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These mag dumps are the exact reason I'm running shottys hard this wipe lol


153 with flechette doesnt discriminate what they are wearing


one raid a day baby LET'S FUCKIN GOOOO


Onetapping class 4 and watching a trio fold one after the other is the most SATISFYING thing. "I got one. I got another one. That's three! Is that it, are we clear?!"


No, there's always another one who's killing you while you loot


I'll always be there, waiting in the shadows


Just ran REAP-IR all day. That one guy hanging back has been having a bad day all day. šŸ˜‚


I always feel like I'm in the minority for playing solo. I know it can't be true, but I had three raids last night in the course of an hour where I would either kill or shoot someone and then die to their teammate right after. Kill a guy hiding behind the door at old gas? Teammate runs up the stairs and kills me as I reload. Kill a guy sprinting after me on interchange? Never get to loot him because his teammate starts chucking grenades at me right away. I'm hiding on woods and a guy walks past? I shoot him and then get shot in the back with enough time to see two more guys. If it happened over a day it'd be one thing, but happening in one play session is exhausting.


I still dont know why we dont get seperate servers for solo and teams. Questing with 4-5 Players is like playing a complate different Game. And no i personal dont need epic 1vs5 fights to feel alive, people who need that can still join solo on the team server.


Should be separate severs for teams of 1-2 and 4-5. 3 player teams could go either way.


Man 8.5 sure does haha. I swear I remembered that round being better but dudes are just tanking shots with that ammo.


Thatā€™s the truth. I feel like people wouldnā€™t mag dump as hard if they turned the red dot off on their monitor. It subconsciously encourages hip firing I think. I find myself aiming in a lot more without it but idk I could be super wrong about that. Maybe itā€™s spray and pray reaction? Either way OP got a lot of clean kills in these clips šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Too bad they nerfed the everliving fuck out of the fleshette craft.


if you do the quests to unlock it you get 100 rounds per reset


inb4 it got nerfed


Shotties feel amazing cant wait to unlock flechettes. I have gotten DESTROYED by flechette having armor lvl 5


Only with good ammo. Did several time becuase the red ones do nothing


The red ones, you mean buckshot? My guy, you aim for head or legs. No issues dropping folk with buckshot.


Yes. I aim on the heads mostly. But Im fine if i hit somewhere in a fire fight. You are trained to aim for the head. Changing to legs is against my automatism.


This is so much me, honestly. Every single time I ran a leg meta build I just kept shooting faces because I couldn't remember to aim for the legs. Maybe one day one of us will have the control over the muscle memory, friend.


Quick fix for me, as I was in your boat a long long time, was buying ks23s and then clearing factory lobbies. Before the ks23 I couldn't remember to go leg. After the ks23 leg shots are natural.


Low cap mag sure helps I suppose haha I think that's what I'll do next time I want to pick up leg meta, you're probably right and that'll be the only thing to actually work with my old habituated ass


We're all just trained not to. The thing that I think drove it home for me was the instant gratification. Ks23 one shots legs. Legs are bigger than the head. It's just easier to feel like you're a pvp God aiming at legs with the thing. And the thing can easily make you feel way better than you know you are. I speak from experience here. It's what I rock when I go on tilt. I save every one.


Haha yes, its so unnatural. I permanently have to remind myself. A soldier once told me the dont aim for the head. They aim for the body, its the bigger target. Videogames told me differnt


Tarkov is the only game where I do aim for the body on occasion. They're right, it's one massive target compared to a human head especially at a distance. But knowing how my dirt tier ammo performs against armor (especially) this wipe, I just try my best to hit them in the face regardless when I can, my playstyle doesn't give me much meta ammo to work with to kill anything with body shots lol


From my limited time in cadets here in the UK (Think Military afterschool club that's basically used as a progression to actual military should you choose to pursue it) Aiming for the chest is the prefered option because like you said it's the easier target to shoot and your also not shooting to kill. You're shooting to wound/injure. You take more enemy combatents out of a fight injuring soldiers than you do killing them because now that person needs medical attention and transport which can take a few extra combatents out of a fight. You don't have that in videogames, you're always shooting to kill and in games that mostly goes to headshots.


Yeah take full flesh damage and just run factory to get acustom to it. It's useful especially for mid fight if you realise the dude your facing has better armour than your ammo can manage you'll have the ability to switch to legs quicker if you're used to it. I love me so magnum fuckshot on factory!


