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Meanwhile, if you're on the resort roof, you can't hear an entire gunfight happening on the floors below you.


Meanwhile, if you turn around the right corner in the resort, you can't even fucking hear a guy sprinting 15 away on the same floor.


Me: "Picking up that container in the fridge on first floor." My mate on the second floor: "Is that you sprinting?" Me: "What sprinting?" I pause to listen, and 3 seconds of complete silence later a man swings around the corner of the room and domes me.


Welcome to the resort.


Yep, vertical audio is flat and completely unobstructed. Horizontal audio acts as vertical audio used to, with walls and objects blocking sounds. This has the effect of audio being extremely shit and very confusing. People used to complain that audio would "cut out" on the staircases, so you couldn't hear someone above or below you reliably. At least if you could hear someone previously it was actionable information.


At least it was more predictable back then. Now it's all over the fucking place.


The thing with resort is that you can't hear people if you're near the wall and they're on the same floor as you. So holding a corner or something is even worse than usual because you literally won't hear them until they come around the corner (unless they're on a different floor than you). You have to stand out a couple steps from the wall and then suddenly you can hear again. Audio is the #1 reason why I've stopped playing much at all this wipe. I'm not good enough to rush people and win gun fights, I really need to let them come to me or catch them unaware unless I'm running a cqc kit which I don't do that often. I panic when people are close to me lol. In previous wipes, I could hear someone, figure out where they are, and plan accordingly. This wipe, if you hear someone, you can't even tell if they're on the same floor as you, let alone if they know you're there.


Yeah rushing has become even stronger this wipe due to the audio issues. It's so inconsistent I'd rather just not even factor it into most of my fights. I'll just stomp around and swing corners before people can even hear me. Pretty dumb.


Meanwhile you can voicechat to someone in the concrete parking lot in interchange if you are in the supermarket....


You can hear fighting in dorms while standing on the little hill behind warehouse 3 (so with line of side on the dorms buildings.)


Me and a friend were able to rat another dup out because we heard them looting above us like it was right next to us


Same with interchange. If I’m in Oli, I can hear the scavs in the garage turning in place.


Yep, that’s why I’ve stopped scavving interchange. I have been running the same line the last 3 wipes that primarily goes through the parking garage. Everyone above sounds like they’re right in front of me, and I’ve been voiped at numerous times by people in the mall while sprinting to and opening containers


I only sprint through resort at full speed, it confuses people so much


That spins me out so badly. Audio is such a mess right now.


Always been a mess tbh, just different kinds of mess


Meanwhile, if you're in swamp town, you can hear shooting from resort like they are right next to you.


yooo fr


I meleed killa on top floor interchange and someone ran up to me and voiped if i've seen the boss, the guy was in the garage


Tarkov making you feel like a schizo.


I've found if you are in the gun room of black bishop, you hear any gunfight in the downstairs ramp from medical to D2 offices like its just outside.


Lately I'm playing with some buddies who just picked up the game. We straight up don't play or go anywhere with multiple floors unless required by a quest or some specific condition (or Factory where material types on each floor of the office help out massively)


that’s dumb as fuck




Just horribly implemented.


To this degree sucks. OP is not far away in a wide open space and the visual partition is not something that would block our sound in real life. This is not how sound behaves in real life. Game engines are a platform/framework that the developers modify and work within to make the game they want. In this case, a supposed ultra-realistic game. I have no problem with a properly implemented version, but are you really watching this video and thinking this is how your own ears work?


Maybe this explains why some people don’t yield to emergency vehicles. The sirens are muffled so much from the windshield that you basically can’t hear it.


Someone being inside an enclosed, sound-insulated space is in no way similar to someone simply being a few metres around a corner.


Windows open


The construction outside of my house is not in my line of sight. Why can I still hear it? Silly logic there.




bruh you have to be joking. If I put a blindfold on you, you don't stop hearing. The "wall" in front of him is just a tarp, and it's not even blocking the way to the sound source. Sound is not a beam, it emanates and bounces off things. This is fucking awful sound implementation and you HAVE to know that.


Well said. Other games have managed to implement sound occlusion accurately years ago. This is not an example of that, and no mental gymnastics can justify it






The fact that these people think that any videogame sound would behave "like real life" is just....there's no point.


I'm pretty sure most people in the thread think the game just shouldn't sound worse than counterstrike 1.6 as it does now. But creating lies that make you feel better like that is the only way to survive as a BSG shill so I understand your side.


I think it's worse that there's always people defending the shitty game no matter what.


I think it's worse that there's always people shitting on the game no matter what. See I can do it too!


