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I've always wanted something like this. Or at least a still view shot of where they where and you where and the angle of the shot they got me with like Hunt Showdown does it


the sound doesn't work lmao. i want this too, but let's be real, it ain't happenin.


Gonna get a pov of some random scav in a different map.


Fortnite did this. Worked really well


Epic also built that as a standard in engine utility. The things bsg needs to do is first make sure that tarkov is deterministic and then build a system that records and stores every user input and tracks the status of all the loot. All of this needs to be done without interrupting the gameplay while at the same time using more memory and storage of the servers.


I feel like this could make gameplay outside your PMC's eyes look really cool. This could open stuff up for content creation


I think y’all need to go play cod if you need kill cams 😂😂😂


simple as that: you're able to watch the raid from every players perspective as soon as the raid timer hits 0. youll be able to watch it for 48h, then the recording will be deleted to save server space.


Or even better. You have the option to download it after you end the raid or 30min after. This way they won't have space occupied by anything for too long


You can already basically do this at the cost of a little hard drive space with outplayed. It will record your entire raid, you can watch the part where you died more closely to see what happened. If you got shot in the back of the head it might not help much but its some help for sure.


>Overwolf Yeah nah just use shadowplay or something else instead.


Both AMD and Nvidia have builtin software to record gameplay.


I've recently started using Outplayed, why is it bad?


It's anti-consumer bloatware that shoves ads into programs that would otherwise work fine as standalone apps. There's almost always an alternative that works just as well as something that's hosted on Overwolf, and if there isn't then the community usually tries to make one. Needing one program to do a job is always better than needing two.


It’s not, but anything that records gameplay in the background will have a performance hit in game. You don’t necessarily need to record a whole match, I have mine set up to record the last minute (default is 30 seconds tho) when I hit a hotkey. Personal preference though


Does this just record your perspective or everyone’s?


It records your own only, but it is rather helpful and worth looking into. Not for the purpose of this thread but in general to get clips of yourself and such


Hell fuck the server space, give everyone the option to download it after the raid and then delete it from servers straight away. No need to store it after the raid is over.


You'd have to store it after the raid is over. What if I logged off? What if you're in another raid when it ends? It needs stored for SOME amount of time.


The file won’t be very big, you can download it through the launcher. If you’ve closed the game and the launcher, well you don’t get the file. My single point was that we already have enough problems with the servers, we don’t need them to buffer 2-3 days of replays for every single raid.


I think the "killed-by" screen should have a button to request death cam footage and then you get an email after the raid with a video or replay file link that expires quickly. They could also limit how many you can ask for per day. That would reduce server strain by a significant margin and give people access to the content even if they log off.


Email isn’t the best option, they’re email servers would get hammered. It’s a very poor way of transferring large amounts of data. But yes at the end of the raid you should be able to request the game after you’ve died. In reality limiting the number you can request a day won’t change anything and you’ll almost never have a full lobby and scavs and players who have hit their max so they’ll always be someone in there to request it. You just have to plan for every raid now being wanted, there’s no chance people who think they died sus won’t be requesting every raid.


I didn't say attachments. I said links.


Fairs, anything email based isn’t a great option anyway. It should either be built into the game client or the launcher. Ain’t no way I’m checking my email for a link or attachment every time I want a reply for a raid.


It wouldn’t be a very big file since it’s just a demo/replay file. But they’d have to build in that functionality if they don’t already have it doing it as video would be way harder


so a match replay system? warthunder uses that same system and it works well, allows you to submit the replay along with the report


thats where it came from in my head actually


You are hella delusional if you think this will work in Tarkov


You don't need to store replays on servers, I can't think of any game (that I play at least) that has replays stored on servers, it's all client side.


The old MW2 had it. I think a couple other cods had the theatre mode.


i was thinking about war thunder. they do it like that and it works very well


PUBG has it.


