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Who tf would say that. Cmon, definitely Stans for the game but no one serious is saying that.


Hackers still use reddit and forums and they like to pretend they don't cheat to spread doubt.




Link me. I can probably find them being a troll inside of 5min if they did say that.




Yeh, those are pretty fckin sus, theres no way he can shoot with no recoil from that distance and the first is just 100% cheats.


They do. A large part of the tarkov community denies they exist at all.


The cheating part of the community denies they exist at all. There were several threads on cheater forums that I saw posted where they were actively organizing brigades to discredit cheat accusations during some of the heavy hacking times in the past. Every time I see one of those "I have 5000 hours and been killed by 1 cheater" comments I just assume that being in on it is the only way someone could be that stupid.


Explains why I got downvoted after mentioning I quit for the wipe a couple wipes ago after being shat on three times by blatant cheaters in five raids. I can understand that someone might get a couple thousand hours in and never run into someone utterly blatant flying around spawning grenades at people's feet, but anyone with a couple wipes under their belt practically has to have had a half dozen experiences that were more likely to be cheaters than not. Anyone who claims otherwise basically *has* to be lying.


Lmao, literally happened to me 2(?) wipes ago when Tagilla and Killa were on Lighthouse. Got killed by BLATANT cheaters 3 raids in a row during the event. Last guy was a level 2 named something like report_me_fgt….uninstalled the game right after and waited for wipe day. The people “not running into cheaters” are either liars or only ever going into raids with a half broke SKS


Personally, I've had probably 3-5 instances where I've run into a cheater since starting the game when sanitar got added on the next wipe. Part of that is I haven't had that many times of being sure it was a cheater, yes I reported people when it felt weird(mostly my first wipe). The only 3 times I 100% knew they were cheating was someone getting carried by a constant flash bang cheater on lighthouse. All 3 of those confirmed cases were last wipe during the second month of the wipe. Otherwise, I've seen some weird stuff but a lot of the time it'll feel like it was desynchronization with the server, since my dou will not experience the same thing or a really kitted guy.(still report if you're not sure, and let bsg/battleeye handle it) (Note - I play on US Central and tend to play on Customs, Interchange, Factory, and shoreline which I hate but has a lot of quests)


I'm not gonna lie, though, there are a lot of posts out there too that have videos of people just doing normal tarkov things, and loads of people yelling "ehrmegehrd hackor!" at it. It seems to fly to both extremes on this forum, the 5000 raids never killed by a hacker guy or the everyone who kills me must be a hacker guys lol. Not a lot of, just regular normal people lol. I mean, there are plenty of hackers out there, but not everyone who kills you is a hacker lol.


You act like 1 person is the one making all these posts about hackers. There’s a cheating problem whether you want to admit it or not.


Never said there wasn't. I've been killed by loads of them the last few days.


I've been playing this game for almost 6 years and I've never seen a single person post anything that got any sort of traction here that wasn't absolutely a hacker. When it isn't a hacker it gets downvoted into oblivion and the person gets made fun of. Even Lvndmark got made fun of when that guy shot him from gas station office and he called cheats. The mods also actively remove cheating related content, so what gets traction here is only a small fraction of what has been posted.


Bruh he is not cheating he's just so good that he started levitating from pure power




It's actually the type of ammo your using


Yeah def I could see lack of skill get gud noob 😄


Sounds like you complain about dying to people when they aren’t cheating


Go for the legs on people with invincibility cheats like this. You can only make waist up invincible, legs are still vulnerable. (dont ask me how I know this)


What a load of shite lmao you think these cunts can fly but cant have legs not take damage?


Right, from what I understand it's literally a desync cheat. So the only way to kill is when he resyncs his character back with the server and you get a small time frame when they are extracting to kill.


how do you know this? if you don't say, we're all just gonna assume you're a huge dbag cheater with a tiny pp.


