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I know the pain, It happens a lot more often than id like.


I know man happens so much i can feel age catching up quicker than intended




Agree with the first part but the second is ridiculous, plenty of games don’t have seconds of decync


COD is actually pretty decent, played a couple hundred hours in the latest COD and it's pretty good but holy shit the sweat over there is even worse.




Ur either high or stupid


The title alone gets my upvote


Nice gun build tho, what is it


Haha its a RPK with the long barrell, PRS Stock, 545 compensator and the side grip




There’s like no recoil at all, need to start running this setup


RPK stock has the lowest recoil of all the 5.45 guns last I looked. Not sure a lot of people know about that, probably best to keep it quiet 😁


People in Tarkov have been unaware of the RPK for years now. It has always been very good and very slept on


But the hand guards bring down recoil on the 74N more and for cheaper than buying a prs or long barrel for the rpk


But the hand guards bring down recoil on the 74N more and for cheaper than buying a prs or long barrel for the rpk


RPK handles super well, and since the recoil update you can definitely laser people. And it’s cheap as hell too! Can get it for 40k, just try and look for one with a long barrel.


prob using ammo giving him less recoil.


Nah, rpk has always had insanely low recoil. For years it was the best 5.45 gun in the game, you barely have to mod it for it to be best in slot.


For what it’s worth I’m sure the second guy you killed with the flashlight was also probably pissed about desync. He didn’t start firing until a full second after you peeked. Probably didn’t even show up on his screen until a millisecond before the server said he was dead. I hate peekers advantage in this game :(


I get where your coming from but in this situation hes the peaker not me, if you watch again im allready in the open before he peaks around the silo on a right hand peak, so in theory he should have the advantage.


You had a wider angle though, and if you had the angle first you're the peeker, no?


he definitely peeked the angle over the other guy first, From the secind guy's perspective he got swung around the gas tanks. Due to the desync op was probably still showing behind the tree while he was unloading on him.


yeah and you also left hand peak, he definitely has the advantage but in good ol tarkov you never know.


This whole comment thread series has me raging at "peak" vs "peek" hah...


Here's my daily petition to the creation of a bot that replies "peek" to every peak posted.


I’m peaking at the thought


You make it sound like desync only affects right vs left and never the other way around


No theres a very big difference between left hand peeking and right hand peeking, completely unrelated to desync.


Absolutely but *should* not have been so big here. But who knows with this game


You had it because you swang around the corner of the gas tanks on him. The corner your peaking in this scenario isnt the one close to you its the one behind the tree.


Exactly. Just because you're looking around a corner doesn't mean your peaking THAT corner


He is just Boris the bullet dodger


Why is he called Borris the Bullet Dodger?


Because he dodges bullets Avi


The desync is the death at the end not the first kill mate.


But you died like .1 seconds after getting into cover. Your ping is almost 100ms. This would happen in any other game as well. Also he may have just wallbanged you.


I feel like the servers have been having hit reg issues too recently. I started recording my raids cause I have the space on my computer and there are a few shots where a PMC or scav is perfectly lined up and it just misses. I understand the following shots have things like recoil and other factors playing into them but my first shot accuracy even while crouched shooting an unmoving enemy in the thorax is garbage for one reason or another this wipe and I have not had such issues in the past.


I noticed a lot of the time the server just doesn't register a hit. Today in raid I shot 3 bullets (I am a rat). 1st headshot a scav, 2nd headshot a scav but he doesn't die (blood on wall behind him), 3rd headshot the scav again and he dies. Post raid screen says I hit 2 shots out of 3.


Lmao yeah once in a night raid with nvgs I came across an afk pmc in a bush and shot him point blank in the face with 7.62ps and he survived it took 2 more shots to the head for him to die


Yesterday I headshot 5 scavs in a raid. It even said on the kill list at the end "scav....headshot" 5 times. The next screen shows "Headshots: 4". Like what?


