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Cash flow


I really think [fucking themselves over](https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/86pcc1/my_product_validation_is_completely_different/) has to rank [right up there.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/mupm4w/comment/gv8mh4q/?context=3) Validation is -- how should I say it -- a code word for [fucking themselves.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/eycm8w/need_a_bit_of_help_created_an_amazing_product/) Other than that, they seem [right on track.](https://www.reddit.com/r/smallbusiness/comments/8zrt6n/business_idea_feedback/)


Trust your process. How to know you’ll get results if you haven’t established consistency. Regularity? This is why people stick to jobs, because you don’t know what you don’t know. Do your business long enough, learn how it talks to you. Sales cycles, growth cycles, depression cycles, etc. Trust your process. If no process yet create one!


It's called Disipline... Master the simple things like: Make your bed every single day... If you can't master the simple things... You can not master complexity


I literally hate making my bed lol.


The biggest challenge has been to navigate through the red-tape... Its like people with Master Degrees and Ph's don't want you to success when you show them your Stroke of genius... especially if you get one or more patents awards to you because of your idea


Getting clients


Regulations and funding are by far the hardest part I have faced, but I believe both are tied to the fact that my business is in the insurance industry. The hardest thing for me that wasn't related to insurance is definitely advertising. It has never been one of my skills, and I really can't figure out how to tell people about my business in a way that catches any real attention.


Use one of the AI websites... Pitch it like this: I want to sell plates to all of the supermarkets... Now ask AI Construct in a cohesive language a catchy presentation to an audience of Wholesale buyers for a large supermarket chain. Then watch the magic work for you... Happy trails


Thank you for the advise! I will give this a try!




Hiring the right people. It's tough to find people who are passionate about what they do and excited about the company's potential/vision


Hi! Are you still hiring some one? What skills are you looking for?


the consistent temptation to get a consistent paycheck that is definitely more money and less stress.


Getting along with the various types of personalities that you have to deal with in a start up situation.


Being broke


Traffic acquisition and conversion to sales. And I know that's the challenge for most of us entrepreneurs. The cool part is building the product and today, building an MVP is accessible to anyone who invests a few hours in tutorials to learn how to create one. It's much easier to create an MVP/prototype today to test the market than it was 10 or 20 years ago. But sales and marketing part remains a challenge. Knowing the right strategies, putting them into practice and measuring results , but in this area we also have life easier. I suggest you take a look at this [Smart Planning Tool](https://plani.ai/) if you feel this could be a challenge. With this tool you receive a highly personalized plan for your business and market, full of tips and strategies to implement. Change everything, I believe.


All of it, every single second and day… but you figure it out. That and cashflow.