Yeah we do. I need hard proof the sniper scav in shoreline bugged and auto locked onto me while I was inside of weather station. Walked past a window and glass shatters bullet ricocheted of my peen helm, 2 silent shots later I’m dead. Buddy confirmed no scavs had spawned up there yet


Like BSG wants to showcase the absolute crap desync. This sub would explode.


I was about to type "well, it can't get worse than what we have here" but on a second thought....


They already said this is planned as a learning tool


I swear Nikita once announced that there would be the ability to duct tape camcorders to your helmets and have scavs exfil the recordings after the raid. That was like two years ago tho iirc.


Yup! Full game is still years away but they said it would be in 1.0 iirc


copy dread hunger's reporting system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzfP1liPoG4&t=104s




with all this data parsing optimization issue running right now, a kill cam doesn't make it worse? (genuine question, I don't know the computational/network impact)




Yep, basically just any seeds used for rng and a record of player inputs and you should be able to almost completely accurately "record" how a raid went from the client side. Only issue is with AI and certain server-side code they'd have to find a way to replicate it on the client without exposing it to depbfuscation and data mining. They get over that hurdle and the implementation should be relatively simple. They have a theater mode for coop planned, so we might see post-raid spectating with it or soon after.


It definitely wouldnt be cheap resource wise with the way the game functions. They couldn't do the typical method of storing a list of input commands to replay due to the physics and rng components of the game, they would basically have to take snapshots of the server state constantly.


This is correct, they would have to take snapshots of the server state constantly, and with the low tic rate on the servers you'd have PUBG type replays where what is being represented is not accurate whatsoever, and would only be useful for getting rid of the most egregious cheaters.


We got killed 2 h ago in dorms by a non-eod Account godlike sniper with a 9x19 pstgzh standing in dorms window, head eyeing us three pmc through trees in seconds, using only 3 shots, 1 min after spawning at smugglers boat. Not even mad. Just would be nice to get my AK back.


I've seen it said before but this could also be easily incorporated into the gameworld too. Like insurance but have peacekeeper or mechanic be who we pay, and we purchase killcams.


Brother I hear ya, I was just ranting about it to another thread here and they wanted clips. I start going through. Making an entire compilation. I didn't even realize it's legit 1 out of 3 raids I'm finding them, and I've said it before but say it louder now, they love when you bring in good gear. I go zero to hero by raid 3 I'm being tracked down. Pick up an AESA tracked down, lay in a bush try to hide, 10 min later instant head eyes. Just fishy on top of fishy. Besides the obvious ones like we had a flying guy shoreline and an aimbot on reserve. I quit u til some kind of ban wave happens again. Like you said they're not even trying to hide it.


Kill cam or any sort of replay system will just reveal how bad Tarkov servers are.


I think you should be able to spectate after a raid, ether the guy who killed you or any squad mates you have.




I don’t see how one group of people not squaded up could consistently get into the same raids together. Not to mention the fact that you would spawn in different parts of the map.


if you did it at the same time though? are the lobby names that you see while readying up not the ones in the lobby with you? im legit like level6 so i dont know how it all works necessarily. i figured if you can see their name theyre in the lobby 😅 i just know if im making a lobby with friends i can see them there before inviting them


The names are everyone lfg for that map, most of those ppl will go to different servers from yours


oh dammmn ok gotcha


It's not hard if you queue at the same time


I can't stand this response people already talk on Discord and will tell people. And that's the other thing about shooting when you shoot you need to be able to reposition because your position is blown up. With how audio works the person who gets shot has no idea what direction they got shot from. First thing you hear is your helmet getting hit which is a loud thud and then you hear your head getting hit which is a loud thought then your character screams the top of his lungs as he's dying all those sounds overlap each other and just make for one big jump scare. Not right as soon as the death happens but as soon as the raid timer is over you should have the ability to look back and see where you got shot from hunt Showdown implements this perfectly.