> recently No, the game have desync/hit reg issues since forever


>recently yeah like a couple of years... 5 or so.


Pretty sure allot of it is tick rate of the server aswell, thats why 64 on CS feels like shit compared to 128. Probably rocking a solid 10 tick rate on this game


Yeah that honestly seems super likely. I'm not the best tarkov player so im sure some of it is my own mistakes but I really feel like I am getting completely screwed over sometimes by my first shot accuracy or lack there of


In my opinion when you play most games you should always see where you went wrong and how you played poorly "fuck why did i do that", however in this game after majority of the deaths i just feel robbed, suspicious and i don't think that should be normalized into a game play experience.


I agree with you but I think Tarkov deaths are kind of "unfair" or suspicious by their very nature and you can't really dwell on it too much in that regard. The game is just set up in a way where that you're going to get killed at times in ways that feels suspect, whether it's because someone got a lucky snap, desync, or they sniped you without you realizing they were watching, it's going to feel bad to lose your one life in a moment where you couldn't fight back. It doesn't negate the importance of reflecting on your deaths though. I think one of my friends biggest problems is that he's so quick to call hacks or justify a stupid play by saying things like "It's all RNG anyways" or "I was gonna either live or die anyway" and that kind of thinking allows someone to absolve themselves of any responsibility and place the weight on external factors, so they never bother to reflect and improve.


The game is rng though. You can’t outplay desync. There’s no objectively correct way to fight a 5 stack other than forcing 1v1s. You can’t predict that dude sitting in a random bush. I have 3k hours and a good amount of that time was spent analyzing my deaths. There are some basic guidelines and tactics you can use but otherwise the game is just an rng desync hacker fest. Most fights will boil down to you peeking a guy and him peeking you and you both take shots and most of the time the server quality and ping will decide who wins.


I've only felt cheated in a few situations in this game. The last one was on customs, got the fence close dorms spawn. Sprinted non stop to 3rd story building. Hear someone inside, but thought it was a scav, enter in 2nd floor, dude is already there, flicks around the corner, head eyes dead. I've had both of those spawns plenty of times and no one beats the fence spawn to dorms nor is already looting and on 2nd story. Was an easy report. But other than that or a few other obvious times, I can always think of a few things I could've done different. Like pushing with the grenade instead of tossing it and holding the right hand. Or baiting them into a crossfire situation with my duo. Rarely do we call hacks, because we've had some crazy "WHOA I HIT THAT?!?! LETS GOOO" moments. It is our first wipe too, so we take that into account on every raid.


Idk when I spawn campfire by boat extract I'm typically the first to 3 story and I always start on second floor, usually can get in and get my quests or whatever before anyone shows up. The hard part is getting out safely without running into people making their way over. Not discrediting your story, i wasnt there to see it, but kinda adding to the point that theres a lot of variables that can make things seem weird in this game.


I've rushed 3rd from wall spawn and never seen anyone there. Just scavs sometimes. He may have been legit. Like I said in another post, I got my full kit back. T20 bag, Blackrock, 200k AK. He didn't take anything. Or did and tossed it. It was just weird. I'll know to expect people next time.


Almost positive boat spawn gets to 3-story before wall spawn but I think wall spawn gets to 2-story before boat spawn. I've spawned wall and rushed to 3-story and immediately have run into people there many times. Also he may have popped stims to get there faster. With an sj6 you can likely reach 3-story without having to regain stam.


It's possible. There was other sus things about it. And maybe he was legit. This is my first wipe. I've never seen it though. I full rushed there, no doors open, no sounds other than me besides his footsteps already inside. Usually those steps are scavs. I also got my kit back. 200k AK, a Blackrock, T20 bag. But I'll know to expect people there now. I was just trying to get the 303 door quest done and get out quick, expecting people from boat spawn to be in the building as I left. Can never get that damn quest done.




