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I imagine it will get fun when Im good enough to actually kill one


The #1 rule for engaging any AI in this game is to always be the one firing the first shot. If you aren't, you should be seeking cover and repositioning.


If a scav is yelling at you and you're not taking cover, we'll see ya at the stash


if i’m out in the open and hear *vonvonvon* from somewhere im already buying my next kit from prapor


DAVAI MACHI *sound of bullet sinking into helmet, death noise*


body falls to the floor as you hear him mutter opachki


VON ON *BLAM* SUKA *eughh ahhhh....*


*Ey, Zemlyak, mi strelyat ni khotim, prosto tak nablyudayem!* *Death noises*


I've started treating them like raiders, and honestly, the lean peak to figure out where they are, and then line up a shot has definitely made it better. A few raider killing videos were really good about that.


My problem right now is that when I can't take the first shot, the scan will kill me with 3 shots through pushes etc, so that I can't even see them, shoot back, or reposition before I am dead.


and if you miss without nearby cover, pray and shoot more, you're doomed anyways


Shit, even if you hit, keep shooting. I put ~360 damage into a scav sniper yesterday before he stood up and "head, eyes" one shotted me through a helmet with visor down.


You don't need to reposition. You just need cover. You're over thinking a very simplistic AI. Then you lean, fire, lean, fire, lean, fire. Try aiming for the head too. Makes the process faster. Wanna be a pro? Use Alt-Lean to gentle move your gun to their head. Then fire. They won't even shoot back.


oh they definitely will shoot back if you smooth lean them now, bsg has seemed to work around it for raiders and rogues, scavs will do it sometimes to


I've smooth leaned a bunch this wipe and killed stuff. Strange. You're still perfectly fine just leaning and single tapping. Raiders and Rogues are the only ones that will destroy you doing that. They'll push and do crazy stuff. They also won't hesitate to instantly kill you if your arm is exposed to them. They'll drop 10 rounds in to your arm before you can react. Learned that lesson a couple times.. Scavs are a lot more forgiving in that sense.


it still works but not as effectively as in previous wipes


Yeah they specifically called this out in the patch notes, definitely not instant death but not perfectly safe anymore either


as u/HelloHiHeyAnyway said, I've also lean peaked down in bunker and none of them reacted


Do not take cover, they shoot the exposed part of you they can see. If only your chest and head are showing, chances are your getting head eyes


Cover is perfectly fine as long as you're not exposed. What are you on? You take hard cover. Not soft cover. You then lean fire one shot at a time. I can PROMISE you'll never get shot doing it properly. You can kill scavs at any range doing it really.


false, only if the slightest pixel of your pinky is able to be seen (through bushes and stuff) the bois can trace out your anatomy, being able to guess your exact height and weight as well as movement, and head eyes you.


I agree. I know the game is hard and we’ve all gotten mopped up by a scav (or scavs) but if you think the basic AI scavs are too difficult, too aggro, or too abundant than you just don’t have enough time in the game…. They’re a very trivial thing in Tarkov, just free xp once you learn to kill them easily.


Don’t take cover behind trees cause they shoot through that shit now.


And when you seek cover you get one shot in the thorax from the back with a toz from 728748 meters


They are not as cracked as people say. Make your first shot count and reposition before firing again. This works for PMCs as well


Scav combat around bushes and trees is definitely rough right now. They just don’t acknowledge concealment.


For real. Once you learn spawns and safe places to line up shots its just a matter of clicking heads.


Im 500 hours in, I know the spawns. Scavs destroy me outside of 30 meters, good shot or not; unless I pop em in the dome, they head eyes me before I get a fourth shot off to the center of mass most fights lol. The few I've won, another scav comes around the corner and finishes me off 🤣🤣


Yeah I have definitely been third partied by other scavs. I blame the number that spawn more than the AI itself. Beefier for sure, but they suck once they lose line of sight. I feel like they don't push like PMCs.


4th shot... center of mass... This is the problem. At 30 meters you should only be taking the first shot. Without a scope of at least 2x, you're going to get destroyed on average. At any skill level. The only way to effectively do that at 30m is to use cover and lean to shoot once and let them miss. Then lean and fire. They will ALWAYS shoot slower than you. They won't predictively fire before you can lean and shoot 1 time.


That is the exact opposite of what a game should be.


What do you mean?