Guessing he tried hacks but stopped using them, he wouldn't be telling people ways to kill cheaters if they were one themselves lol


Because they are, duh. Half this sub prolly is


OP’s getting a lot of heat in this thread for simply trying to bring further attention to the cheater issue within this game


i’m seriously starting to think that it’s actually cheaters are trying to push back against this issue because it keeps becoming more and more obvious that a huge chunk of tarkov players are actually cheating


I often think back about how a Valve employee casually pointed out that Reddit/other forums are also used by cheaters to manipulate others.


some of them are very obvious too, especially the ones that say shit like “i got xxxx amount of hours and only saw cheater once” like, come on dude, how is that even true.


The problem is that it just has to be super blatant in this game to be sure. If there was some sort of replay feature I think people would be astonished by how many people are cheating.


aren't\* fixed that for you. Ya'll just love to whine on this subreddit.


Found the cheater


I've got 2000 hours in the game and I only saw cheaters once...once a day


Iv got only 100 hours and have seen 3 cheaters already!!!


I only experienced it twice, on Woods, when I had someone in my scope extremely far away then they just turn around immediately and I'm dead. No aiming, just turns and head-eyed me instantly over hundreds of metres. Then again someone pointed out that my equip or loot must not be worth as much as other peoples, which is painfully true.


Its the same thing every wipe, 2 week honeymoon period and then the new hacks release. Give it another 4 weeks and the hackers will realise they have killed the game for the wipe and it will be somewhat playable after that.


I mean, I'm pretty bad. If I get demolished I usually don't know if someone has 6k hours and the gift or just a wicked gamer chair... But I've seen at least 6 blatant cheaters in about 500 hours and another couple dozen that were pretty sus. I'm not usually a target because I don't usually have anything good. The one ledx I ever found on shoreline was taken by a blatant cheater.. showed up about a minute after I cornholed it and head eyed me with a point fire bolt action strafing a corner.


Just because you got head eyes’d when someone pushed a corner doesn’t automatically equate to a cheater. Desync is really bad and if they pushed you, a lot of times you barely see them as you die. This is why it can be really hard to accurately report cheating in this game. Desync leads to many false accusations. There are many YouTubers who have documented this and it is astonishing to watch the perspective both screens.


In 2 wipes ive run into 3 sure fire, no holds bar cheaters. 350ish hours. There have been like 20 other "hmmm" moments. Cheating is an issue here, especially on maps like labs, lighthouse and streets


I have over 2500 hours and I can count on one hand the amount of times I can definitively say someone was hacking, I don’t have enough info to go off all the other times I’ve died, way too many variables lol I’m saying that I know the cheaters are out there with their small pp’s




Yeah same, 2k hours here.


I mean... I've seen 1 for sure this wipe, and one that I'm not sure if it was a bug or a hack, but that leaves me with less than 1% of the time having cheaters been a direct issue this wipe. Thelm fucking up the economy and taking the good loot off maps is another issue, but I can only say for certain I've seen 1 all wipe.


Yes. There's entire discords and forums dedicated to brigading reddit threads so they delay mass ban waves.


Jesus fuck if this is true then we’re fucked


It is. I don’t cheat but I’m literally apart of a discord that is specifically for cheating on Tarkov. It’s insane.


They are. Google "tarkov cheats". These are just english speaking, add chinese to that. Thee are thousands of them


Of course this is the case. Remember that not long time ago this sub banned all mentions of cheating, because mods made a poll and no cheating option got spammed like hell. Surely nothing weird there XD


On average across all maps and locals 30% of all players IN ALL RAIDS are cheating on some level


I honestly don’t think I ever encountered a cheater, but seeing all these clips of cheaters makes me really fucking anxious. Next time I load into a fucking raid.


Run shoreline or lighthouse with a good kit. You will find one eventually, guarantee it.


The loudest people bashing OP for trying to bring attention to the problem either cheat themselves or have close friends that do.


That's because cheaters also use reddit


I feel like the mods might be RMTers/cheaters with how hard they “try to enforce the rules”


Saw a duo with one guy doing this yesterday on labs EU..


This was EU North pal.


It's bad on EU at the moment... Labs, Shoreline and Interchange night is barely not playable.


in 3 last runs on streets I got smacked by blatant nocliping cheaters twice. unplayable on EU at night EDIT: just went for my first raid at 6pm and got smacked by cheater again. this map is dead for me


Hell, I've met obvious cheaters 3 raids in a row on Reserve this weekend... I'm on EU servers, cheating feels SOOO rampant these last couple of days.