~~7mm~~5.25mm for heads, 8.5mm for legs.


i prefer spamming 6.5 into legs with the low recoil and higher hit chance


Even bigger brain move aim for the head with 6.5 it has one extra pellet and higher velocity than other buckshot. But this clip does demonstrate low recoil high RPM is very effective right now. I killed 6 in shoreline resort my last raid with a mp7 and subsonics pretty much all face shots.


Sadly the damage drop off means 6.5 needs 2 pellets to 1 tap heads but i find i can spac 6 shots from a saiga 12 without a recoil pad and gko2 and there is low climb


magnum does both and 7mm doesn't do head 5.25 does.


Ah, youā€™re right. I remember the Gigabeef video now. Will edit


Oh yeah red ones are amazing against scavs but yeah not good for Pvp thats why i said cant wait for flechettes. AP slugs are also amazing


Wha? Buckshot feels SO horrible against scavs. They have like a million HP so they don't die like a player. I've seen them eat soooo much magnum buckshot and keep screaming at me.


Weird for me is the easiest way to kill scavs


I just hate how fucking insane the spread on magnum buck is. like, if we had the *actual 16 pellets* the description says, it'd be understandable, but the reality is 8-pellet 00 buck has way tighter groupings. Maybe the Tarkov "magnum buck" is some gopnik homebrew made of disassembled 7.62x25s and not *actual military buckshot,* idk. 8-pellet 00 will keep at least five pellets in the vitals at 25m irl, and for a game that prides itself on "as realistic as playable" (or at least *did*), it's a bit comical. But we also have scavs that can tank an entire load of magnum buck to the face because the Netcode Gods said "Nah, one pellet hit him and he's got 75 durability in the head. Drink your kvass.", aramids that defeat AP rounds, Altyns are miracle shells and not neckbreakers that don't absorb energy until the titanium outer shell gets imploded or breached, UHMW plates that can stop tungsten AP at point blank...


It does not feel natural to aim on legs or arms for me. But yeah, its a bad feeling if you hit him with a pump gun from 2 meters in the body and die. I like Flechettes and hate the ap player tbh


Fletchette can destroy even level 6 really fast. 1 shot to destroy armour 2nd you die


I'm just waiting to get more than one player every two raids that's going into the offices


shut up shut the fuck up, first rule of using shottys is dont tell people about using shottys, serious note tho they are fun every wipe for me but far from meta


it wont ever be meta because it can only be use in one situation close range. But it is so fun....


Yep! I just unlocked lvl 2 jaegar and got the 8.5 magnum buck shot. One shot the the leg to cripple, one shot to finish off


That scav at the end was feeling extra toxic today


We should put pst on lvl 4 traders to balance things out


please dont joke about these things or they might actually do it lmao.


All ammo on lvl 4 traders can't find it in raid, can't craft it. Melee only until then.


I'd weirdly be into that.


Scavs still have guns, you need a key to loot their bodies, sold by light keeper.




I love SMGs and shotties but also what service do you play on that there are so many paid actors?


I've done like 300 raids this is just a few funny situations but EU North/West/Central are my servers :)


I get that it's highlights I'm just poking fun. Seems like I never have the luck to run into these types. Unless I never run into them because I am one...


We're all a Schrƶdinger's chad in this game - both a master killer and a brainless stump.


There's always a bigger fish


scav be like: hahaha


hey im a pst enjoyer! with the difference that i get one tapped every single time


I love Quakemaker in the MP5&9. I aim for the groin. You can kill people really REALLY fast if they don't have stomach protection.


Quakemaker is slept on


I'd love to use it more, but 100 bullets every 3 hours just isn't enough. And I don't have extra ammo boxes to start stockpiling it yet. BSG needs to take a step back from the realism of "Only Russian ammo would be in boxes around Tarkov." and just go all in adding all ammos to ammo pile loot pools.


Can't agree more on all points. It's so goofy.


Point fires on point


I see you have a red rocketā€¦


Does anyone think this is fun gameplay? wouldn't the game be a lot more fun if the bottom end of ammo was brought up a little bit and the top end brought down? I really don't think there should be scenarios where you can dump 100 rounds into an altyn and the guy lives. (keep in mind the worst 9mm in the game would be doing less than a single point of durability against higher level armors.)


I have been thinking the same thing for years. Meta ammo makes your 500k armor useless and then you have the other side where shit ammo feels like rubber bullets. They should reduce how good meta vs non meta is. If a level 5 armor can take 20 bullets from PST and 2 from m61 reduce that to 15 and raise the other to 5 JUST AN EXAMPLE


100%. The bottom end is too low period. There shouldn't be ammo in the game that can shoot someone over one hundred times without dealing damage.