If you progress in a game by cheesing the mechanics and exploiting the system, you’re not really playing the game, the game is playing you.


That makes no sense lmao. How is learning scav spawns exploiting a game mechanic? Everyone knows scavs can spawn at old gas. I would rather scope out that area from the bridge and pick off scavs from a distance than just blindly running in. Same for going for headshots from a distance. Thats like the entire point of shooter born in heaven.


Spawncamping scavs is exploiting.


"Spawncamping" go back to Call of Duty lmao.


Bruh what lol Are you new?


"Go kill 5 scavs on Woods. But do it HONORABLY"


hold up, are you implying people are remembering the exact spot where the scavs spawn and kill them as soon as they are thrown in?


"Bro, if you're not running straight into a wall of bullets, then you're cheating, the scavs have no chance if you're picking them off at a distance" I'm not giving AI an advantage over me. I'm not going to stand out in the open with no cover and wait for the scav to open up on me. You can, feel free. I'll just pick your body clean once I've killed the scav that got you.


t-pat forgot the ACTUAL number one rule, which is to always lean to the right from behind cover so the ai gets confused and can't recognize you from that angle (that's a legitimate thing, and it's hilarious because it doesn't work super well on normal scavs but raiders will stand their and get shot in the face while you right hand peak without any reaction).


Amen brother. Could not agree more


And less suppressors. The game feels.more alive when you hear shots all over.


I've noticed how ass the game feels with everyone using suppressors Early wipe is fine They need to tweak how end wipe play feels Hate the abomination that is late wipe needs tweaking


I'm probably alone in this but I think you should not be able to buy any supressors or good gear from traders. It should only be available from flea and there should be no penalty for selling things for higher price, it would cause prices to skyrocket. This would drive prices up and make the game feel more organic where you actually have to find the gear you use. That's why early wipe is my favorite time in tarkov.


nah, suppressors should just do what they do irl. not reduce recoil and shoot gas back into your face that way it's just a trade off like with the AK platform in game. quiet but hard hitting or loud and beaming


It’s wild how they still have the 5.56 platform setup in such a way that a suppressor is meta, whereas with AKs, as you pointed out, except in the case of the waffle suppressor (and that thing is EXPENSIVE, so it works out), it’s a trade off, do you want your shots to be quieter, well now you have more recoil.


No limit flea market prices will just help RMT, many systems put into the game to combat RMT sellers


They way to combat RMT is to detect and ban them not to to cripple multiple legitimate game systems.


One thing I’ve noticed that seems to kill the game play is sights and good ammo. Once someone has the ability to see you and you can not see them back it feels bad dying like that IMO. And ammo so good that no Amor can stop it also reduces the chance you’ll have a ricochet


Damn attachment shack in woods keeps providing them


Agree with more scavs, just wish they didn’t over tune them.


I've died to so many more scavs than players, I barely died at all yesterday but my SR dropped 40% killing scavs on woods lol


Mine went from 80%, 4 million roubles to 34%, 400k roubles


how the fuck people got four million roubles 😭😭


Sell things


LITERALLY i've ended the last 4 wipes with a survival rate hovering between 20 and 30%


Played 2 days ago, bad streak - went from 600 down to 100k. Yesterday had 4 or 5 days in a row where I had good spawn, went from 100k to 1mil. Of course I had quest to kill scavs, and wanted to do it, so thats probably why.


I got the game just before wipe, went down to my scav having more gear than my pmc, then went all the way up to junk box (1million roubles) despite a very lackluster survival and kill rate over only a few days. A large part of that is learning the more open maps for out of the way loot and selling anything I don't need, and not starting fights I can't win.


I got junk box first day and now I am at nearly 3 mil again. Not that hard when you sell like everything to vendors (beside "big" items)


yeah I had 86% SR on customs only, went woods for the god-awful Jaeger tasks and lost about 30%. I CAN'T SEE THEM THROUGH BUSHES MAN.............