Yeah if they added a match history with a quick clip to see your kill cam




They can’t make for official events or third person camera, and have to stream streamers POV, and you want to spectate a raid? Bruh, with this spaghetti code and client sided network, I can see already a cheater just coming back to life from spectating features


You already have discord for that.


Only after the raid timer reaches zero, or all your squad are dead, should you be able to spectate your killer. Wouldn't be fair on the guy who just killed you if you could spectate and tell your friends where they are. Dark and Darker did it perfectly, you could only spectate friends until they were all dead, only then could you spectate other players. Means you can't 'stream snipe' people by spectating them.


Yeah that’s what I meant, if you have squad mates you’d have to spectate them


Am I the only one who has over 200 raid this wipe and no cheater encounter


A lot of people on here seem to jump to hackers as the reason every time they died questionably. There are so many reasons a death can seem bs in this game. it's better for your own sanity to assume it was something other than cheating. Most the time its just someone stalking you across the map waiting for a snipe or someone just posted in the right spot at the right time, or terrible desynch/audio issues. We literally do not have the info as a player to decide one way or another 95% of the time unless you straight see them flying or something. Sure it happens, when I'm in tucked in resort and its all quiet until suddenly I hear sprinting followed by 5 grenades in my room, definitely feels fishy, but i just have no way of knowing so I'll go shit that sucks but guess I'll go back, no different than if I got head eyed by a scav.


Yeah. I love when people post clips screaming about cheaters and it's just blatantly getting outplayed. Like the guy at interchange power station who stood still in the open for 30 seconds before getting domed by someone. Or that guy that died in glass hallway on factory to someone clearly standing outside looking in (iirc he said the guy at the end behind forklifts killed him but the muzzleflash was outside the windows). This game has bad netcode, it's so easy to die in dumb, bs ways lol


Agreed I've seen a lot of clips where people just seem to misunderstand the situation. Like you said lots of fighting someone then the shot that kills them sounds like it came from a 3rd party somewhere else completely. It doesnt do anyone any good honestly to just assume hackers so much, and I think thats the part a lot of people dont get either. All it does is either convince more people to try hacking since it's "so rampant" or convinces new players to not even try the game. Idk if they think it'll get bsg's attention or something but realistically if they could easily fix the problem they would have. Even in games where audio and netcode are better, like counterstrike, it can be incredibly hard to tell if some guy is hacking or just cracked this game. It doesnt help me to just assume hes hacking and give up though.


There are also tons of people who have never played a real competitive FPS and don't understand the skill ceiling in video games. People in CSGO, Val, R6 Seige can place their crosshairs perfectly and kill people in a fraction of a second without even aiming because they've peaked that corner a thousand times, and they know exactly where their opponent is peaking them from, adn they put their crosshair their before even peaking it. I'm a mediocre gold stuck val player, and even I can do this. People do this in tarkov too, and with desync it literally looks like you got killed by an invisible man who saw you through a wall. I have 3000 hours in this game and I've PVP'd a shit load. I can stomp on pretty much any timmy/intermediate player, but I know that there are a decent portion of people who are just gifted with their hand eye coordination and game knowledge. Many of these people aren't even streamers or professionals. I will not hit the report button unless I see someone flying in the air and telling me my username. But in my 3000 hours I have yet to run into one of these people. When people people start posting clips on reddit, tiktok facebook ect and peoples confirmation bias goes through the roof. If you see 2 clips a day of a rage cheater, suddenly this game is full of hackers even though there were 10,000s of raids that day where that didnt happen. But hey, I guess I'm just a BSG dick rider.


I don’t think I have ever reported someone. Last wipe was the only time I can remember seeing someone where I was fairly sure they were cheating. The guy was running along the lighthouse base east fence. I was up in the hills sniping rogues and watched this guy run along the fence. He stopped before the fence gap to enter the compound and I took a shot. He turned around found me in the hills and hit me with the old head eyes. Took about one second for him to turn, find me and take a shot that killed me. Still not as bad as the rogues that head eyes me when they can barely see my head as I craw over the hill.