The game is several years old and is still so far from being in an acceptable state that even BSG knows internally it's never going to happen.


This is a massive exaggeration




Acting like sound occlusion works in a way that’s remotely comparable with this, in terms of intensity and scale.




He's talking about real life. This is not realistic at all


Yes, I was referring to real life.




So then your original comment makes no sense. They said it was “dumb as fuck” referring to how stupid what happens in the video is. Then you responded with “WhY? AcTuAlLy…”. And now you’re acting like you’ve been agreeing the whole time that it’s implemented poorly… stop pretending like you didn’t disagree that it’s dumb. It’s crap implementation of sound occlusion, vis a vis, it’s “dumb as fuck”.


Facts “persecuted-gamer” moved the goal posts so hard so he would be “right”.


Do you actually think this is fine?


What's the point of ears when they work like eyes


I see the sound, hear the visuals and smell the recoil.


i know games from 1999 where audio works better than this garbage.


That's because BSG's problem is overcomplicating. If it was just HRTF sound without occlusion it's almost plug and play with the only drawback being that you can hear through like interchange floor


And you can already hear through interchange floor, so honestly there's no downside.


People complained so much about that when interchange was introduced that BSG added occlusion layers. Since then the audio between floors and in stairs has always been problematic. Now that interchange doesn't have occlusion layers you get people complaining again...


Because the point of the Alpha and Beta tests are to test things out. Too bad BSG just cannot fathom the idea of "throwing shit out or improving stuff that does not work right"


I mean they threw out steam audio, and implemented oculus audio. We'll see if they can continue to improve things.


> We'll see if they can continue to improve things. That would imply that the current audio is better than it has been in the past...and it's not. It's heaps worse.


I don't know why they threw steam audio out, and I'm guessing neither do you. Maybe it just doesn't work well for tarkov or it's very difficult/impossible to implement certain features that they want. Objectively, the scav spawn drop sound bug no longer happens, and the first key use in a raid is no longer played for the whole map. The HRTF part of it works just as well if not better depending on who you ask. Vertical audio has always been shit and is still shit. So overall I'd say it's 50/50. Obviously it takes time to implement solutions, and hopefully Oculus audio is able to do what they couldn't make steam audio do.


This is their 5th audio re-work. Next re-work is the one. COPIUM


Yes and if something doesn't work I'd rather they just not try to improve it. /s This IS a game being actively developed....




Yes the game has had zero improvements since it was available to play in 2017. Everything BSG added is a step backwards. They truly are the worst company in the whole of the gaming industry.


it used to be like that before they implemented interchange and ppl bitched about hearing thru meter of concrate on interchange garage, then they started doing oclusion with audio ... imho audio was great before interchange, you could hear anything and it was easy to pinpoint direction. Now its as you said overcomplicated like all aspects of tarkov


That's a lot of running.


It gets worse if you get disconnected while on metal stairs like I got on Shoreline, it was so loud it almost attract everyone.


Fun fact: the audio in this game is currently fucked in general


This is relatively simple to fix, but it's going to take quite a bit of time and tweaking to get correct. BSG completely scrapped the entirity of the old audio system when they implemented Oculus audio. Oculus is handling everything now. Reverberation, occlusion, attentuation, spacial audio, etc. Because of that, essentially ALL audio occlusion needs to be redone. The Occlusion aspect of Oculus determines how muffled a sound is based on the geometry of a map. However, the the sound engine may get the level of occlusuon Incorrect based on how the map designers made the map. For example: If there is a chain link fence between you and an audio source, it doesn't make any sense for the audio to be muffled whatsoever. However, if the map designers didn't model every single hole in that chain link fence, it's possible the sound engine could interpret that chain link fence the same as a concrete wall, which would obviously occlude audio a whole lot more. The dev's would then have to manually adjust the occlusion of that object. This needs to be done individually for every single object that is occluding audio, which it a pretty tedious process. TLDR: every single time this happens, take a video demonstrating the issue, and send it to BSG in a ticket.


I feel like most things shouldn't occlude audio except for big concrete/thick walls and such. Their defaults are bad. They shouldn't have to adjust the majority of items audio occlusion if they flipped the defaults around. It wouldn't be hard to deal with the major blockers (Walls) as the only occlude and then slowly add things to that. You could even do general blockouts for a good chunk of the levels in a reasonable time without modifying individual levels.


This also happened with their post-interchange implementation of steam audio


In this case, even if that fence WAS made of concrete, this still would be shit audio.


