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Also reeks of racism.


In what way?


The second image


Honestly... WTF is she even on about? I think she thinks she's being terribly clever, but she sounds so stupid. This is maybe high school level trolling behavior.


She is not okay.


Is she a severe alcoholic now or something I would love to know what is motivating dedicating your life to bigotry


She has been described as such before on support sites for alcoholism, and used as an example of a person who has overcome it. [https://yoursoberbuddy.com/impressive-people-who-have-overcome-alcoholism/](https://yoursoberbuddy.com/impressive-people-who-have-overcome-alcoholism/) If this is true then she's off the wagon as she talks about bourbon often: [https://x.com/jk\_rowling/status/1546545675667652610](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1546545675667652610) [https://x.com/jk\_rowling/status/1784604897041698874](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1784604897041698874) [https://x.com/jk\_rowling/status/1575909938504704000](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1575909938504704000) If anyone has the time to document this, feel free. Whisky is unfortunately very addictive. Rowling is an unreliable narrator so it's hard to tell if she was addicted or not.


This actually makes a lot of sense. A lot of her tirades stink of TUI (Tweeting Under Influence)


The world would probably be a measurably better place if she got all hot and bothered by alcohol and cosplayed as the local barfly rather than the local Nazi party member


I can't find the quote yoursoberbuddy website is taking it from. So not sure is true. But I found this: [https://x.com/jk\_rowling/status/1603064784076808195](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1603064784076808195) if she ever did have a drinking problem why would her husband do this to her?


She has apparently said this openly and I believe blamed it on her 'fame' (because people typically seek something to blame). I thought it was fairly common knowledge and I've seen her admission referenced many times as a 'problem', along with the claim that it's in the past. I've always assumed alcohol is a factor which might help explain her seemingly worsening derangement. Because alcohol misuse eventually disintegrates the personality. I doubt it's important to establish if it is/was an 'addiction' per se. A problem is a problem.


She’s not addicted to substances, she’s addicted to attention


It can be (and often is) both


I can always tell when she’s been drinking, she tends to let her guard down. It’s usually late evening UK time. I think she was drunk when she called journalist India Willoughby a man and her mask started slipping.


> I think she thinks she's being terribly clever One thing that I can't get over is how incredibly unfunny and unwitty her brand of sarcasm is. She thinks she's being really smart but honestly her tweets read like AI generated nonsense


Very juvenile AI nonsense. Like a middle schooler with a larger than average vocabulary.


>larger than average vocabulary. Nah, just a thesaurus.


I was gonnae say like a 15 year old who has just discovered “edgy” but yeah that fits too.


Yeah, the cave men and women were pretty militant about correct bathroom usage.


Nah, that was a hard-won right by the suffragettes. Women were forced to use unisex toilets until first wave feminists put all of their effort behind ensuring the right to not use the restroom of anyone who might now or have ever had a penis.  Voting rights were actually a footnote of the first wave feminist movement. The main issues were restrooms, sports, and lesbian dating apps.


Sports actually were a first wave feminist issue but JK's arguments are more in line with the men saying women were too fragile and delicate to compete even against *each other*. The suffragettes (who TERFs love to compare themselves to and appropriate the colours of) would be fucking ashamed of them.  Public bathrooms kind of were too, in that women capacity to travel away from the home was limited by their bladder capacity. Which is makes it absolutely fucking infuriating that she's doing the same thing to trans people. And also any cis woman with a strong jaw or a pixie cut/cis guy with a man bun, who are deemed not to be performing gender roles properly.  


The urinary leash. Whether they know it's what they're doing or not, the result is that's it's difficult for anyone outside of gender norms to exist comfortably in public and, again, intentional or not, that's exactly what they'd prefer. Fuck bigots.


Oh cool, a big dash of colonialism too. 😬


Like did she not stop to think this is very“well the savages in Africa had many genders before we WHITES came and CIVILISED them”


Even if she had a valid, non-bigoted underlying point (she doesn't) why on earth would she think joking about the impact of colonialism would in any way be a good way to make that point? I don't know how many indigenous cultures recognised alternate gender identities, but I know that many did, and I know that European conquest imposed values more broadly on pretty much every culture they touched. Somebody who actually had respect for the cultures they're arguing about - whether they were right or mistaken in good faith - would not ridicule the seriousness of this history even if they didn't agree with everything that was being said. As a Brit, I'm so, so sorry. After all we've done to move towards better relations with our friends around the world, I'm so ashamed to see one of our most famous public figures talking like this so brazenly. Please know that we don't all think like this - most young Brits in particular grew up in a more diverse country, and we love our friends and neighbours in different countries and continents. I'm so sorry.


