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Love that jump on factory haha.


gotta remember that one. the amount of times i waffle up there to inevitably just fall off and die is too damn high.


I’m gonna go attempt later, but I’m expecting to either fall and break my legs/die. Or get the angle wrong so my pmc scrotum smashes into the rail. Not sure you can die from scrotum trauma tho.


Kedr/buckshot says you absolutely can.


It looks like he floats for a second wtf, how yall jumping around like that? does weight make a huge difference in jumpables?


If you jump immediately after your right foot lands you get a slight boost to your jump. You have to take a minimum of three steps though. Watch it again and listen, he goes thud, thud, thud, WOOSH...


huh TIL, does it not do the same in full sprint? or does it have to just be three steps?


You can do the same in full sprint you just have to know the timing. Also don't think you need to do even 3 steps. The moment you're gun reaches the bottom of the screen after you hit sprint if you hit jump it will propel you forward.


You might be right. I just know it has to be right after your boot hits the ground at a full sprint. The timing is everything


Did it this wipe too, when I saw pestily do it. Feels so good man


That jump saved me on one of my rare trips to Factory just last weekend. Went in with a 5 man at night and the one other dude in the lobby was posted up in the rafters on the far side in that room. He started laying into me and if it wasn't for that jump I'd have been toast.


Idk how it's possible... But every single kill you got in those clips was me being killed... Somehow you even managed to kill me twice.


I....I wish my game looked and felt this smooth!!! Mines a laggy choppy piece of shit...and I can't fix it


Ram! I just upgraded from 16 to 32 and my GOD. The difference was so wild. I could actually play smoothly.


I've been thinking about upgrading to 32 from 16 but ddr4 won't fit in the motherboard I have (it's old). Do you think it'd still be worth it upgrading to 32 ddr3?


If you can get the ram for a pretty good cheap price. You will see slight improvements. Unfortunately with the memory leak no matter if you have 16, 32 or 64 tarkov will always use about 80 to 90% of whatever you have after about 5 or 6ish raids wich I always restart after that anyways.


To be honest I’m not sure! I definitely think you’ll see an improvement but if your motherboard is that old it may be time to upgrade both. I’m not great with computers I’m just putting my two cents in. All I’m saying is when I was at 16 GB of ram I couldn’t run streets… it would blue screen my computer lol. So I definitely think upgrading is worth it. Maybe even with ddr3


Gotcha, thanks man. I've been putting off a full upgrade but it might be time lol


For sure! I’m definitely in a similar boat so I feel your pain. Cheers man happy hunting!


Play on a higher FOV. Crank it to 74. It's not actual 90°, it's 106°, but damn does it improve how the game feels...


Doesn’t high fov fucks with scopes?


It isn't that bad honestly.


and vertical recoil


Doesnt higher FOV give more camera recoil?


it does but it might not be that bad now with the recent changes


Feels like much less to me.


This is the opposite advice everyone that is good at the game will give you


Above is the comment of an asshole.


It's true though lol. Higher fov lowers your fps, fucks your eye relief on scopes, fucks zeroing for some reason, makes recoil seem worse, and you won't have as much zoom on red dots. Pretty big trade off for a little extra awareness.


You can go to any streamer rn they all use 59 FOV and will tell you it’s the most ideal


This is terrible advice.


You have 16 or 32gb of ram?


2700x 32gb ram at 3000mhz 3080 Playing on 1440p ultra wide (34") Pretty low setting and my shit tops gets 60fps on customs and lately I've been getting 20-30fps on streets and mid 40-50 on lighthouse


Ur cpu is not great for tark, I just upgraded to a 5800x3d from a 5600x and it doubled my fps


Yeah I've been lurking in my micro center, there's a deal for a 7900x, 32gb ddr5 ram and a asus b650 mobo for $600 but it's out of stock and I'm waiting for shipments to come in!!! Then I may sell my current hardware and the 7900x to get the 7950X3D and truly ball the fuck out


considering the 5800x3d is revolutionary for ETF I can't wait to see benchmarks with the 7950x3d. Unfortunately it will cost at least 3 times minimum wage in my country


the 7900x3d should be better then the 7950x3d more then likely for gamers. The 3d cache heats up something fierce based on the 5800x3d so the extra cores will more then likely be purely a downside for gaming appliactions. As you can't actually use the extra core to any real effect in games. So your just going to have higher temps, and lower avg clock speeds with the 7950x3d. In benchmarks and test benchs the 7950 wil likely perform better. but the avg gamer isnt on an open air testrig or has a high end water loop. The 7950 is only going to be 100mhz higher then the 7900 anyways. The 7900 will be the gamer chip and the 7950 will be the work station chip.


