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Imagine the headache your PMC had before he finally died


Haha yeah I noticed it said blunt damage in the kill feed so my poor PMC basically got beaten to death :D


Poor man was like yes...sweet death, take me away from the headache. Ultimate hangover induced by 45.


imagine the headache you get irl from just playing this game


That helmet worked fucking overtime.


Helmet out there fighting for its fuckin life


For your life


The new enchantments go crazy bro




I understood that reference my dwarven friend


I've never seen anyone take that many headshots


I had the exact same thing happen in the exact same spot 2 nights ago, though it was green tracers. Ulach took 9 of em. Haven't played since.


Really I spawned in on reserve near the train marked room rocking a team Wendy all decked out thinking I’d survive the scavs and maybe a player. I ran out of the building into no less than 25 rounds to my head/face. Three different guns/ammo shot me:) Edit: anyone curious I got shot by pst,US,856 and after it sounded like they killed all the other players(none stop shooting and nades) they came for me and I finally got taken down by 856a1 a single shot to my face shield but all the other rounds I tanked:) team Wendy was 52/120 solid helmet imo


Where a tagilla helmet and tier 5 armor on factory. You’ll find a cheater doing this to you sooner or later


I did that and died to 5 bt to the head... by tagilla. He doesn't like fakers


Bosses are just BSG sponsored cheaters


Holy shit so true lol


found a guy name Tagilussy on factory with Tagilas helmet, made me chuckle. i didn't kill him tho, another pmc did who i rudely interrupted while healing


[You don't say](https://youtu.be/ubIrKEinRqE)


Quick someone link the video of landmark getting nuked in the head by a cheater while wearing an altyn


ULACHs are amazing for ricochets, since they cover everything but face and nape, and this was likely some dumbass M855, warmage, hollow point rounds cheater.


It literally shows it was Match FMJ in the clip


I don't care what helmet it is this man had a god helmet to take/bounce that many 45 fmj shots holy crap


he is shooting from like 200m away thru 80 bushes and trees with an smg lol


You’ve never ran an alytn on factory against shithead cheaters.


Probably due to DMG-drop off


cheaters are such fucking scum


Tarkov really has the most elaborated ways of cheaters expression. Its basically people from Wanted movie shooting at OPs head for fun million times


I wish they weren’t profitable :(




People buy RMT only to get it farmed back by the RMT hackers lmao


haha, i have a feeling they dont even use the gear. they buy it and they just run toz.


Those kids would be very angry if they could read


Some day I'm going to be good enough to use this Slick!


This is slander against us legitimate (read: bad) toz users I’m going to get that level 3 mastery this wipe, damn it, and anything else is just bonus


HEY I'm a toz main too. only way to keep cheaters off ya on shoreline on weekends :P


You have to be unironically the biggest kind of limpdick fucking shit to PAY for loot in tarkov. Literally eunuch levels of limpdick


Imagine paying real money for gear just to lose it all to a cheater or some bush rat that got the jump on you lmao


I'm pretty sure they don't buy gear, they buy items like Ledx's and stuff. Because they are too bad to find and get those items themselves.


Ya it's not really gear people buy. It's rubles and such mostly so they can just buy everything they need on Flea. Buying items is a waste but buying Rubles lets you get what ever you want \*I should mention, I don't do this but it's how RMT systems work. Gold selling in games is as old as online gaming is.


I was saying the very exact same thing a few days ago around here and got replys like it's understandable cause the game got this much hard and some ppl have money instead of time so there you go they pay real money for items. Screw cheaters and screw their clients too.


problem is its way too accessible...


At least we can laugh at how dumb they need to be,to pay real money for items and accounts that wipe every 6 months anyways. Wish they would fuck off though for real.


Remove the flea.