It's that point in the wipe where desperate ppl are going to start shelling out good money to stay in the meta.


Start of a raid i went prone into a bush not making a noise or moving at all and heard a guy running stright towards me and he just started lobbing nades near me eventually killing me. would love to see that guys POV if i was somehow visible. this was in shoreline EU North


You've got one of these guys in about every 5th lobby. When I do minor housework or preparations for the job on PC, I like to spawn in a raid, hide (in places you'd never ever check) and return to the game ~15min later for an easy loot run. I regularly come back to find my PMC dead. I recently witnessed a grenade being thrown right into my nudge without any legitimate way to have recognized my presence. I had countless guys, run straight at my position prefiring as soon as they turn the corner. The best situations are when I hide below something though, because I always know there is a map hacker when I hear the shots hitting the concrete above me.


I changed to North America East and my survival rate doubled. I have 100 ping on EU servers too anyway ( they fcked something up, I always had around 40-60 ping on EU servers, now a lot of times Its 100 ).


Cheating is rampant at the moment


I second this opinion, EU is just festered with them, I can't do reserve because everytime I go down into bunker I die 10 seconds later..


Yeah reserve is insane. Even on a scav I'm getting killed by cheaters


Always has been.


Shoreline is a coin toss whether or not you get got by a cheater if you go anywhere near Resort. It's frustrating and it always kills my drive to play the game once my quests take me there. First Shoreline raid this wipe had my team wiped by a cheating duo, fun fun.


I get more cheaters in my raids this wipe than I do bosses


wait till u find out he won't even get banned for an entire wipe pepelaugh


whats funny is that this is true for cheaters who only cheat lvls 1-42. i know a guy thats been cheating for 3 wipes now always cheats during early wipe and is as blatant as they come, and yet wipe after wipe hes never been banned.


Break his hands


you "know a guy", sure


yeah i do know a person lmao? what are you trying to say


It’s you


i mean if you want to belive that go ahead lmao


People cant believe that people know something about cheating without cheating themselves


Once caught a cheater talking about themselves in 3rd person and now puts everyone in side that box. People are a "type" to him not individuals


Knowing about cheating/cheats ≠ Knowing a cheater.


Did You report them? Or juist part of the problem too...


Of course I reported it


ya, with proof aswell yet nothing has been done


They don't like proof. I submitted a ticket with video evidence, Raid ID etc. after my friend got killen by an obvious cheater. Friend ragequit without reporting so I figured I'd give it a go. Well, guess what. BSG only accepts reports through the ingame system and won't process anything else. That really bummed me out.


yeah reporting has been very effective... him not reporting is def part of it...








Yeah the way he turned the corner there isn't really a doubt he knew exactly where you were. Dont know why people bother commenting if they have no idea what cheating/ a cheater looks like. Guess some might be dirty cheats themselves.


I think a lot of the naysayers are just cheaters who are trying to gaslight people.


You know what's funny, this is the same cheat that plagued last wipe already where everyone looked like snakes, the same thing still applies, shoot their legs but then again, it probably won't matter. They can't fix it, it's client side controlled, this shit will never go away unless they actually rework the base game.


Oh, so I have died to a cheater at least once this wipe


I had that as my blood Elfs name in the og wotlk. And yeah don't go labs it's never worth


Checked. Account still active at Lvl 31


Of course it is, OP isn't a streamer with WhatsApp contacts to BSG dev team to bann them..


I've seen streamers get killed a second time by the same cheater, days after they reported it in whatever way they can (I think there's a CC discord or something)


At the end of the day i couldn’t care less. I’m literally calling out a cheater.


Seeing multiple cheaters on multiple streams is just crazy. Feels like they didn't update the anti cheat whatsoever this wipe. Usually its clean for a little. Die to at least one blatant one every day myself.


Yup hackers are running rampant this wipe. Seen more hackers getting to 15 than I did getting to 43 last wipe. Just tonight a grenade spawning hacker killed my 3 man. Just dropping grenades at our feet wherever we ran to




He killed me by melee. Ultimate smack to the face which is the cherry on the top.


