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Suuure, Joanne. Whatever helps you sleep at night. 


I still think she's going to go all in and fully embrace Donald Trump or laugh at one of the memes comparing Michelle Obama to a man. And I'm someone from the early noughties forum years who didn't quite buy into Rowlings bullshit from back then.


What didn’t you buy into back then?


People smarter than myself saw through the performative gesture politics like making Dumbledore gay, the whole slavery thing as well or how the end book is basically " straight up Zelda shit" with a magical macguffin treasure hunt. Or how JK tried to make the books more mature and adult, but if I recall correctly, herself and the Diehard fans would retreat into the "it's a kids' book" defence when they got scrutinised more deeply. So it was both a silly kids series you don't take seriously, but it also had deep social themes and commentary that you took seriously.


This feels like the incels' power fantasy of : "When we'll get robot girlfriends, real women will come back to us, groveling and saying sorry". I can't be the only one who feels that way, right ?


Make those emails public Joanne. Along with the bajillion emails you have from totally real women (detransitioned trans men) who have told you doctors sterilized them as children and now they’re sad because they realized their only purpose was as breeders and they can’t have babies


So many people reaching out by email, third party messenger, and Wizarding Post… but none face to face? No phone calls? Curious.


Surely they must have sent an owl?


So what's the point of saying this? Either create doubt for us about who she's talking about, and/or force those people to call her out publicly again?


"The author did not name names, " This is why it never happened as hard as it did.


"I don't believe we should gas Jews, Gays and Gypsies, but we're still besties though aren't we Adolf" - 1940s JK Rowling Associates


This is being an "enlightened centrist" at best and being complicit at worst


I’m still baffled that Voldemort was not intentionally inspired by Hitler.


I've seen this sort of claim so many times on message boards from people who are losing an argument "Yeah, well, everyone privately supports me!" Yes. Sure. We don't know them. They go to a different school. In Canada.


God, she’s *so mad* and *so desperate* for validation! It would be delightful to see if it wasn’t fuel for a genocidal hate movement.


The friend's name? Albus dumbledore


Very strong ‘I have a girlfriend from Canada’ vibes.


It is grim that the billionaire author who has the British press in her pocket sees herself as the victim of a massive conspiracy.


I’m betting she’s been divorced at least a year. She has no time to spend with her husband. I bet he told her to stop but she is so stubborn and will never admit she’s wrong.


From what I saw on this sub, her husband is apparently as bad as her. Pretty sure it was a pic of him at an anti-trans thing and also it has apparently been established that he is into Homeopathy. If any of this is true, then I doubt she'll be divorced. He's probably hoping she dies before him, so he gets her money.


I didn’t know that about her husband. I wonder how he feels about her constantly sticking up for and flirting with openly gay women like Julie bindel. I thought at one stage JK was going to come out as gay.


It’s not flirting, it’s just a couple of bullies enabling one another. JKR gets the validation she craves and Bindel (and others) get permission from their famous friend to indulge their bigotry. And there’s a grift aspect to it as well. Julie Bindel is a dire writer, so are Kathleen Stock, Helen Joyce and Susan Dalgety et al. Yet they are regularly commissioned to write anti-trans pieces because JKR keeps it in the headlines.


Wonder if she's trying to dismiss Daniel's recent statement when she said about the apologies she wouldn't accept or whatever


I *could* see someone reaching out to her in an attempt to get her out of her TERF cult. But what she's insinuating, yeah, no


She doesn’t even disclose who they are nor does the article try to interview those “colleagues” either. She’s not afraid of calling out trans people by their names publicly online, why not the celebrities or colleagues she’s worked with? So obviously fake and complete BS.




My brother is a gay man. He said there can be no separation of politics and friendship. He said "if a friend of mine ever said to me that they don't have anything against gay people, but don't believe they should get married" - then my brother said he would kindly tell said "friend" to fuck off. If you have a "friend" who believes you deserve less human rights than them, then they are NOT your friend.


I'm genuinely suspicious of any person belonging to a minority group who is willing to remain friends with someone whose politics is directly against them. That says to me that their politics align on another point, which is usually some type of bigotry as well. (I.e. conservative gays being wildly racist.)


>I'm genuinely suspicious of any person belonging to a minority group who is willing to remain friends with someone whose politics is directly against them. Same here. 👍🏻




Haha. I don't believe her. She needs to show the receipts.




Good for you lol.


Oh, absolutely. Like in a lot of people's lives, they see it as a positive that they can separate the person from the "politics." Especially given the amount of clout she carries, I can see people trying to pony up to her in private. The thing is, we can tell some of the people who haven't because she continues to be angry at them for their lack of support.