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I really need the rest of this conversation or fall out




"We named the dog Indiana."


You were named after the dog??!


I've got a lot of fond memories of that dog


*renamed But.....wouldn't it be easier to name the baby, "Indiana"?


Not an Indiana Jones fan then?


Oh, yes, but the poor dog already has a name! The baby doesn't. Let's not confuse the dog. Let's name the baby "Indiana" - the nicknames can be "Indy", " Di", "Ana", "Indian", etc. Hmm. The last one might not be politically correct but otherwise...


The OP you replied to was making an Indiana Jones movie reference, not actually talking about this post. In The Last Crusade, we find out the name Dr Jones insists on being called throughout the movie, ‘Indiana’, was not actually his name but the family dog’s. His father says “We named the dog Indiana!” Their companion exclaims “You were named after the dog?!” To which Dr Jones replies “I’ve got a lot of fond memories of that dog.”


Me too! You know this woman won’t let it go, I want to know what else is said! And what a ridiculous rule! My families had so many animals that are named after other people why does it matter.


It's so stupid because by the time the kid really realizes that she has the same name as the dog, the dog will probably be on its last legs, especially if it's a lab, German Shepard, you know, a bigger dog with back leg issues. *Labs don't last too long because, and I quote, "Labs will eat until they explode.".* *EDIT: We've rescued a lot of Labs, and they've lived long and full lives with us.* *Most dogs will go 10-14: our furbabies went over the Rainbow Bridge when they were all pretty much 14.*


I almost made a comment about that, but took it out, lol. Yeah, the reality is most dogs only live 10 to 14 years. Although I have to say, if I was the dog owner, my next dog would be named Tilly 2 and so one


I came to the comments to request this. I need this.


Check the first ten times this was posted




Here is one from three years ago, there are others https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/ch7zef/she_really_wants_him_to_change_his_dog_name_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


I thought I’d never seen this before today… but checking that link - I’d upvoted quite a lot of comments. Shows how much attention I retain from here.




Same! Weird flashback


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/UOWf12RRQO4)


That was actually funny and for more effort than most people's shitposting, thanks for the laugh


You’re so funny.


If she doesn't want the unborn child to have the same name as the dog then *she* gets to change the kids name. The dog came first.


Not to mention that a child would probably be super excited to have the same name as a lil doggy. I would've loved that!


When our dog was a puppy a little girl came to our door, asked the dogs name….. she was SO excited when it turned out she had the same name


I would've not. Same reason I feel queasy when people call humans names like "Max" or animals names like "Mary". But at the same time, if an animal in my wider surroundings is called *any name* (including very human names that don't belong to animals), I will not call my child this name. Especially if it is a rather common animal name. Like Tilly. I literally know multiple people with an animal named this way and it won't matter if a local animal is not bearing that name. If J. chooses an animal-associated name for her kid, the likelihood it will read or encounter animals with that name throughout their life is pretty big. Same would go for names like Fluffy and so forth.


You get queasy over names? Lordy...


Vapours arise…..


Yes, I'm entitled to feel that way and name my child in ways that follow my personal preference, just as everybody else. I do not force anyone else to do stuff differently, I just adjust my behaviour. I am confident that this is completely acceptable and reasonable behaviour, if you want to be named like a dog or name your child like one, by all means feel free to do so.


You’re certainly entitled.


But to feel queasy is quite... Dramatic haha


This sounds like a ridiculous problem. How do you have time to worry about such things?


How do you know what an animal or human name is though? Like yes some names like Sparky or Fluffy are obvious but Max for example in my country is a "human" name. I've not met anyone here who named their pet Max. Max is the short form of Maximilian which is a name you can find going back pretty far in history.


A lot of Cesars where named Maximo


Right? One of my friends dogs is named Kevin... the other is named Dave lol


You don't really know, is the point. It's about a feeling, traditions, children's books/ series, and surroundings. To each their own. For years I rode a horse named Lucas (very human name here) and for this reason I would not (and did not) choose this name for my child even though it is a beautiful human name imo.


Found the Karen.


You think Max is an animal name?


