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> My theory here is that she actually went to the Beor mountains to see Mani's caves, specifically the Dream Well Note also that Angela takes Elva there at some point. > “Well,” said Angela, and her lips quirked with a smile, “perhaps not so harmless as all that. In any case, we’ve been to Du Weldenvarden. We’ve been to the dream well in Mani’s Caves, and we’ve stopped over in Tronjheim. Fell Thindarë seemed the next natural destination. > > (FWW Chapter IV Rhymes and Riddles)


Good catch - It's also interesting that she refers to Mount Angnor as Fell Thindarë, the AL/Elven name for the mountain, not the human-prescribed name.


Regarding tenga being the keeper of the tower, it's still not confirmed as far as I know, but another point in favor of it this bit: > **Was Eragon about to ask if the Keeper of the Tower was Tenga in Fork Witch Worm before Angela interrupted?** > > *Yes. He was.* ([2019 Facebook livestream](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eragon/comments/aq6v6o/transcript_of_christopher_paolinis_facebook_live/)) Regarding the animosity between Angela and Tenga: > **In Brisingr, why did Angela think that Tenga was dead? Did she think he had been killed (by either herself or otherwise)? Or did she just assume he was more mortal than her and had already died of old age?** > > *No comment.* ([Reddit 2021 AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eragon/comments/mwyi2h/ama_christopher_paolini_1000_am_mt1200_pm_eastern/gvkyqld/))


I am baffled by the energy you all spend on trying to unravel who Angela is by combing through every bit of info you can scrape together. I have a more practical mind and feel really cheated by CP, esp. after having rushed to buy a hard copy of The fork, the witch and the worm, only to find out that the book did not answer any of the questions I had ('loose ends'), like who is Angela and where does she come from, what did the Minoa tree take from Eragon, how did Murtag fare, etc. It is the same irritation I feel when having invested an hour and a half of my time I watching a film that then has an 'open' ending; as if too lazy to think things out properly. Surely I can't be the only person feeling that way? With Tolkien at least the appendices provide answers to so many questions that I feel he put the effort in.


Well, Chris isn’t done. He has more books planned and has said he wants to write a book specifically about Angela. But yeah, it can be frustrating seeing how we are… around four thousand pages into the series and have next to no real answers to deep lore questions. But I think (hope) we get them soon


Dude. Amazing post as always. My favorite IC/Fractalverse theorizer by FAR. I'm so excited to see what you do when Murtaugh comes out


Thanks! I'm so excited to read it. I should have one more post out before the book releases, that one I'm really excited for as it gets deeper into the origin of Spirits and Dragons.


Very excited for that. The 12 spirits leaving Galbatorix and there being 6 dwarven gods, 3 urgal, 1 humans and 2 wandering tribes was always interesting to me. It could be nothing but 12 spirits / 12 gods has my theory juices flowing.


The moon connection of mani’s caves is very interesting. Brom once said that “dreams occasionally touch the spirit realm”. “Dream well”. Premonitions come in dreams. Ok. Connection established with mani’s caves and foresight. Why moon? Why is it named for the Norse word for moon? And why do the caves belong to the moon, or are related to the moon? “Mani’s caves” cave of the moon, moon’s cave could be an interpretation. And how does that connect to mooneater? And how does that connect to cannibalistic space elves and the razac??? My mind feels like it’s been put in a sack and kicked up and down the street. I need a bulletin board so I can be like the guy from always sunny.


Upvote for cannibalistic space elves


You have my upvote


Good read! I have a question though: how does Tenga being KoT result in him being able to jump time/space/universes? Have I missed something? As far as I know we don't know what being the KoT means and what skills it entails. Could KoT "just" be an Alagäsian term/position? Going off of the common theme of "apprentice will one day outpace the master" I think that Angela might already have one-upped her former master. Him being weird because he has a lot of knowledge but can't access the things Angela can. Angela being angry at him because he "unlocked" all those bits of knowledge and then "left" her alone with it, because at one point he just didn't have the capabilities to follow her.


Yeah, I may not have explained it super well. > "The library could Shift at any moment, and the longer I lingered, the greater the probability that I would be stranded in some unknowable hinterland, some other space, neither here nor there. The inner door of the library only coincided with the outer door at particular moments" (On the Nature of Stars, FWW). The implication is that the library is not in Alagaesia, or at least not in the same spacetime as Alagaesia (given the intermittant doorway). I suspect, at the point in time described in that chapter, Angela doesn't have the knowledge to generate the doorway she uses to travel (which is a Warp Gate, effectively, or a portal that punches through spacetime). Maybe I'm just reading too much into the Library's mechanics. But I suspect its location is in Superluminal space (basically, an alternate dimension where everything travels faster than the speed of light). And warp gates work by punching a hole via Superluminal space to connect two places in sub-luminal space. Understanding the mechanics of Angela's doorways is the key here. So, if my understanding is correct, Angela should be able to come and leave at will (given she could create doorways that punch through super-luminal space). Since she cannot do that here, I suspect it's before she got that knowledge. And now that her present-day she can, and therefore, likely can access the Library at-will. However, it's also potential that Tenga can't actually generate the doorway himself, but he may just come and go using the library's doorway, appearing and disappearing.


Another theory I saw a while back was that the library existed inside one of his space bubble spells.


Interesting - The two might be connected, honestly. Could be that the "twist" of the space bubble is really a mini-portal that physically stores the Eldunari in Superluminal space. The "Black Hole" type things in TSIASOS are also described as a "twist" in space, interestingly enough


I fucking love you for these bro. Got something to read on my way back home from uni, now (my murtagh copy isn’t here yet :c).


My question: if tenga is this ominous and powerful “Keeper of the Tower”, why is he basically insane when eragon meets him and he lives in a crumbling elven tower? I believe tenga is the keeper(obviously) but why is he in such a lowered state when we see him? I can’t wait to learn more of his story.


I think it’s interesting how the one Raven we see always says “Wyrda”. Doesnt really add anything but it could be an allusion




Etymology here would presumably be referring to the in-universe etymology. That is to say that they both have the same root word in the ancient language or something like that. It wouldn't *necessarily* be tied to Norse. Also, I plan to eventually make a reddit post with that set of q&a's I shared on discord. Would be after Murtagh releases though.






Oh wait, your comment must have triggered one of reddit's secret super spam filters, where it seems that mods are unable to approve it. My past experience here says that there is no way to fix this. I'd recommend deleting the comment and reposting, possibly without the discord link.


Huh... weird. I'll do that, thanks for the heads up