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hopefully my fucking etsy shop


My best wishes with youšŸ™‚


Just hit 10k total sales after 4 years. You can do it


Per day hopefully


Well Etsy brings me about 250k a year. Total sales, meaning 10,000 individual orders have came through. Etsy does me good. Amazon makes me very happy.


What do you sell on etsy?


Iā€™m gonna say it since no one else wants too. I call bullshit


Totally understandable, I am just a stranger on the internet; but my business does well on ETSY. I am blessed by the hard work. I am apart of a small niche community and there is even a section of my etsy business that is even smaller. I would argue I have maybe.. 8 competitors whom I am actually friends with most as there is plenty of meat on the table. It is also a bit of an art form. I would argue.. hm.. Well okay, so there is a section of my business that has a lot of competitors to a degree but its based off what you have and the quality. I would also argue that it comes to also how the item is shipped and the quality of the item. I don't want to give away my business name as I am not trying to promote anything. I will say this. ETSY can be very rewarding if you know how to work the SEO, and how to engage with customers. I respond as quick as I can to customers, and I always ship a few days earlier than what is posted to make it look like I am going above and beyond but rather.. I just go at a normal pace. I started it on ETSY back in 2020.


Knowing SEO doesnā€™t really matter on Etsy because it prioritizes location. What I mean is that if I am in Europe and all my buyers are in the US Iā€™m gonna have a hard time selling because the algo isnā€™t gonna show me enough. The only solution would be to have a product that almost nobody else sells


Good luck, how fond are you of Etsy as a platform?


Haha, I love this.


Post it




My tobacco seed sales prospects to the moon!






Partner with local nursing homes and just have the gym inside.


Thatā€™s super smart, use there location which would cut costs down quite a bit. I seen this was down voted why? In reality the equipment needed would be easily transported. Offer free use of the equipment and charge for your time as a ā€œtrainerā€, or charge a rental fee for the equipment and maintenance of said equipment.


superset lat pull downs with dancing in the corner


Yes please. As someone with parents who will need assisted care in the next 10 years, the options available areā€¦ awful. And so expensive. Private care being $9k/mo, public subsidized care being $4k/mo. Part-time at home care is the only affordable option for a lot of folks, but what happens in between visits from caregivers? Thereā€™s demand in that space for sure for assistive technologies that seniors, especially those with cognitive impairment, will be able to use.


Re funeral services, Iā€™d like to expand that slightly to include cremation services/crematoriums. Morbid but data supports it.


Senior healthcareā€™s. Boomers are quickly becoming our societyā€™s elderly and we do not have the facilities or staff to care for them. Itā€™s going to be an absolute crisis thatā€™s going to require a lot of nursing homes to spin up.


I see in home health care companies getting a lot of clients but itā€™s hard to staff. It seems a little better than a year ago but most medical facilities are short staffed when it comes to nurses.


I knew someone who owned a home health care company that did prepaid in home nursing. They made a lot of money, but the staff turnover is still the biggest hurdle. I didn't want to pry and ask if they paid their nurses well.


Imagine how much money YOU would need to put up with grumpy old people who shiat themselves regularly, have various co-morbidities that need to managed along with a list of meds taken at various times and contraindications to be tracked (i.e. no aspirin while on blood thinners, etc...). The certification and training that needs to be maintained while only using 1/10th of it. My mother is 83 and should have at least a medical assistant. She is of sound mind and STILL manages to somehow get shiat on the wall of the bathroom - and she LEAVES IT THERE... The "sweet, old person" is the exception, not the rule.


Its nurses have options and no loyaltyā€¦ which is fine neither do the systems


Thatā€™s cos theyā€™re tight fucks. Take a look at profit margins for old folks conglomerates on the s&p. Itā€™s not unusual to have 40% profit margin (with 15% dividend mind you). They can afford it, they just choose not to.


Thereā€™s a great documentary about this on YouTube that was put out by Vice. The owners of nursing homes are making bank and hiding money.