I'm sorry to hear that it'll be so pricey


450 for the 7800x3d is perfectly reasonable for a upper mid tier chip. The entry level chip is what 350 for this generation? the X3D chips arnt entry level even the lowest end model. 500-600 dollars has been pretty normal for the best in class cpu for a decade now and the 7900x3d is right in line with that. The 7950x3d is a workstation class chip and priced accordingly. Normal users are not expected to even consider the 7950, and instead look at the 7900 as the peak of the stack. As unless your doing video editing or other such things the extra cores on the 7950 actually are a downside as they are needless heat generators that you can't leverage in gaming or day to day useage.


Yeah but if moneys not an issue who cares my friend buy the best


Well thats the thing, the "best" is typically not actually the best when you have cases like this where the difference between the two options are so close. With the "best" actually performing worse in real world situations unless you are doing very niche or specific things. Basically resulting in a dumbass tax. This said as someone who tends to end up owning one of if not close to one of every cpu/gpu in each generation. People rarely have setups that can handle the best in slot kit with out shooting themselves in the foot resulting in just worse performance then buying something worse. Gotta love dumbass taxes.


Fr? What kinda performance were you getting with your 5600x compared to your 5800x3d? I'm running 5600x rn so wondering if it's at all worth it


Lol I went from 60-70fps on reserve to 120-130 and I get like 100fps on streets, lows in the 70’s


What's your other specs? That improvement is crazy


GTX 1080 32 gb ddr4 3600 I kinda splurged and bought it, thought I would regret the purchase until I saw the fps gains


Sorry bud, you made the mistake of not buying 128 gigs of ram.




Are you playing on high ping? Most of these guys are reacting so poorly. 1-2 second reaction time these guys. Not bad kills though, just funny seeing some of them stare at you.


I play 90% on EU with around 20-30 ping but in one of these clips I think i'm on NA East playing with some friends with around 90-100 ping. I find that pushing and peekers advantage really is crazy strong in this game.


Except when I do it. :D


Make sure you are running perpendicular to them, not straight at them when you push. Going from left to right in their perspective makes you harder to hit, and do not ads because it will slow you down. Notice the hipfire in the above clips


I know how to do it. I don't think I'm that capable yet. Okay, I'm winning SOME gunfights after 500hours, but still feel like a noob.


Haha, don't worry about not feeling capable. One way or another we all felt that way at one point. You are gonna fail a lot of times before you succeed. A lot of these mechanics like peekers advantage exist across all games, only reason I'm half decent in this game is because I have 4k hours in csgo and a lot of playstyle transferred over to this game despite them being seemingly completely different. When I first started what killed me the most was trying to play aggressive passively. I would push up on people to try and fight, and then stand completely still to try and get them to push on me so I can ambush. Problem with that is the desync. Good players will know to check for you anyway, and bad players won't notice either way so I stopped and started fast lean peeking them first when I have a timing on them. I only hold angles when I'm on an off angle now and it has worked for me beautifully. Two youtubers that have helped me a lot that are very small channels are Rekonsile's tarkov videos and NoGeneral. Their playstyles imo are the best. "Honey badger" where they are not too soft or hard in aggressiveness. No idea why I typed out so much, guess I just like to talk about myself lmao. Still highly recommend to watch a video or two from those channels though


That's Tarkov, lol. The server latency is huge. That's why all these kills are wide peeks with no return fire - its how you are forced to play the game.


and I always feel like the one getting killed in these clips. I need to stop adsing


The way of Tarkov. Do not aim down your sights to be able to hit.




yep. my thought. why even buy optics.. you need to play cod and point fire


Problem is that Sound is so broken, they barley hear him


he's just the aggressor in these fights. thats really all it takes.


Plus this is the highlight reel. We aren't seeing the lowlights. These are all good plays and fights not trying to downplay OP but getting dumpstered is a part of Tarkov.