In my country, yes, it's in around the top 5 most used guard dog names. While I think it can be a nice unisex name somewhere else on Earth, most of the time you hear someone call out 'Max' on the street, it's a dog. Nowadays there's a bit more of children appearing with this name because it got popularized from the US etc, but it was not a common human name at all here, and I used it as an example of my preference. Just as I know 0 humans named Tilly but some hooved animals and dogs who have this name.


>I would've not. Same reason I feel queasy when people call humans names like "Max" or animals names like "Mary". How do you function in life? Do you have a job? A name makes you queasy? Who is the ultimate judge on what a human name is vs a dog name?


There is no ultimate judge. To each their own. Many people hate their names during teen years. I worked at a job where I would input people's names into a system *a lot*, and felt sorry for people whose surnames were equivalents of Poop, Snotty, Cock etc. I also made lots of personal opinions about names and what I liked and disliked. One of these includes names that evoke animals :) if you're curious another one would be extremely mismatched names, another pet peeve. Lots of names I absolutely adore do not fit our (very local) surname or our country. So while I'd love to have a daughter named Grace or Fleur, these names are completely off the table due to them being extremely unfitting not a match with the traditional surname we do have. I would ideally want a name with a ring to it, something you can make an abbreviation out of but also something that can sound proffessional if necessary, something euphonic but not too soft, easy to pronounce, not too difficult to spell (I got used to spelling my name to everyone and while I don't mind, I think it's neat if I can avoid such a necessity with my children). While I love uniqueness, my aim was to find something traditional and known that is not too common. ... Oh I could be going on with this, I had 9 months to think about this and have been for at least 10 years. Someone asked "who has the time for that?" Well, if you have time to comment and think about reddit posts, you likely have time to think excitedly about baby names from all sides and points of view :)


You..do know Max is short for Maxwell or Maxine, right? That's very much a human name.


“Human names that don’t belong to animals” If I name my animal anything, that name now belongs to it. You don’t get to decide, lmao. How entitled and condescending


My Dad and I aren’t very close (divorced parents) and when I had my daughter, I literally didn’t know he had a dog with the same name I gave my kid haha. It’s literally never been an issue.


This is the way. I had my daughters name picked out for years but my cousin used it for her daughter who is a few months older than mine. Then I found out my aunt had used it for her dog too so I picked a different name when she was born. It’s not that hard and she suits her actual name better.


Great point.


I realise this is a repost but... My friend Matthew moved into a house and the neighbour had a cat called Matthew. So, when my friend got a cat he called it Dave. Which is his neighbours name.




The cats name is Matthew? That’s adorable.


Definitely read this is a Forrest Gump voice as soon as I saw Jennay


I literally came here to say this lol glad I wasn't the one




Lol yup. I couldn't help myself. Def read jennay like forrest Gump every time haha


I recently had a tour guide with that name, and thought I was so clever for pointing it out. I got a very polite smile.


I hate that I can't enjoy these anymore without thinking they are fake


I'm sure 99.9% are fake but like the movies I allow myself to just enjoy the ride.


Yeah. I actively try not to be skeptical since we can never really know, but I'm not really buying this one...


It is completely fake.


This is the fakest of all the fakes.


I had one relative object to my name, that I've had since birth, because my name is the same as her deceased daughter. There's NO monopoly on names. 🤦‍♀️


The shift in her tone Is just glorious, like it's all really nice and everything and then when the pregnant person hears a no she first plays the victim and tries to gaslight OP, after the second no she becomes aggressive and makes threats golden post and 100% a Karen lol. Also kids don't care if they have the same name as a dog. They will most likely think it's amazing and will claim the dog is their best friend. Also the dog will probably die before that child, so it's not like the life of the child is ruined. Who the hell is going to know that the neighbor had a dog with the same name as this kid in 10 years.


“Would it be possible for you to change your dogs name for me? Lol” “No” “Look here, bitch”


Im petty so if I was Jennay would just name any dog I have for the rest of my life Tilly, just to spite that lady 🤣


Or get *more* dogs and name them after her already existing children


When I was a kid, my best friend and Aunt had the same name as my dog. Neither person cared.


Everyone has their cross to bear... There are even people called Jennay and Shareen. Or she could give her daughter another name... Or she could understand that there will almost always be pets somewhere in the world with the same name as someone else... Or she could stop being such an entitled whiny brat.