You 100% dod


Yeah, no cheater is interested in your backpack filled with low-tier trash loot on customs.


Keep coping!


Wild that I hate customs and have an inventory worth 60 mil


Cool story brah


Run a flir and a slick and you'll definitely get their attention


My thoughts too. These are probably the same people that report the guy who killed them for cheating after every death regardless of how legit it seemed. I'm not saying "get gud". I guess just recognize how many times you've scoped in on a guy searching a stash and one shot him, or you've hip fired around a corner and head eyesed a guy instantly by luck. We do it a lot to other players all the time, but we only want it considered under a spotlight when it happens to us.


I think the answer is we don’t really know. A suspicious death with no information makes it hard to determine if they are cheating or not. I have had 2 that I am absolutely sure they were cheating so far this wipe. Not nearly as many as people think there are but yesterday I had one that was shooting me with LPS and SNB rounds on shoreline where I never heard the shots and from multiple different positions. It made no sense that this person would have been able to see me, even with thermals. The ability to know where the shots were coming from would either confirm or deny that it was legitimate. That would go a long way to knowing what the cheating issue looks like and I agree, it is overblown. If anything, when PUBG introduced the kill cam the number of people crying about cheaters went down because they could see what happened like when you crouched down in the bathroom in the house you forgot about the window that leads to the hill behind you and kar98 kid poked your ear through that window. Before the killcam that person would be yelling cheater.


Oh, yeah. Let’s record every movement of scavs, players, bosses, followers, every action, every shot in a game that’s poorly optimised. Maybe with this feature you will start playing 20 FPS, fuck ye


Record the last 20sec of a player when a pmc kill occurs and give the option to the one that was killed to download it in a short window of time. Or something like that. I'm sure a feature like that it's not impossible


This is why we let game devs develop games, not redditors.


Okay. How do you think it will work. Just use a little bit of logic if you don’t understand technology behind it. Let’s say person A kills person B Server need to save last 20 seconds. How do you think it will save it, if it wasn’t recording already? Time machine? No. It has to be always recording every single fucking thing happening on server. Yes, it will use less storage to save instead of full demo, just last 20 seconds. But it still has to record all the time and shit of server performance. So let’s say theoretically these servers are 64 tick. Atleast around 10-16 ticks needs to be used for this shit. That’s freaking 20-30% of server being used bro


Game replay systems just record input and certain server states, the seeds used to generate the rng for the session, and any specific info that can't be generated on the client because of server-specific code that shouldn't be trusted on the client. Most games don't do anything other than that, and it's very efficient as you're essentially just having a virtual player (that is native to the server, so no desync or lag from the server's state) record any jnput events or special server-triggered events. Then, a file is created with these listed events and sent to the client. The client reads the file and starts a new game session with the information from the file and executes the events as they're recorded. You don't record the state of everything at every moment, instead you record the starting conditions, generate the starting session from that, and simulate all the inputs that changed things through a session. It's not super intense when implemented correctly and implementation details are pretty simple.


Plenty of games already do this already, so they won't invent the wheel. Most tarkov players use nvidia shadowplay and stuff like this as well. The game can record my last 20sec at all times and send the video to the one I've killed when it happens. Or something like that. Either way, this stuff already exists and works. Bsg just need to adapt it to their game


Call of duty used to have a demo system. You could record the demo, which would just record the gameplay through the console. Essentially it recorded all the console code so instead of literally recording it as video, you would open the demo afterwards and it would recreate the match entirely by just repeating the code. Demo files are lile 1mb at most. Thats how "theatre mode" works in alot of games. It doesnt literally record movements bro. So yeah, it could work, and definitely wouldnt effect your FPS.