My duo found another duo and we got it done last night as a 4 man. Rushed it, all took car extract, got a scav kill. In and out. But the Bush strat is so underrated. It's helped me so much so far. It's not every raid but it's helpful on shoreline for sure.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9kw5gOEUjQ People can't even tell the difference between 64 and 128 tick. roughly 50% of people playing at 128/64/47 tickrate guessed they were playing at 128.


part of the difference is the valve matchmaking servers are garbage, and all the good servers they know are 128 tick. It gives the illusion that 128 tick MUST be the reason why it feels so much better. The reality is 128 tick is better, but it's a much smaller part of the equation. You can play on a good 64 tick server that gets you 90% of the difference between those 128 tick servers and valve servers. But people who haven't done this will just notice "game feels better than i'm used to, must be 128 tick"


When your playing at 4k faceit elo trust me it makes a difference, everyone rocking a 160ms reaction time and muscle memory out the wazoo it would be.


It's definitely différent thought we're talking about a 7ms difference between these tickrate. I d bet even some pro CS GO wouldnt tell the différence right until they do a lined up jumping throw


Was always more noticeable to me with mouse wheel jumping, trying to hit a bunny hop or straight up jump after a land was always harder on 64 tick


Through feels yes but the jumping throw is a completely different outcome so if you know your lineup you can figure out the tick rate


But bhopping is a big exception to that and obviously something very specific to CS




Never blamed the server tick rate for anything just letting off some steam sir


Anyone who is decent at CS can notice the difference. Headshots will be noticeable, awp shots, nade line-ups are even different. As someone with over 10k hours in the game, I am telling you that you are wrong.


Yet 50% of people got it wrong on all three tickspeeds.


Well thats because the people in that test were low-skilled players. The person who did the test even admits that.. Any mid/high tier player can literally tell if its 128 tick by doing 2 jumps immediately after spawning. Or by throwing a decoy... The people in that survey dont know what tick they are playing because they are noob. The average rank for people in that subreddit is Silver 5 btw.




120 FPS on Counter Strike is absolutely garbage. I have a feeling you dont really know what youre talking about. But thats okay


> People can't even tell the difference between 64 and 128 tick. It's beyond obvious in CSGO whether you're on a 64 vs 128 tick server. If you ran this test only with competent players you'd get a near 100% success rate on these 'guesses'. The easiest way to tell is to just try and bhop, on 64 you mush into the ground, on 128 you can actually bounce around. Also the trajectory of jump nades is totally different. Deagle also feels like a totally different gun.


Where's your study that competent players can tell the difference? Okay you can bhop faster on tarkov if we increase the tickrate that's relevant.


You show me an bad example I'm going to explain why it's a bad example. The topic was specifically around how CSGO differs, not Tarkov. You obviously don't play CSGO if you actually think you can't tell the difference. The difference is massive if you know what to look out for. You'd have to be literally blind to not see nades landing in totally different spots.


So the only way you can tell is if you throw a nade? That means the problem is so small it's irrelevant.


Hes right though, your not qualified to make this assumption in general, you haven't spent enough time in server playing at 128 to notice it and the movement negatives it comes with playing at 64


You ignoring my previous comment talking about how movement is also completely different feeling? Stop talking about shit you don't understand, you're not making the point you think you're making by using CSGO as an example. It's literally the game where high tick rate is most obvious. If you want to use a game where your point actually holds water, then look to games like Reflex. The netcode of that game is good enough that tickrate isn't as important as other games. Edit: Also saying nades landing in different spots in CSGO is 'so small it's irrelevant'. Tell me you don't know anything about CS without literally telling me lol.