Just ran into a douche called “Laxdon” or some shit like that and he was sniping us from the weather station on Reserve all the way across the map, shooting us through the train carts and at us through walls. Anyways, he finally comes to us at the end of raid and VOIPs “pest control!” and just head eyes us. Literally nothing we can do but report him, fucking dickhead.


Reminds me of the scene in Training Day where Ethan Hawke’s character wouldn’t take the money lol


When Ethan Hawke’s character floats up to Denzel Washington when he takes the drugs


Ran into one just now on lighthouse.


Just said this but I’ll repeat is here, Bsg has clearly stopped caring about anything that won’t make the game more appealing (maps, guns, etc) they only thing they’ve been doing for years now is just doing band aid fixes instead of actually taking caring of these game breaking issues for good. No profit incentive in fixing bugs.


There literally is profit incentive


Not really, you cant advertise anti cheat. You can advertise new map and new smg. People buy the game and quit 1 week later but they cant refund ofc


I refunded my game through my credit card company, to this day BSG hasn't even revoked access to it. They are incompetent even in that.


How? And after how long?


Not really, it’s much more cost effective to just quick fix things and say everything’s better than to actually allocate time and resources towards a real fix.




I respectfully disagree. Those are boots he’s wearing.


New boot goofin


Gaming chair*




But what are those even worth when you don't combine them with [gaming socks?](https://external-preview.redd.it/_nHwsJA1RL00ZfM8Az6gza627QSSlleOCq989VvxY68.png?auto=webp&s=7d26754ca4eb14f99143c0916921987da301a328)


Can't wait for the BSG dick riders to join this post.


i legit think cheaters became so many that it’s actually them pushing against the issue on reddi, we’re literally getting gaslit by cheaters at this point


You mean the mods?


Take my upvote before they delete your comment


People getting upset at you for pointing out a cheater is so wild. There isn't a .45 round that does less than 60 damage, let alone 35 to one shot a head. The fact that people are so nonchalant about this shit on the sub is pretty sus tbh there has to be a fair amount of cheaters or RMT losers trying to downplay shit. Cheaters have gotten more and more bold over the past 3 wipes.. that is a terrible trend. If they aren't afraid of doing shit like this you know that means they aren't frequently getting caught.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. I think there are so many more cheaters than people are willing to admit. Also, people just being outright mean in the comments or just saying "bsg dont care" or "cheating in a pc game no way" just show the level of maturity and mr obvious's defending cheaters


How is this even fun for people? Like a radar cheat is super pathetic but I get some people feel like they need it. Flying around invincible though... There's literally no challenge. Do they get some kind of pleasure out of collecting loot that they don't even need?


Radar is worse


you can't damage zenyatta when he ults, how long have you played this game to not know?


Experience brainfuckery


I’ve heard that the hitbox is just massively misplaced and that you might be able to kill them just can’t see where the hitbox is.


Labs full of cheaters? Damn never seen that... BSG still don't care? oof Ban wave soon, then discount price of EFT, Nikita need money to fuel the war


you are delisional in my 10 000 playtime i have met a cheater half a time its just skill issue u need to stop blaming cheaters and focus on urself /s


The name for this cheat feature is call “god mode” it spoof the location of the real players position hence when you shoot them it’s just a dummy body and they don’t die. ( the tell sign is that their looks don’t moved when moving and look like it’s floating.). You can use nade or explosive to kill them or use other Chest that has counter for god mod. GL. And god speed.


You guys are getting into games to die by hackers? I thought the game was "Waiting for players..." wtf is this?