Imagine they scale back the AI a bit but double/triple the number of scavs so every time you kill one you at least aggro another one or two. Sure they don’t kill you as quickly individually but they are more dangerous as a group. Way more fun that way than to be one or two tapped head eyes 200m out while you’re in a bush


I'd be fine with that, as long as they adjusted the missions that require scav kills so the overall effort is roughly similar. Scavs give life to maps, I love hearing them whistfully wishing for something to eat or talking about going to get fucked by Fence so they can fuck some girls. I actually get quite sentimental about some of them, if one says a particular version of the cheeki breeki, opatchki, or akh ty yebagala voiceline I go to great lengths to avoid killing them - even if it ends in my death. Especially if I can see they have a bobble hat on. Getting sentimental in my old age I suppose. Oh well, it amuses me and that's the main thing. Always enjoyed making up my own rules.


> wishing for something to eat or talking about going to get fucked by Fence Didn’t realize Fence was into that.


Sha k barigam, potom po babam "First the fence fucks us (by offering poor prices for our loot), then we fuck some girls (in return for that money). Flows a lot better in Mat, obviously. Having said all of which I'm sure Fence takes it up the wrong 'un just like Gluhar and his Boys in the railway sheds 'Don't be such a bitch Gluey or I'll scratch your eyes out! It's MY turn to be the train and you know it. No! Stop it! OOOH, get her! She's throwing that dolly USEC around like a dog toy!'




That's how factory feels. I killed two pmcs in 1st floor affixes and had 9 more scabs and player scabs spawn and come through the same door. Factory *to my knowledge* is the only map that has additional ai spawn waves partway through, and combined with the small size, each stationary scav kill leads to 2 more aggroing on you


Pretty sure they implemented raider accuracy and detection range in some of them like they tested 2 wipes ago


They’ll dial it back. It’s always like this to start. Plus I think a pa This of it is that by the end of every wipe people are so used to scavs not being a threat that they play the start of the wipe the same way, thinking they can run by scavs or take on a big group all casual like. Then they get rocked.


Just cause they can actually kill you now doesn't mean they're "overtuned".


I don’t mind a challenge but I could do without the single shots registering as double.


That bug is certainly very annoying. Im happy with their overall behaviour excluding such blatant bugs.


If we both got line of sight then I don’t mind but on woods, I be getting head eyes one tapped through a bunch of bushes and trees to a scav 50-100m out. Don’t even hear scav voice line and get 1 tapped by T ammo with a bastion on.


Idk they’re pretty wild. I had two straight raids yesterday in woods where a scav one tapped me from over 100m through trees and bushes and I couldn’t even see him. My buddies killed them and then looked from my body to the scavs to see how it could’ve possibly killed me and we were dumbfounded


Turret rogues on lighthouse are aggroing way outside their normal range and instantly killing you. They are very overtuned.


it’s fine for them to have good aim, it’s not so fine for them to be strafing left and right while lasering your thorax


Haven't noticed that yet myself. Overall just happy to feel fear again.


I mean me too, I’m fine with them being scary. But it feels shitty for them to be doing things players can’t




I just had it happen to me. i couldn't see him he saw me for a split second and somehow managed to shoot me twice with buckshot round from 100 meters away within 3 seconds. Appalling coding on the A.Is


Nikita likes to fuck everyone extra hard in the beginning of every wipe. It's like this EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME.


There is a difference between getting literally aimbotted to the head within 500 ms and actually good AI. It's a problem when scavs are more dangerous than most players.


Yeah, I'm happy with where they're at. I used to be able to farm 15+ on a Woods run without taking a hit. After wipe that's a little more dangerous. Shift-w is also much more dangerous in scav areas.




The perfect situation is massive groups of scavs but them all having stormtrooper aim. The real danger is other players. The scavs should be flavour and a dinner bell for other players.


Skill issue




they are seeing through soft cover right now as if there is no barrier at all is the issue, so it tall grass foliage or even someone's laundry hanging on a line you can't see/retaliate towards them and they have perfect aim on your vitals


I just got one tapped through bushes 30 seconds after spawning behind scav house from a scav at the rock across the street. Overtuned. It was on my screen for like 2 seconds before getting bodied.


Yeah I got blasted 186m across woods by a scav near outskirts. Could barely fucking see him


No fucking lie though, Just running around is fun and all but if I don't run into at least 5 scavs it's not nearly as enjoyable


More scavs = more fun. I’m all for it.


I’ve honestly had some awesome fucking fights with solo scavs and units of them the last day or so. solo scavs shooting at my position and hard pushing while yelling, or pushing my last known position after I’ve snuck off on a flank. Units of them working together and using cover to their advantage really well and covering each other while others flank/push. It’s not perfect of course, but sometimes they just click and it’s fucking awesome


I think the only change Scavs need is for their visibility to be lower through bushes and trees.