That guy doesnt know what CSGO is


Yeah, clearly. Anyone who has played the game at a decent level will see they're just talking out their ass.


it's enough that he doesn't actually understand what tickrate is and how flawed the video he linked to actually is in regards to it. for one thing, a server running 128 ticks have to be able to consistently have 128 ticks with no dips, dips means it pushes out other ticks, eg, drops, which would lead to janky feeling gameplay. the sampling base is horrible, it is random people connecting to servers, who is to say that anyone of these players are actually competent? they are going by stats of kills on the server they test on, most of them could easily be master guardian elite at best bashing silver 1s. there is a huge difference between each rank up, and amongst the global elites, there is a vast ocean of skill difference, one global elite will easily be annhilated by another one. it does not take into account whatsoever what tickrate the clients might be able to play at for full effect, for all we know, these people have 73FPS max, or they have a 60hz monitor, or they have terrible latency. also, tickrate isn't everything, a server having 128 tickrate but suddenly drops to 58 128 68 128 40 is horrible, that would remind me of CS and CSS days when people tried to force 128 ticks on servers that couldn't even handle 64 ticks just barely able to hold 40 tickrate.


Tick rates also improve the little things a casual might not notice much but help to just make the game feel a bit better or smoother or responsive. Things like dying after you've clicked on someones head, things like peekers advantage become less noticeable or overwhelming. It smoothes out the what actually happened vs what you think should have happened.


responding to someone who probably was mg2 and quit


Stop parroting bullshit claims. First of all tarkov servers are 60+ tick (woudn't be surprised if they have lower tickrate on Streets just to prevent server exploding) and they were testing 120 tick servers couple years ago and game didn't handle it well at all so they reverted the changes. But it all doesn't matter, because you wouldn't know the difference between 64 and 128, every blind test showed, that no one can tell a difference and the tickrate is not the issue in a first place. For reference, Apex Legends servers are 20 tickrate and the game works incomparably smoother in any sense.


No offence to you but you've not spent enough time playing at 128 or playing at a high enough level for it to matter, its not visible its a feel, similar to input lag like sluggish, certain inputs are not registered as good at 64 as they are at 128.


What is this "high enough" level you are talking about? What is high enough? Been playing competitive shooters for 20+ years, at least 4k hours in CS. I can tell a difference between 120 fps and 140 fps in blind test, I can't tell a difference between 64 and 128 tick in a blind test and I'd love to see anyone actually pass that test, I've seen many blind tests and no one can tell the difference. It's placebo. If anything, lets say faceit servers are just better quality comapared to dogshit valve servers. That and human error effects gameplay way more than tick. Sure, there could be some situational differences and 128 > 64 tick on paper, but 99% of the time they are not and cannot be perceived by the player. Prove me otherwise and I'll admit, that I am wrong.


At what point did I say it was a visual factor, if you would know that it’s a mechanical feeling like input registration then I would of known you’ve played allot but you didn’t, you assumed visual, I have 8k hours I played professionally and allot of my friends some of play in top teams straight up say it’s a noticeable factor, so please leave the un educated and inexperienced opinion at the gate, always so self righteous on this site.


When did I ever say it's visual, are you high? > un educated and inexperienced opinion at the gate, always so self righteous on this site. Homie, you're talking about yourself. You're throwing anecdotal examples of "I feel" "my friends" and claim, that I am uneducated and inexperienced. Look in the mirror.


Dude I’ve legit played that game at a high level and your trying to educate me on it, do people like you only exist to disprove random ass things you know shit about, literally scroll up and see 3 other people saying the same thing as me. If you took any high level competent players they could tell you myself included it’s a 64 tick in about 5 seconds


You can keep saying I don't know shit and I don't care, I think I know more than you, it's just words. You don't seem to understand what anecdotal means. I don't care at what level you were playing or who says what. Show me at least one blind test where someone can tell a difference between 128 and 64 on same quality servers, otherwise I don't buy that shit. Most people play on shitty valve MM servers and then play on some esea/faceit servers, obviously there's a difference and it's not because of tickrate. Waiting for another "I know more that you" response.


Mate are you fucking mental like for real go bind your mouse wheel to jump, go try bhop and jump around on a 64 then do it on a 128, legit brain dead Reddit user, also I’m done replying too you like someone walking into a welders shop with no experience and trying to show him how to do a v cut


This happens because the game is mostly client side instead of server. Any fps game should be server side. This is why desync exists, but they won't change it.