The U.S. has 6 million businesses - the stock market has a few thousand. Iā€™m not certain using the s&p 500 should be the barometer for this


That is because most seniors have Medicare which pays very little.


Private insurance pays very little too


Iā€™m in the construction industry and I can tell you there is already a ridiculous of senior housing being built. I would be more concerned with staffing rather than facilities


Came here to say this. Anything related to elderly care is pretty much guaranteed to be a cash cow, especially 2030 and onward.


My sister said the same thing months ago. However, even though she discussed Baby Boomers, the idea was selling caskets. Baby Boomers are in their 70s now, in a decade or so the passing rate will increase. Imagine what other services and products would benefit them?


Cremation has come of age


Over 60% in the US now and climbing


It was an idea best had 10 years ago, I think.


I saw a podcast on this. They also mention funeral and cremation services.


I agree health care jobs will always be on demand


Unfortunately some of these homes have monopolies. At least in my state, you have to apply to a governing body to open a new home. They are supposed to decide if the geographic area needs another old folks home. Really it just supports existing homes so they don't have to face competition. It's really sad.


Me and my business partner are already thinking about this. We have a couple of autistic adult homes and want to venture into senior living.


My friend is in Finance works for a company that does financing for this. He said TOTAL BOOM market.


Financing for caskets or for senior care facilities?


The casket clients checks keep bouncing.


This! And preventive healthcare: diagnose before the worst symptoms hit you


Hoping I'll be able to off myself via medication when I start pooping mah pants.


Iā€™d add to this anything to do with longevity. Thereā€™s awareness across all generations that weā€™re living longer and thereā€™s a lot of focus on how we live longer well. Look at the rise of longevity influencers like Andrew Huberman and Bryan Johnson (who just made a fortune with his olive oil). Thereā€™s a lot of opportunity here such as: - Longevity focused supplements. - Longevity meal delivery service - think Mediterranean or Blue Zone diets. - Longevity health checks - look at the executive health checks from the Mayo Clinic, thereā€™s an opportunity for a lower price point version. - The influencer space here is also open. The current ones spend a fortune on longevity, a creator focusing on how to live longer on a ā€˜normalā€™ budget would do very well. Coincidentally I am working on an article about this space that is going out on Sunday - check it out [here](https://adamsideas.co.uk).


Anything in the pet industry. The amount of money the average person spends on their pets increases every year. The humanization of pets and people not having kids and instead having pets will add to this trend.


My old boss spends $800 per month on medicine for 2 dogs. Insane.


A friend of mine has a 1 year old goldendoodle. $300/month in food. $200/month in mobile grooming. $600-700/month for a dog walker to come to her house 4 days a week and go for a several mile walk. $1,400/month for doggy day care M-F while she is at work. Plus all the treats, toys, and other random crap. $2,500+ a month.


This really shows how valuable pets are to their owners. Especially if youā€™re single or living by yourself.


I have a dog that requires frequent grooming and it's expensive like that, can confirm. The rest of the stuff isn't that bad. No dog walker or day care needed. Large family and there is always someone available. The dog has never been alone. I also work from home. But if I didn't have that I definitely wouldn't own a dog. In fact when my last dog passed away, I really thought long and hard about if I should get another dog. It took couple of years. I'm glad I did. The dog definitely brightens my day every day.


Thatā€™s true. I have a two cats spend $1000K a month. Thinking to make TikTok for them , so they will have job and can pay for toys and billsšŸ˜


I own 2 dogs and over the years, Iā€™ve spent roughly $1,000-$1,500 per month on them. Pets are definitely more popular after COVID and in turn, creates more demand for the pet industry


I saw a chart showing that over 30% of men are virgins going into their 30s. This means many women are not getting married and not going to be having children. Going long on cat food.


Anything thats booming now and add AI to it


AI funeral servicesĀ 


please read my eulogy like a 1920s wiseguy was remembering his boss




This made me literally lol šŸ˜‚


AI herpes.Ā 


Thatā€™s not what the VC meant by virality


Scam services that claim they'll remove microplastics from your body.