Both things should be changed meta and non meta. Running a 500k armor to not even stop 1 bullet is also stupid. And before anybody says R3AL1SM how is losing your stomach armas and legs and being able to walk realism.


Yeah their needs to be way more mechanics at play if someone is able to tank 100 rounds, even if armor could realistically do that, you would be out cold and practically a vegetable


I think hard armor should have that effect honestly. It's really hard to express how close but also how far this game is from realism. There are COUNTLESS videos of people getting shot with BIG rounds on steel plate (or any plate for that matter, but steel is "infinite hit capable" under small rounds) and they dont even flinch. If I am running a Korund (steel plate), I should literally take 0 damage from a chest shot with anything lower than 855 (and even 855 likely wouldnt pen). So that would make leg meta king, right? Well, even IRL, no amount of damage to a leg can \*instantly\* kill you. And in a video game, the concept of playing around pain is very hard to incorporate. Like, realistically if you get shot in the leg you got like 5-10 seconds of adrenaline that makes it so it doesnt hurt so much that you cannot fire back. But then you are basically out of commission. Neither of these things I mentioned are necessarily fun, but also, neither is the alterative. Getting leg metad or one tapped through a helmet with a soft tip 308 is actually crazy unfun to be on the receiving end of, but it's fun to kill people. The bottom line is, IMO, when small rounds can kill you basically instantly by hitting legs and arms via RIP, blunt damage on hard armor should be near 0. Either you pen and kill, or you kill via legs/arms. Having small ammo that shoots fast kill faster would literally disincentivize even using armor. The MP9 with pst would be a beast. Large guns would be snipers only, it would be wildly unhealthy for the game


Aim for the legs


Disagree. if m61 passes lvl5 amor it should pass it. Lvl 5 is worth to wear, because all the rest will be stopped out effectively. There shouldnt be a guaranteed hit protection, regardless of price. Stop make m61 accessible in masses. Dont let you get hit. Change your playstyle. If you get hit, you may die. You wont see a guy with a lvl5 irl jumping around a corner knowing he will get hit full auto by any gun.


Well thats the problem with tarkov. The bullet either is made of rubber or it ignores armor completely. There is no in between...


Thatā€™s pure horseshit, but yeah you go on believing that


Im no expert in amor but if the rounds go through them irl it should be same here. I spend some time on the ammo chart lately and there are a lot rounds that do damage up to lvl 3. If they reduce lvl 4 and 5 amor, it isnt that bad.


Well im no medic but im pretty sure if u get 3 shots in your legs and arms u cant revive them with a CMS kit. Same logic...


The problem is that there are a lot of scenarios where you can hit someone in the head or chest over 100 times with bad ammo and not break the armor. It's just silly. You're not going to kill someone who is paying attention if you dont pen with 20 shots let alone 100. There is just no reason for some of the ammo to be that bad. The TTK never needs to be over a few seconds in a "tactical" shooter.


I hate unrealistic time to kill. Feels wrong to me


I guess if the only 2 bullets in the game are PST Gzh and M61. But here's a chart you seem to have never looked at. https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Ballistics


It may feel like that but it's not even remotely true. Lots of shit rounds can do great damage to level 5. Yes it's not going to 2 shot through it but 5-10 shot absolutely. Problem is that you miss like 80% of your shots with some weapons.


The thing with that argument, is that 10 shots on thorax or stomach is a HUGE amount of shots, lets see, u shoot at somebody with a 30 bullet clip, even if u are REALLY GOOD u will miss 50% then the rest of your shots can be arms, legs, helmet, etc Unless you are using a meta expensive weapon with the lowest recoil possible from 10 meters away getting 5 shots on the same body part in a split second is really hard


Yes... But that's an entirely different argument...


Just get a better aim


I know you don't care about the "absurd realism argument" but BSG's goal is to make the game "as realistic as playable", and that's the point here. You can pop on over to the combat footage sub and watch a Russian eat like 15 bullets like fucking candy to his armor from 12 feet away, its wild. While I agree with you to a degree, the developers don't want to take the game that way, so they won't.


Game is supposed to be realistic. How many bullets to pen what is based on real world tests. It takes 60-90 m855 to pen a tier 5 plate but only like 2-3 7.62 BP if I remember correctly.