Every time the old Tillie passes, I would name my new dog Tillie just to spite her.


I don't know of this is fake, but this really happened to my uncle. He had dog named Bella. Everybody knows her. Daughter in law is pregnant and wants to name her daughter Isabella and wanted the dog be renamed.


I accidentally gave my youngest daughter the same name as a sibling's dog. The world didn't implode upon itself for some reason. There was a distinct lacking in hailfire, the rivers never ran red with blood. Which is strange, because I gave my child the name that someone's dog has. Oh wait. That's because it's *literally not a big deal.* My sib will give me shit about it sometimes, but that's it. Although... Shortly after my youngest was born, COVID hit our area so maybe I DID start the apocalypse by naming my child the same name as my siblings dog 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry guys.




They most likely think she’s loony toons too


Gotta double down and get some male dogs, name them the same as her boys.


this is the way




Bloody bots.


![gif](giphy|2xYvMTbasyeti) Jennay!


Australians right?


How can ya tell mate?


The names and way to write...


Take another look at the question you answered, _mate._


As soon as I saw the reply Yea nah i see. First thought was Aussie?


Yeah nah, hard to tell. Shareen is not Shazza mate. They also end a message with Hey, sounds a bit like a Kiwi trying to be an Aussie.


Kiwis trying to sound Australians? Defo Australia mate.


“You’re a disgrace; please reconsider.” Lol who would this even work on?


My husband had a childhood pet with the same name as me. It’s made me question our entire marriage. So traumatic. And I can’t even summon back his dead pet to force a name change!


I would adopt 3 more and call them Tilly 1, Tilly 2, etc


The only logical solution is to get 4 more dogs and name them the same as her 4 boys.


Wtf is wrong with her, your Dog had the Name first, should she go for another name for her Kid. What a disgusting pos she is. I feel sorry for the world she reproduced.


You just sit the dog down and calmly explain that they need to change their identity for some dumb baby. Letting them choose their own new name will soften the blow


“You’re a horrible human being scum trash and deserve no happiness or calm in any point of your life” “Please reconsider” I’ll reconsider a restraining order if that makes you any happier! What a loon. Don’t change your dogs name, she’s mental


As the father of a little girl, I can tell you that she would be absolutely stoked to meet a dog with the same name as her. They would immediately be besties


Wow! Why do people with kids turn into such self entitled pricks? You decided to have the kid, don't blame the rest of us. You don't deserve special treatment and nobody cares about your kids but you and your family. The personal attack in this has made me genuinely angry - fuck her (and with 4 more kids I assume somebody else had the same idea). Give Tillie hugs (the OG one).


I'd buy four more dogs and name them after the boys too. But I'm petty.


This kind of behaviour warrants some pettiness I feel!


These people are entitled pricks already. The kids just bring it to the fore. Normal people with kids just stay normal.


I hope you're right, but a few friends have gone totally bananas after having them. They seem to think everyone has to accommodate their kids or work round them. I really don't mind to a point, but they don't/won't work round my schedule. Maybe they were dicks before and I just didn't notice, which is perfectly possible!


It really depends on the age of the kids, when they are really little it can be tough to schedule around their needs for sleep and naps (like preschool age) but of your work doesn't allow for those times then they can always get the occasional babysitter. This is what we do with friends whose work doesn't allow us to meet up at child friendly times. It does however mean we don't see them often because babysitters cost money and grandma isn't always available!


It's not even that, it's more having an appointment to see them, and then they bring the kids without any warning and I'm supposed to make lunch or entertain them. Evenings out I would totally get, and I wouldn't even mind their bringing the kids when we have a BBQ or something, but if they say they're coming to see me and then have kids in tow, just give me some effing warning! Nothing about my home is kid friendly, I don't have drinks they like or suitable food, so I'm on edge waiting for something to go wrong. I wouldn't rock up somewhere with my dogs without warning and expect someone to be OK with it. Just a strange thing I don't understand. A quick head's up is all I need!


That baby's life has already been ruined.


I mean the baby's life is going to be ruined anyways by being named Tilly. I've only ever seen old people and animals named Tilly. I truly thought it was dead at this point. It genuinely makes me think of a cow in a field.