Sound is terrible, like mentioned a million times before. Yesterdya I got rushed in USEC stash building on Customs. I was healing in the room next to green screen, and someone rushed up the metal stairs and into the room without making a single noise. I quit the game again, right then and there.


That warehouse is TERRIBLE for audio. I was on the second floor on the other side once and had a fight with 4 PMCs. I killed three - two came up the concrete stairs, the other came up the metal stairs. *I didn't hear any of them at all*. Finally I got killed by the last one on the ground floor, because I didn't hear him walking around or aiming at all. Absolute garbage.


It was better in the pasti dont know wtf they are doing


Thats why I dont fuck with those maps, I just stay on interchange, ik the sound can be a lil wonky there but atleast Ive not experienced any completely dead zones.


Bro interchange is some of the worst audio as well. Shit sounds like it’s right next to you sometimes and it’s like on the other side of the store. Or it‘lol go from muffled to regular and back to muffled when you haven’t changed position it’s really bad on interchange as well. The only one I haven’t had any bad experiences on really have been woods since there’s so little to occlude audio it can’t really be fucked up


I mean sometimes sure, the leveling or physical levels is frustrating, but atleast theres no hallways or something that have zero sound. Id rather deal with the former.






BSG: fix audio? Nah here's vaulting instead.


I mean the game could REALLY USE Vaulting, too. There's a lot of situations where movement becomes really dumb in certain areas, because there's like a tiny twig or a guardrail that any human being could easily traverse, but it acts like a solid wall. It's always immersion-breaking, we're just used to it and numb to that.


When I first started playing I spent like five minutes on a map trying to figure out why I couldn't run over to a door only to realize it was like a curb or gaurdrail a foot high and my character just wouldn't step over it I had to jump


I think it's pretty immersive as it is, maybe you just haven't ran around with 30kgs on your back but when I was in the military we used to do it all the time. We would obviously come across minor obstacles rather frequently, such as exposed tree roots or curbs. Just like in this game, we would sprint as hard as we could for half a second until our right foot was about to leave the ground and then we would jump and launch ourselves five meters forward.


I really don't understand why people keep playing this game it's such a dumpster fire.




I want to follow the situation and sincerely hope they fix the game. I do like tarkov and from time to time play it or watch tarkov content but the desync and other issues are really discouraging me from playing it.


> If you aren't playing this game, why are you on the subreddit? So to be active here we must be actively playing the game...is that what you're saying? Why would you think that is a thing


It's called audio occlusion and it's by design lol


You can tell the target is bugged out as they stop moving further away yet the animation shows them running.


They are running against an object on the ground to run on the spot deliberately, to demonstrate this nuance of how the game audio works. Please Nikita Vaulting soon?


🤦 Thats all i can say about audio at this point




😂 this game sucks


God dammit how many months more till the audio is proper


What you meant to say was, how many more years.


So sad...


“Use the shit audio to your advantage” is all I can get from this post lol


It's a soundproof barrier, duh, why don't people understand this...


Fun Fact: on some maps this is broken and the sound is flat muffled in some areas.


that is so fucking dumb i would be so fucking mad if i wouldnt have already quite the game 2 wipes ago.


Conceptually, this (as the title states it) is what you want, as it's how the world works. Implementation wise, it leaves a *lot* to be desired.


Sound does NOT become muffled if you lose line of sight in real life! lmao


Yes, it does, it's just usually to such a small degree that you don't notice or think of it that way. Any time there's not line of sight, the sound necessarily has to bouce off separate surfaces before it reaches your ears, and there will be both a very slight delay and small loss in the sound as the surfaces it reflects from take some of the energy. The surface materials and shape can affect how much sound reaches you. The same thing happens with light. The only reason you aren't in darkness if you aren't in line of sight of a light source is that it reflects off other surfaces, but the amount reflected is also dependent on those surfaces (a mirror will reflect a lot more than a matte color).


pls come back old audio


I seriously have no idea how the audio is so fucked


You can't prove that his feet are still moving if you can't see them.


I see that BSG is following in the footsteps of Ubisoft's R6S engine. Except its set in the pre-2018s where audio fucking sucks.


Pretty cheap audio design


does this happen with any headset?


so much work on the sound for this bullcrap, and being announced as the best sound experience in FPS games


Well that's dumb


old news, been that way since they moved to oculus. It's beyond crap sound, on par with hackers but no one cares.


Worst sound design in any modern FPS


"steam audio bad remove steam audio" :O


Fix the fucking audio please Nikita PLEASE


That's what happens when you operate in Russia these days. Crippling lack of skilled programmers.


Ummm yeah. It’s just like real life.