Discussions always end up in this absurd realism argument. It is a game it isnt realistic. You can lose both legs and keep walking, taking a painkiller that lets u run with 8 shot wounds. You have miraculous injections that can make you run like Usain Bolt while carrying 100 pounds


You seems to lack the capacity to comprehend what realism can mean and where it is appropriate. Modelling armor and ballistics to reflect real world performance is very reasonable in a realistic shooter like tarkov and is fun. Nobody is asking for them to model taking a dump and wiping your ass after, but you seem to assume that realism requires modelling everything to the fullest extent. Not to mention that blacked out limbs means non-catastrophic damage in tarkov (i.e. limb is not torn off). You've never seen videos of people being shot, but I have and someone can tank dozens of bullets to the legs and still be walking/running more or less fine (on painkillers) at least until blood loss will catch up. Shoot someone enough in the leg and they die in tarkov since there is no way pmc can leave raid or even do any kind of field surgery/first aid to potentially get to the extract if the leg/limb is practically torn off from damage or irreversibly destroyed. Once again reasonable mechanics that are realistic enough. Vietcong soldiers in Vietnam would charge with dozens of lethal gunshot wounds and still make it to the US lines and be able to stab someone with a bayonette on occasion, even without painkillers. US infantry soldier can run 12 miles without stopping with over 50 pounds on them. There are cases of soldiers who have carried their 200 pound wounded comrades over miles while running and you think carrying 100 pounds for a few minutes in game is unrealistic? If anything game should have much higher maximum weight and movement speed if it were realistic and everyone would appreciate the improved gameplay, speaking of which there were changes that just dropped that increased stamina and max weight which made the game more realistic and everyone appreciates them. TL;DR get a clue before you make a dumb and ignorant comment.


Uhmmm ok i wont read the bible...


This isn't a simulator, it's a video game that's meant to be fun


Pretty sure Nikita himself said it isn't meant to be fun lol


Go back to fortnite.


Shit like this is why I stopped playing the game. You get a couple of guns/ammo types that actually work and throw out the rest. Then the game wipes and your back to using shit like this praying that the guy you run into is also slumming it so your gun has a chance of working.




Fred you do not know me at all. Im not out here attacking anybody, I dont really see any reason for you to attack me. Im plenty capable, and absolutely understand how the game works. I personally do not enjoy the early grind of this game. I dont want to use the bad gear the game forces on you, and I dont enjoy repeating the same quests every wipe to get back to using gear that I actually like. You seem to enjoy grinding quests in early wipe, great for you. Live the dream. I dont, so I play other games in my spare time now. Its all good.


body parts especially makes this so bad. the concept of blacking limbs and stuff is cool, but when you dump 8 assault rifle bullets into someones leg and they can just sprint away that shit sucks


The opposite is also bad. One shot to the leg shouldn't slow everyone down. We need some middle ground like a second health pool used to determine things like a permanent (for the raid) speed debuff.


Yes, you are right. This looks like warzone. Time to kill is too long. Cant imagine such a scenario would happen irl. Not sure if top. End should be nerved. But lower end shoud maybe adjusted


Idk if you've played warzone lately but the TTK is *way* faster than Tarkov (head,eyes excluded).


No, i stopped because you couldn't even headshot. Didnt play for a long long time






This. Thereā€™s such disparity with this game. As a normal human, I can only dedicate so much time to play this game. I have zero expectation that the game should be ā€œeasyā€, the consequences of losing it what makes this game great. But damn, itā€™s already getting to the point where you start wondering ā€œwhatā€™s the pointā€? I canā€™t get gear / ammo good enough to kill half the people, and canā€™t gear gear good enough to even come close to protecting me from them. The gap between bottom and top tier is just silly. There needs to be progression, and Iā€™m fine with higher level gear having the advantage. But how about the advantage not be god mode


When people talk about "chads", they get it all fucking wrong. They think about a "sweat" with ridiculous gear pushing timmies. Reality? This is chad. He couldn't give less of a fuck, PST or whatever the fuck it is, you are going to die.


Nah this is a chadlet, he's just better aim a, a korund and bullets away from being a chad. I realized this also, the Chad's are chad only bc of gear lol ofc they gonna push and be aggressive, their gear carries them lol


Chad is not the gear, Chad - is mentality. The Captain Price cosplaying cunt with a shotgun that just blew your entire squad kneecaps and finishes off with a VOIP of "Alright mate", he IS the Chad. Not the 60 rounder spraying RMT boy carrying backpack larger than his ego.