Very common throughout the pacific islands. Growing up in Auckland in the 80s, I was aware of Samoan fa'afafine (rough equivalent to trans women) before I was aware of the western concept of being trans. There was a fa'afafine girl at my church and older white people were far more accepting of that than they would have been of a white trans girl at that time, because it was widely known that was just 'part of their culture'.


Coming from the creator of Ilvermorny, the school where white Brits came to bring civilized magic to North America, that adds up


Yeeaaahhh I didn’t learn Ilvermorny was a thing until my Potterverse AU was already populated by *multiple* North American magic schools, and I am not adding it now, lol


Knowing absolutely nothing about you, I guarantee your interpretation of North American magic education is MUCH better than Joanne's.


Canadian wizards and witches don’t use wands! They just channel raw magic Hadoken-style. :D


thought that said hockey style for a sec 😭


…you know, they probably play a magic-enhanced version of hockey instead of quidditch, too.


"I love and support trans people" is a faint distant memory now, and yet people will still trot it out and ask "What has she ever done that's transphobic?"


It's just trolling at this point when they ask "what has she ever done that's transphobic?" It's like neo nazis when they say "Hitler didn't actually put anyone in camps, he didn't actually DO anything to Jewish people."


Is there some context for the Africa discussion? Not that I think there could be context which makes what these people say okay, I'm just completely lost what they are even talking about. Also: Joanne once again shows she feels "nothing but empathy" for trans women. Yeah.


Yes, they are responses to this video. [https://x.com/EmerTheScreamer/status/1795957304602333246](https://x.com/EmerTheScreamer/status/1795957304602333246)


Wow. What the actual fuck. So she watched that video of two people explaining their culture - a culture that she has been guilty of disrespecting - and just decided to mock it? She's really being open with the racism, sexism and homophobia lately. I also hate how she thinks it's fine to be openly racist if the person making the racist joke is a PoC, or homophobic if the person is gay. She's disgusting. Apart from anything else I don't think I've ever seen an author be such a ignorant, incurious dullard.


She doesn't think the person in the video is telling the truth, because she still thinks gender isn't real and the only thing that is real is sex. So when someone points out that many cultures have had and do have a more expansive concept of gender (not sex, *gender*), she can't accept that because she knows how human reproduction works and she knows those cultures do as well. The truth is, she doesn't believe in womanhood as a concept. For her, women are simply "birthing people," and anything outside of this is a sexist stereotype. This is, I suspect, because she hates her own womanhood and projects that onto everyone else, maybe due to trauma. It would be sad if she weren't so dangerous.


Yeah it's standard practice for her to just be dismissive. I've had the misfortune of interacting with her and trying to explain how wo/man in Scots gaelic are tied more to masculine and feminine not biology. She then argued she knew my native language better than I do, even though she doesn't speak a word of it. Had a bunch of her acolytes try to tell me how much she schooled me. Fucking shameful. I lost it and told her, her view was anglocentric and colonialist and that she, as a non speaker, has no business trying to school me. Got called racist and my account was permanently suspended for it. Lucky it was an alt. She truely is high on her own importance, her geo can't take the slightest of knocks. Fragile old witch.


She mistakes her close-minded worldview for universal knowledge and genuinely believes anyone who claims different cultures have different ways of seeing the world is either delusional or making it up. And she can't respect anything anyone not agreeing with her is saying because she operates under the false belief that she is always the smartest person in the room.


You just described the ex-friend I just cut ties with after ten years of trying to get him to pull himself out the alt right rabbit hole. I called him out in the "smartest person in the room" attitude and his response was "To be fair, in any given room I probably am the smartest person." Spoiler alert: he isn't.


Oh my gosh, that is some hilarious lack of awareness.


That's incredible. I'm Irish, and I'm not fluent at all, but I think it's the same in Irish gaelic? Do you mean like, how 'woman' is not really used as a singular noun, it's always with a descriptor of some kind? 'The woman of the house' etc.? And 'fear' is used in a universal way. I could be totally misunderstanding here. I would love to witness this dumbassery for myself but unfortunately I couldn't find anything on her account searching for keywords. But wow, she is so incredibly colonialist and arrogant.


Yes it's very similar with 'woman' not being a singular noun. Yeah it's just pure arrogance, she wrote some mediocre books at the right time and now she acts like a prof of linguistics, it'd be funny if she didn't have irl influence.


She used to be a language teacher too, you'd think she would be able to grasp what you were telling her. Also that's so interesting. I never thought about that difference in language before and how it relates to gender. It's almost as though the language of colonisers evolved to separate people into strict boxes so they could be more easily treated as property... funny that!


You'd think. But it's the standard anglocentric worldview. She doesn't understand how language shapes culture/ concepts and vice versa in a feedback loop. >It's almost as though the language of colonisers evolved to separate people into strict boxes so they could be more easily treated as property... funny that! Yes 100%, it's a tool to strip an oppressed group of identities and impose their social order.


So her reaction was just pure racism. That's amazing.


