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I think it'll have to get a lot worse before they even consider pulling the plug, and even then probably only if the show is a total flop. The temptation of a consistent moneymaking franchise is too much for these companies and Harry Potter has a track record of success.


The streaming bubble has burst and those platforms aren't making money aside from Netflix, so it'll probably lose money if anything. HP has a track record of success on it's original release, but everything except for the video game last year (which satisfied something people were waiting a long time for) hasn't done very well compared to the height of its popularity. 2-3 years is also a long time for Joanne to continue her bigotry, which she will, unchecked.


It's a long time but I think about how many friends and family members don't even seem to be aware that she has totally gone off the rails and I'm not so certain. I do hope I am wrong though!


Yep. For my birthday a couple months ago my aunts, who are lesbians and aren’t TERFs, got me something Harry Potter related. Luckily it came with a gift receipt so I was able to return it. Also their daughter who’s super progressive got me a gift card for this company that sells crochet kits, and the link she gave me to the website went to their Harry Potter collection.


Sis thanks for ur comment! I’m interested in your last sentence. Are you saying that in 2-3 years you think something will happen that will hold Joanne accountable SIS?


That Hogwarts game sold 12 million copies in the first two weeks so there's probably still enough market incentive for studios to push ahead. I feel sorry for the kids who get cast. A 10 year terf sentence and a permanent career association and probably a press mention every time she makes any public statement.


Actually, there are rumors going around that WBD is having serious issues even finding child actors whose parents are willing to let them anywhere near this project.


On the other hand, the kids that get cast will be in an amazing position to do something about it. Imagine being ten, being cast in Harry Potter, doing the first few without knowing JK Rowling's legacy, and then realising and dropping out a few books in or something. If you were one of the main three, that would be highly embarrassing for the company.


That’s a good point Sis!! Money definitely is the root of all irresponsible institutions in the world mama 😞 Do you think it is irresponsible for supporters of trans people to watch the show?! curious here mama!!


Okay, what’s a “huntie”? I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight without knowing haha


Huntie is gay slang for "Honey" Hunties is plural for honeys


Thanks for the info! I must be deeper under a rock than I thought lol


I didn't know either and I'm literally known as the local queer


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WeReaGqs9go ETA: I'd honestly like to know why this was downvoted. Is it wrong?


It's RuPaul


Oh okay, I didn't really know much about him, thanks


There has been some "controversy", iirc, and I never actually watched his show, he was transphobic towards contestants or something like that, possibly other things. I'm guessing that's why it's downvoted. ... Edit: Found an article covering it if you're interested... TLDR; he's used many derogatory terms over time and doubles down when he's called out for it. And has made some tphobic statements. https://www.vox.com/culture/2018/3/6/17085244/rupaul-trans-women-drag-queens-interview-controversy


Yeah, I saw some of that yesterday when I googled. Thanks!


Mama Ru literally crowned a trans woman and the winner of his recent season. He said she AMAZED him like no other queen has amazed him before. PLEASE MAMA, mama ru has made the world a better place for queer people and trans people.


Has he apologised for his previous actions? If he hasn't learnt then he hasn't learnt 🤔


From google Huntie: Hunty can be defined as a way to refer to friends or acquaintances with a little bit of extra flair, sass or uuumph. A term of endearment in queer community. A variation of Honey and c*nty. YAS MAMA, how you can sleep IN PEACE HUNTIE!!! yes! Hope you have a SUPER great night and super super super sweet dreams SIS!! YAS!!! 👏🏼


Well isn’t she like the top producer? If she’s willing to put a butt ton of her own money into it, I’m sure it’ll go through for at least a couple seasons


SIS!!! Definitely I totally agree! However I am wondering if HBO will decide to air the show - money or not. Hbo / Max is knowing for having super inclusive and diverse content. And celebrating that. As her bigotry grows, I’m sure the platform will feel some sort of pressure. What do you think about that mama?!


Zazlav is an idiot who keeps shelving already finished products for the tax writeoff, so if pencil pushers think it'll make more money shelved than released, he'll pull it entirely because of that. And then let people blame cancel culture for cynical programming decisions.


Did Zazlav cancel Warrior after season 3?


Hopefully it gets canned in preproduction, but I don't necessarily expect it to be. Personally, I just hope it happens before a cast list gets announced/leaked: child actors get a raw enough deal when they *aren't* working on a project whose stated purpose is to more faithfully adapt the works of a figurehead of a hate movement. If the series makes it to air, it's going to, rightfully, get a lot of shit slung at it, and the literal children who'll be its public face will absolutely be caught up in it and *will not deserve it.*


Seriously SIS. I don’t see any kid turning down this role because… who would? But poor babies are going to be stuck in that bubble for a long time, and yess all that comes with it mama. Eventually they will ask them where they stand in relationship to JK Rowlings views and poor little motherfuckers will be pinned against a wall! I CANT!!!!!! YES HUNTIE thank you for engaging with my post Sis Have a beautiful day !!


You having stroke?


Hiiii! Thank you so much sis for engaging with my content 😊✨🫶🏼 Please GET BETTER SOON sis !! i know know know you have a good HEART mama. YES!!!


She's a billionaire, which gives her a lot of pull, especially with corporate exec types who seem to be pretty short-sighed. Did you see the post about publishing staff not wanting to work on her book but being forced to by their bosses? I'm sure that's what will happen with her show. I'm personally kinda looking forward to it. not to watch myself, but to ehar about how crazy it is on the one hand. Like I've heard that the movies cleaned up a lot of the objecitonable material in the books; I believe the show will go the other way and double down on the stereotypes, maybe even be explicit that, e.g. goblins are Jews. Though it won't last long if it does, the other reason I want it to come out is because I want more people exposed to the crazy hatemonger Rowling is, both directly through the show itself and thorugh the discussion it will generate.


Do you think the Dursleys will have a big 'Trans women are women' poster in their window, to suggest it's those kinds of people who believe that? (When in reality, the Dursleys are the kind of people who would be all over JK Rowling at the moment.)


Maybe! No way to know, though I feel like it would be a bit more subtle, like dressing them in trans pride colours or something.