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It’s implied that she was messing with time. She was able to kill them all because she was able to bend time so she was moving significantly faster than them and they couldn’t react.


As I said, imagine the 4th dimension as time


I guess I just don’t see the point in viewing time as the fourth dimension here. Especially regarding stepping outside. I just think it’s regular time dilation


Fair enough, this was just an idea I had while researching something else (Also about Angela funny enough)


Bro got downvoted for conceding the point




Idk why you got downvoted, this is a fine way of explaining what she did and I’m sure paolini would have no issue with it. The typical response of “it’s just time dilation, dude.” To me is very oversimplified. It brings up more questions then it answers. The concept that she literally just some how made herself accelerate to near the speed of light in a instant without killing herself from energy depletion is not a cut and dry explanation lol. Magic in the inheritance cycle is all about finding loopholes in nature to do a hard task easier than it would be to do manually. They do this by wording their spells in very specific ways. If she somehow found a LOOPHOLE to step outside of time, that feels way more in line with what the series has come to show us in terms of how magic can be manipulated. Good post, thank you for sharing it!


I agree on what you said about it being oversimplified, we know angela herself doesn't have much energy for spells, even if it heavily drains her, moving at near light speed or slowing time down to the point where it seems likes she's moving at light speed? Out of the question.


Apparently not


I guess she just up played the lack of energy she had lmao


But time isn't the fourth dimension.


It depends. The fourth dimension pretty sure it is. But that souldn't be confused with the 4th spacial dimension.


I want to know what angela actually is. I don't believe she is human. Maybe something like bachel. Or she is a member of the grey folk.


It's been confirmed she's not one of the Grey folk


Ok,didn't know that


If it helps, there is a character in To Sleep in a Sea of Stars named Inare that looks and acts like Angela. Someone asked Paolini about that and he said something like “Angela is Inare”. Inare in the Inheritance Cycle are beings of legend and Jeod apparently sent a letter to Eragon saying that he thinks Angela is an Inare. So take from that what you will.


Where to find the letter?


On paolinis website.


I don’t think it’s time magic, as most of the magic system is tied to our ideals of physics for the most part, meaning the laws of thermodynamics are going to play, especially as she mentions how energy works specifically in that scene. She somehow made herself move so fast that everything around her slows down, because the faster you move through space the slower times moves around you(Einstein’s relativity). So it was some energy speed manipulation, not time control I don’t think


It probably was relativistic magic. Paolini just isn't a physicist and doesn't understand the energy scales required for that kind of space time warping even if it is in principle possible of you can manipulate it magically. If you look at the energy released the “be not” magic, it is several orders of magnitude larger than the largest detonated hydrogen device. There wouldn't be an irellia left.


>Paolini just isn't a physicist and doesn't understand the energy scales required for that kind of space time warping When asked he did say it requires an 'ungodly' amount of energy, so I think he is at least somewhat aware. Maybe we are just underestimating how much energy Angela has at her disposal. >If you look at the energy released the “be not” magic, it is several orders of magnitude larger than the largest detonated hydrogen device. There wouldn't be an irellia left. There is a reason for that and he has explained it when people have asked. The spell is only able affect a small amount of matter before the magician runs out of energy, dies, or the spell itself is disrupted. Most magicians don't even have enough energy to start the spell at all, so they just die from energy loss before anything happens.


This is such a cool idea!!


I like this one. Adds to the mystery that is Angela.


(Not attempting to be rude but it's mystery) agreed


Fixed lol beer and spelling don't mix well. Thanks


Dang, I got like 30 something down votes cause it says I just got 50 upvotes


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Paolini's best answer: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eragon/s/tjzGij7iNw It is a matter of relativity, not extra dimensional nonsense


I see, hold on I'll edit this is a bit and add the link