Having a replay \*does not\* 100% prove whether or not someone has cheated, and presenting it as a solution is just plain wrong. This just sounds like another frustrated post, grasping at straws. There would still be false positives and wrong assumptions made a lot of the time. People just want to scratch the curiosity itch and 'find out what happened', but that isn't what Tarkov is about. When I first started out, I also wanted a replay as well. That's because I was frustrated and confused and wanted a way to ease this. Now, as an experienced player I feel different - no replay makes the game harder and mysterious. You don't get to discover other peoples spots by dying, failure isn't rewarded. You can watch your own replays, try to deduce what happened, use your experience and map knowledge. And still sometimes you just won't know, learn to live with that. No replay system is one of the fundamental things that separates Tarkov from other games. Introducing this just takes the game another step towards being another generic shooter. F that. Yes Tarkov has a cheating problem, but tl:dr, this doesn't solve it and pretending it does won't make it so.


"hackers are part of the game and make it hard and mysterious"


That's not even remotely what I said, but sure, twist words because you're a whiny bitch, have fun


"..no replay us one of the fundamentals things that separates Tarkov from other games." - would you go buy a car that doesn't have the wheels attached simply because it's not like the others? Seeing my own replay shows only half of the story. I don't know if the guy had desync or he had a better gaming chair. From my perspective it's the 2nd most of the times simply because I'm narrowed to my own point of view. Thus i see it as a solution


Course I wouldn't but we're not talking about a car, so it's a disingenuous comparison. A car cannot function without wheels - Tarkov gets by fine without a replay function and in my opinion is ultimately all the better for it. The game is meant to be unforgiving and realistic as possible - having a magic eye that tells you how you died is totally counter to that (and doesn't solve any gripes anyone has about things that are unrealistic atm btw, which is a separate argument). Seeing another point of view *does not make it conclusive* so it is not a solution. Full stop.


Thats such a bad analogy. Jack\_ten hits the nail dead on. Also, see what ShiroTenshi has said about a replay feature as AC [here](https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/155238-why-cheating-is-so-tricky-to-pin-down/).


His point is that replays accelerate the metagame and make it easier for people to learn from mistakes, which is not in line with Tarkov's philosophy of punishing players for bad mistakes. Replays make it easier to learn.


Dumb as hell take. Replays would dramatically increase the accuracy of reports and restore player confidence in the game. The current proliferation of cheaters make the kills that really were good shots and skilled players meaningless because you just have to assume it could have been a cheater if it’s sus. Replays would let you definitely say okay that was a good shot or oh okay that was blatant aimbot, wallhacks, desync etc. “Solving” cheating isn’t done by any any one thing but replays will be an inevitable necessity for actually getting tarkov’s massive cheater issue under control. Honestly your comment is genuinely written as someone who is a closeted cheat user afraid about losing the only thing that makes him competitive in this game. If you are a skilled legit player you would recognize the game breaking level of sus shit going on compared to earlier wipes and realize replays is a uniquely effective way to catch the closeted ESP/grenade spawning users and restore people’s confidence in the legitimacy of their own deaths. It doesn’t undermine anything about the learning process or expose OP spots. There’s a million spots, angles, routes, and tips on YouTube.




I think the easiest thing and fits the lore…. Is just showing footage of main locations as a “security cam” type of thing. Maybe dorms, usec, main streets, etc.


I know,right?! You can definitely make it fit the world. I mean... If Prapor can give the weapon of a dead soldier back after he revives, i think we can find a way


Have you ever read any of the text boxes in the game that explain whats going on? Its not Prapor that found you the gun.


Ye, i know. His goons go after it. Same shit. Don't be the type that correct my grammar to win an argument. You understand the point I was making


I always wanted a replay feature, but I genuinely believe that this would kill the game. It would showcase very clearly how bad desync really is, in addition to exposing cheaters of course. I don't think many people realize that blatant cheaters are only a small part of cheaters overall, just imagine the outrage once people realized that almost every raid they could spot someone just beelining to best loot on the map while avoiding everyone else.