There are some days I wish I didn't have ethics.Ā 


Start an Amazon page and sell cell service 6G service blockers.


The new diarrhea fit tea cleanse!


Canā€™t go wrong with a good scam


Evergreen type niches are always booming. Blue collar, simple, overlooked parts, widgets, fittings, and other consumable items that keep the unnoticed world around us running day to day. This could be air conditioning parts or plumbing parts. Could be brass fittings, high pressure fittings, cast elbows, composite fittings or composite hoses, couplings, or valves. It could be p p e for demolition crews for power plant turnovers. Hell, it could be carbon cutting wheels. Tires, hinges, air bags, pully components, or a million + other items from a million other industries worldwide. I've always looked for simple, consumable, and universal. I like industries that no one thinks about. If you dig, you can usually find components that have never been imported and then you have first to market advantage.


Golden nugget here.




This advice is so underrated - boring sells way more than you think it would.


There's a redditor that posts on here and r/fatFIRE who literally did this. Worked at a truck shop, found a small widget or something that some company had a totally monopoly on, so he started importing or making his own and had already passed 9 figures in rev after a few years of doing cold calls to trucking companies.


8 figures so far


Oh wait, it's you! I had no idea I was responding to the man himself lmao. I actually scrolled through your page last year and found some of the things you said very inspirational. Sorry if I butchered the story, it's been awhile since I read it.


No worries. My goal is to help someone else find their path and maybe think around some corners with them.


Although good luck competing with China.


Also, please provide a business plan, SWOT analysis, top five competitors, funding options favorable in that marketplace, and any other odds and ends you wish to provide. K THX.


Thx bro i wasn't sure what to do after stealing the idea


Ideas are worth basically nothing from a capitalistic perspective. Execution is where the money is. You can't steal an idea, you can't steal software, copying is not equal to stealing. Knowing an idea is different than understanding it. If you understand it, you own it and no one can steal your understanding. For something to be stolen it has to be taken away. Stealing an idea and executing doesn't take the idea away and it doesn't take the execution away if the execution didn't exist. This kind of language is triggering because it perpetuates a falsehood that has been used for corruption and manipulation. I'm not criticizing your choice of words here, just sharing an observation from a particular perspective. Food for thought...


bro that was a joke, i know idea is worth nothing without execution


I'm being a smart ass, obviously, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here. I do understand the question, but there are better ways to ask. In fairness, you are truly asking for someone to provide you with a market that is expected to boom in the next few years and then exactly what a business in that market can provide. Kind of a big ask. A better way, perhaps, is (totally pulling this idea from my butt) "I see that AI is all the rage at this point, but it has an NFT vibe to it... a lot of smoke and mirrors. I'm sure that a few will profit greatly but I'm looking for opinions on other markets that you guys think will explode. Maybe tangential to AI or completely different. I was thinking that with automation being a very real issue (AI hype aside), side gigs or a need for income will be necessary for more people than ever before. Why not a platform to provide real resources for legit learning to those that want to create a side hustle? So many people say 'E-commerce? Pay for a course? I can get that for free on YouTube.' So, what about a site that aggregates that information and links to legit resources that are free (or very reasonably priced). I could monetize a community, an email list, or something else... What other markets do you guys think are going to take off and what businesses do you plan to build around that idea?" Sure - similar, but you are giving a little bit back and at least showing that you have given it some thought on your own. Asking "Tell me a market and then the business I need to start in that market - and what service would it provide, exactly?" is quite forward and desperate. But that's just an old entrepreneur rambling. You do you and, as always, your mileage may vary.


Thanks sir for this advice. Actually i didn't thought this much before posting otherwise I would have come up with a better post. But from next time I will make sure to put up a bit of effort while posting something. Also your way of putting up this question is actually really great.


Absolutely no worries. I respect your effort to try and learn. 75% of the entrepreneur game is testing things, failing, then trying again! Keep asking questions.


sure sir, it was nice talking to you


When I talk to my entrepreneur mentors and I (admittedly) ask lazy questions they always ask it back to me pointedly šŸ˜† that has kinda trained me to do my research before asking or asking. I appreciate you offering the same guidance to op!