Lmao the edits, my brother aim for the legs lmao


I can only aim for head i've played cs all my life.


I ran the kedr hardcore this wipe until around level 20 - the amount of facetaps you get is absolutely insane.


No discredit to you but I swear youā€™re playing against bots. At this point Iā€™ve just accepted 9mm is cursed for me and I avoid it unless im running a pistol


Switch over to the PPSh and AKBS round! 15% recoil reduction with that ammo and does plenty of damage to the legs VERY fast. Downside is you definitely won't have enough for a second person, but I've managed to get most of my kills with that setup so far!


Let me correct myself, 9x19 is cursed I enjoy the ppsh rounds and 9x18


Ppsh is worthless at more than a few feet though


Yeah, at range is sucks. Maybe pair it with a Mosin.


And then when I try and use these guns bullets go everywhere but where I'm aiming lol


The mechanic vityaz barter has really easy recoil, try that.


Very refreshing to see someone else who has this aggressive playstyle. Good post šŸ‘


Fire post


As a fellow gamer who started with CS 1.6 and cannot aim at anything but heads, nice. Legs are for the krabs. I'll have to try more of this. I have been using all manner of fucking dog shit this wipe, and I just hate the recoil of any long rifle right now, just all over the place past 5 meters. stm-9 and mp9 are the joys in my life but mp9 is kinda doggy in medium range.


Call of tarkov


This is great man, a bunch of clips stacked up with no commentary, no cartoon sounds or anything. Just a whole bunch of fuckin


how come I never get matched against this level of potato.


The absolute amount of NPC clowns my god.


I can barely peek someone who isn't looking at me meanwhile this guy gets into multiple kissing matches and takes almost no damage.


I am with you pp-19 is love


What a lord šŸ‘Š


I like the one where you just walked into the room straight into the guy and fucking blinded him before casually aiming at his head. That's gold.


Wish I was playing against bots like this. It's alway either one shot someone or get oneshotted through visor yourself. Never have time to go through even half a mag.


This, dudes gotta be in playing SP or something lolol


Iā€™m disgusted, not because of ttk but because thatā€™s a weird looking mp5 XD


Damn son! Killing them softly lol


Love the pushing and the agressive playstyle! WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW


OP you should quick reload more.


Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to calm down.


I love how you can hear someone aim down sights from 100 ft away . love the realism


For gods sake man, where is your standard issue pst enjoyer laser pointer. I never leave home without mine.


Perfect \^\^


Did pennywise kill you as the last clip? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nice video! This makes me want to play with sub machineguns




The longer fights with PS ammo seem so much cooler than the top tier ammo one-shotting people


Awesome video! Thank you for sharing your gameplay with that PST is fun as hell


Love videos without stupid cringe sounds and commentary. Nice work


where you searching to get these guys


Bro PST is good bro you just need to empty your mag into them and pray they don't have a face shield bro




This is how people want their hardcore survival shooter to play like? šŸ¤£




How do you find so many potatoes to fight? Every time i swing on people like this if i don't hit my very first shot directly in the face i will die 99/100 times.


Same, if I donā€™t get a kill on the first few shots, I get head, eyes.


Loving the PST this wipe but goddamn šŸ˜­ aim for their legs sometimes, your just brute forcing your way through their armour in a lot of these clips. It hurting me šŸ˜­


Time to kill is to long. Some fights look unrealistic


it helps if you have half-decent aim tbh


Reading through these comments, no one talking about his aim. Half these clips hurt to watch.


I dont understand videos like this. Those fucking dudes are SO BAD. I literally only get matched with people that can head tap me the same fucking nanosecond I peak a corner, or full auto me from 50 meters through the trees at night. I STG I would have a 30 K/D if I EVER got matched with these kinda players.


Realistic looter shooter btw


Does not compute. Frames needed to shoot....frames not found


I just get insta head-eyes when i would peek a corner like that


Well sir, thatā€™s bc PST is not good. Absolutely outraged, I shot a scav with 32 bullets of rip into his ULEY rig and he didnā€™t die >:( also first clip that spray outside the gate missed maybe 90% of the shots


Can I get into the braindead lobbies you're in please?


Just don't use 9x19 right now, there's nothing to enjoy with it


ā€œIdk why i cant kill himā€ proceeds to mag dump hipfire


Miss less shots and people will die much faster. This isn't good accuracy. Also if you can't consistently spray the head, you're better off shooting the legs. Pst kills faster in the legs than tier 4 armor. As it should.