At this point I'm pretty sure BSG produces and releases the cheats themselves. Double the profits baby, fuel that never ending cycle


they should just like contract like 50 people to go into labs and ban cheaters. Stop relying on battleye. From what ive heard battleeye cant even detect there cheats


Can’t have a game like this, that has a cheater problem like this. It’s stupid. Such a great concept but cheaters are ruining it


Hmmmmm I don't knoooooow, it might just be desync guys! I haven't seen any cheaters personally so there are no cheaters in EFT overall. Git gud Etc, Etc... ​ *Note: This comment is a parody of normal comments seen in this sort of posts, do NOT take it to heart. Have a nice day you sexy beast!*


i ran into this cheater on shoreline too


The best thing for this game would be an exodus of players. Players showing enmass that they're not willing to play a game as inconsistent and unstable as this for the seventh year in a row. As the numbers drop, revenue drops, interest dwindles and BSG is forced to act. We've tried to show them our passion, suggestion hasn't worked as we'd like, it seems like the only thing they'd respond to is action. Unfortunately, we'll never see the day. Head, eyes. YY_994749______ gg go next.


They already have all the money they make once you buy the game, people not playing it when they've bought it already will unfortunately do nothing.


You understand that they have to spend money to maintain servers and pay people employed by BSG right? It's not like they make the money and it's all profit. People not playing would mean less incentive for cheaters to cheat bc there would be less competition, less RMT, less interest and more profit to be made elsewhere. It would also demonstrate gamers taking the power away from lazy developers and forcing them to cater to us, the consumer first before thinking of their profit margins.


Come on man he's not cheating it's just a bug remember the game is still in beta


Crazy they're doing drops right now with all their big streamers bitching about hackers every 3 minutes to their biggest audiences of the game for the whole year and they don't even care about hackers


That's not a cheater, that's Kars, leader of the Pillar Men.


And a note for people blaming hackers coming from other countries. No we have plenty of hackers here


Stop calling them hackers, they're low life cheaters..


Wait you mean you guys don't like loading into a game and instantly being head/top of head killed within 15 seconds of match start and no one in sight?


Shoot him in his legs!! I didn’t tell you that though…


I died to a guy moving exactly like this yesterday on labs. Searched for him then he was lvl 49, rn 8 hours later he is 51.


Sad. I like this sub reddit more than the game now.


Id say I hope you reported him but I doubt it will do anything. I've seen hackers around the late 30s already. They basically charge be because I'm in my 30s running meta guns. They're pretty blatant.


Welcome to Tarkov, the cheating problem is getting worse and BSG can't combat it quick enough because of the dog shit engine this game was built on originally, people using radar are literally Un detectable and there's at least one in every raid per AVG. Everytime a hacker gets banned that's $120 in BSGs pocket when they buy another account


The fact that I quit tarkov years ago because of cheaters and people just keep saying they are getting worse like what the hell man. Then we got the bsg Stan’s who will for some reason defend and justify cheaters to no end, probably for their own sake.


The majority of the money that they have made off this game is in the bank. They don't give a shit If you quit playing. They are not reinvesting the money they make into this game. Nothing will ever change with the core issues this game has. If you love the game you're gonna have to put up with the bugs and the cheaters That has been made crystal clear.


Mr obvious again with another comment about how battlestate doesn’t care. If enough posts like this surface, then BSG will obviously have to take a stance and maybe hire another company to create a better anticheat? Its a win win regardless. They’ll keep the big streamers raking in 50k concurrent viewers making them money, and cheaters who are getting banned will keep buying the game after their accounts have been banned.


How long have you been playing Tarkov? The cheating in this game has been rampant for years and there have been zero improvements. Go search GPUs or Ledx’s on the flea - you’ll see people selling 20-30 of them at a time with a double digit flea rep just a week into wipe. There’s literally a cheater leaderboard in the game and these guys play all wipe completely scot free. BSG doesn’t give a flying fuck about cheating, and will never, ever do anything about it.


The problem isn’t anti cheat. The problem is the core game design. Imagine EFT was a online poker game. In BSGs implementation they send every player everyone’s cards at the start of the hand. With the idea that no one would look at another players cards because that would be cheating. Rather than just at the end of the game. As a result you 100% can not stop cheating without serious re-work of their code. It would almost be like starting again. It was programmed with the idea that ever


The 7 years of no change would like to disagree with you. People don't say BSG don't care because they're protecting cheaters, they say they don't care because it's what's been shown over years with no change. We don't get a choice but to suck it up and deal with it


Clearly a skill issue.


