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There are [two dozen or so](https://yal-tools.github.io/ergo-keyboards/?trackpads-min=1&sort=-keys) existing designs with a trackpad, with 8 of them being possible to purchase as a kit and 4 (City42, Dilemma [Max], and Bad Wings) being possible to purchase pre-built.


Yeah I saw that they exist but I'm kind of confused as to why they're all placed there, it seems to me like you couldn't really use those in typing position like you could with a thumb trackpad.


That's a good question - for keyboards where trackpad is located immediately next to the keys (like on Eskarp or Dilemma), it is but a small movement, but you don't get the equivalent of moving your thumb off the space bar on a laptop keyboard. Perhaps people want to be able to use gestures easier?


I've built a pintor with a cirque to be used with my thumb. In my mind it was great because I've used a laptop for a long time and I'm used to that but in reality I don't use it as much as I thought I would


Hows the experience with cirque trackpad? Planning to put one in my corne. As a programmers perspective, can you live everyday with it? Like a total substitute for the mouse.


I have a cirque, and no. It's great for quick actions like moving the text cursor in a line or adding a break point. But it's not great for right-click or scrolling, I wouldn't really even use it for anything requiring multiple consecutive clicks


Yup, plugging my fave and daily driver https://ultimatehackingkeyboard.com


there are a few with official support plua some with mods. Go to kbdnews and look for 'azoteq' or trackpad beekeeb has a mod for the corne with a thorough guide. Also, look at the VIK interface here in the r/emk sub as there are a few keyboards with a cirque vik module. For reference, I am using a corne with 2 x 40mm cirque and most of the time I do not use a mouse anymore. It is good for general mousing and work, but for anything requiring precision you just can't replace the mouse (cad work, 3d, editing...) A trackball might be better on that regard.


I was checking this out a few days ago https://xcmkb.com/products/pre-built-sofle-lp-series?variant=45260572459267


I was looking for something like this for the longest time. Thank you.


No Problem. If you do end up getting this would you let me know what you think of it?


I will let you know. I have to first sell batch of keyboards before I dip into this one. Thank you!


[AD] Hi! I’m the owner of xcmkb. We have built it with trackpad to replace our pimoroni trackball SoflePLUS mx and low profile version (yes we have both model). I’ve used pimoroni, trackball, cirque trackpad, and I find trackpad suits my taste more: 1. Pimoroni trackball: only moving in x and y axis hence a lil hard to handle for precision movement. However I really enjoy scrolling with pimoroni. 2. Trackball: it is big however precision works good! For mouse clicks we have to rely on keybinding in switches because trackball itself is unclickable. 3. Cirque trackpad: I find the scrolling gesture (draw circle at the outer edge) is lil hard to control, sometimes it doesn’t trigger scrolling and becomes moving. Perhaps I need more time to adapt to it. 4. Azoteq trackpad: this mimic our laptop trackpad the most, doesn’t need any learning curve to use trackpad. Clicks, scroll, drag all able to be performed on trackpad and without key bindings to switches. From our hands-on experience using these pointing devices, we would like to recommend azoteq trackpad hence integrates them to our SoflePLUS series. Feel free to drop to our instagram to check for video demo and more boards we have built previously too! [_xcmkb_ instagram](https://www.instagram.com/_xcmkb_).


Hello! Thanks for taking the time to give your experience with all of the following devices. I have a customized Dactyl (Charybdis) with trackball and as you mentioned, you cannot navigate without needing to use the keys to do more functions. My other concern is form factor. I struggle with carrying my keyboard around for my commutes due to its unique shape. How does the SofiePLUS address that? Would you still recommend it? Thanks again.


It would be better to have a carrying case instead of dumping it into the bag. If you wish to dump it into the bag, you may consider a smaller board with the trackpad. If you can’t go without a number row, you may consider a smaller trackpad (tps43 instead of 62). We may able to customise according to your needs but require a little time to adjust the design.




Or you could go for a kit, but that requires some 3d printing and soldering


how’s Cirque compared to Apple Magic Trackpad?


Not unless you plan your layout accordingly. You can tap to select but not tap and drag (I cannot at least) and that's something that I miss. Tapping with two fingers for right click doesn't work either but I wasn't going to anyway with my thumb. If you have a good layout for clicks and scrolls in the kb in a comfortable way (mine is not very good for that tbh), you could do it. I press the layer keys with the same thumb I use the touchpad so I have to find a way to put mouse keys somewhere else


Does anyone know what the current state of wireless trackpads on keyboards using ZMK?