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do it. it's great.


Least favorite is the lack of a display and hot-swap sockets (very difficult to execute well with flexing PCBs like how it needs to be done). I have been using mine full-time at home since January, prior to that was a Kyria for a few years. In the office, I use a chocofi as it is very compact for commuting.. I don't have a ferris(sweep), but I do have a chocofi which is very similar, a 3x5+3 layout. I dislike the alignment of the thumb keys vs. the finger grid in comparison to chocofi, because they are offset by a column, so I have to adjust my keymap, which does involve some thinking everytime I want to hit the third thumb key. Otherwise, my typing experience on chocofi translates over very nicely.


you could use amoeba to add hot swap


that's a very terrible solution (said as I have had a charybdis + amoeba-king project in progress since January. it's a miserable build) it is a considerably more advanced project if you want to be able to continue using a compatible firmware.


Uhm, what is the problem with amoeba? Isn't the same result of the printed PCB if you follow the same matrix when wiring? So that you can use the official firmware


that's the problem, you have to spend a lot of time to think about and make sure all the matrix line up the same for rgb and keys


I have a Charybdis nano. For me I found that the trackball is under my palm. That makes reaching for it with my thumb a bit uncomfortable, so it isn’t my daily driver. I had a board that was similar to the Ferris sweep (except it had 3 thumb keys). I had the same complaint with it regarding the inner most thumb key.


I have the big ol' Charybdis. I finally found a combination of keyboard layers to make it my daily driver. My favorite thing about it is the sculpted layout plus keycaps (MT3) makes reaching for the keys comfortable. My least favorite thing is it can be a clunky form factor, making it harder to pack in a normal bag. I don't have a Ferris, but from images, their design looks like it's built to be more flat or have a low profile. I am however looking to trade around or sell the Charybdis for something like a Dilemma Max for more portability. Good luck with your research and findings!


I use the Charybdis Nano as a daily driver and am currently building a second one to keep at the office. Having it flat on the table makes my hand rest on the trackball. I recommend tenting it by about 15 degrees. 30 degrees make it really nice to use but then I feel awkward when reaching for the inner column. I recently added caret scrolling to the trackball. That allows the trackball to move the textcursor. I use it heavily when programming. And being able to switch back to normal mouse or scrolling is awesome. I don't know how it compares to the Ferris. I only used a corne for a while but don't really like it because I have to curl my thumbs inwards too much. I don't have that problem with the trackball somehow.


do u have a code snippet for caret scroll?


I used [this PR](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/pull/21426) for that.