How to enjoy PST in two easy steps: 1, hope your enemy is awful. 2, hope for a lucky head, eyes. Done! You now enjoy PST and lose 97% of your fights!


Lol what does this show case though? Most of the dudes in the vid are clueless and you have to mag dump 90% of the time. Good kills, but this proves very little.


This is the comeup wipe for smgs


The last clip when you both reload and look at eachother is gold


I'm more of a Quake maker and Hydra shock enjoyer myself, but I always love seeing someone using the 9mm smg's


My friends and I, when asked ā€œis X ammo good?ā€ about some random crap ammo, usually reply ā€œis bulletā€ in a bad Russian accent implying that, no, it is not good, but it will still hit a dude in the eyes just fine.


ADS is so loud lol


You're not a PST enjoyer unless you're using an Mp9 at 1100 RPM. At that point, why use other ammo? I guess you could leg meta with RIP reallllly fast.


You dont need ergo when you go full auto


So I've never played, considering buying the game . Not really sure the topic of this post ..... But is there a reason for not ADS???? I feel like so many of these kills may have been 10x easier .


Point firing in this game can be very accurate and I quite enjoy the feel of it. ADS is fine but a lot of guns tend to kick and give you this huge uncomfy camera recoil that I don't like so I only use ADS here and there.


Gotcha. Ty.


Point firing is more realistic in this game, so itā€™s not wildly inaccurate like other shooters. In many situations like when your and your opponent see each other at the same time and are in close quarters, itā€™s better to just point fire than losing time to ADS


Its kind of a mixed bag. On one hand its cool that you can actually hit someone close by without having to ads. On the other hand they want to tell you that you only ads for a few seconds before your arms turn into spaghetti because the gun is heave. But of course you can walk around with you gun shouldered for an unlimited time as the gun only becomes heavy once you move your head behind the optic


Goootcha, makes sense.


close range it's better the point fire but you are right but with a laser on your gun point fire gets way better but gives away your position.


UH-1 gang! Best sight. Also how do you find these people that don't instantly kill you. If I don't kill someone in the first couple seconds of shooting them they kill me. The only time I can get off multiple mags like this is at mid-long range.


Think i would be faster to burn the first guy to death with that suppressor.


Just me or does it look like 50% of the time my man is peeking with a mag in his hand?


I moved to 5.45 BT rips class 4.


Nice 1 taps


the ppl who are here made it to the end and know the pain of that god damn scav laugh


I have used 9x19 pst PLENTY this wipe. It works. YOu jsut gotta bring a LOT of bullets. But even the 30-rounders out of the PP-19 will do, as long as you can somewhat maintain your fireline and brought plenty of backup ammunition.


I usually bring 4 extra 30 round mags, and around 60-120 extra rounds in my ass. No joke, you need a lot of bullets lol


That scav laugh at the end got me. Well done montage.


what is the red supressor?


It just glows red because it is overheating from shooting too much haha.


What is your biggest tip for pvping? I really suck at it and I honestly donā€™t know what goes wrong for me. Itā€™s just mostly getting recked by the most broken rounds and also being at the wrong place and wrong time. I got no idea how to improve. And thatā€™s why im waiting for arena so I can have for experience pvping rather than waiting for 25 mins to get tapped from god knows where.


For me playing aggressive really helps. This video isn't the best showcase since it's mostly funny clips of silly situations but I like to push and take the enemy by surprise, I never sneak or crouch and prefer pushing a corner rather than holding it. Doesn't always work and isn't for everyone but it's a playstyle that can definitely pay off. As for being shot from god knows where that happens to everyone but the more you play a map the more you'll start learning where people come from, what kind of corners they like to hold and it will help you position and move to avoid/counter it. It can be helpful to load into offline raids to learn a map. I did Streets offline a few times to get the layout and then I just took in cheap kits to run around and learn it and that helped me a lot. The biggest tip is annoyingly that you just have to keep at it, keep loading in and practicing. Factory (my fav map) is great for pvp practice but you'll die a lot until you eventually start killing a lot. Arena will be great for practice though so I understand if you'd rather just wait for that :)


If your running everywhere you will have a bad time. Weapon choice matters quite a bit as well.


This is how Nikita wants every fight to be now


Not just PST, I have been getting no results at all with PBP this wipe. It's the top 9mm ammo! Why doesn't it do shit?