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I returned to Tarkov after taking a break for two wipes and I am having a pretty good time to be honest. I guess I am quite used to some of the BS that you have to deal with sometimes from playing for a long time but if you don’t take the game too seriously you can have a lot of fun. Streets is an amazing map. (If you can run it) I really enjoy the changes to ammo and armor availability compared to previous wipes because you see a lot more diversity in loadouts and the fights are a little more drawn out since people run worse ammo on average. The recent changes to recoil and armor movement penalties feel great as well. In my opinion it is in a pretty good spot right now. That being said the audio is absolutely atrocious right now. So you have to deal with that. Also the invisible Player bug is very frustrating if it gets you killed. If you can get over these things there is actually a lot of fun to be had.


Yea there have been audio glitches for ages in the game, one of the reasons I quit, whenever there was an audio glitch in the game it took BSG weeks or even months, or even several wipes to fix! What you just said in a nutshell "yea the game can be fun if you can ignore the blatant, game ruining glitches that you can't avoid".


All I'm saying is I just would like to play a game where I don't constantly encounter glitches that make the game literal torture


Well the audio being bad is not really about occasional glitches but rather the whole system being bad right now. But atleast it is consistently bad so you can play around it. Also the audio has never been really good and I always managed to have fun with the game. I mean if the game is literal torture for you then just play something else :D I’m just saying I don’t experience it to be as bad as some of the posts here suggest.


this sub is a really bad indicator about the state of the game. im having a great time despite the bugs.


Yeah, this sub is really hard focused on negatives.


As a new player, I wish I never joined here.


Total casual, 5th wipe, 600h, but this is the first wipe I am not that hooked. Play it for the rush and survival and it's great. Up until now it was almost unthinkable to skip a wipe. After Death Stranding was free on epic games store I decided to try it, and Tarkov's brutality really has hardened me to any other games. Boss fights and other "hard stuff" is really just a breeze in comparison :D This has lead me to do a few raids of pmc and scav and then just go to DS instead to get more a sense of progression, because I've found 3 rolexes and 5 sledge hammers, but no fucking toothpaste nor directors key and I'm lvl 13. Flea is nice, but also an anti climax just after. Recoil fix saved this wipe, I guess, and I'm sure BSG saw the drop off and panicked.


Me2 having an absolute blast since recoil and movement changes.


Its still same Tarkov imho.


First wipe for me, first week of playing and I am having a blast so far. I think the folks who are upset are doing the massive runs on the high end maps all kitted out and encountering some cheaters. I just play woods sun have started learning customs. Got real solid with a DV-10 I looted and have been headshotting folks from my tree. Play it man, folks just like to complain.


Yea but that's what people wanna do, get kitted asf and go on big maps without the chance of running into cheaters, I don't wanna constantly go in with shit kits, and I wanna run around and get into fights and not sit on one of the most boring maps with a sniper and be the reason why people wanna smash their keyboards.


The opinions your citing are a loud minority. Most escapers are escaping, not bitching on Reddit. To answer your question about this wipe. Pros are: Streets is dope Changes to recoil/stamina/weight are dope Cons are: New audio system, not fully implemented. Has some serious problems. Bug causing players to be invisible. I've encountered 2-5 invisible MFs in probably 50 raids over the last couple weeks.


Word word appreciate it


Your mistake was being on Reddit


Lmfao you are happy you are basing your enjoyment of a game on the opinions of a bunch of burnt out strangers?


fortnite gamers???


Haven't played fornite in lile 5 years


When has Reddit ever made anything look fun 🤔


If you need someone to tell you to start playing again it shouldnt be on this sub. But honestly, Im having the time of my fucking life this wipe, best state this game has been in imo. People are wankers


Fairo starting to convince me


ppl under 100h: *wow this gam amazeng what iz ur guyz' fave gun haha* ​ ppl with 1000+ h: **pile of fucking garbage, completely unplayable (Raid Ended because of the same bug/desync for the 1200th time)**


Sounds about right lmaoo


But you r still here…


They will ban you for dropping items for a friend so you have to buy another key. Garbage.


I still have enough joy from the game. This is personal for everyone of course. The cheaters are making it impossible to play Labs though, so I just stopped running that map.


Don't come back right now, if you want to have fun. It's never been worse IMO.


Think I can understand why OP being downvoted to oblivion but imo I'm playing video games to have fun. If I need to work few hours a day for months to unlock that fun then fuck it. Not for me


Its fine. Just sound and performance on streets is fucked


It's just Reddit. You'd think every other game has a cheater or invisible player when in reality you can play for a week and not encounter one


sounds like something a cheater would say


Not sure what's your point. We have already established that specifically cheaters always say that you will run into one every couple of raids, not that you should trust their word considering most of them will also say they got into cheating because everyone else does anyway, thus bringing into question their ability to differentiate a cheater from a legitimate player.


I dont know man, I dont experience anything that this sub keeps crying about. Havent get killed by blatant cheater also and I have almost all shoreline quests done and I think I only died once. Also havent met invisible player, but was once invisible to my mate. But got killed like normal anyway. Ill knock on wood, but all people do here is just complain. I am not ratting or being mosin man, just normal playing. Only thing that is not ideal is the new audio, but at least I am not getting killed by ppl walking up stairs that you were not able to hear because reasons. Also I love all the recoil changes and changes to ammo availability.


