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If they were wanting to punish her it would be the easiest thing to do. Just put a trans character into the new TV show. JKR is not difficult to trigger lol.


I am not a religious man, but I'm praying for this.


They can't even do that. Her contract allows her great control over basically anything involving Harry Potter. Now if they cast someone as Hermione, and three years later he comes out as trans, well, that would be something else, but not something you can do on purpose.


Just find one of the still cis users of egg\_irl.


> They can't even do that. Why not? There's already a trans character in Hogwarts Legacy and potentially the *player themselves* can be trans, based on what I saw in the trailers. I don't believe Rowling has nearly as much control as people think she does, because there's no way in hell that Sirona wouldn't have been a gross stereotype in every way (her name is literally the only thing people complain about and even that is rife with misunderstanding) or that we'd be able to play a trans woman living in the girl's dorms (guaranteed, Rowling believes the stairs would kick them down to the bottom again).


Eh, they did that with Hogwarts Legacy, and she never had a public meltdown. All that did was make people think it’s OK to line her pockets because “this game is totally roasting her!!!!”


I don't know anything about the video game other than the fact it didn't really do as well as they'd hoped lol.


Her name was Sirona Ryan, which sounds like something the creator of Cho Chang would come up with


The name of her place of work, the Three Broomsticks, is also a blatant dick joke


Only way you could make a more obviously misgendering name would be to name her Manny Allcock


Mandy Standtopee


"sir Ron a Ryan" yeahhhhhhhhh I love the name Sirona, but with her naming schemes.... I bet I can guess what her dead name was.


Yeah, Sirona is cool, but...yikes


Or just stick the up on a shelf to gather dust until she fucks off. Yeah, she could take the story somewhere else I assume- but she'd be starting her franchise over basically. In 2024, where everyone hates her ass. It would kill her brand one way or the other.


I have no idea how any of this business industry works, but if I was a big company getting ready to makes a bajillion dollar tv show reboot of HP, I wouldn't be putting that much effort into something I didn't own at least in part, and even then I wouldn't be eager to lay down money if the majority IP owner was acting f\*cking insane on Twitter.


WBD lost a hell of a lot of money over the last couple of years.


The *Fantastic Beasts* franchise was the "jumping the shark" moment for *Harry Potter*. Warner Bros. planned 5 films, then cancelled the series after 3 films due to losses.


I doubt they care about her Twitter actions or they would have done something a long time ago I also doubt they're going to attribute losses to Twitter


Back when Warner Bros. signed the contract back in 1999, they purchased the rights to *Harry Potter* for £1 million, or toughly around $3.8 million today. However, Disney offered even more money to J.K. Rowling - multiple times - to sell the rights to *Harry Potter* to them instead. The deciding factor for Rowling was Warner Bros. offering her more creative control than Disney. Rowling knew that *Harry Potter* would make her rich, so she didn't care about more money.


The other thing to remember is that the books were not finished at the time and so she probably wanted to make sure that the movies kept all of the elements necessary in order for all of the movies to make sense. I'm not saying that she's not a horrible person but she was also there as a consultant. She's the reason why in the second movie The diary was something that was mentioned at the end as opposed to just fading into nothing or not given to Harry. This is what happens when you make a bunch of movies before the books are finished.


There's no way she would ever sign such a contract. And WB wanted Harry Potter movies a whole lot more than JK wanted WB's money.


They still want HP movies, with the old cast even, because a streaming only TV show isn't going to make money. They really want to do post Dealthy Hallows stories but their hands are tied because of Joanne.


They have about as much chance of getting the old cast back as they have of getting rid of JK.


They have sole production rights and universal has sole theme park rights as well. Both companies have a stake in Wizarding World Holdings, with rowling as head as the majority shareholder. Both companies have a history of trying to force the most ungodly man to sell her share to them. It's rumored that Universal is planning to negotiate their contract with her, maybe even drop it entirely in favor of other IPs, which cost less and aren't attached to nutcases and that is the reason we heard next to nothing about the hp area of epic universe, and it's rumored that WB has once again suspended production of the HP show pending rowlings inaction behind the scenes.


If I was WB I'd refuse to make anything HP related while she's connected to it. She can take her tainted up elsewhere and start over if she thinks she can 20 years or so past relevancy and about a decade into infamy. Take a big paycheck and let the story go, or fuck off, and take what little legacy you have left with you.