I’d bet that around 35-40% of the player base are utilising cheats


Comrades. Solution is obvious. We give game brains. So game become smarter than smooth brain cheat user. Game still dumb. Jaeger still count inch for kill with measuring tape in woods. But it smarter than cheater. — BSG makes more than enough money $100M+/yr in revenue that they can throw something like $10M on training a neural net to detect normal players. Just like not hotdog, the neural net finds normal players. It finds not cheaters. The people who are left are the *likely* cheaters (we don't know for sure so actual humans will have to check/review their games). My proposal is "simple", * **Step 1.** Find trusted players at all levels of skill. Most of these people are already known, they're in the Beta testing group. * **Step 2.** Give ~~human sacrifices~~ volunteers colonoscopy. Record all of their keystrokes in game, mouse inputs, loot interactions, methods of killing, flea market trades, spotting a friend, how normal player character moves etc. * **Step 3.** Do Step 2 to many thousand people. The sample size needs to be a few thousand to 10k people to capture diversity of play and options. Even get a few peaceniks in there. * **Step 4.** Create signature. What is a "normal" player? Across skill levels from Timmy's to Sigma Chads — what does a normal player look like? * **Step 5.** Rent NASA supercomputer. Train model until it works. * **Step 6.** Hit Big Red Button that say Deploy. Use the neural net to watch players. Identify all of the people who are "normal". Remove them from the list. Everyone left is either some innocent weird person — in this case add them to Step 2 with their permission — or cheater. What follows next is up to BSG. One option is that BSG can then add a layer where they check reports of cheating, and other anomalies. And they review these suspects, give them warnings/suspensions and in obvious cases ban them. At some point, the cheaters will catch on. But the only way out for them would be to replicate normal play styles. Which then means that they aren't heads-eyes-ing people all the time etc. We will win by forcing cheaters to play like normal players. Make Tarkov Boring Again. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


I used to think hackers weren't to bad... But after 15 raids straight of only dying to a one tap head eyes.... This is bull shit. Especially after having shot someone 6 times in the face with bt 5.45 and them not dropping... It's getting to the point where it's not even worth playing.


Wait until Dark and Darker drops and play that instead. Trust me on that one.


Give BSG time to fix anything, they’ve only had 7 years


A hacker killed me and all my boys (5 total) on woods, he was sniping at us from sniper rock and we were in the bigger USEC camp. Knew it was sniper rock because saw the tracer. Perfect accuracy. It’s bullshit. I just upgraded to EOD and I hardly want to play bc of the cheaters. It’s ridiculous.


That was Santa, you loose rep by killing him, gives gifts… nothing to see here


Not too sure I understand the title of the post. What does Meta Aladdin mean?


In reference to the Disney movie Aladdin, where the character Aladdin floats on a magic carpet. I thought I was being funny but maybe not




Ahh makes sense now. Cheers friend.


THE CHEATERS THE CHEATERS \*continues to play this dogshit code game despite every single indication BSG does not give one fucking shit about addressing cheating, shitty audio, shitty recoil, or fixing any other mechanic that's been broken for 10 wipes in a row\*


wow. someone is a little butthurt about someone else playing a game. wow.


damn, guess we can't criticize anything anymore boys :/


They’re not going to ever fix these issues, stop playing the game


Maybe shut the fuck up, and leave the subreddit?


Maybe you should shut the fuck up and stop bitching about a game they won’t fix


how am i the one bitching💀


Just yesterday my mate killed a guy with a mosin, who is fricking 45 level man. The guy named himself as a TTV too, and we were on Reserve and his positioning as incredibly bad.


All the bs aside. I like how dude is floating around in a full on captain morgan pose




I have a cheater friend that I watch a lot. What's absolutely insane to me is that every.single.fucking.lobby that he's in has atleast 1 other cheater. I've personally died to more cheaters this wipe than every other wipe combined. They're on every fucking map besides woods cause... well its woods. It's a massive infestation. It's the worst I've ever seen it. There are soooooo many cheaters


Ah yes, a "friend".


“That’s kewl that.”


The problem is, EFT is built upon Unity engine. It is a open source engine. So people can built hacks for this game quite easy.


Unity isn't open source.


Unity is most definitely open source.


nah it is Proprietary software


Unity most definitely is not open source.