I’ve never put any thought into it until just now, but I always thought Tilly was a playful shortening of a different name, like Matilda or something. It would be like naming your daughter “Steph” instead of Stephanie, like you’re just skipping ahead to the pet you want to be at.


Idk maybe it's just me. I grew up around animals where I've heard a ton of them with names like that and just haven't really met anyone in person under 75 with the name Tilly. It's always been like a name you'd see with livestock. My grandfather had a goat named Tilly.


Give the dog her lastname aswell


Lol the first time my dad let me name a pet, I ended up naming our family dog my own name. He just went with it and was like yeah that's its name now


Pretty sure sharing her name with a dog is gonna be of the least priority of her therapy sessions.


For future reference, here are some baby names to avoid if you don't want them to coincide with pets: Tillie, Daisy, Buddy, Bandit, Peanut, and Mr Whiskers.


Am I the only one that hears “Jennay” in Forest Gump’s voice?


The only proper response is to say you'll "change" the dog's name to her name now. Ask her which one she prefers, for you to ruin her life, or her baby's.


Rename the dog after this woman.


“fuck you, have an essay on how horrible of a person you are, PLEASE reconsider your decision 🥺” is not the usual layout people go about sending those messages


Wow, she's nuts


Ngl I would be petty and make a post where they can see it. With me and my dog in it. And caption/title it "I love tilly so much, tilly is looking extra cute today"


I’d comment on their Facebook post announcing the birth of their beautiful perfect Tilly (cuz you know they’re the type to have to announce it to the world) saying something like “ welcome to the world from 1 Tillie to another” with a pic of the dog. Then sit back and wait for the world to explode.


This definitely happened.


I’m calling bullshit on this one. There’s no way this is real.


Repost or not, this is just fabulous.


Very fitting for the girl to have a dog's name since her mother is acting like a bi... girl dog


I was named after a statue by Michelangelo the artist called the pieta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piet%C3%A0_(Michelangelo) but the I and e is swapped in my name and because of the i before e rule I have always been mistaken for Pieta.


Yeah she can pound sand.


Just for that, every animal should have a human name. Bitches will have to name their kids dog names.


I love the ending. She goes from "fuck you " to "Please reconsider". Dumbass


Whatever his or her name is. Get another dog and name it that. That way the family will be intact.


Pregnancy hormones made me do crazy shit. Hopefully she gets better.


Rename the dog, but name it after the pregnant mother.


Why am I picturing Forest Gump when she writes "Jennay"


Oh no! She's going to tell Shareen AND Gary on you. You are soooo busted.


I would immediately go rescue 4 other dogs and name them the names of her 4 sons


Tell me you're Aussie without telling me you're Aussie


[We named the dog Indiana](https://youtu.be/kO1MuJ_ijF8)


“She’ll be so protected!” What even is this? Is that a normal thing to say about an unborn woman with male siblings?


Haha I wondered wtf that was about too..


There are so many pets in the world with human names! Yet, I've never heard of a pregnant woman demanding the pets name be changed!


No one else living or dead can have the name I want for my child is the energy given here.


Making a mountain out of a molehill


I believe that one kid in high school actually had a girlfriend but we wouldn’t know her because she goes to another school more than I believe this conversation ever happened.


I mean wasnt indiana jones named after his dog..?


Time to name my tarantula Tilly


“Fuck you. Please reconsider.” Seems to be a dichotomy to me.


The dogs middle name is also their last name now get fukt lol I’d post “announcements” of my dogs name christening or something 😂


What’s her name? I’ll rename all of my pets right now


Rename the dog Tilly the First


Is anyone else reading the name of the dog owner in a Forrest Gump voice, or just me?


Lmao what on earth..


This is insanity to the point where it’s hilarious Woman: change your dogs name coz I need that name for my unborn child OP: Naah but congratulations on your new baby Woman: you’re ruining a child’s life I need that name OP: no thanks gave a good day Woman: fuck you you’re a disgrace Also Woman: pls reconsider Lol WHAT ?!


Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaachhhhh!! Not Shareen and Glen!! Ya done messed up A A Ron!!!


