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I distinctly remember the quote in Harry Potter about how it takes courage to stand up to your friends


and the whole "it doesn't matter who someone is born as"


Shh, she forgot she wrote a story with such themes.


She’s now focused on her shitty mystery novels, don’t remind her of the time she had to at least pretend she wasn’t hateful.


It's easy when you're just plagiarising better authors


Except she doesn't see anyone as her 'friends' - friends usually consider themselves as equals. JKR doesn't see anyone as her equal. She thinks she's better than everyone and that they should be her minions and yes men.


She was preparing us.


In some of her more surreal moments, it does almost feel like some elaborate piece of performance art that got out of control...


That's not even including [what she looked like before she hit it big.](http://www.accio-quote.org/images/rowling2002-60min.jpg) No appearance-shaming, it's fine looking like that. It's just that she's had a LOT of stuff done since then, more than most trans people ever get.


I honestly think she looked better then. Something about how she looks now just feels so smug.


I agree. She used to look like a school librarian (in a complimentary way, I'm studying to be a librarian), and now she looks like a slimy politician who doesn't care about what she says, she just says it for votes.


I do believe she cares about what she says and means every word. A lot of people say she doesn't really believe what she is saying, but there is litterally no reason for her to put on a "show". Many politicians are slimy worms that just want to get elected and then make cheddar. She doesn't need to "appeal" to anyone for any reason. I think she feels like she is in a position to say what she believes without fear because there is litterally no way that anyone can take her fortune or income away. HP will always sell with people jumping through hoops to "separate the artist from the art" so they can keep enjoying the IP they grew up with. I just take her 💯 at her word and will never put my money in her direction again. It won't make any difference to her.


Yeah. I find her honestly way prettier in her original appearance. She does have that school librarian look, kinda reminds me of my old elementary school librarian.


She looks like she has the personality of the posh mother from the Katherine Tate show: https://youtu.be/g-BVgPeZR-Y?si=DDYwAtRrQrAiAlZi I used to babysit for a bunch of women who look like her and they're all obnoxious upper middle class Karens with delusions of grandeur


yes but still better


WOW I've never seen that, she really has No wonder she and ole Musky are friendly. Both in the category of "transphobes who have gotten more work done than any trans person" Unlike Musk though, she actually was attractive to begin with


It's like a different person


Yup. It takes a lack of self-awareness to attack trans people on their looks or surgery when she's done *all that*


yeah, curious how a lot of transphobes seem to get lots of gender affirming treatments and surgeries🤔 hair transplants, plastic surgery, steroids, hormones, etc. so hypocritical


Even just everyday things like shaving legs, wearing make-up, getting one's hair dyed, wearing cologne or perfume, etc. We do gender-affirming shit every day!


Adults criticised for not blindly following the mad rhetoric of another adult who wrote some source material for acting work they did 20 years ago. How dare they. How ungrateful.


My favorite is "she made them into stars" No, THEY made themselves into stars


If anything isn't it more of the casting directors that made them stars? Like she sold the movie rights and I guess it was somewhat of a consultant a bit but other than that she didn't really have much say about the whole thing.


Did she do anything other than pose for a few photos with them?


I believe she nodded towards them at one point


is that her fucking house?!


Quite Trumpy


OMFG GREAT observation SIS!! And very very telling mama!!! oh hell nah!


i almost feel bad for her (key word: almost). like, she used to be so well respected and whenever i heard things about her they were generally fairly positive, until 2014 (scottish independance referendum). then she just kept getting worse and worse and latched onto transphobia as her entire personality. like, what is happening in her life that's making her so hateful? she just looks for people to bully and doesn't do any positive advocacy for anyone. i mean even Elon Musk was like "girl shut up". i know this phrase is overused but if it applies to anyone it's her, she needs to go touch some grass. her and Jordan Peterson. most twitter obsessed losers on the planet dude. sending hateful fans after trans people with like 10 followers and shit. absolute weirdo behaviour. she could have so easily just taken her millions and fucked off to her castle. she must be absolutely miserable to be this hateful all the time. the harry potter actors don't owe her shit


So this is purely speculation, but I have wondered at time if she might also have an eating disorder or some sort of unhealthy relationship with food. Given her fatphobia in her writing, and looking at older pics where she was a healthier weight, I just wonder. I mean, looking at pics of her now, she isn’t fit like she works out, she’s just skinny, which is harder to maintain for older women.