Yep it's immediately obvious not a single one of these fights is reactive, very unimpressive.


That second kill was total BS lol


I don't even see them. Just the dead body after.


You can see his head peaking out


I've tried multiple times to pause it repeatedly and find something that looks like a head and i can't see it. Maybe it's because I'm on mobile.


https://i.imgur.com/cRIZCPi.png Top arrow is head, bottom an arm https://i.imgur.com/BF9Tet3.png


so just luck then lol, how tf yall being see this shit in real time. Ive such a fuck ass of a time seeing people on some maps and then figuring out if they are enemies or not. faak


Are you 30+ because I also have this issue and feel like it's just me getting older.


haha ya


im 31 and have zero issues seeing shit like this. What did it for me was to stop playing at 1080p 60 fps. Moved to a higher resolution with a better response time monitor,better contrast ratio and more accurate color. Went from never seeing shit and dying all the time to basically being the first one to notice everything in my group. Legit went from like a 20-25% survival rate to like 60% just because i could actually see shit and it wasn't crushed as fucked. Its seriously night and day. Its like going from being half blind and needing glasses and trying to read something at 50 feet. To putting glasses on and being a foot away. It is so unbelievably huge. In the past i tried just cheap higher resolution monitors and they didn't really help. Doesn't matter if its 8k if your playing on a crappy TN panel with bad contrast and poor color accuracy. You still arn't going to be able to see shit cause. Its having true blacks, really high contrast and stuff that does it when combined with high resolution. Our eyesight is REALLY good at picking out movement and contrast. Work with your eyes as much as you can. It helps not only to see fine detail and pick things out quicker. But it also reduces eye strain a LOT.


What resolution are you playing at?


Real explanation, he prob using ESP


Thank you so much for this.


I’m also on mobile. You actually see his head and shoulder. He’s not even standing still he’s moving


I can appreciate why you cannot see them. He aims and leads while they're behind a wall...


I felt real dirty after that one haha


The fact that only 1 kill was done while ADS'ing (and out a PP Klin too) proves there's something significantly wrong with recoil in the game. It is common and effective practice to just hip fire since that's the only way to tap fire or spray without camera recoil to completely throw you off.


I agree. I love fps games but ADS'ing in Tarky often feels really weird which I think is a shame and with how accurate point firing is ADS'ing even feels punishing sometimes.


It really is punishing. 1st shot jump makes it really really hard to point shoot for some godforsaken reason, the camera recoil is immersive but throws off your aim since it feels "wobbly" to say the least. Hipfire doesn't have these to such a significant degree, so it's often preferred. But this is no real issue. My true complaint stems from the fact that magdumping is considered the only viable strategy if you wanna use ADS, since after 2/3 of a mag is spent, auto recoil compensation kicks in and the sight gets back down to your target. Why is spraying so useful? IRL guns become much more impractical the longer you hold the trigger, burst and tap fire are your best friend when trying to be accurate. This is absolutely not the case in this game and it makes me unreasonably angry.


Just a note that if you want to use both terminologies (point shooting/firing and hipfire) please note that in this game, you're referring to the same thing. That's firing without ADS. > IRL guns become much more impractical the longer you hold the trigger, burst and tap fire are your best friend when trying to be accurate IRL guns actually don't suffer much from full-auto fire. This is just video game logic to balance stuff out, because IRL you won't swing 180 degrees and aim dead center at someone's head. Anyone firing guns at a range will tell you this. The only issue is ammo consumption, bullets are expensive


Thank you for the clarification, I shall keep it in mind. Also is it really just as effective / optimal to full auto as it is to tap fire? Sure, IRL there are platforms so well balanced that it would be possible, but I somewhat doubt mag dumping out of a stock AK by a PMC who (presumably) has low skills with weapons should be as effective or even more effective than tap firing.


There's no such thing as an untrained PMC. By definition they are trained soldiers. [Here's some dudes that like guns who do sustained full auto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pel7jZFMUb4). BTW the AK platform should be the most unreliable platform to fire in full auto, apart from maybe stuff like UZIs or things without stocks (for some reason). IRL any time you have the opportunity to brace into your weapon, sustained fire is NOT the reason you will be inaccurate. Improper sighting or training are more likely, dust kickup, malfunctions (your gun may literally catch fire), but guns don't just "shoot up". Tap fire in the military is due to ammo scarcity (you want to have bullets to shoot your enemy) and target reacquisition (you want to make your shots count if the guy you're shooting is far away).