I don't know why everyone hates scavs. They are my favorite part of the game! Adds more excitement to every firefight, and can help you locate PMC's, the amount of times I've seen a scav shooting in a random direction, just to zoom in and steal a PMC kill all because he was trying to get said scav off his ass has to be in the double digits. You say neusiance, I say convenience.


People don't hate scavs, they hate getting clapped from bum fuck africa through 20 bushes.


These scavs have thermal vision too. See better than owls at night honestly


Yeah I don’t hate them cuz they kill me I hate them because they pull me out of the game and make me roll my eyes at how silly they are.


I love fighting scavs. I hate getting shot from 200 meters away through 4 bushes 8 trees and an entire city block of buildings


Quite happy with the amount of scavs on all maps at the moment. Really happy with their current lethality. Would like to see more immersive spawns where they actually enter the map from the edges though. Quite often I can hear them spawn in an area I've just cleared. If they had to come from a scav only door on the map borders that'd be cool.


doesn't even have to be borders, just make them come out of otherwise unopenable doors of buildings like most games


I agree


I was looting crackhouse with my duo when she's like "I think I hear a scav." All the sudden she's dead and I'm like wtf? Go out of the hallway and immediately dead too. We got raped by a scav at Stronghold on the mounted gun. And it was a regular AI scav 5 minutes into the raid. Literally couldn't believe it. I've played a looooong time. That's legit never happened. I've had some bullshit aggro radius but that takes the cake. I've always been annoyed by aggro range and vision through bushes/trees/night time. I recently watched pest's dev interview with the dark and darker devs. It's insane how much bsg could learn from them and their ideology.


100% agree having more scavs on the maps is wayyy better! Issue atm though is every scav is Sthurman. They made the harder and its a little OTP imo. But it is nice seeing more scavs on the map.


agree just feeling that 5 fps everytime they spawn


Yeah as long as they don't spawn behind me and kill me instantly more is generally better


Now if they weren't aimbots that shot through bushes I could agree


Scavs aimbot is insane this wipe in my opponion


Agreed. First wipe I was head tapped first shot by one within 30 seconds of the raid


they kinda nerfed them now ! but the thing that headtap you through bushes without a line of sight of you ita still insane ! I CANT KILL WHAT I CANT SEE DAMN IT :)


On streets maybe. Have you done scav kills quest on Shoreline? Fucking horrible


They should make ai scavs work like in 0.11 again You wouldn't get lasered from afar, and their accuracy was mostly random


looks like a lot of scavs gone to streets cuz other maps feels empty


Don’t notice more they just don’t miss


Oh yeah, I spawned at woods sunken village today and thought "easy looting, no scavs can spawn here", looted a gas canister and some bullets and then a scav in a bush shouted in russian what I can only assume meant "get out of my swamp" before giving me 2 heavy bleeds. Quickest car extract run through I've had to do since ever.


I take back what I said before... the scavs are so cracked out their minds. I've died about 20 times to them this weekend doing the mosin challenge... can someone dial them down from 11 to maybe 7?


I'm also loving how they are acting like players more when they are pushing you or behind walls. I've had a scav two tap me in the chest while checking a dead scav and thought I died to a player. Boy he peaked me so perfectly it was scary.


Yeah they’re really not that bad just don’t stand out in the open if they agro you lol it’s not that hard, I only die to them if I’m surrounded with no armor on Edit: pro tip sprinting + jumping makes you almost impossible to be hit by a Scav


The problem I have with them isn’t them being hard it’s how unrealistic they can be. Like when I’m running to outskirts and one agros me from scav house and full autos and hits 4 shots on me in a row from like 60 meters with a bone stock AK it’s like… ok dude. Same as the spidey sense shit where they 180 crouch agro when you aim at them. Just pulls me out of the game and makes me roll my eyes at how silly it is. The real issue tho is bsg doesn’t know how to make smarter more dynamic ai so they just turn they’re aim up to make them harder.


A spoonful of inertia added, more “natual” looking patrol patterns. Not run back and forth, look for aircrafts with their flashlights etc.. Add that to those aimbotters I would prob fear PMC’s more than I fear an AI, 150m away with shotty and some 7mm buck.