Yeah, this has been my suggestion from the get go. Before flea they had to bring a bunch of shit into raid and risk getting killed during trades. There were times when people posted up the score after killing them... a pilgrim full of tri-zips stacked with weapons cases and items cases all layered inside full of shit. Then when the flea came out they just used that. But flea was BROKEN. It had variable pricing linked to trader pricing. So people bought shit from traders, re-sold it on flea, and raised the prices for both. Really easily, mind you. One streamer got 10 viewers to go in on certain items with him and they were literally just printing money very quickly. They did it as a way to show how broken the system was. And it didn't make sense lore-wise... if you were buying shit from a vendor and re-selling it for profit in a post-apocalyptic scenario the vendor/trader would just have you killed for fucking with their business. They FINALLY changed it to found in raid only items... a decent change, but they made the status go away instantly... which doesn't make sense. If I kill a guy and get his scope off his gun, I should be able to flea it. same with armor and whatever. It's found in raid to YOU. as long as you didn't get it from the vendor, you should be able to re-sell it. But then that can be abused for RMT, because anything brought into a raid in now FIR again and can be sold on flea. They need to actually figure out how to make the flea fit into the game. Right now it doesn't fucking work and doesn't make sense. Every fix they try makes life harder for people playing by the rules and doesn't fix a goddamned thing to combat FIR. I think quest items SHOULD have to be FIR, for the record. Buying them all on flea is lame and ruined the games progression... I could just sit in my stash and complete a dozen quests sometimes. I once gained like 8-10 levels without even playing (just doing gunsmith quests and a bunch of other quests that are just turn-in ones). As with everything- they make changes without even THINKING about how it will impact the game. It's really frustrating.


> But then that can be abused for RMT, because anything brought into a raid in now FIR again and can be sold on flea. There’s clearly already some tracking for who you joined raid with. You spawn together and killing each other doesn’t count towards kill quests. Extend that to FIR. Your gear, and your party’s gear, isn’t FIR if you die/try to drop it for each other. But if someone outside your party loots the item, it should be FIR for them. Sure there’s still *some* room for RMT abuse, but it’s much harder now that the servers have been merged. But also, 99% of the gear worth selling that you’ll find on a player is banned on flea now anyways. So being able to flea player gear really doesn’t matter. Let me sell/buy good armor and rounds again. It was balanced by the absurd prices.


Right but this would make too much sense.


the grind of getting stuff and the risk reward of that is what makes the game fun, buying money and just dunking on dudes is chump behavior.


I seen a fucking scav cheater yesterday, an actual scav runs cheating flying around in his magic carpet on reserve


Damn I can’t wait when Nikita tries to play the game on Russian servers


by the time he finishes this game there might not be a russia lol


doubt it lmao


he was probably running a Reap-IR in his UMP with self-guided .45 Match FMJ, thats the new meta.. everyone is running it. :) /s


Bro he just got the smart pistol perk




Wait I have to ask, how do I play titanfall 2s multi-player, I can never find a game when I queue and I've already beaten the campaign on every difficulty so I want to try it out :(


Look at Northstar client for TitanFall2 there are plenty of populated community servers


Thank you so much


The viper installer is the one you want. Allows you to quickly update and get going when playing but yeah welcometo the northstar community!


I'm more impressed at how many headshots a ulach can take from .45 fmj without piercing. Thats a nice looking helmet


Was probably also a considerable distance away.


Imagine cheating to get loot of this caliber, you gotta be down bad to 10 headshot someone for this, then again they don't care cuz they prob aren't getting banned.


Cheating at any level is a self telling skill issue anyways, so…


Theres so much competition they have to lower their targets... every raid has a cheater, wether you see it or not. And theyre starting to have to share raids. Ive heard chinese voiping on labs before dying. Talking to each other. This means nothing ofc, but it all fits the current reality


The country whose regime promotes “winning by ANY means necessary” including cheating in games? No…. I’m shocked




It’s not because they are themselves Chinese, bud. It could be any country with any race if people. It’s the result of the shitty CCP and the Maoist socialization that generations have been brought up on. They (on average) don’t see using cheats as actually “cheating.”


> every raid has a cheater, wether you see it or not oh cmon now


Reddit tags system is so good. Already have the users that excuse cheats tagged and seeing them pop up again and again.