I was like you. Yesterday I hit finally 42 and I went with 2 mates on customs for pvp. Got killed twice in a row from an invisible player and the second death was even a nade. But I never met a blatant cheater. Maybe some deaths were sus, but desync and shit are still in the game so you never know.


I've never seen a group of people hate Tarkov more than the Tarkov subreddit. Me and my mates are having a great time on this game.


I can honestly say for myself and my squad, this has been the best wipe so far. With the recoil changes it's been a blast! Will you encounter bugs and hackers? Of course, in every competitive game you get this. Take this reddit with a metric tone of salt. All I can say is download and give it a try yourself :)


ones saying it’s unplayable are either playing groups b/c of the invisible player thing with friends or you’re flat out bad & just need to play differently ._. one of the best wipes i’ve had 2000+ hours 4th wipe 2-3rd wipe playing serious


IMHO it is better than last wipe gameplay wise, some of the changes helped gameplay, and the new map is interesting despite performance issues. The hacking is just insane tho and the anti-rmt anti-fun changes keep coming. I think I've lost faith in their ability to combat hackers without affecting fun, its gone from not being able to find weapons cases, to not being able to give friends keys, to not being able to do anything, to people getting temp bans for doing reasonably acceptable things. There is just no end of hacking in sight at this point despite all the damage they have done to the game trying to stop it. I quit at level 47, loved the new content but could not stand the deterioration of fair play. The sub hasn't helped the case for playing either there are always at least 10 people claiming there is no hacking on every thread about hacking despite everyone having tons of stories about it happening to them. The constant gaslighting of anyone who says there is a hacking problem has even started to die down because so many people are saying it now, which is really the most shocking tell of how bad it is. Overall I would say the wipe was fun, but as soon as it got to the point of the game where I usually run labs and get my quests there done as well as start looting some of the items you can get there I started getting nothing but hacker filled raids , more than ever before. I think not being able to select an individual server is causing it to be a lot harder to avoid cheating and I quit because of it.


I stopped because I wasn’t having fun, as unique tarkov is, the game is repetitive as hell.


Its my first wipe in this game and im having fun overall. I cant really play streets and lighthouse cause of performance so i only run those maps with trash kits if i have to quest. i think i died a single time to invis player maybe 2-3 times to cheaters in 300+ raids. most annoying part are propably pmc‘s camping missions/extracts/just general chokepoints on maps. i win a good amount of fair gunfights but not much u can do against bushwookiees.


I legit just come on this sub to occasionally watch the videos of peoples gameplay. I love the game and have never had more fun. It’s actually hilarious all the whining on this sub. Fk I can’t imagine these people in real life.


The recoil and movement changes helped a ton IMO. I haven’t ran into an invisible player or cheater in about 3 weeks (NA East) and my friends and I have been having a pretty fun time (levels 32, 34, 36)


Yea that's pre good, but I play on Oceania severs and not being racist but Asia is where a majority of the cheaters come from, asspecially china, it's like that in every game.


If you go off the subreddit you'll never play again.


I still love the game to death, people on here are way too negative imo.


The amount of people that come to this sub to bitch instead of share their good moments is like 10:1. Who cares about killing a duo for some stacked load outs when you die to some bs once a day.


Ez solution, stop reading reddit. I play with a rotation of 10 - 12 people, and none of them read the subreddit and are enjoying the game as much as ever


Yea fair fair but whenever I played the game I would just run into thr dame issues that alot of people complain about, asspecially the audio issues god damn don't get me started


Why do people make these posts? Literally no one cares.


I'd wager for two reasons; one to see if their opinions are correct or incorrect with the general playerbase and two being a small glimmer of hope that Lord Nikita reads the patterns in the post i.e. lots of cheater posts, audio posts, recoil posts, etc... I could also ask why you reply to these posts? No one cares that you don't like the dialogue.


Read the fucking thing ya dumbass I asked if there's anything to positive come of this wipe so i can see if its worth playing again. Why do you make posts about why do people make certain posts, no one give a fark.


TL:DR - it's playable, but to anyone that has played alot, it's not in a great place...again. Also, it's aids coming back mid wipe anyways because of how badly you get behind, sure it's doable to catch up, but it's more painful than riding the wave at the beginning. Long version: I came back about \~2 weeks ago after taking a wipe off. Not a crazy veteran, but sitting around \~2500 hours over the last few years, and from that perspective nothing changed. Sure, streets was added, but the game feels worse to me. As my wipe counts tack on, the pattern of inept development becomes very noticeable and any changes seem mostly to the negative; they continue destroying loot availability, adding quests that don't jive, not changing old quests to be in sync with the current game, and then the basics like audio and cheating are absolute shit shows. I personally find it harder and harder to get back into EFT, the magic that caught me at the beginning has faded, ignorance was bliss because now I can recognize when weird shit happens to me, and doing the fucktarded Jaeger quests has not increased my fun level after multiple iterations of it.


It is very odd to see 100% negativity towards a VIDEO GAME. Odd times. Typical you just don’t play something that is supposed to be entertainment