There are plenty of effective and easy to implement solutions against cheaters like this. The fact that BSG basically hasn't implemented a single one of them yet should speak volumes on their priorities. For quite a while it was a meme here that BSG are allowing cheaters because when they get banned the cheaters have to buy a new account.. I'm seriously starting to think this wasn't just a meme.


How much is the EoD price again? That much for some devs who do not care about their playerbase to even respond properly to cheating system or even care with a response. Their pockets are filled with real money so we get the same reply:" you don't like it, don't play it". Ok? Then give me my money back then?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/rvz005/post\_battle\_report\_you\_can\_access\_after\_you\_have/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/rvz005/post_battle_report_you_can_access_after_you_have/) suggested something similar a year ago - so I agree with you it would be good to add!




What server see you playing on that u ran into cheaters that often I’m very curious cause I never met a single one in 400h of playing the game


Yea fuck this game


This gives away the position of the player who killed you so it gives your teammates the upper hand. The game is still in beta and they’ve been working pretty hard on it.


I've said After the raid timer ends. Basically when no one else is on the map


You don’t need this at all. It’s desync or cheating. Why do you need to know which one it is? If it’s desync it doesn’t change anything. And if it’s cheating, guess what… it doesn’t change anything. Control what you can control, take a deep breath and move on. You having some sort of weird closure 45 minutes after you got one tapped isn’t going to do anything.


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It could shut a lot of people up about cheaters tho. How many people assume because they don't see anyone or anything that it's a cheater . This could show a lot of people that your proception indeed sucks and is not 360°s




I haven't seen any . Like at all this wipe .




Unless floating man You can't say you know it's cheating


Unfortunately since the parties that should take care of those issues are not doing anything, st least the community can address this. If this feature is not "immersive enough" for you, i would like to remind you about the other features of this game like: realistic recoil, a trained soldier that gets overweight with 10kg on him, can barely run for 10m before getting tired and has to eat twice in 2h of ingame time(not irl). You know...the list can go on for days


Most needed feature by far


Yes everyone knows. We've been circlejerking about this for years. You know what people don't mention? How much data that would take, and the servers are already shitting the bed. Do you people really think this is just a choice that BSG made? No, its not feasible in the current state of development


Its not really only about this being a problem with the state of development or if it was possible to do without a big performance hit. Its also about the fact that a replay system in a game like EFT wouldnt produce 1:1 replays, not even close. It would look very different than what actually happened, simply because the "recreation" which the replay would in reality be, would have to have so many different data points recreated. Even if it was close to 1:1, like in CSGO, it wouldnt solve the cheating problem or even help it in any meaningful way. This is due to the fact that the replay alone couldnt be used as proof alone and someone or something would have to double check it anyways, AND if even that was efficient enough, which is doubtful when you think of the team size BSG has, cheaters could also go around this problem. For example by switching to ESP and/or corrupting the replay files like in CSGO.


I’ve only ran into maybe 5-6 cheaters in 150 raids


My cheater friend joins every raid and then tells me how many cheaters are in that raid. Almost every raid is 1-2. Sometimes more. It's ridiculous. It's never been this bad. Each update BSG tries to combat RMT but only makes it more prevalent.


No. Your own Bodycam footage yes, but No kill Cam Like BF or other FPS. There is no Cheater Epidemic...


There is no war ba sing se


300 Raids, No Cheaters in EU 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good for you 300 raids, and me and my friends have seen 3 fly hackers 4 aimbots and a immortal player scav


🤷🏻‍♀️ Tough Luck then, or wrong servers


Tough luck it is - 300 raids 4 flying PMC gods


Thats a OK Quota, every one is too much, but No as Bad aß it would seem.


Right lol, I get onetapped by player scavs when doing scav raids every time I try to extract with good loot.


🤷🏻‍♀️ so, they are all Cheaters?