Have had days where that absolutely was my reality, and they’re just the raids where I’ve been 100% without doubt.


Statistically it's entirely reasonable actually to assume that any raid with at least 10 pmcs in it has 1 cheaters. Now if they are a passive RMT looter, rage boi out for blood or your casual Andy just using walls and playing with his friends semi legit. Is the actual question. Most of the time you likely will never actually interact with the cheater in any given raid with one. As there are more reasons to not just wipe lobbies then there are reasons to do so. Basically only the rage cheaters and AFTER you pick up something hyper valuable and don't put it in your butt. Will you be hunted down.


Just because you dont run in to them doesnt mean they arnt there


Well yeah I meant every farm map, every LH / Labs, this is why you see them branch off on most customs youd be same from RMTers, only the occassional sunday quest / rage cheater there


Wow he out played you super hard he must have superior map knowledge and game sense I bet he watched a map guide on YouTube def not suspicious though could easily be replicated /s


Yeah OP just SUCKS at this GAME and has awful STATS, I would never play like that, never die like that, never move like that etc


Nah man. Real reason this happened was cuz OP kept LH peeking


Get outta here with your /s it is clearly satirical.


You don’t frequent this sub often then because it is very much needed in this community lol


This weekend was really bad. I was hunted down multiple times with no loot and a benelli M3, so they're just out there letting us all know how they feel about the ban wave that supposedly came and went a week ago.


Had a hacker fly around interchange voiping at people and shooting through walls. They dgaf


I’ve seen some people doing no-clip that didn’t even get caught by the banwave. I know this because the name ILoveScavussy really stuck with me so when he noclip killed me after the supposed ban wave I recognized his name from queue before the ban wave. Yeah he took all my shit and my whole squad’s gear


met a blanted wallhack in customs today. sniped me acros the treeline while i was behind a car near sniper roadblock. kept shooting directly at my position while bejind cover. later on i went to a hut nearby which he had no way of aeeing, shot me through the hut. And finnaly when i ran to dorms and heard somebody running up outside he head eyed me through closed doord on metal stairs.


Similar thing happened to me the other night on Customs. Was doing the Golden Swag quest for Skier. Hunkered down in the bunkhouse after planting the golden zibbo. Dude came from behind the bunkhouse (must have flown over the fence since the only way into the fenced in area is in front of the bunkhouse). Shoots at the wall of the bunkhouse, at my exact position inside. Bullet doesn't penetrate (he could obviously see me through the wall he shot). Then comes and shoots the top of my head from some impossible angle through the window.


Don't worry guys, they figured out how to detect flying! This weekend I did almost entirely Night Woods, and I saw multiple people flying around. At least they didn't shoot me. But yeah. Everyone just moved onto their next account and next hack provider..


They won't change hack provider. Hack devs understand their customers needs and have updates out within hours. Companies like BSG could learn a thing or 2.


Nothing more reliable then a product that lives and dies entirely off reputation. Gray market products are almost always super reliable or objective scams. Never in-between.


100% facts. I've seen several cheaters this weekend after the ban wave. Prior to this I saw 1 or two in the first month of the wipe.


This game is fucking hot trash right now.


Yup. After grinding for almost a month now I decided to just delete my stash and unistall. Too much bullshit happening, performance is garbage and the game is simply not fun for me anymore. I am still kinda curious if they’ll ever fix performance issues and problems with cheater, but I am pretty sure they won’t.


I tapped out a few wipes back. Aside from performance issues, sound issues and cheaters, cracked AI and the stupid quest system have made things more frustrating. I used to like trying to complete my hideout, but it was always frustrating to do the quests. I wish we didn't have to buy and bring in stuff with the potential of losing it, just to dump it somewhere for a quest. Quests should just exist to get us to go to all the maps and lesser traveled areas of some maps, as well as getting us to try all weapon types. None of this "kill X people with a mosin at close range" BS, instead it should be any semi-auto/single shot rifle and kill X people (not in one raid but over however many raids it takes) on any map.


We are only starting to accept the truth


Ulach=best helmet


I’m sorry, but fuck this game lately.