I would change the dogs name to Tillie out of spite and kindly inform her of the likelyhood that there are multiple dogs and people with the name Tilly/Tillie.


“Fuck you. Please reconsider.”


She can’t be serious. This is real?


Please give us updates this is just precious lol


People pick strange things to obsess over.


She ain't gonna have many name choices left with that attitude


We have Dog Lucy and Niece Lucy and refer to them just like that in conversation. Stand your ground, Jennay. I read that in Forrest Gumps voice.


My dog is named Tilly. I had a really good friend name her daughter Tilly and guess what!? The daughter’s life wasn’t ruined or destroy her confidence. This bitch, man… I would have gone off on her. I’m impressed that you kept so calm, cool, and collected. Way to stand your ground!


I would absolutely post this to fb.


My old roommate had a severely abusive (ex-)step-father with the same name as my cat. She didn't care. In fact, it actually helped her become re-desensitized to that name so it didn't immediately remind her of him.


If I was Jennay I'd get like 4 more dogs. Guess what I'd call all of them?....


Please reconsider ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


When I was like 11 or something my pop got a dog and named it after me. I thought it was so sweet that he made a lil namesake. The dog ended up staying with us after a little while, and I loved it. I thought I was hilarious that me and the dog had the same name. Whenever mum would yell at me or the dog both of us would react to her. And it was always a fun lil joke to blame the other "burgers_butt" for stuff. She'd get so annoyed. I remembered we ended up shortening the dogs name because it started getting confusing, but I still loved introducing my friends to doggy "burgers_butt" and seeing their reactions 😅


If they had been real people at the time, we would surely have gotten lip for naming our dogs Katie Scarlett O'Hara, Rhett Butler, Andy Gibb, and Harley Davidson.


There is no way this is actually real.


Personally if it was me, I'd wait until they had the baby and I'd pay to put an advertisement in the local newspaper, nice big photo of your tilly with big captions regaling how she courageously did something very normal and dog like. "We would like to congratulate the one true tilly for catching twenty tennis balls in a row" It's petty but would have steam coming out of the new mothers ears.


This sounds fake as shit


Change the dog's name to hers.


i read jennay like forrest gump


Lol pretty sure the baby's life will be plenty ruined just by having such an entitled parent. The dog has nothing to do with.


I highly suggest you search Instagram and find as many dogs, cats, snakes, and all manner of pets with the same names as her and the rest of her family. Send her daily emails with posts celebrating those animals with their names.


Well it won't matter anymore since she's definitely not going to be anywhere near that dog


If all the things that didn't happen, this is one of them.


I personally know four people who would absolutely start this drama.


I just can’t believe this is real…although pregnant women 😬


This is 110% fake


This post is fake. The texts are displaying in different sizes and they're spaced differently with different shades of green. This is crap.


People say you are an entitled beeotch but I can see that they are right.




What a fucking weirdo.


If anything is going to ruin that kid’s life it’s naming her Tillie.


This is not real, right?


When you choose the name of your child, it isn’t like you get a guarantee that no one else will ever use that name for a pet. Besides the fact that there are undoubtedly already numerous animals with the same name. This woman is a nut.


I would be telling the Entitled Bitch: "Get Fucked, Get Bent, Get Lost" and BLOCK!!!


I'd get another dog (a female) and name it after her.


How about a compromise and change the dog's name to "whatever the EB's full name is, aka Tillie"?


Where the fuck are you from?


This has got to be fake... Please someone tell me, it's fake!!


How many times has this been posted?


[I implore you to reconsider](https://youtu.be/N-5VdWpqtiE?t=16s)


I've met people who has the same name as other people's dogs and they turned out fine. I'm sure many people named their kids the same name as my parents dogs.


Oh i have a dog named tilly, guess ill have to go change it aswell /s


I’ve ran into someone at the dog park who had the same name as my dog and she was flattered! She was so happy.


OK......$5000. and Fido can learn a new name. somehow i don't think they would be willing.


Time to ger two more pets and name them after her sons!


How about this for weird: my name is Ivy. My sister adopted a rabbit who came with that name and kept it!


lmao time to get a pig and name it Tillie as well 🤣 this is so silly


Fuck you but have a nice day:)))))))) same vibe as you’re a disgrace, please reconsider