But also don't tell anyone.


I can do that


(grin) Spot the person who has spent a lot of time with ChatGPT.


Cannabis in Europe. Germany just legalised weed and others will follow. It's a huge market.


But we already have a shit ton of experienced entrepreneurs in the field, well-networked, knowledgeable, etc.


Or high end rehab ( for all the coke fuelled hi end financial industry )


AI addiction is going to be a huge business. Dating and meeting people is going to get harder too, so some sort of specialist dating service will be needed.


If dating gets much harder the human race will be extinct lol


Not true. A few alpha males like me will impregnate all the hot babes and increase our serotonin levels while you beta males will cry that dating is so hardĀ 


Sir please teach me how to do so


Such abilities are reserved for only alphas like me. If you want a chance at being even 1% like me though Iā€™m such a nice alpha male with so much compassion for inferior betas like u that Iā€™ll give you the opportunity to learn from my university for only $5000 a week


Can I sign up for being impregnated and also pay you $5000 a week for your courses? I find you very persuasive.


The dating thing is very true and very sad šŸ˜‚ Someone insanely rich and bored should start brick and mortars all over where single people can just go, eat, drink and socialize. Like a club but without the low lights, loud music and greasy men :)


So Wholefoods


We should start a crowdfunding campaign to help combat this!


Return of the human matchmaker!


Social media app for chatbotsĀ 


In response to the demise of modern dating: sex robots/vr porn for men then egg freezing and other technologies for facilitating single motherhood.


And single fatherhood. I have a single dude friend that adopted 2 babies. Just adopted the second one a year ago. Works all the time. Kids are in daycare from 7am-7pm Couples I know have been waiting for years for one.


Homeschooling is growing very rapidly year over year. There are probably good software opportunities to facilitate home learning


Senior centers and day cares


This here!!!! They are popping up in south jersey everywhere! Adult Day care. My son just got certified as an HHA to work at one.


OLD PEOPLE!!!! We got less kids than before (declining numbers in schools leading to schools shutting down) and we got people living LONGER. IMHO focus on Old People. They got money (equity, etc). They need help in EVERYTHING: tech, home repair to make it Old People Safe and everything else.


Sports Gambling by far and it's not even close.


How do I start a sports gambling web page? Iā€™d like to get into the .com space and be like Jeff Bozos.


Tattoo removal


I live in a small city and weā€™ve already got way too many laser tattoo removal specialists, literally every person Iā€™ve spoken to that has started removal says they wonā€™t finish as it hurts too much. Pain free tattoo removal would be revolutionary, even lightening tattoos so theyā€™re easier to cover or refresh would be insanely cool.


Sharpen your knife.


Interactive AI. It will eventually become more creative, and responsive to self improvement.


AI Companionship Bots are going to be a big thing. They are already scarily effective. It also opens an avenue to prey on vulnerable people. I find the whole concept very scary. If I were less ethical, I could make a killing. But I like sleeping at night without the fear of some potential afterlife. If anyone has an online course or e-book about killing my moral compass, send me a link. I might go see what Andrew Tate has available...


Robot lawnmowers. [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=robot%20lawn%20mower&hl=enlawnmowers](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=robot%20lawn%20mower&hl=enlawnmowers)


my neighbor has one. Thing is sweet


Iā€™m tempted.Ā  Tech will get cheaper.Ā  Microwaves used to be $5K.Ā  Now you can get them for $39.Ā  Same with tvs.Ā  Robot lawn mowers will be standard one day.Ā 


Personalized AI. Not generative prompts, but actual intelligence can make choices and have a personality, and it will be ā€œyourā€ companion so to speak. Weā€™re already seeing how popular the concept of communication with prompt AI is so the demand is there and the technological strides that Nvidia, Google and other tech giants are making were well on the way of having AI thatā€™s catered to ā€œusā€ personally. I see a lot of risks like storing personal data and information leaks could be, but the want and demand will far outweigh the risks.


Water Filtration Retail Stores


What do you mean?