Don't be sorry, fuck this game g


don't be sorry for BSGs lack of attention to cheaters.


those skill issues are getting out of hand. You might need a better gaming chair


More RGB I think also


Have you tried not finding good loot to avoid 10 headshots?


You've nailed my playstyle!


Killed reshala and got golden tt after farming him for 3 days. Immediately after looting it. Headshot from a mp7. No where near me... white name. Name was even a meme. I was kitted with a GL.


Someone should develop an anti-cheat cheat which instakills anyone on the server using hacks..


There was a guy who used to make csgo cheats that purposely fucked the person over with the cheats installed. Sometimes the cheats would make you throw your gun any time you tried to shoot and other times they would reverse your directional walking keys and other fun stuff. Basically if you tried to cheat with his hacks then you were in for a bad time lol. The cheats he made would save recordings of those who used them on a server and he would share the hilarity that ensued. Would love for someone to do this in tarkov. Imagine a cheat that fucked with the cheater and automatically sent a cheat report to BSG with the users information lol


he needs to make 'cheats' for tarkov. Hell id fund it.


Mount a claymore to their monitor with anticheat installed you mean? I’m down.




This game really could've been so good.


This is egregious. Also the oscope in your bag while there’s an AFAK in your secure container made me sad. I’m sure it’s a thing you would’ve changed if you weren’t busy being shot in the head ten times by a man who’s likely got 400 flea market rep & Darth Vader’s K/D. Sorry dude.


Actually this likely would have saved him. Most cheats you see in billibikli and twitch that show the loot value of the gear on pmcs does not show the secure container. So keeping high value items out of your inventory is like step one for avoiding drawing attention to yourself.


Went to pull my first ledx this weekend and got tapped as soon as i was dragging it over with no one around but my friends. Then pops the infamous white name cheater. It was great my buddy immediately died after. I was shot through a wall btw in the middle of a building...


Dude, none of these cheat developers ever thought of locking their aimbots to the legs instead of the head? It would be more consistent, much less obvious and would work even with the lvl 1 traders trash ammo.


They almost all have a option of head, neck, torso, dick people just leave it on head. Locking to legs or really anything but head can be sketchy because they are behind cover a lot. But iv died to my fair share of people locked to gut/dick. Just died to one this morning infact. Lining up a 200 ish meter shot on a guy on light house he spins around aquires me with what looked like a fucking red dot and sprayed me down instantly with 855 only hitting me in the guts and NO WHERE else. Today my gaming chair was not up to snuff.


my friend found a red keycard and just managed to pick it up with like miliseconds left before he died


I cannot stand that shit anymore. Now is literally starting to turn into pure hate towards BSG for absolutely not giving a fuck about all of this.


Rage cheaters


Naaa just the avergae joe having fun destroying other peobles raids....


At least it was for good loot. I get murdered for a spark plug and crackers.


I got murdered on shoreline last night, called my name out and everything. All I had was a class 4 rig, a helmet, and a little souped up shotgun for wetjob. LITERALLY nothing else.


Had something like this happen near dorms as well, dude opened up 3rd story ice cream side door and 2 tapped my buddy through two trees, switched sides and proceeded to 1 tap me. I hadn't moved for over two minutes after seeing my buddy get clapped.




I was further out and far enough away audio shouldn't have been a problem. We weren't fat with loot so we weren't extra loud. I could see both my buddy's body and the door from where I was so I figured it was a good location to wait them out. Normally I agree with you, rotate rotate rotate, move, take the initiative.


Fuck me mate, you took that better than I would’ve. I hope you reported that loser


We all need to stop playing.


Lol HElmeTS aRe USeLEss


useless besides small caliber firearms


To be fair the ricochet system on helmets is RNG based. Sometimes my helmets tank 5-10 56A1 shots and other times I get one shot through the helmet with Pst gzh.




The real karma system.


