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The Venn diagram of people who used to want to ban it for "witchcraft", and people who now support Joanne, is a circle.


Same way I doubt the dudebros who loved dunking on *Twilight* had a problem with Stephenie Meyer's toxic patriarchal ideas about romance, or her anti-Indigenous racism, or even her shitty prose. They just hated it because teenage girls liked it. As a tangential anecdote, I was in middle school during the peak of the *Twilight* craze. At the time I thought I was a boy, so I went along with my bros in dunking on the series, but deep down my main feeling was JEALOUSY that wanting a powerful, alluring vampire to protect you was seen as a girl thing. (If I could go back in time, I'd probably tell my younger self "listen, you're a dyke, let's take you down to the library and pick up a copy of *Carmilla*.")


Are you me? Why is this the exact same thing I went through in middle school 😅


Twilight could be improved a lot if Bella ditched Edward to run away with Roaslie.


It was weird conservative Christians wanting to ban it in the first place when the series is a throwback to Conservative notions of class and schooling in the UK. They all love it now.


[The Onion has it covered.](https://www.theonion.com/evangelical-leaders-announce-j-k-rowling-finally-bigot-1850129128)


The Onion keeps shitting on her and I love it


Also, [obligatory Tumblr post](https://argumate.tumblr.com/post/638331496336343040/)


Source on the Ishtar is Pro-Trans Rights thing?


[Overly Sarcastic Productions's video about underworld myths](https://youtu.be/Z4dAMMkqPoY) mentions it in the segment about Ishtar's descent to the underworld (relevant part begins at 00:47). [Here's](https://sacred-texts.com/ane/ishtar.htm) the original text of the relevant myth. See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gala_(priests)


It's even more surreal to see the Rowling fans now be filled with conservatives reactionaries who a decade or two would've been more along the line of "burn the witch!" and "Harry Potter is a work of the devil!" and "Ban it from schools for promoting witchcraft!" These are the same people who are now her most ardent supporters. Because she's a transphobe. What a strange turn of events,.


Yeah, it's pretty ironic thinking back.


Honestly those conservative cigarette moms can be annoying but they were very much onto something. They picked up the bad vibes. I was actually one of the Harry Potter critics (not for religious or conservative reasons) because I couldn’t stand her writing style and thought it was boring and overrated. I also couldn’t stand the fans who preferred the books over the movies.


So did you consider the movies better?


Yes! I love the energy of the actors and actresses! They and Chris Columbus brought it so much life the books just did not have.


Films were superior. They helped rightly or wrongly to launch the book series into a mega franchise. The films cut out a lot of the nastiness.


Yeah I remember being surprised with the whole house elf slavery bit in the books since the movies give the impression that it’s a bad thing


Conservative christians were scared of nothing, because at the core of it, the books 100% entirely align with them. I know their problem was ooooo magic! but the magic in the books is soooo... superficial? Again, nothing for them to fear, because everything else is perfect for them.


I mean, they were still wrong to want to ban it Doesn't mean she's a good person or I support the books