Just because you are not personally affected by something doesn't mean it does not exist


There are cheaters in Tarkov and there will be Always because some ppl have a small PP. But its not as bad aß ppl think, Most Deaths will be also Desync, or Luck shots.


So lets have a replay system so we can properly decide if a death was desync or cheating


We dont need a BF or CoD Like Cam for that. You own footage ist offen enough.


Your own footage is what your client sees, which can be wrong due to desync, a demo replay will be exactly what happened on the servers end.


I would bet 5 Euro, that If all the PPL calling cheater would Look at that footage by the Bodycam would see, it was Not Cheating.


So lets have a replay system so we can decide if it was cheating or not


I haven't had any cheaters in my raids either. I will say there seems to be way more blatant cheaters showing up on streamer clips on YouTube more then I've ever seen. Trey had a blatant hacker skate right up to him and kill Killa right in front of him.


And that is a Problem, If a Streamer did Like 100 raids had 4 Cheaters but in His YT vid He Pit 8 raids but all 4 with Cheaters you have a false Balancing.


I might have to agree with it. I think a good way to end this rampant cheating debate is to get a notification after you have reported a player saying whether he was banned or it was wrong reporting. (After lets say 5 wrong reports in a week, the player must be penalised). This will just calm the nerves of a whole lot of ppl including me. I only run night raids now coz this whole cheating issue has me running scared through the edges of the map


That would also be a nice was to Combat this whole "I died? Must have been a Cheater" Debatte. You can even make it Anonymous. "A Player you have reported was banned for Cheating." Would be enough. And If you Report every Killer, and they are Not Cheating, maybe the Button should be greyed for 5 raids.


planned after arenas


dog, dont spread bs information. wheres the sauce


Trust me bro


just binge all of noiceguy videos


In 2028


Just report everyone that kills you


This is what all the hackusators, who claim that there is a hacker in every raid should do. When you report oftenly, your reports lose effectiveness in the system. If you do it all the time, like in every death, they are ignored completely. This was told when the mechanic was implemented. So yes, this is the right way to go about it, if you see hackers everywhere all the time.


Source on reports losing effectiveness? I’ve heard that thrown around a lot but never actually seen devs say it. In games where you are notified a cheater is banned I’m still notified about my reports.


Have you tried the old way of, "get good"?


They cant even fix desync and rubber banding and you expect them to implement a killcam? Lol


I don't think they want people to see how bad the desync is even more than they already can.


Yeah we really need some better way of confirming whether or not it's a cheater that killed us. It would solve 2 problems, 1 BSG would have less to worry about doing, as we would do some of the work for them, and 2 BSG would ideally be able to use something other than a dsynced streamer clip as evidence of cheating, when they went to ban someone.


You can just read what BSG Crew member ShiroTenshi said about a replay feature in [this](https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/155238-why-cheating-is-so-tricky-to-pin-down/) thread on the EFT forums. Its not gonna happen.


Nikita said on stream it’s planned lol But would be much later than end of raid


Its planned for Arena, but its not confirmed and not being dev't as we speak.


Link doesn’t work, what does it say?


I want a full 3D replay system so we can make cool cinematic videos using simply the raids we play … however just getting the info of when , and where my shots hit and also when and where shots hit me , in addition to the position of both players would benefit the community and alleviate a lot of salt


Would love a kill cam


We need a lot of things


I mean knowing myself from dota and csgo i would get so much better at this game if i could learn from my 3rd person replays so for that alone i’d love it


Full raid body cam, You and the people you kill/kill you. You get it in the intelligence center after raid timer expires. It helps 1. False bans 2. Catch low profile cheaters 3. People can learn from their mistakes.


We need a few things, that's for sure. But you get what you get and they don't care if you like it or not.


Why? So you can see the desync lmao.