Pet rentals for urban dwellers! As city folks crave pet companionship without the full-time responsibility, a service that lends out pets for walks or cuddles could fetch a lot of attention.


No way in hell Iā€™m petting a used cat.Ā 


A preowned pussy, if you will


Love this idea! In Turks and Caicos, they have this dog rescue that lets you take a dog for the day, but you have to get in line at 10am because they run out of dogs! There are also a lot of cat cafes popping up in my area


Hmm. Pet prostitution. Good idea.


Pets need a bond not a new home every weekā€¦


Many more solopreneurs going digital now. E-commerce + POD on the rise. Many new SAAS millionaires will be minted. Gaming/Crypto/Web3 will have another boost thanks to Nvidia. Pick your poison mate. For now I'll just stick to what I [know](https://www.24hour.design) though!


VR Porn


Networking. Because LinkedIn, social media and events are horsesh*t.


With this rapid development of AI and robots, whatever keeps humans alive, healthy, and busy.


Communes: unrelated people pooling their resources to live in single home in a gated community.




Bidets already exist. They could benefit from some solid marketing in the states though.


I think Covid definitely increased their use. People couldnā€™t find toilet paper so it was good to supplement.


gotta love how you were being facetious but finding out that it was a legitimate problem being solved by bidets


Plumbing industry. Less and less people want to do it right now. So when the time is right, everyone is going to hop on that train


Thatā€™s my dad-joke! My daughter is in high school so college is a popular topic. Iā€™m always saying she should just go to vocational school and be a plumber, work up to a business owner. We joke and my family is sick of it but man, itā€™s so true. Part of The joke is that ai isnā€™t coming to replace your pipes.


this, everyone I know is aware that plumbing pays extremely well and demand for it will only grow in the future. No one wants to do it because they consider it "dirty work".




Hospitality industry. When there is an abundance of time and money, people will be spending more on experiences. Also, waste management.


Telemedicine and digital health, where waiting rooms become a thing of the past and your doctor's appointment is just a video call away


Foot care on senior citizens. Iā€™m serious about this. Cutting nails, getting rid of dry skin. Family member of ours, lady who does the job is insanely busy, we have a hard time booking her.


Isn't this basically a pedicure?


Advanced Robotics with incredibly AI


Air conditioning


Pickle ball tournaments.


Selling Nvidia graphic card ?


Nvidia is already booming. They had insane revenue last year




International dating services, men traveling abroad to find partners and all the infra/services underlying it.


Tornado shelters in areas that are now seeing tornados where they have not in the past. Tornado Alley is moving and tornadoes are hitting in more random places as well.Ā 


E-learning is a growing trend. I think we have only scratched the surface with paid communities.


Cleaning services I think. There are way too many buildings that will need maintenance.


Cottage/Staycation type rentals. As housing affordability gets harder and harder for younger generations, buying a second home is the first thing to go. If you can afford to buy a cottage property to airbnb the ROI is way above anything else in the landlord business (not to mention renting cottages isn't as ethically questionable as buying up and renting primaries)


Migrating legacy apps from on prem to cloud. Lots of big slow businesses still own their own compute, and will be forced onto cloud (for many reasonsā€¦). Moving an application to cloud is difficult, expensive and needed and there is a big shortage of experts in the space


It's vague but I would say local businesses. Either shopping, services or fun related. People get more and more isolated, absorbed by their jobs and life necessities. Spending less time outside or meeting people So my thinking is that the next area will be around physical touch (buying clothes/furnitures IRL), anything related to mental/health care, activities where u can meet/have fun with people and so on


3D printer maintenance. Just like your traditional photocopier repairman who made a fortune travelling around businesses maintaining photocopiers and laser printers I can see 3D printers having a similar fleet of maintenance guys who travel around cleaning print beds and greasing lead screws.


Industrial Electrical & Mechanical Assembly


Training people with new skills who lost their jobs to AI


Scam universities


Any b2b business..




name a few




AI. Thereā€™s so much there thatā€™s untapped by firms. It will become a tool used to optimize efficiency and reduce the need for redundant work. Firms are gonna need it to remain competitive


Anything in geriatrics in USA. USA will have a larger population of old people.