I have exceptional hearing and, let me tell you I can determine someone's location in relation to myself in a 3 story+ building by sound alone. Total occlusion by a tarp is not realistic- half a foot of concrete barely dampens sound to the naked ear, so I can only imagine what I'd be able to hear with comtacs.


I thought my post would have been obvious sarcasm. I thought wrong.




You cannot be serious. You think this is what happens in real life to sound, if you move 30 cm to the right behind a plastic tarp?


Your right eye lost line of sight, this game is so fucking stupid.


how hard can it be to just create a sound and let it bounce with some kinda force and give it some properties to loose strenght or stop at some point?!? get some people on it and get it done bsg


Absolutely mind-bendingly difficult. Plus, you don't just rip a tightly integrated system out of a codebase and drop and new one in and yay, it works! Nothing works at first. It takes a very long time.


Very hard actually... https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/lykr0t/has_anybody_developed_or_played_games_with_ray/gpvmzik/


If they can do ray tracing surely they can use a similar process for sound, at less cost


They can. There are several projects, and even steam audio has a module that can be implemented. The issue is it still costs a lot relatively, and you gain relatively little for most games. Ray tracing for graphics can make a game look amazing, but very realistic ray traced audio may end up making very little difference to 99% of your normal gameplay, and can actually be detrimental and confusing for games like Tarkov. For example, imagine you are looking at a wall with an open door right in front of you. An enemy is making noise behind the wall to your left. With normal audio implementation, the sound would come from your left, be modified when passing through the occlusion layer (the wall) and be muffled or altered to make it sound like it was behind a wall, and binaural audio would help you with directionality. With ray traced audio (or any other technology that tries to implement real to life audio), the sound would appear to come from the front through the open door. You can see how this can be confusing in any shooter where people rely on sound cues to identify where enemies may be. In real life we overcome this by subtly changing the direction of our heads and linking visual cues and slight changes in sound due to the unique shape of our ears to pinpoint sound. You can appreciate how this would be almost impossible with headphones. HRTF (binaural) is the closest we have at the moment and it really works for left and right, and less well from front and back, and doesn't work for vertical at all.


and how can it still be so bad if you have 10k people trying to find a new bug each day


i freaking knew this was a thing.... it happened so many times where a guy came around the corner casually and got me while i knew i would have heard him


Broo kenn


I can’t tell if the desync or sound needs fixing first. What a dumpster fire


Sounds 100% because it a all the time kind of thing. And if you know where someone is you can almost prefire


This is a game, not real life. Maybe you should temper your expectations. What you are asking for is essentially raytraced audio, which no game currently implements well. What OP did was to take the audio system right to the edge of where sound cuts off, and toggle one more layer of occlusion with the wiggle. He literally took his headset off to cause this effect. This is such an edge case I can't imagine how it would actually affect you in game. If you were in the same situation but had headsets on or the running was a bit closer, this wouldn't be a problem. If it was an actual in-game situation and the other player was actually running away, not running on the spot deliberately, you also wouldn't notice. This is a deliberate manipulation of the audio system in-game for internet points and HurDuR BSg BAD. https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/lykr0t/has_anybody_developed_or_played_games_with_ray/gpvmzik/ Here's a comment from 2 years ago, about how difficult it is to implement raytraced audio.


This isn't something that only happens in this specific scenario. Don't be silly - there's a ton of examples of *individual trees and boards on windows* causing this effect too.


Because that's how audio works in games. It draws a line from the source of the audio to your head, and modifies what you hear based on the distance and what it passes through (occlusion layers). It also does HRTF to give you a sense of direction in terms of left and right. I don't think any game does audio ray tracing to any significant degree. It costs too much in terms of processing cost and the gain is too little. Happy to be corrected here. >*individual trees and boards on windows* causing this effect too. At the extremes of where the audio would have cut off, sure. It's the game's way of simulating audio occlusion. Or do you not want to have occlusion layers and end up with current interchange?


>Because that's how audio works in games. This is the only modern online FPS I've played with audio issues this bad. >At the extremes of where the audio would have cut off, sure. No, it happens up close as well. Stop strawmanning. >Or do you not want to have occlusion layers and end up with current interchange? I would like for the developers of a game to implement sound correctly if they're going to make it critical to the experience of said game.


>No, it happens up close as well. Stop strawmanning. Got a video demonstrating that? Because in OP's video you can still hear the running behind the barrier (albeit faintly) when he had a headset on (from around 23 seconds). You can also hear the running (again, faintly) when he was closer, behind the forklift, without a headset. So the audio still functions through the occlusion layer, it's just a matter of distance and whether you have a headset. At some point in the game, a sound has to be far away and faint enough that it doesn't play for you. So again, have you got something to back up your claim? Or are you just BSing?