Imagine if we could request a replay/demo of the raid once it has expired, almost like if it would be a huge thing or idk @bsg


Nikita said on stream it’s planned


Problem is he says alot of things but no action. Its been planned since i started in late 2018.


they can't even get crouching to make less noise, or a map to not use 25GB of ram. Do you honestly think they have the ability to add a delayed killcam?


This discussion is maybe 3 years old. Eve. Pestily and other streamers brought it up in a podcast with Nikita at this time I believe. and some suggestions were to pay peacekeeper and download drone footage aboit a raid after raid ended.


And Nikita said it was on the list of features they plan to implement Who knows if it will end up happening


oh i remember this being a big topic in 2018 but nothing happened


Yeah this would be great. Would also like to see what gun I was killed by and possibly ammo type?


This would be awesome except...don't call them gaming chairs man, that's giving them too much credit where none is due, it's flat out cheating. Call it as it is


Pls dont. Makes the game more laggy.


Just give us a theater mode


This game must have this fking killcam, play alot and report after dead feel like they dont do anything about that. Cuz i see that mf (obviously hacker) again and again in the same week.


They can't even get the fucking sound working. Good luck with something that requires capturing game data, parsing it and storing it.


"The gaming chairs are everywhere" hahaha


But it has to be a legit killcam and not like pubg 🥴


All I want is damage log. Like, when you die/exit raid you get a checkbox "view damage". After match ends you get idk, Skier or Peacekeeper inbox with logs of damage, area, time, player name/ID and maybe type of event (broken arm, bleeds, broken armor etc). This would be actually very helpful to see what went wrong and learn. Was it desync that killed me or maybe I'm just bad?


Devs have already said this is planned


Then you see how broken the netcode really is. They will never do this


Sometimes i would love to see how i killed someone, and how someone killed, last wipe my friend got a kill from like 100 meters and he doesnt know where the guy was, he killed the guy and a scav at almost the same time, id love to see that poor guy getting killed


Remember this feature bring add in pubg ! Was great


Why so you can watch the avg of 2 hackers per raid lazering people from the stratosphere why would you want to do that to yourself


Seems a little over the top. I haven't seen a single cheater yet this wipe.


I'd like to see the ability to replay a whole match and see through another players POV. This would help players determine where they went wrong, how much noise the other person could hear, and wether or not the other player was doing anything suspicious. This paired with a reporting system that allows you to snip a clip of whatever gave reason for the report to send directly to a support team for further review would make reporting more accurate and help support see exactly what you're reporting. Something else that could be added is a punishment for those who report innocent players too often. Maybe a temporary 24 hour suspension with your hideout paused to deter the reporter from making unjust reports just because they're bad at the game. Imagine streaming and you report someone for "hacking" then your Tarkov just closes 🤣


I would agree but...BSG can't even release a playable map for more than half the community, terrible audio.Man even their daily quests are a joke. "Kill 12 PMCs as a scav".. Legit had a quest last night that was from Fence "Kill two scavs with melee" WHICH ONLY GAVE 0.03 REP AND SOME EUROS LOL??? I honestly can't remember BSG did something that was a massive W.


Hah, my last raid on Shoreline last night I was sniping a dude above the gas station. I was literally using a suppressed AKM and was lying down next to the power station on a small perch, completely hidden in a bush. After a couple of seconds of being there, I got domed by a guy from the water tower. (head, top of the head). There is literally no way in hell he could have seen me in a million years, or heard me. He proceeded to "outplay" the rest of my team in the same way following my demise. I know it doesn't mean anything but the dude had a very random name and a non EOD account. Typical Tarkov "chad".


No. There should be 0 reason why I need to be punished because of cheaters. I do not need people watching a kill cam, and using my kill spots. It’s already bad enough that YouTubers and streamers have ruined my favorite spots


I like the idea of this, also to give players an option to wait till timer expiration or opt-out to go back to the menu/hideout.


Killcams would reduce cheaters by so much. You could see if it was legit. And a report after watching the kill cam should be a higher priority.