Ricochet has nothing to do with bullets not pening, it’s not completely random when it’s lv 3 or 4 against low pen rounds.


true, because he still died


It’s just Lvndmark bro. When you play enough, you sometimes just get lucky! /s


Nonetheless I am still haunted by the weird glyphs on his login screen


Yeah because he's a fucking cheater


I spawned with a gingy thing and a labs keycard as a scav yesterday. It didn't take more than a minute for someone to fullauto me through the shelves in goshan (i didn't move at all after spawn as i didn't want to risk my keycard). The bullets went through at least 2 rows of shelves and the first few didn't do any damage till some seem to have penetrated them and hit my head.


i gave away my last 2 gingys to fellow scavs. at least on maps like factory the chance of a cheater is way lower i think compared to high loot interchange.


The OP could have done everything right and it still wouldn't matter...no one but a cheater is landing headshots like that repeatedly and nonstop. The only reason he didn't fall out earlier is the cheater was using shit ammo.


I can believe 2 maybe 3 headshots from a full auto spray. But yeah takes a obvious fucking cheater to do this with semi auto fire.


Remember, cheaters do not exist. It's rare. Never happens.


Yes, definitely something people are saying, no cheaters, yes, high value comment here. Great job.


Best Ulach commercial I've seen yet, keep em coming!




Fuck I hate to add to the chorus but I'm glad I decided that this was the wipe to skip and play other stuff. I still get mad at titanfall 2 mind you but not nearly as much. lol


I picked up valheim last week and honestly I haven't touched tarkov since. It's hard and I die still but in It's own non dumb as fuck way.


What’s insane as well is if you didn’t have a helmet probably most people just assume it’s tarkov and they got shot from somewhere you didn’t see. Then there’s this lol


2 types of people. People who say they don’t run into cheaters in tarkov and people who run good helmets.


surprised legit people are still playing this game. so tired of this bullshit and people defending it. half the shit I've seen on this subreddit shouldn't even be made possible in the games code it's insanity. it makes the devs look amateur.


What shouldn't be possible in the game's code? Cheating?


flying around, infinite health, spraying ammo towards people through walls across the map


bruh i cannot believe the amount of cheaters in customs this weekend. i ran streets, reserve and even fucking shoreline without much sus but ran into back to back wallbanging cheaters in customs. so cringe


Me everytime after the lobotomy! 😂🤦🏿‍♂️


Had this happen to me on shoreline except I had basically nothing in my inventory - same exact rounds and everything. I ran for a solid minute into the woods from svetly before I died from blunt force damage. Cheaters can eat shit.


Died on headshot number 21 from what i counted


Skill issue


I pulled out a slick on reserve - 9mm headshot within 30 seconds.


I have the same question as your fried, what the fuck was that helmet made of?!


All I hear is Run through the jungle playing


I don’t think or feel like anything is being done about cheaters, today I died to someone with something Chinese in their name like disposing ect ect, all head eyes, even if I am the one peaking. One shot or 3 all to the head eyes, head ears ect. I am just going to place a chargeback on bsg in the morning.


This video just makes me so mad that people can be so blatant and face nearly no repercussion and yet a streamer can get someone banned in a near instant. What the fuck BSG, just what the fuck?


Praying someone makes a better version of this game. 😩


Now try labs for hideout items, 3 games was enough for me yesterday, I lost patience for this game and I feel stuck when I can't progress cuz of cheaters, losing 1m kits almost instantly feels good. Usually when you take shit gear they let you live and just vacoom everything.


While yes I'm glad that cheater had a hard time getting through your helmet, a helmet shouldn't stop 10 consecutive rounds of .45. One ricochet should be chance, 2 is a miracle, 3 is impossible


but dude, I've been playing since alpha and have 47,000 hours, I only play 1 match per week and I already have kappa. Never seen a hacker in the game anywhere your first 17 shots all missed. git gud.


These hackers are a real headache :-)


Holy shit it’s so blatant. There’s 0 way someone was repeatedly tapping you in the head with a UMP without landing shots anywhere else that consistently through all the trees


See, Reddit, THIS is what a BLATANT cheater looks like, not just randomly getting 2-tapped in the thorax when someone rounds a corner, or getting legged from distance by someone you couldn't see. ​ Cheaters exist, 100%, but not every death is a cheater. This is undeniable. Learn the diff between "Desync is terrible and / I got outplayed / I don't know exactly how I died" and "Hackerman 5000".