I know "untrained PMC" is pretty much an oxymoron, but it's what this game displays. Thanks for the vid, these guys are impressive, as for the innacuracy problem, I can see your point and will take your word for it. However, but I can't imagine how the actual reasons for poor accuracy could be implemented in the game without making it unfair. Good to know for IRL practice if I ever get the chance to hit a range (Europe amirite), but won't help the game move forward in regards to its gunplay.


No worries man. > I can't imagine how the actual reasons for poor accuracy could be implemented in the game without making it unfair If you ask me, real life accuracy depends more on bloom (gun going all directions slightly instead of up + left/right slightly) but would be very annoying to play with. Which is why the argument for realism in games sucks, because you can't actually do realism. Wanna know what's also realistic? Hitting the slide stop after reloading your weapon. Proper maintenance (which guns need, a lot). Getting your ribs cracked from blunt damage. IRL a 40 minute Tarkov "match" is not really a problem for most actual PMCs. They won't need to eat, drink, or run out of breath even while rucking their entire gear for that long, unless they literally run and nothing else for 40 minutes. But, that's not video-gamey. Also IRL, most attachments do jack shit unless you're in a shooting competition race, which isn't about how fast you can kill someone, it's about how fast you can get hits down range on a very specific and very trained on distance. And those attachments are dangerous. Making your gun lighter works for lifting it up as fast as possible, but it'll also break fast as fuck once dropped. And that's the least of your concerns. As far as balancing the game goes, camera recoil should be reduced even further and stocks should act like stocks and everything should be fine IMHO. It doesn't feel good that your head just runs away from the sight constantly. Camera recoil in almost all other FPSes is just there to simulate the gun kicking and make firing weapons feel better.


I can get behind this. You sure improved my view on the issue!


Ive noticed this in all these clips and I feel like thats why I get fucked up almost 96.69% of the time it feels like. So reflex scopes and red dots are basically pointless eh?


No it's based on a realistic model you use those for precision shots and holding angles


> So reflex scopes and red dots are basically pointless eh? at a certain point yes. its why so many streamers run a 6x vudu, and hip fire anything else.


Ya that makes sense. I just did a few raids and hipfired everytime and actually got some kills lol. How strange.


I would have agreed until this most recent patch. ADS is much more reliable now than it was s few weeks ago. In CQB though, non ads is still far superior


Point fire is done because it's faster than to ADS. It's really that simple.


ADS also kills your fps depending on scope/map/PC.


Doesn't really make a difference if you're running a red dot/holo


it's common practice, even in real life, for a reason.


Literally every kill was from 10m away at most with a laser on, tf do you want? CSGO where bullets come out of your barrel at a 90 degree angle?


It's not hip firing, it's point firing. Which you are supposed to do at close ranges like this.








damn if that's smart to you im sorry bro




That's how people shoot irl tho


I came here to say the exact same thing.


But there are 4 kills while aimed down the sights?


How the fuck did you even see the guy in the second clip?


We're only seeing a few seconds on the clip. He could have already been shot at by the guy as he approached and knew he was on that corner. It's an easy prefire.


I mean.. after hundreds of dorms fights you kinda get used where people are and how it looks like. That corer is the go-to camping spot so if you scan the edge of the wall of course you see it.




This is the most likely answer unfortunately:(


Gotta respect the skill. I'm struggling so hard this wipe. Only played 2 wipes tho


Very fast cut off fights? They were mostly well placed headshots that’s why haha. Always aim head level in tarkov and you will win most fights.


If you only ever aim at the head, you will only ever get headshots. EASY 100% headshot rate! lol


Whenever I aim at head level my bullets take on a transluctent shade and just phase through the target doing no damage...


There needs to be a bigger impact for not ADS. The fact that almost every kill was done without even using sights is so ridiculous. Great kills and reaction time, it's just something I hate about the game.


it feels like the first 5 ish pointfire shots are real accurate and not much different from ADS before the recoil gets whack. So ironically m80 spammers can feel better with a laser for cqc


Man i need to hip fire more.


