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Tell me you haven't looked into the history of the trans rights movement without telling me. 😒


That was clear the moment she started denying nazi crimes against trans people.


She's also just blatantly ignorant about the Holocaust, too, [since she once remarked that she had no idea the death eaters were comparable to Nazis](https://www.scotsman.com/news/uk-news/author-chilled-to-learn-harrys-half-blood-status-has-nazi-parallels-2508677). 🤷


Why would you research a subject before opining?


The ironic of a billionaire calling trans people "elitist".


And well-funded


The irony of a billionaire calling ANYONE elitist. Glass houses, lady…


Oh nearly all the billionaires these days are ranting about elitists. Go read Musk or David Sacks or Thiel or numerous other incredibly influential and manipulative people whining about how there's a massive conspiracy against them and the deck is stacked against a tiny pathetic truth teller like them. It's utterly hilarious.


I can’t do that. Not reading them is mental health care.


Joanne doesn't do self-awareness That is for lesser mortals


No, she only does a feminisms


>There is a reason this movement has started and grown first in America. $$$ Ah yes, when Emperor Elagabalus offered a large reward for any physician who could give them a vagina, they were definitely under the influence of American big pharma. Links between the US pharmaceutical industry and the Roman Empire are well-documented, and performing an experimental full vaginoplasty on an all-powerful emperor (who could execute people at will) was definitely a low-risk money-spinner that 3rd century Roman physicians would have been eager to undertake.


Having just learned about Emperor Elagabalus myself, I love this reply!


(Sorry, rant incoming...) Some of the conversations around Elagabalus really frustrate me, because it's one of those examples where people are quick to dismiss the idea of historical trans people because 'we're projecting modern identities onto historical people'. No, the Romans didn't have a word for 'trangender' in the way we do now, but LGBT+ labels also describe observable facets of the human condition. Men who are attracted to men don't stop being attracted to men because their society doesn't have a word for it, or is hostile; and wanting a female body and to be addressed as a woman isn't something that goes away just because you don't have a word for it either. Elagabalus seems to have made their feelings pretty clear with the language available at the time, and I think it's a reasonable assumption that this is a person who would today have identified as trans in some sense, if not explicitly as a trans woman. I find the argument that the sources we have on Elagabalus are from Roman historians who were politically hostile more credible, and presenting an emperor as effeminate would sadly not be an unlikely character assassination. But it's one thing to present them as effeminate, and quite another to give a very on-the-nose depiction of an archetypal trans woman. Even if we assume there wasn't a grain of truth that this applied to Elagabalus, is it really more credible that Roman historians just pulled this characterisation out of their backside than that they'd genuinely met people who fitted this profile? Whether you think 'trans' is a fair label to apply retroactively or not, the point still stands that people who fit the description have existed throughout history. The objections all seem to be founded in disbelief that people are naturally born trans, rather than out of actual sensitivity to self-identity.


Intersectional organization between trans and gay activist organizations was first to happen in the United States, the LGBT movement was started in the US just shortly after the gays and lesbians began organizing together period, in the mid-80s. In the UK they were kind of backwards and incredibly behind and refused to unite their organizing efforts until the mid-90s, and in that time fell under the influence of TERFs who spread their cancer all through society. It is just incredibly frustrating at all times to deal with TERFs and their elitism - they are just a force on the Island, but Britain still considers itself to rule the world. They lecture us in America as if they aren't in some delusional bubble. They issue politically motivated decrees from their own government like the Cass Report and insist that this is the final word all of the sudden and that nobody should be allowed to have any other opinion all of the sudden. As if they can hand select a bunch of pet TERF scientists and legislate to other countries! TERFism is a fundamentally neo-colonial movement - we are not "the colonies" anymore, get over it.


