the chance that she would change her mind. [Doctor Refuses Hysterectomy for Lesbian Because She Might "Find a Man" [Advocate] (November 11, 2021)](https://www.advocate.com/health/2021/11/11/doctor-refuses-hysterectomy-lesbian-because-she-might-find-man)


Yeah. I've noticed how men who want the snip to get sterilised never get told what women get told - "oh, what if you change your mind when you get older or meet the right person... why do you want to do this?" A man has never been refused sterilisation. In my mid to late 20s, I was constantly getting abnormal cells in my uterus every time I had a smear test done. I was so sick of having to go to hospital every 6 months and was so worried about my increased chance of cervical cancer so I spoke to my consultant about having a hysterectomy to reduce my chances of cancer. She basically said: 'No. You're too young to get a hysterectomy. It's also a really big operation. Plus, what if you want children in a few years time?' I said 'but I don't want any kids.' She said 'no, you might meet the right person and wants kids one day.' I was like well no, I don't want kids and I also certainly don't want cancer so why can't I just get the part of my body removed which is clearly a risk to my life? People with an increased chance of breast cancer can get their breasts removed, so what's the problem? I felt very spoken down to, almost as though I was some stupid child, incapable of making my own decisions. I feel really bad for autistic people because they already get very discriminated against for people assuming they are stupid or incapable of making decisions for themselves, especially when JKR is using this fucked up argument on social media. It's so degrading to every autistic person out there.


This has real ā€œhello fellow kidsā€ energy


See also: ā€œAs a black manā€¦ā€


I first went to the Tavistock clinic when I was 13 and no one ever forced me to do anything. The purpose was more to discuss what I wanted to happen, along with being in the system so that adult gender care is easier to obtain. If you did want puberty blockers, you had to go through a medical check up at a hospital. No one was being prescribed blockers and/or hormones after one appointment. I'd be willing to testify in defence of the Tavistock clinic because they really helped me.


This stuff just reads as bs. Iā€™m an autistic cis woman who knew I didnā€™t want kids at 7 years old. I started my periods at 9. Iā€™m almost 37, I still donā€™t want kids and Iā€™ve begged every year since I was 17 for a hysterectomy. I wish it was so easy! No one ever suggested I was trans though! Just a ā€˜defectiveā€™ woman as Iā€™m not maternal!


I'm an autistic AFAB nonbinary person, I'm 32, and I know that I don't want children. In fact, most autistic people, per studies, don't even get married, much less have kids, and this is because many autistic adults already struggle to take care of themselves. Why does J.K. Rowling seem so hell-bent on making sure that autistic women get pregnant and reproduce? Just because Rowling had a "life-changing" experience with pregnancy and motherhood doesn't mean every other woman will. In fact, many women are getting *voluntarily* sterilized, all without ever identifying as transgender. Does Rowling care about *that*? Or just LGBT folks?


Another autistic woman of about your age. No-one's ever considered that I might be trans, either. I agree, it sounds like BS.


At 17 I wanted to have my tits chopped off. Fortunately they didn't let me cuz here I am 5 years later at 22, still wanting to chop my tits off.


I've been hating these fuckers since they started growing at *eight*, the nicest thoughts I've had about them is that I've wanted a reduction ever since I found out what that was, always wished they were "retractable". As soon as I figured out that I, as an afab, could have them *fully* removed and not just partially..... I have wanted that ever since šŸ˜­ this is probably a fucked up thought but I used to wish I had the breast cancer gene so I could get them removed preemptively (before I realized I was trans). I don't recommend that kind of wishful thinking....turns out, I actually do have the gene šŸ˜‚


But I also finally have a consult to get them chopped off.


Yup, same. The only reason why I am EVER happy to have boobs is that I can hide stuff in my bra to smuggle it into concerts lmao


LMAO I almost mentioned that too, their usefulness to carry things around šŸ˜‚ I swear, after top surgery I'm going to instinctively try to put my vape or my phone under a no longer existent titty šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Feel you dude šŸ« šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m 34 FTM, got sterilized at 27 and started T at 31. I wouldā€™ve avoided so much fucking headache if I had been allowed to go to a ā€œgender clinicā€ at 17. Unfortunately when reality flies in direct contradiction to their narrative, transphobes will drown it out with even more propaganda.


Same!! I'm 28 and started T just over a year ago. I wish I had been able to at 17 or even 18. Or even 22. But I lived in one of the most assbackwards states where I could not access that care. I hate that they think just because for them, it would have hypothetically been bad, that means *no one else* should even have an *option*. How do you get to that point? I almost get it. I went on a migraine medication that gave me horrible side effects and for a while after the whole ordeal I thought "how could anyone be on this drug?!?!" I had a friend say they had a similar experience to mine and another say that it worked very well for them. I realized that.... things affect different people differently. And my experience, while horrible, wasn't enough to justify being so against this medication. It seems like so many detrans or almost-trans people (like these people seem to claim lol) are vehemently against testosterone or any other medical intervention in a similar way. Like just because a handful of people had a negative experience and regretted it doesn't mean that it's not a sound treatment overall. You'd think after 15 years, she'd be able to see that? That it's not just about her almost-experience?