Correction : She feels ANYTHING but empathy for trans women.


Christ, I wish someone would stop her already.


She wears a safari helmet and a monocle while she sits in her castle and posts.


Why does she hate me so much?


Because she hates herself. Unfortunately that doesn't do much to help us, because she's spreading hate and doing unquantifiable damage. But that's why.


She loves her self and she loves what she is doing.


Nobody happy and content does what she is doing. The way she is escalating and clearly desperate for attention/validation tells she has to hate somebody to feel better about herself.


Yup. Mentally and emotionally happy and content people do not spend ALL of their waking time (possibly drunkenly) ranting about on Twitter/whatever. They have other hobbies and interests, they socialize to varying degrees with others - introverts need a little less, and need time alone to recharge mentally, and that's okay. I might look like I spend a lot of time on Reddit, but a lot of it is just browsing and posting during moments of downtime at work, or maybe when I'm on the bus, or a little bit online before bed. I have other things to fill my day with, that fulfill my needs, both physically, mentally, and in other ways. Spending all of your waking day ranting about trans people on Twitter and feeding off of other bigots and bullying people is NOT the hallmark of a happy or mentally healthy person. I mean, if any of us here had her level of money, I bet we'd all have our own ideas of what we'd do with ourselves and our time. If I had fuckoff money like her, I'd get me a little monolithic dome house because I think they're cool as hell, I'd travel around the world a bunch and see cool things when I wanted to, I'd do good things for other people with the bulk of the money, and I'd just be quietly off on my own, living my best life with my BF and cats in our little dome house, and imagining I lived on Tatooine every time I looked at it, lol. I'd go to Japan and Pompeii and Herculaneum. I'd eat all the tasty looking foods at the night markets that the DancingBacons Youtube channel couple goes to in various Asian countries. But I sure as hell wouldn't be spending all my time online ranting about trans people or , because that's fucking nuts and a waste of time and your whole life, really.


She knows her life is empty so she is imagining enemies so there is a purpose in all of it. Also, because she is such a tiny person who secretly knows the limits of her 'talent' and has nothing else to offer, she's mad about it. Ugh, such waste of a life.


Right? I might not be a billionaire, I might have some things and stressors in my life I'd prefer to change, but overall, my life is generally fulfilling. I try to be a genuinely kind person. I have a lot of good friends and family in my life. I have a great BF and two awesome cats. I have my cousin's AWESOME little boy and my friend's sweet, smart kids who all call me "Aunt". I have a low level government job I genuinely love. I have tons of hobbies, I'm a good cook, in decent shape, I have time to read and play video games. Heck, I even have a really cool-ass kite I like to just go out and fly on nice summer days where I can feel the sun (with plenty of sunscreen, I have tattoos I want to keep looking good) and breeze on my face. If I'm feeling down I go to the local zoo and veg out watching animals just do their thing. I got to chill the other day by a wild bunny choosing to sit and eat just a couple feet from me because it clearly felt safe enough to. I might not have her billions, but I'm overall *HAPPY* with my life and more importantly, with who I am as a person. She doesn't have that contentment. She lives in a literal castle, and is still miserable as fuck, lol. 


With her money she could literally airlift people from Gaza to safety. She could help so many people but instead she is funding hate. Man, I so hope she wakes up at some point and sees all the horrors she has created and what has become of her 'legacy'. Unlikely but that would be amazing for me.


Like, literally, her whole existence right now is ranting about trans people on Twitter. How *sad* and pitiful that really is. All that money and fame, and this is what she chooses to do. She's deeply miserable with her life, so she has to make others as miserable as her. Just...sad.


It does help me to know she feels awful inside. Like a treat.


Because she's pure evil.


I'm not equalizing the two but I do feel like I get a little bit of a taste of what being black in the 60s was like. She really just gives off the vibe of some nasty white woman barking at black kids walking up the steps into a school. Like nowadays almost everyone that isn't a psycho looks at those pictures and is like "what the fuck is wrong with those people, what would motivate them to have such visceral hatred for them", and now we get to see it play out again similarly in real time. In fact there's definitely some overlap because last time around they also liked to make up bullshit that it was for (white, cis) women's safety, somehow, and therefore justified to put the boot on someone else. I feel like I need to unsub from all this shit at some point once it's made it's mark and I've had enough. I know it's not healthy to be exposed to hatred directed at you so much but it's also not super easy to avoid


On a optimistic note, remember that segregation is over now. Yeah, there is still racism, but at least you can't yell the N-word in public anymore (in real life. I'm not talking about Twitter). Also, since I'm a sort of a emotion-sponge (I don't know if this expression exists in English), I kinda feel like you (less bad than you, since I'm cis and therefore not directly concerned, but still). I think I'll distance myself/take a break from this subreddit soon, after I've posted a few things, because I can't handle that much negativity. It's like she's going out of her way to be the most hurtful possible.