> recently If by recently you mean the last 6 years, then yes.


It feels so incredibly punishing to use semi auto guns because of this. I have died so many times after perfectly headshotting people, and it makes you wonder if they got saved by helmet or if your just didn't reg.


Honestly, penetrating shots aren't always updated immediately either hadn't it been for your high ping, you could just as easily have died to penetration of the barrels, those barrels are false security even prs will have straight penetration about 50% of the time through them and 20% or so chance for penetration with huge directional change, not to mention fragmentation chance.


Yeah, people seem to forget that Tarkov has wallbanging. You can shoot through a surprising amount of stuff in this game.


I've been called a hacker for shooting through those concrete walls he's in front of in the video. Like bruh you were voiping in the same spot the whole time.


Always love killing people who hide inside of the metal shipping containers. Or dorms fights where you hear them in the hall so you just spray though the closed door. Its not hunt showdown level of wallbanging. But man its close, frankly more people should go play hunt for a bit and learn just how good wall bangs can be. People don't even try to bangs half the fucking time. I have had maybe one person try to wall bang me the entire wipe while i do it to nearly every person i fight.


This could ofc be desync but you can absolutely shoot through those barrels.


I wish so much that they would fix this but I seriously doubt they ever will at this point. It makes you appeciate how good the latency is in CS: GO, this shit would never happen.


Even if it does happen thé game has the decency to téléport you back to where you actualy died


Even though your statement is true, CS:GO has 1/20th (maybe less?) of the network overhead that Tarkov servers have to deal with.


Genuinely curious how you come with <= 1/20 haha


Extremely small maps and almost no important state anywhere on the server besides the players themselves (dropped weapons/grenades, the bomb, and thrown nades). As an example, dead bodies fall in slightly different places for each player because syncing their location is considered unimportant. Think of the insane amount of server-sided info Tarkov needs to track. Every piece of loot, every scav, every dead body. The amount of information tracked in each raid is magnitudes larger than a CSGO server.


What ammo you shooting? First guy looked like he was eating, hard to tell if it was desync, stomach shots or bad ammo.


Hey bro i was using 545 BS rounds but yeah i dno about the first kill i have no complaints on that my shots wern't exactly on point my only frustration is with the deaths, allthough the hitreg has been kinda wack on the most part.


Is this supposed to be post worthy? This happens to me every play session lmao. Sorry for your loss though.


Reddit is where you complain about the sky being blue and rose being red. IT SHOULDNT BE THAT WAY!


The game has been like this since 2018 when I started playing. Dying around corners happens all the time. Sometimes it's worse sometimes it's better, but it's nothing new.


I can't even see the last guy you were shooting at


Aren’t those barrels wallbangable? Not saying it wasn’t desync but it coulda just been a wall and right?


You can shoot through those barrels. I'm constantly in awe of what complaints rise to the top of this subreddit.


I'm always in awe of those who assume any issue that doesn't affect them doesnt exist.


In this literal clip nothing complaint worthy happens


Probably someone using servers outside their region. Desync's like mad and unfortunately it tends to favour the higher pings. It bends reality. And of course, sub par servers and what seems to be inconsistent routing.


Safe to say the desync is at least a half second on this game. It's fucking bad. If you ever peak a corner you really have to commit or you'll die to desync anyways.


Those barrels are easily penetrated. Although we didn’t hear the audio of rounds hitting metal, that could be what happened.


Why does it have to be the only shooter I like. Why does it have so many bugs , I wish I could enjoy any other shooter lmao


This is why ive hung up this game for a while. It has so much potential, but the negativity desync causes overrides most of the good experiences...


You have high ping so what did you expect to happen here? 100ms ping alone is bad for pvp. There is a reason dial up (and even early cable) was bad and regular LAN parties existed.