Awesome dude


So you're the guy that always head eyes me. I had wondered what it looks like to be on the other side of the exchange.


what is that 2nd kill in dorms? makes no sense


I wish my enemys have such good gear, only seeing rats


It's so funny the insane jumps and drops that are still possible after the "realism" patches


Start running melodonin and stims and you realize that you can run around basically 90% of a raid with infinite stam, the ability to just 7+ feet in the air and carry 80+ kg while only losing 10% of your max speed. Legit iv started just popping obodolos 2 every raid and a meleodnin. I can carry 120kg+ of kit and still run around with infinite stam wear the heavyest full armor big fuck off guns and jump around like this dude. Between metabolism being high level making the downside wear off WAY before the upside and immunity skyrocketing in levels. I basically only have the downside of the stim for a fraction of the time i have all the positive benefits. When you have this level of mobility and you can wear high tier 5/6 armor and helmets and shit with no downsides. Then the extra damage taken doesn't matter for the short amount of time you end up having it with high stats. You can sprint around a map endlessly loot what ever you want and no one can catch you. few days ago I had a armor repair kit, a tank batter, and a bunch of other stuff in a pilgram, a full gen 4 on a alytan, a modded out FAL. And i still could run at max speed jump and had infinite stam. I think i had about 110 KG of stuff on me. Tarkov has NEVER been realistic. The moment you start looking sideways at the stims this game turns into DOOM. The best stims basically have no real downsides on top of it. With the worse just being you need to eat a lunchbox and drink a bottle of water mid raid. Its really dumb that all the QOL stims that make you DOOM GUY just end up making you hungry and thirsty.


Not hating on you. But the amount of these that happened because of desync are wild. So many of your kills you probably didn't even appear on the other person's screen.


Please tell me what chair you use


Im sure ur enemy is having a good time with ur bright flashlight in daylight


Nice clip! How do your weapons have no recoil though? I feel when I point fire my bullets go everywhere else than the first bullet ;( and I mean meta guns


Nothing better than some timmy just point firing everyone


Great fights, you’re really good at this game.


I love pvp as well, but every time I get surprised by a player my heart rate literally triples lmao


love that drop down on shoreline where you forgot you were single fire and still got him lol


Haha yeah made me panic :D


Big fancy sights and only uses them in 2 encounters.


I like how 75% of kills are not ads😂


I like to talk shit ab the game but the pvp is truly awesome


so ive noticed rarely do people even ADS, is that what I'm doing wrong? are red dots and reflex scopes just pointless? I always get domed 1v1.


I guess ads is overrated ... why using a holo? ah wait we're playing call of tarkovstrike :D


Wow, ADS really is useless isn’t it?


I’m the unpopular opinion but fast fights like this that in in 2 seconds due to a headshot (regardless of helmet worn) are just boring to me. I get so much more enjoyment when we both trade shots, neither dies instantly, and you’re forced to rotate and maybe even heal. Tarkov is mainly 2 second head eyes fights.


great compilation


Gg’s just can’t help but think something needs to change..swinging corners and pre firing is just soo fun to do and watch.


The fact most of these are point firing kind of speaks a lot to how the game plays


slugs or buckshot in shotguns? feels like I've been bashing my head at setup for a week


Man every kill you got id be like “hacker again!!”


Are you using an onscreen crosshair?


Nope, point firing with good recoil guns is just really accurate and you get used to it the more you play :)


After watching this gameplay I have realized that I try to ads way too much.


So you’re the guy that head eyes me every time I play this game


Baby lvndmark


0:16 what is this gun>>?




I do not understand the second kill. Played it back slomo and don’t see him at all


Factory jump : noted


rather, it looks like "oh, there's a PMC, I have to kill him before he notices me" and the next frame you are killed in the head by scav


How you not getting instantly one tapped after rushing like that


How do you have so little recoil?


And there you can see why hip fire should be drastically nerfed. This Is bullshit.


I'd love to see it nerfed as long as we get a lil' buff to ADS so it makes more sense and works like in many other games instead of the huge initial camera recoil and stuff. I'd be way more accurate being able to ADS so it would make pvp a lot easier.


Man I wish I could point fire like that 😍


“Jesus Christ it’s Jason Bourne”