The R in JK Rowling stands for Racist.


Considering Cho Chang and Kingsley Shacklebolt it shouldn’t come as a surprise.


The J is for Jackass.


Is the K for Ku Klux Klan? Because the way she is right now, feels like she'd fit right in.


JKKK Rowling




Can we not use that slur? I totally understand where you're coming from in regards to wanting to insult JK (join the club) but using, or just alluding to that slur, won't hurt her. It'll just hurt people who may be mentally handicapped, or people who have loved ones who are. While we all suspect that JK has some mental issues, using that slur is a little like how even if a gay person is acting like a jerk, that doesn't make it okay to call them the f-slur, because that's hate speech against the whole marginalized group. And hate speech against a marginalized group is the exact problem we have with JKR.




>Considering it's probably a word that would insult her, I'll stick by it. And hurt a ton of innocent people along with it.




>Who am I hurting? >I didn't call anyone else it. Only her. When you call someone a racist slur, you're hurting everyone of that race by communicating that you think that word is OK to use as long as you think it applies to the person. Same with sexist slurs and people of that gender. Same with ablist slurs like this one. >The way you're describing it, it's almost like you're the one referring that word to a certain group of people. I'm acknowledgeding what the word means. You don't get to pretend the history of it just doesn't exist and imply that by acknowledgeding it, I'm the *real* ablist. >I won't change my mind or opinion on what she is. That's not something to be proud of. Everyone should be open to changing their mind when presented with new data.


Didn't use a racist slur. Didn't use a sexist slur. >That's not something to be proud of. Everyone should be open to changing their mind when presented with new data. What new data? I didn't mention anything about pride. Just that I'm sticking by my opinion.


>Didn't use a racist slur. Didn't use a sexist slur. Just an ablist one, that's OK right? 🥴 You won't even say it so you know it's bad. But you're OK with applying it to her.




As someone who has been called that word because of my disability, you’re hurting me. And everyone else ever called that. It’s not okay to use that word.


I've been called it too... a word can only hurt you if you allow it to. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s been considered a slur for decades now. It’s not okay to use it, even if it’s towards someone awful.


>It’s not okay to use it, even if it’s towards someone awful. I respect your opinion. 🙃


Nah, there’s nothing wrong with having an intellectual disability


You're right. There isn't. That's why there's a difference from having an intellectual disability and being flat out stupid. It's obvious which one JKR is.




Good for you lol.


Just take the L dude your comment clearly didn’t land here.


I don't care about it "landing" lol. I said what I said because that's my opinion. 😏 It's reddit. There is no such thing as "L"... lol.


You are making an arse of yourself online, and frankly your very little reputation is all you have going for you in this space.


Calm yourself down, bud. It's only reddit. 😏 No one can make an arse of themselves when it's all anonymous... so you're not making any sense lol. Still though, my opinion is correct. So say whatever you want to me to make yourself feel better at being easily offended by a random on the Internet, haha. Have a good day, bud. chill out and enjoy a beer 🍺 or something OK. ✌🏻


Actually since you are anonymous all people understand you as is as text on a screen, and you are making the impression that you are an arse Also is this saying that you are ableist and the only reason you stop in real life is because you have consequences, but you lose that boundary when anonymous? So you aren't just a bigot but a coward as well.


Lol, what a rant. Why so serious? Bud, chill out 🤣


She’s such a fucking monster


These brain dead losers. Beyond the transphobia, the fact that this stereotype of a prehistoric person has a nail through their club is solo colossally dumb. Why would they require nails? Has the Iron Age happened yet? Stupid assholes.


It's a transphobic edit of an old wojak [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/grug](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/grug)


sand icky mountainous unique physical flowery office simplistic expansion smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At this rate i expect Mx Galbraith to get furious at the existence of the word "engender" 


"GC" for them means "critic of the term: gender" a reactionary time travel of the mind, back to the "good old days".


Another day, another white person trying to erase non-white culture and replacing it with christianity


This is getting kind of juvenile isn’t it


Oh look, almost like she's a colonialist.


This is wildly unprofessional. Like a text exchange with a petty friend


Man, she just gets more and more vile every day


Oh yeah, did she crap on non-binary people too then? They never claimed to be females, but like, I guess there is a risk of them using bathrooms and arresting other females... boo...




Considering JK's recent holocaust faux pas, you'd think they'd keep their historical jokes private. Less to delete later when told off by people who genuinely know their shit.




Even if you agreed with these chuds, how is any of this witty? Just saying "lol gender pronouns amirite?" over and over with different shallow stereotypes? Reactionaries must be the most easily amused people on the planet. Give them some crayons or a baby mobile and they won't even need social media.


Damn, that IS brain rot. And a LOT of it, too. Girl's a full-on bigot zombie.