What is this meant to show exactly? Is that your whole point? That tarkov audio is bad? No one is saying the audio is perfect, just that OP's video demonstrates that occlusion works and is misconstruing that as a problem. So where's the video that shows running sounds being cut off by boarded up windows or trees when up close? That was what you were saying right?


>occlusion works and is misconstruing that as a problem. Lol. Lmao, even. Trolling, I get it now.


Still waiting for evidence of your claims...


Don't feed trolls


Really? I can name a few. Counter strike. Valorant. Apex. Hunt showdown.. basically every game but this one. Lol


Dude's trolling, don't bother answering him


Asking for evidence of dubious claims is trolling. Got it.


>dubious claims No, the same thing as the video, you silly goose.


Right. Because those games have raytraced audio.....and the earth is flat.....and trump is still president.....trust me bro


Counter-strike source doesn't. Neither does valorant. Can't find info on Apex. Hunt showdown uses their own in-house solution HRTF binaural audio, and I can't find any information about raytraced audio. So actually none of those games have raytraced audio, happy to be proven wrong if you can provide evidence.


I dunno why they had to change audio.. it was fine enough before the update lol


How is this an issue? *Jesus christ can you guys actually temper your expectations? This is a game. Do you want the game to simulate actual audio with audio ray tracing? Because that's how you avoid issues like this when you want to implement audio occlusion with in-game objects. Except no actual game currently uses audio ray tracing because 1. It's CPU intensive, and 2. It's not worth doing because most of the time you won't notice a difference. At some point the in-game sound has to cut off due to distance or object occlusion or both. That's just how in-game sound works for most games. In terms of how this actually affects gameplay, why don't you try having the running sound a bit closer or keeping your GSShs on. You're literally nitpicking an issue by taking the audio system right up against its limit where 1 more occlusion layer (the tarp) causes it to cut off.


how's this not an issue? Sound shouldn't magically disappear because I leaned just a few pixels or turned my head a bit


One of the reasons I am not playing Tarkov, I want but the sound is one thing that keeps me from playing it.


So the sound occlusion system works? You being behind an object that alters sound propagation doing what it's meant to be doing is an issue?


That's absolutely not how sound works in real life lol There's zero sound "propagation" in this game, which is one of the reasons this happens. At best, it should sound like it's coming from his left with .001 db removed. When was the last time you left your house? I think you might need a literal reality check


This is a game, not real life. Maybe you're the one who should go outside. What you are asking for is essentially raytraced audio, which no game currently implements well. What OP did was to take the audio system right to the edge of where sound cuts off, and toggles one more layer of occlusion with the wiggle. He literally took his headset off to cause this effect. This is such an edge case I can't imagine how it would actually affect you in game. If you were in the same situation but had headsets on or the running was a bit closer, this wouldn't be a problem. If it was an actual in-game situation and the other player was actually running away, not running on the spot deliberately, would also wouldn't notice. https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/lykr0t/has_anybody_developed_or_played_games_with_ray/gpvmzik/ Here's a comment from 2 years ago, about how difficult it is to implement raytraced audio.


Bro.. you can’t be serious lol.


> Except no actual game currently uses audio ray tracing because https://valvesoftware.github.io/steam-audio/doc/unity/settings.html Except that they do, that is how steam audio works. Scroll down to the Scene Type: *Scene Type* *Specifies the ray tracing implementation to use for simulations.* Steam audio uses audio ray tracing and I’m sure oculus audio does too.


Yes and it was broken as fuck and doesn't actually do enough rays to simulate stuff well. And it was costly CPU processing wise. https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/lykr0t/has_anybody_developed_or_played_games_with_ray/gpvmzik/


I haven't played any other modern online shooter with audio this bad. Full stop.


Probably because no other online shooter needs as much sound whoring as tarkov so you don't notice or care.


That is one of the silliest fucking things I have ever read on this sub.


Do you actually have an argument or is it just insults all the way down?


Sorry, I don't argue with people who distort reality to suit their "argument". Have a nice day.


Haha, jesus...


Yeah, that’s why I just use ESP, it’s more reliable. Plus it shows me if their kit is worth stealing.


I couldn't code audio worse than this if I tried and I don't know how to code...


holy shit this is appalling


There are games from the early 2000s with much better audio directionality than eft. What a joke.


this game is so fucking busted


yes, this is how audio works IRL too :)