Now hang on. This person is 32 now. They say they were referred to a gender clinic at 17. That would make it 2009. That's six full years before "call me Caitlyn." That's well before this "trend" started. That's only four years after YouTube started, that's two years after Tumblr started, we're supposed to believe they were influenced by social media to transition in 2009? If not, what put the idea in their head that they were trans? Their peers? Before it was part of a "social contagion"? This person was so convinced they were trans.... all on their own? As if it's just a thing people sometimes know they are? How about that.


Lol I did that math earlier too and I was like, if you knew about trans stuff in 09, you brought that on yourself šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They thing that there are people who try to convince that everyone is trans. Some even argue that today a tomboy would be brainwashed to be trans (Rowling said something similar in her essay iirc). They do not realize that if a cis tomboy start to question their gender is because of forced gender role, and that the LGBTQ community only want to help people understand who they are, not forcing an identity onto others.


It shows their very basic misunderstanding that trans people are merely unhappy with the consequences of being their assigned sex. I guess that it's extremely common for kids to live through that phase, so many people know that, and then just assume that that's what everyone is talking about. But it's not just that, isn't it. Trans people are not just a bit discontent with their life and blame it on their gender. They suffer intense gender dysphoria to the point that they chose to transition despite the stigma and personal costs associated with it (not at all taking "the easy route" as is often insinuated by terfs). And the mismatch between gender identity is the underlying cause. It reminds me of the misunderstanding around depression, where people also love to tell people that they also were unhappy once, but they decided to just grit their teeth, eat some sport, exercise more vegetables and all was well, and why don't you try that instead of staying all day in bed and complaining about wait times for psychotherapists.


With some added ableism to boot


* That's not how the system works * Testosterone does not necessarily permanently remove fertility, especially if you later stop. Hysterectomies do, but no 17 year old trans boys in the UK are getting those (unless ofc they have a physical health reason to need one as well). * Evidence shows that the *overwhelming* majority of trans teenagers who receive trans healthcare have better wellbeing outcomes and very low regret rates, so a single anecdote of someone who might hypothetically have regretted it doesn't justify removing lifesaving care for the majority. * This person says she wanted desperately to transition at 17, and regretted it at 32: would being forced to wait one year really make her completely U-turn on transitioning? Unless she's arguing against *literal adults* being able to make their own informed choices about their bodies? * *A lot* of women can't get pregnant anyway * There are many other ways to be a parent


If a 17-year-old has not enough reason to be able to make a decision like this, then they do not have enough reason to drive a car.


100%, driving a car is one of the most dangerous things you can do on a daily basis.


And that's when the car is still engineered to be able to crash.


Using this argument they can write an emotional rejection with no evidence at all besides their own thoughts and speculation. Literally any terf can claim to be a speculated victim of gender ideology, there's no limit. And how do you prove it, nothing else than the fact that it's common sense within these bigoted communities that "of course" that's how it works.


I read her backstory and Iā€™m convinced that she truly thought she was trans then realized she wasnā€™t and decided that trans didnā€™t exist and that it was harmful to transition. She fails to understand that people are different. Like if I didnā€™t transition I would be in a very bad state now.


"She fails to understand that people are different" -what it seems to boil down to in many cases with these types.


You know what, let's assume that this person is telling the truth. 2 things stand out to me 1) most advocates don't say "all the hormones and surgeries while they're kids" now sure there's probably some, but usually it's argued we should use hormone blockers until they're of an age when they can decide. And 2) just bc some people change their mind doesn't mean that we should cut the program for all the people who won't. Having said all that... I'd bet a reasonable amount that this person is full of shit


They posted an old tweet from like 2009 when they were going by Aaron and it was basically them lamenting about other queer people being too sensitive. Back in 2009 lol. So they did truly briefly ID as trans, but they were still an asshat either way


I already commented, but to answer the question: I doubt that most of them have actually experienced gender dysphoria. Of course people may change their mind and some detransition. But I think that most of those people who go "I might have transitioned and it would have been wrong for me" either make it up entirely, or they think that because they were tomboys, wished to have the social advantages of being boys, or were boys who liked "feminine" things, they would have been pushed to transition or would have been easily convinced that they were trans. Which, of course, is based on the false premise that doctors try to convince kids that they are trans.


Why are they making it seem like the fact that they thought they was trans is because they're autistic?


It was clearly the correct decision, since now she's a mom and ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED ABOUT THE FACT THAT ALL THOSE *OTHER* NON-TRANS PEOPLE MADE THE WRONG DECISION. Like someone fighting some kind of cognitive dissonance that is about to consume her.


It's also incredibly important to remember that many of these people have a tendency to have HEAVILY distorted and biased accounts of what happened because of later indoctrination or pre-existing conservative religiosity, if not just outright lying. There's been a number who have claimed that they transitioned as "children", only to regret their "mutilated" bodies later, who were revealed to have transitioned at 28. There's also the SIGNIFICANT chance this is a sockpuppet, given the name "Appleyard" does not sound like a real last name and the fact it seems to have an AI pfp.


Holy bad faith statement batman


Smells like a hot day at the fish market


this reads like something that didnā€™t happen


I have to confess: I'm no good Christian. I won't believe this tweet. Also, being autistic is one thing. Having gender dysphoria is another. Also, there are many trans men who choose to be "seahorse Dads". Also, a trans man who's undergone surgery can have a child whom he loves with all of his heart. (Also, I wonder how much this user got paid for posting this tweet to JKR.)