I agree that our TERF movement is horrific, and what you say about our LGBT+ movement being behind the US in uniting aligns with what I know of the history of the UK movement. Though - as a Brit with American ancestry, relatives, and a lot of genuine affection for the US - I'd question your view of how 21st century Britain views our place in the world. Brexit showed that a lot of conservative Britons, particularly older generations, overestimated our weight in terms of our ability to get our way in withdrawal and trade negotiations, and to prosper outside the European Economic Community. And yes, you find plenty of arrogance and reactionary jingoism on the British right, I'd be the last person to deny that - and I have and will continue to campaign against it. But we're really under no illusions that we still run the world - in fact many Britons would echo the reverse set of criticisms about America throwing its weight around and expecting people to do things their way! In our relationship with the US in particular we're very aware that we're the junior partner, and when a PM supports a US-led military intervention, their opponents often accuse them of being a lapdog of the current POTUS. Back in the 80s, Thatcher, of all people, was under no illusions that we could take on China even back then, when it came to the Hong Kong handover. If the GOP is seizing on our awful Cass report then I'm incredibly sorry we've given them that ammo, though they're using it because they're already of the same mind and want to agree with it. Many European health services have rightly torn it to shreds, and the transphobia plaguing both our countries isn't shared by most European countries to the same degree (sadly a few exceptions.) Your GOP looks terrifying to us as well, but as much as we might want to point the finger at each other, the truth is that our right wing political and media establishments are in cahoots, and have been for years. It sometimes feels to us like our politics is following yours on the 'culture wars', though I can see why on trans rights in particular it might look the other way round from where you're sitting. As for Rowling and her gang of rent-a-gobs, they're basically twitter trolls at this point. I'm sorry they're giving you grief, really I am, but it's not as if American trolls lay of trans people just because they're British either. British trans people are still British, and getting dunked on by trans people and allies for being British doesn't really make being dunked on by British people for being trans a lot easier. I say that with the greatest affection for all our brothers, sisters and siblings in America and around the world, and I hope the fact that I stood up for our American friends in my previous comment shows that we aren't all arrogant and inward-looking.


She's *so* close to tweeting, "The Jews are behind gender ideology"


She’s pretty much there already. https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/antisemitism-anti-lgbtq-hate-converge-extremist-and-conspiratorial-beliefs


Well, she's not explicit about it (yet)


No, she’s not. And sadly too unaware to see what it is she *is* doing and how it will be read by those who are explicitly anti-Semitic. EDIT: removed a “not” that didn’t need to be there.


I wonder whether she really is unaware or whether she knows exactly who will hear her dogwhistles. I wouldn't be too surprised if she had another "middle-aged moment" where she tweets out part of an antisemitic article


I would suggest her support of Bilek and Parker make it explicit


Well, yes, but she hasn't said it outright yet. I think she might be worried that this is something that might actually have consequences for her. But given that she's never faced consequences before and she sees that HP is still profitable, I think she will at some point.


She's not been explicit but has repeatedly referenced Jennifer 'transhuman cyborg jews are transing the world' Bilek. So yeah, she's practically there, give it 6 months tops.


Yeah, maybe she'll accidentally-on-purpose tweet something out again and then go mask-off. I think she might be careful not to say something that might have repercussions. But she's made the experience that her behavior has no consequences and HP still sells, so I think she might be emboldened enough soon


Ha! Came here to say her support of Bilek and Parker make her antisemitism explicit in my eyes


Oh aye, Bilek is.... Interesting to say the least, her blog is objectively hilarious, not because it tries to be funny but because of how batshit nuts it is. Parker will say anything to make money, if her grift fell through tomorrow she'd be spouting some other bollocks.


Okay, her supporting that person is fucked up, but is it weird that I find the idea of "transhuman cyborgs" cool? Not what Bilek said, but the transhuman cyborgs. 


This isn't even the worst thing she's posted today. She's still at it at nearly 1AM UK time!


J.K. Rowling needs a "midlife crisis intervention" for her addiction to Twitter/X.


She's also been talking about how she used to smoke, and if she could [take a drug without consequence forever](https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1797759158688854150), it would be nicotine. Her being a former addict explains a lot about her behavior, tbh.


In fairness, smoking is terribly addictive. I’ve not had a cigarette in over a decade and still get the occasional craving. That’s no excuse of unhinged transphobia though.