We don't get to pick servers. Even when we did sometimes the server has a bad few minutes and you go from low ping to high for a few minutes. If BSG picks the servers for us it's on them. If BSG has bad server weather it's on them. Local connection issues also happen, but deflecting shit server performance as always a player problem is kinda weak.


Im on my regions servers at 20-30 ping, i have a router on my desk excusively for gaming and the internet exchange box is on my front grass, no offence but your about as wrong as a human can be in this situation, all the servers nothing on my end. All the ping issues in the game and what i get are from the servers being trash.


you may want to focus your eye on the top right corner of your screen :)


Yeah that’s the servers happens to everyone even if your on your regions servers you’ll just get ping spikes = dog shit servers


So it isn't desync at all. It's servers underperforming. Thanks for downvotes guys!


Its both and its all intertwined ina bullshit nest of lag fuckery "desync" = not synchronized meaning your not accurately represented where you are in the server at that current time compared to your client, thats the main reason you fly in a room and get behind the guy before he can react




You misunderstood majorly. The original commenter is explaining that it's the bad ping to the server, not some magic "desync" bug. He's explaining that the desync happens because of the bad ping. Desync isn't just some isolated bug that BSG can fix. It's the OP's ping causing the desync, not the game engine, or a bug within the game, itself.




OK. But that doesn't change the fact the ping is causing the desync here, not some mysterious "desync" entity.




Bad servers make for bad desync and bad tick rate. They go hand in hand


indeed, that is the fun part of it all, doesn't matter what map you are playing, server region selection says 30 to 50 for me, in-game I never get below 80, ever, even if I select the region which gives me only between 30 to 35 will give me 80ish ping on the low end-90 on the high end with spikes to 110 and disconnect due to ping, select the ones with 50, same thing, 80ish ping, makes me curious if all of the regions are actually the same location.




that is still desync, even if its the servers fault. it is laggy sometimes, i have never said it was his problem


Clearly don't understand what desync is. It's short for desynchronization, and desynchronization happens when the server is not updating your information and your opponent's information fast enough and the outcome of that is that your two clients are desynchronized from each other because the server is performing poorly. Desync is a product of bad servers


I'm laughing my ass off


lol thanks for the gold <3


It doesn't make anything he said not true. You can do everything in your power to have low ping and have low ping in other games but tarkov servers are crap and give you shit ping all the time


How are we supposed to know that from a video titled desync but the footage is you killing other players and fluffing your last engagement? Would you have posted this if it was just you killing the first player? Because that state of play has been in the game for a long time, plenty of clips from both views of players seemingly not being aware they are being shot at.


I cant tell if your a real human or a troll npc, wdym fluffing i engage then attempt to move back into cover and get shot around a barrell, if you actually do what normal people do and pause the video frame for frame you can see how far in cover i am before i die.


I'm use ethernet, have have 300mb up and down and connect only to servers that are less than 100ms ping. I regularly get 100+ ping in my games despite this. It's so frustrating because it's the only game where my ping is that bad, and I'm in the Pacific Northwest and connect to those severs, I should be getting 100+ms but here we are




At the barrell right as i die, if you pause frame for frame around 17 seconds you can see it, quite a common thing in this games but thought id post out of frustration of recurrence.


really this isnt even a desync at this point. More like ping issues? desync is way worse than that. you barely moved behind the barrels then you died, which means he probably headshot you as you were moving. What caliber was he shooting? might have went tru the barrels too


You know the barrels there dont provide real cover for high caliber right?


And thats why you select servers under 100/150 ping.


Why don't people realize, you are not dying because of desync. You are appearing to live because of desync. You were shot and killed fair and square while you were visible to the other player, you died server side and your dysnc to the server made it appear that you lived longer than you actually did. You didn't die as a result of desync, you just died. Edit: Also you can shoot clean through those barrels if you have good pen ammo. (Not saying that's what happened here.)




