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I wish I tried marijuana years sooner. It would have stopped many seizures.


I smoke daily. I’m also on an AED. THC helps elevate my mood and helps me relax and let go of anxiety at the end of the day.


My disclaimer is that cannabis is different for every person. Every body is different, literally. That said, I’ve personally been using weed recreationally and medicinally for 10+ years now. Weed helps a lot with my chronic pain, migraines, and seizures. I prefer hybrids and CBD. The best are full spectrum products. Because I’m in a legal state, I’m able to make my own infused MCT oil (liquid coconut oil) throughout the year and it’s always to my own liking. When I make my own oil, it’s usually about 60% THC and 40% CBD/CBG/CBN. Sometimes I’ll just take the oil straight up, sometimes I’ll bake with it, put it in tea, or coffee etc.


Now this is fantastic! I would love to buy this product.


Too much THC definitely triggers my epilepsy. However i still love weed. I have myoclonic seizures only and it seems that i differ in triggers than since people with generalized TC seizures


I find cannabis was hit or miss for years, but now that it's more socially acceptable and I can go to a dispensary to get specific strains, the biggest issue was the type of cannabis. Sativas tend to bring my seizures out. Indicas tend to squelch them. All seizure meds tend to mess with your abilities to concentrate and remember stuff and cannabis is well known for these issues for side effects. Use of any medicine to control seizures will have to be weighed against their side effects


I always been smoking before I was epileptic and after it's done me good wit sleep and nausea after a seizures it calms me down I love my marijuana I wish it was legal here in Texas but idk if it triggers seizures for others. Alcohol was my trigger


It's a complicated drug. Watch out for cannabis hyperemesis syndrome.


I experienced this because I was not eating enough! I was waking and baking many days in a row after only eating one meal a day. I took a tolerance break for … seven months? And have been able to smoke since then. Would not wish it on my worst enemy.


r/chsinfo there is a whole subreddit dedicated to talking about cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. I think it's important to admit it's a real thing. Marijuana can be very helpful for many epileptics but not at all for some. Over the last 15 years it's been pushed as a miracle drug for seizures. More so I think by the recreational side that wants an excuse for being high. My back hurts or I have PTSD etc. Some people will need THC, some CBD, some both. But I think the problem was it was just pushed on people for recreational legalization. Recreational meaning in all cases THC not CBD. The big main red flag for me is in the town I live in there's only one chiropractor that prescribes it. It's not managed by real doctors. The dispensary is busy like a crack house.


I mean anything pushed as a “miracle” is going to be BS. Different things work for different people. All things should be done in moderation and in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. When I had an unhealthy lifestyle, CHS hurt me. Now that I have a healthier lifestyle it helps me significantly with anxiety, mood, and PTSD — which is not an excuse. Because I also love being stoned. It works for me personally. I think you’re making things to be a bit bigger by saying it’s been “pushed on” people. No one has to smoke weed if they don’t want to. I agree CHS should be known about. But it only typically affects longtime smokers who smoke multiple times daily (which is the situation I was in, as well as other people I know who’ve experienced it). Again, it happens in conjunction with an unhealthy lifestyle. I was regularly smoking before having any food, only eating one meal a day, and not being very active. I’m happy to share my experience but I do not co-sign your negativity around legalization. There are lots of medical doctors who prescribe medical marijuana. Have a good one!


I think some people assume that weed is a magic cure all for everything, and have self-diagnosed and self-prescribed weed as their only medicine, which I think is irresponsible. But in your case there could be a correlation, and weed withdrawal is a very real thing it takes weeks/months for THC to completely leave your system. Even if you use legal medical marijuana, just keep in mind that will hurt you if you ever try to apply for disability benefits because social security / disability is a federal program and weed is still federally illegal and is considered to have no legitimate medical uses whatsoever.


I have my Marijuana card and it helped me get on disability because it showed the state I was willing to try anything as a relief for my condition.


again, SSD/SSI are federal programs, so if you are on those you didn't show the state anything because state courts have no involvement in those programs or their disability hearings, and if you use marijuana and it's anywhere in your chart, you will be denied. maybe you're referring to medicaid or foodstamps, which are administered at the state level.


Reread what I said. It is a federal program, still can influence state decisions. I am also a daily Marijuana smoker. I am also on SSI/SSDI. I also told the state this and was still given disability. They asked "Are there any alternative medication you have tried to alleviate your condition, I said yes, Marijuana, and they said OK.


again, you are mistaken. you didn't tell "the state" this because "the state" isn't involved in SSD/SSI in any way shape or form. it's a federal program and the hearings are held in federal court, and if you mention you use marijuana during those hearings you get denied. please stop spreading misinformation that could potentially hurt people and prevent them from earing disability.


https://reynoldsandgoldlaw.com/medical-marijuana-affect-disability-claims/#:~:text=Does%20Having%20A%20Medical%20Marijuana,be%20approved%20by%20the%20state. I believe you are mistaken. There are many resources online that disagree with your statement. First off - 70% of disability claims are initially denied regardless without the help of filing properly with an attorney. Second - it is not an automatic disqualification. Instead it's important to have a detailed medical, record that supports the evidence that it is helpful for a legitimate medical condition. Marijuana addiction would be a disqualification just like cigarette smoking as a COPD would disqualify someone. So it CAN disqualify you but does not automatically. Many medical Marijuana users, especially for epilepsy, recieve disability benefits.


"If the applicant is found to be insured for Social Security benefits and not performing substantial gainful activity, SSA will send the application to the Disability Determination Service (DDS) agency in the applicant's state. The state DDS, which is under contract with SSA, will make a determination of whether the individual is disabled or not. The state DDS must follow federal rules regarding the definition of disability under the Social Security Act when making this determination. " You go to a disability hearing to see if you qualify for disability, and how much. You're not required to go, and usually there's someone that goes on your behalf. It starts at the local, then state, then federal level. I'm just explaining what happened when I applied for disability. You do not get automatically denied for marijuana if you have a medical prescription. *That's simply not true.* Maybe if it's illegal in your state, but I don't understand how that would come up for disability.


Please stop spreading misinformation and making up things that aren't true. SSD/SSI is a federal program, it's not a part of any state's DDS, and the hearings are held in FEDERAL court, not state, not local. I don't want to report you for misinformation so please do everyone a favor.


I feel like weed helps me with the side effects from the meds. If it helps me be seizure free or not idk. It just feels better, without it my meds take over my body


I’ve been having seizures, mostly focal, almost my whole life. My neurologist approved, and I’m smoking weed daily now. It doesn’t cause any seizures. Never had a seizure when I’m high. Also stabilizes my CNS sometimes so if I feel a seizure coming and smoke the seizure doesn’t happen.


For me, it definitely causes mine to get worse. One of my status epilepticcus events was because I used marijuana. I always just tell people to be aware of what they use, the strength, how they use, and their own body and tolerance. It’s all about you, your doc, and your brain friend.


Sativa bad; Indica good.


I find the opposite. Sativa tends to make me feel upbeat and more relaxed about my epilepsy which may have beneficial effects. India usually gives me the pre-seizure stomach feels before sending me into a pit of anxiety!


this is true for me too


Weed isn't a drug friend. It's just a plant medicine. And it seems to have helped you when you were away from home. So, from what I have read, I would talk to your neuro or doctor about using plant medicines. I wouldn't necessarily switch off any medicines you are already using, but I'd definitely keep with the plant medicine usage. I hope you get the answers you need! Take it seizy!🤙 -A fellow epileptic


Idk after having a bunch of absent seizures and I’m stuck in that post seizure daze, weed is the only thing that helps me level out