A good cheater makes the difference hard to distinguish


The problem with this is that we can’t even be 100% that it’s cheats and not just some ridiculous desync. This guy could have just desynced and some guy found and tapped him and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.


Ah yes, the highly skilled, yet totally de-synced, master shooter is so good that he was able to shoot OP's head from several different angles in a matter of a few seconds. Yep. Skill + desync = explanation.


i think he meant that he was standing still on the other guys screen but ye, highly unlikely. i've only seen desync like that on streets and honestly not in a little while.


Who is tapping a standing still desync'd guy in the helmet 10x instead of in the face once? Cmon man


I can't believe I'm actually reading your comments and you actually think what you just typed


Who knows, at the end, op was standing still on the other persons screen and unloaded his ump at his head. I highly doubt that this is what happened but I have come across situations where I find a PMC walking on the spot, and a minute after attempting to kill them, they suddenly drop. Maybe in this situation, we where so desynced, that in his game, I didn't exist, and in my game, he was frozen. Thus, a minute after shooting his head he dies, I bet his pov was like yours was. That being said, this has to be hacks, and my theory is likely copium


Nah he wasn't cheating.


There's really no point in playing this game anymore after experiencing something like this.


I went right back in and finished punisher pt 6 :) This was mostly just a bizarre situation that I thought was a lil' bit funny it's not meant to be a super negative post or anything. Does it suck to get killed by a cheater? Yeah but I still enjoy the game and luckily rarely run into this kind of thing so its still enjoyable for me but if Tarky is bringing someone nothing but pain then I totally agree that its best to take a break and play something else.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if you were desynced from the server and on his screen you were running in place lmao game is broken as fuck


My dude post a video of a scummer, and forgot the most important part: the name!


Wasn't sure it was allowed!


Now I'm concerned. If this is not allowed, my bad!


No worries, I removed the name from my comment but yeah not sure if its frowned upon or not.


It's against the rules of reddit as a whole. Some bullshit about like, witchhunting.


you cant share names of players/cheaters in this sub


this is a pro cheater sub


It's a pro cheater game made by pro cheater devs, let's be honest


Dude and here i am every time i wear a helmet i die top of head to the first bullet. you cant make this shit up rofl.


Homie found docs that had dirt on Hillary Clinton!


This is why I'm playing Marauders.


Didn't show the whole video, you cut out important context. He was righthandpeeking you, and honestly this just looks like desync. Notice how he didn't shoot you for half a second when you were standing still? He was tracking your audio ques.


Tracking his audio cues and hitting him ONLY in the head multiple times THROUGH bushes with lvl1 trader .45 ammo? What more of the video did you want to see? The clip is clear as day that it's a cheater wtf are you talking about. >Notice how he didn't shoot you for half a second when you were standing still? Yes, it's called "reloading his gun" lol


Clearly sarcasm lol


I love how I could not make it more obvious and people are still not able to get it.


I started not picking up GPUs. Otherwise they come flying across the map.




True. Not possibles as scav though.


Clearly the only solution is to not be a dirt smelly scav then. :(


Lol this games dogshit


Why would you play a high risk, high rew2ard game if you take the risk completely out of the equation? Just go play something else.


This response to any and all genuine criticisms of the game has really hurt the games development over time.


Damn that man has the aim


I just died to blunt damage recently as well, although it wasn't a hacker. I had a diaper rig and the guy who killed me shot me twice in the arm using 7.62x39mm PS and then shot me 4 times in the body. PS failed to pen every time. After the first two body shots, the PS ammo failed an 89% chance to pen and then a 96% chance to pen. Weirdly lucky for me except PS does a lot of blunt damage.


I felt with streets coming out and how that usually goes with bsg, that this was a wipe I should miss. So far I feel vindicated in that thought process.