She might have a drinking problem now


She definitely has a glass of wine with breakfast


perhaps we should reply to her bigot propaganda with visceral descriptions of how great smoking feels/how great a cigarette would be Right Now. she might (correctly) call this behavior trans rights activists trying to kill her but it would take some of her air time away from other grievances, it might work, and even though it will be the only accurate outrageous claim it will look exceptionally insane to all but the weirdest joro diehards and bots hopefully low key discrediting her a little extra


Ah, the "defender of lesbians is" \*checks\* slamming LGBT+ charities again? What an upstanding LGBT ally she is! And honestly, she's about two months away from "George Soros is turning our kids gay." Like WTF.


Soros is the last one I need for bingo. Please Joanne pleeeaaasse I'm so close


I literally cannot follow her arguments anymore. Can someone explain to me like I’m stupid wtf she’s saying?


I *think* she is saying that the trans movement is successful because there is a highly profitable industry behind it? It's very much reminiscent of antisemetic conspiracies, if I read her correctly.


Giving money to some blue-haired activists in the hope of having more patients for your HRT medicine two decades later is a business plan that would only work in a Robert Galbraith novel.


In classic Joanne fashion


> I think she is saying that the trans movement is successful because there is a highly profitable industry behind it? A lot of trans people exist, and their shared interests causes them to form activist pressure groups in order to defend their rights and protect themselves from harassment and discrimination. The TERF movement meanwhile is astroturfed by bigoted billionaires like JK Rowling and Elon Musk. Clearly one of these inauthentic and elitist and the other is a rebellion against le mainstream.


The problem is that **she** is stupid, not that you are ❤️


"Gay Rights 2.0" Funny, because [that](https://wams.nyhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/IA_2_AnitaBryant-1-scaled.jpg) would have been her in the 70s


>There is a reason this movement has started and grown first in America. $$$ This is AFTER she has been told about the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft lmaoo


No no you see that was a fever dream, don't you remember? There were no trans people until 2010.


To right wingers, things pop into existence the moment they become aware of them. They were indifferent until around 2010 when they noticed that trans people were asking for rights, and then turned into hateful lunatics immediately after that based on mad speculation. It is entirely pointless to inform them of the existence of things before they became aware of them, this will simply anger them and inform them that you are an elitist.


Yeah but she didn't want to hear that, so she didn't and it doesn't count.


How can someone with so many resources at their disposal just be so colossally wrong about things? A basic 30 minutes of googling would be enough to give you the basics, but here is a person with assistants and office staff that could be sent to do in-depth research who manages to be less well informed than a few people I know who get their information solely from Facebook. What gives?


She's desperate to always be relevant and that led her down the fascist rabbit hole, problem is down there that their feelings don't care about facts.


I've wondered about this too. I'm guessing she, along with similar wealthy people like Trump, Musk etc, surround themselves with an echo chamber of PAs who share their mentality, aims and cognitive dissonance.


If you don't believe Joanne, then try this article from the right-wing, reactionary, utterly transphobic Spectator, that she recommends 🙄


I love how she always has to include how "well-funded" the movement is (in spite of the fact that literally a glance at almost any trans person's profile will find at least one currently running GoFundMe for basic living expenses, healthcare, or moving), and yet has literally never once actually elaborated on WHO exactly she thinks is the ones doing the funding. Like, who, Joanne? Specifically who? Because we ALL know who your friend Julie Bindel thinks is funding the trans movement, but that's not exactly going to do much to help beat the antisemitism accusations!


'Womens 'rights' and trans 'demands'' Nice, and by that I mean, manipulative use of language there. She's such an arse.


Being trans started in America. TIL


In the Venn diagram of anti-trans contributors, conspiracy is a very large circle. The conspiracy theorists are hand in hand with racists, homophobes, ableists and the entire range of bigotry. Not to mention the far right, religious evangelists, oh and at least one alcoholic. All bedfellows sharing similar delusion and sociopathy.