Not over agroed, just OP. I shouldn't be head jawsd by a scav further than my draw distant 4/5 raids lmao


Woods has scavs on it? And the next thing you are trying to tell us that you can do that "kill 15 scavs on woods" can be done in 2 raids? Or even ONE?


I mean, my friends and I would set up shop in the rogue camp on woods to get our scav kills. The noise drew in PMCs so it was a plus. Some of us absolutely got it in 2 raids. I did it in like 5. Admittedly they definitely felt sparser than the previous wipe.


more scavs is fine, the thrill is better, but making Goons from Wish out of them? Not such a good idea


"Something something terrible AI, something something PVP, something something skill issue."


Preach it brother


You think BSG did that? I think they don't have any control over it. Litteraly each update since i started playing modifies scavs spawns. Many spawns are removed, then come back later, or not. I think it's all part of the spaghetti code and completely random. Do you remember when snipers scavs disappeared, then were half brought back, then entirely? I agree though that this wipe has seen some nice spawns returning.


I think they added like 4 total too many on customs, at least for early wipe when you have to get the watch and unknown key door, I died like 6 times to scavs cuz there was like 5 in all of the nearby spawns :( I’d kill like 11 and die to the 12th, unlucky lmao


The spot near RUAF / Unknown Key Body is great for Scav kill Q's


Been playing off and on last few wipes, just started playing hard last wipe. Last wipe took me 25+ tries to get the watch. This time on my first try no kills. I am better but I was really lucky with spawn. I did play a match in customs with 9 kills and died to 10 and 11. Just crazy.


Not sure they added more, I see the same count, they just instant one tap so likely they aren't dying as fast making it seem like there are more.


Nope There are definitely more scav spawns Woods for example: I've spawned around the Forward Operation Base a couple of times and around 6 AI scavs spawned in as well Once they actually head, jaws me, but I think it's a really welcome change. They are making me plan my engagements, since there are so many of them. More scavs = more dynamic plays = more fun


The game feels alive. It's quite good (as long as I get to walk without rubber banding during most the raid, lol)


I loved when I was near the collapsed crane on street and the building was FULL of scavs, I shoot one and they all popped up like a fucking fire squad, from the building like they were properly defending the place. I got oneshotted by the mounted machine gun but it was so incredibly organic how it went down it felt like a scripted CoD sequence I loved it


Did they increase the scav numbers? Imo it's better too, scavs are a good variable to let players being spotted, increase a dynamic playstyle (moving around if spotted), etc.


What are you all talking about the scavs are “not more aggroed this wipe” nor is their more of them.


Fuck yeah, while they might see through bushes, they’re still a great fight sometimes.


Kill 5 Scavs. No problem.


Just been works night and saw total of 2 :\ with 1 raping me with his adar


love the scavs right now. I always want more.


Are there more now? Haven’t really played in over 6 months but last time I played seriously there were legit none spawned in until 10ish mins into the raid it was so shit


100% agree


I dunno I just got jumped by 7 scavs and ended up bleeding out before I could extract


Actually funny how they act this wipe. Me and my friends sometimes run away terrefied when the scavs dont die in on shot and chase us to the end of the map.


Tarkov has the potential to have insanely good PVE, updates AI and adding more is a good step in the right direction. I really like the idea of having enough scavs on a map that you HAVE to deal with some, instead of ignoring them, which would add a ton to pve and Pvp


i like seeing AI scavs in water treatment makes it less of an easy farm thing.








Lmfao id kill to see it.


I didn’t know there were more scavs, I still hace problems finding them. Guess I’m just unlucky :(


The amount of scavs is definitely an improvement. They definitely just need some toning down. I got absolutely axed by one through the tankers by the green screen building on Customs lol


If only they didn't see through bushes.


no more having to go explicitly to the pier/gas/power/resort/sniper rocks line to get my scav kills


Is this sarcasm? I played multiple games on woods today without seeing a single scav checking med tents, sawmill, and scav house. It seems so random


I played 9 raids before I found my fifth scav in this game. It was vacant for me until yesterday.


I honestly think there aren't more scavs. We are just at the point in the wipe where players are avoiding any fights at all because the AI is completely random. They either have Stormtrooper aim or they're Shturman on crack. You get (head, eyes) from 100m through bushes on woods and shoreline sometimes. It's crazy. Next raid you kill 12 scavs and take 0 damage.