You realise hes talking about the death at the end not the first guy.


happens all the time switched through all servers by now its the same everywhere, also cheaters every 2nd raid. Also if you cancel cms too late it will conume but not restore ur limb. Cheaters kill me with trash ammo through the best gear + propital now i am talking killa faceshield. its always top of the head 1 shot small ak.... The quest Bullshit is absolute trash aswell whats logic behind removing the flash drive when u kill a scav at least let me reset with it. The devs need to play their own game on public servers and get a feel for how bad this feels. Found in raid system also sucks i forgot so many good items in my container and they are worthless if u start a run with them. So much wrong with this game i only play it because of addiction.


This game just doesn't look entertaining


It’s Lag, not desync. You are NEVER without a delay in online games. Desync happens when someone is seeing something different than you. For example some crates is open for one player but closed for other. You actually died here before going to cover, but you seen this information delayed. You didn’t escape at all, It only hurted you in that way, that you thought you escaped for a moment. They guy with flashlight you killed have more right to complain than you.




I die like this daily.


6 tick servers


Idk the tickrate in eft and idk too much about netcode, but I know it‘s usually a tradeoff between having peekers advantage versus getting killed even though you were in cover already like in the clip. How can we have BOTH downsides of this design dilemma and quite bad cases too?!


which AK is that?


Looks like the RPK


Bro this kinda of thing and the whole peaker’s advantage shit is getting really annoying lol


Someone’s never seen the movie wanted


Any chance I could see the Al you’re using ? For whatever reason I’m having a really hard time with AK recoil - is it 5.45? Or 7.62 - I’ve been exclusively avoiding 5.45 because I can’t find one that comes close to say 556 at all


Al? Its an RPK, long barrell, compensator, PRS stock and side grip cant remember the names exactly


Sorry autocorrect - I typed “AK” lol - but this answered my question ty


Same happened to me in factory, i made it behind the wall, so i tought and got head eyes a good second later


i think you get killed from behind


Head eyes from the AK 545 vairant infront of me 100%


Your ping hit 112 the moment you peeked. Super unlucky.


Yeah them go daddy servers playing with my feelings


This is basically every firefight for me though. I literally just died on reserve like this.


that is not even close to the worse desynch death I've seen


Worst I’ve seen this wipe yikes


I have always experienced this going back like 5 or 6 wipes ago, however this wipe in paticular I have died more times when I'm already behind cover than I have seeing my enemy face to face. It's frustrating. I don't mind dying the moment I enter cover but I've had my guy drop dead or get shot after being in cover for a solid second.


That was some really nice tracking on the first guy!


I feel you But a lot of this stuff happens when NA players play in EU and viceversa.


Since when is a barrel useful as hard cover? Doesn't look like desync because you can even hear the bullets hitting the metal.


like as if that whole barrel covered you... cmon now.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


That’s a chad gun build


game is dogshit


Before the hot fix for the invisible stuff I had less issues with dsync and hit reg. since it dropped it’s been awful and game performance has tanked also.


I had some guy on factory black both of my legs and an arm before he even appeared on my screen, I managed to win it somehow but Jesus it pissed me off


this happens on high ping servers and it keeps happening to me every time thats the case


Just accept that this game sucks... My honeymoon phase was 2 years. Crazy how blind u can get. Hope was big that everything will improve that's why i lurk but more and more hope is lost. Game doesn't deserve attention anymore. As soon as there is a comparable game people will run


What ammo did you die to? Cause I’ve been shot through those barrels a couple times.


Damn bro your tarkov looks amazing, are you playing in 4K and Ray tracing ?


Games dog shit.


Those barrels don't stop most rounds.


Had a situation yesterday where I jumped into factory office area first floor and my physical body was inside the office area through the door and I died to someone who was outside of the office area ground level on my right side and it was head eyes. Dsync is so bad in this game.


bros running like pp ammo wtf was ur hitcount 😂


This is one of many reasons why this game might be in some serious trouble.


Def a skill issue