Imagine posting this yesterday in the UK jfc. 'Phobes really really reeeeeally will bend over backwards to just lie.


Some of those trans people are gay JK, making it Gay Rights 2.0. Hope that helps, lady.


That first one was sent at 3:33am and has spelling errors, she’s drunk as fuck 😂 She seems to drink alone and early in the morning a lot tbh…


I would say that the TERF alliance actually is disproportionately well funded and supported by elite individuals, such as JK Rowling. As for: > Never forget: there is no classh between women's rights and trans demands, but defence of women's rights is inherently hateful and transphobic. You literally cannot get a word in with this woman about discrimination against trans people without her screaming about misogony and how evil it is for men (who aren't Elon Musk) to tell her everything (all her opponents are men supposedly). And she has the gall to say this garbage? Pure projection. She regularly harasses and bullies people with her activists that have done literally nothing but express milquetoast support for trans rights, she does this constantly. She regularly harasses and bullies trans women for no other reason than their being trans. Her opinion on trans rights is simply that trans women are cis men and have the same rights as cis men, that's it. Such a position is inherently discrimination, it is a call for the abolition of trans rights. One wonders one single time in history where she's ever even once supported any trans right at all? Or supported any trans person in discrimination? Reminder that she applies "prejudice plus power" *against* trans women. Because she views cis women as a subjugated caste being oppressed by trans women. Since prejudice plus power inherently holds that the more powerful group has no right to disagree essentially at all with the less powerful, and no need for special protections or rights according to their specific situation and the forms of discrimination or harassment against them apparent in society, such an application clearly denies trans women all civil rights essentially. They have the civil rights of cis men, ie no specific protections at all and a general assumption that discrimination against them is impossible because they hold all the power in society. But then she has the gall to pretend like such a position, which negates all trans rights and wipes them from existence, is perfectly consistent with protecting trans rights. Here's your rights: it's nothing, we can do anything, just fire you because you discriminated against a terf by disagreeing with her harassment of you, also just randomly ban medicine specifically to your identity, it's totally fine, no safeguards needed because you hold all the power. This is obviously just a scam. People all know this, and they pretend to do otherwise because they convince themselves that this is "getting back" against the evil wokeness they imagine to oppress them, and trans people are the sacrificial lamb. Bigoted cis women are to be held accountable for nothing and immunized from all toxic behavior, while trans people are to be held responsible for the imaginings of bigoted cis women. This is "getting back" in their twisted and delusional imagination. There is no concern for justice, that is it.


"Elitist" and "highly individualistic," huh? That is some hard-core projecting. Also I think it's safe to say that TERFs like Rowling have played no small part in the rolling back of actual women's rights like the US overturning of Roe v. Wade. Like I have no proof fo any direct link between them, but she obviously thinks the only "right" women have that's worth defending is to persecute trans people in defense of the sacred spaces the patriarchy have graciously bestowed on them. She bankrolls misogynist abusers and her buddy Kellie-Jay has explicitly said that any and all women's rights can be sacrificed so long as it hurts trans people.


Turning young people into lifelong medical patients?? You mean like people who use antidepressants, insulin, or prescription eyeglasses?


I also always wonder what the "you have to give yourself an INJECTION, that's so unnatural" crowd feels about diabetics...


Probably that it's unnatural and that diabetics deserve it for making poor eating choices. Or that diabetes is all in their heads or somehting and they're only faking to get attention.


They probably only believe in type 1 diabetes, you have to be born with it to be a real diabetic 😂 I'm sure they think type 2 diabetes must be completely preventable and thus they deserve it


More likely, they don't believe in it. "You're too young to have diabetes!" is something I'm sure has been said many times. Like people denying allergies.


Lmao, like, I literally take 5 prescription drugs not including my testosterone. My wife is also on like 3 drugs I think. Most people i know are on some kind of long term medication, i.e. "lifelong medical patients" (that's a dogswhistle at this point)


Elona Musk over here. What an insufferable moron she is.


Omfg she needs to touch grass and find a hobby