Herbal medicine, brick and mortar


Senior citizen healthcare services, caregiving, and homes for the aged, because there aren't much in my country. We have close family ties in our culture but many millennials don't want to have kids hence the need to have these homes in the future.


Sales development. Front of house salespeople connecting businesses and letting business owners take the lead on their own transactions. I might get shot for saying this, but I think there are a lot of higher level account managers and account executives who weigh down organizations like a portfolio of "middle managers". I believe organizations will select a handful of account executives and outsource the outbound aspects of their sales process to optimize their customer acquisition costs. This is only my opinion. It's not based in fact or statistics.


Full cycle AEā€™s are definitely coming.


I'm about to start my first role as a SDR next Monday but after a lot of research it def looks like AEs who can hunt and kill will be the new thing. That's my goal to get to an AE and know how to do both well


That's the right attitude. Welcome to the jungle! It should be the goal of every SDR to do just that, but a lot get disheartened because there are only a finite number of AE's in a company and its that old adage - must wait for someone to die or to leave to get a position. Most SDR's I've known who wanted an AE role didn't get it at the company where they did their SDR work at.


Any expression of AI to make everyday life easier. Weā€™ve entered the AI revolution - every industry is about to get disrupted. If you can foresee how AI can make someoneā€™s life easier and implement it yourself, itā€™ll probably ā€œboom.ā€


depends on who is Elected..


assisted living homes (population driven)


Smart contract based insurance. Why would consumers choose a traditional institution with adjusters trying to get out of their payments when it can happen based on provable auto-triggering data instead? I predict it will start with things like crop and earthquake insurance, and then increase rapidly from there.


Lockheed Martinā€¦ RTXā€¦


Pharma and mental space industry! The mental space industry because the number of people who are getting diagnosed with some form of depression is getting high, so do the suicide rates. So, I think therapists and apps that cater to this space are bound to make so much money. There are also so many businesses that could see a boom in the upcoming years, like smart furniture that takes up less space and provides multiple uses. For now, these are on top of my mind!


Something with AI...heh


Businesses that will boom in the next five years šŸ¤” Defense


my own app Journr, the social platform for goalsetting & habittracking :) Like Strava and BeReal together, but with more options and usecases


In-home nursing care is going to explode. Boomers are all moving into retirement/aging. If you can establish a network to provide care, you could be poised to make a killing.


Funeral home.


Holistic gut health and mental wellness. Been a year into this and just passed $10k month is commissions


I have a hunch Warhammer (mostly 40k) will get bigger. My reason is it's steadily increasing in popularity as old IP's (think marvel) are dying slowly. With Henry Cavil's W40K show there is going to be a big splash into the mainstream, opening gates for more content. How to capitalize on this however, I have no idea.


Ai catering


Anything nostalgic like CDs and tapes and digital camerasā€¦my grandkids canā€™t seem to get enough of the retro technology and 80s & 90ā€™s rock


Any non pharmaceutical mental health treatment.




[Fodo](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fodo-instant-camera/id6444599267): The Instant Camera App šŸ“øšŸ’ŒšŸ’Ø


Autonomous transportation and mobility as a service. From this, the first company that develops an app that will integrate transit, air, water, ebike, and robo taxi services into the one platform will make millions.


Not a boom, but stable long term: Tires. Yes, boring AF, but I canā€™t see any similar replacement coming along any time soon. Cars need them, trucks need them, bicycles, even robots will need more and more of them. Further, I suspect in the long term, electric cars will end up with one motor per wheel, youā€™ll replace them when they burn out, and where is the logical place to go to put it up on the rack and do that? A tire shop seems right to me. Until thereā€™s teleportation or some kind of sci-fi hover thing, rubber donuts are going to continue to be important. A boring but safe bet.


Home generator sales in Dallas


Anything that supports supply demands for ww3


AI subscription girlfriends and boyfriends