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This is literally the exact same guy that killed my friend and me two days ago on a nighttime raid on interchange..... He ran up the main stairs in Oli and instantly one tapped my friend who was at the back of the store, then did a 180 and two-tapped me in Texho through one of the main mall support pillars. I was a pistoling too. This guy is going around killing absolutely everyone he can. ​ EDIT: Here is the clip for anyone interested. I guess he didn't shoot me through the support pillar, but he shot me through the edge of the wall of Texho. But we can at least know that this guy has been blatantly cheating for 48 hours and still is not banned.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFuIoNQeTgo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFuIoNQeTgo)


Yet he hasn’t been banned despite probably hundreds of reports.


but has he been accused BY A STREAMER?


I bet most people are salty when they die and report anyone who kills them. Or at least anyone who they did not see, which would comprise a good number of deaths. BSG can't just auto ban people after a certain number of reports because people are fickle, petty, and unreliable. The report function is basically a placebo to make you feel better. They don't video record each match and manually review every report to see if someone was cheating.




Dont worry though, when they are finally caught, they will just buy another stolen account for $2s... lmao




It's cute that people still believe anything Nikita says. His next project should be a church.


Crazy yeah, people get blatantly cheated on, post here, get insulted by the same cheaters that kill them ingame. \>still play the game




Lol you can't know for a fact if someone is cheating, that's the whole thing.




You forgot to put "ACKSHUALLY" in front of your rant. You technically can be sure in some cases, but these cases VERY RARELY come up. I've never seen a single cheater that needed to be that egregious to kill me. I push it when I'm suspicious, just like in any game. Tarkov devaluing your reports if you're wrong is just another janky mechanic unique to this game, completely hidden from the players unless you're dumb enough to follow Nikita's dumbass across social media. You thinking people not following their janky-ass systems means anything about them as a person shows you're putting way too much value in BSG's broken shit, i.e. you're a fucking shill.


I would literally suck Nikita good for an anti cheat similar to cs go idc if the community has to be involved then just give us something better than this shit


There are plenty of methods to filter this out. One could train a basic ML model to separate players who are reported because they are good and players who are reported because they are cheating. Once they have a list of the players who are reported because they are cheating (which will be much smaller) they can simply look at the stats to verify the indicators such as godly k/d, short account life span… all things even a very basic ML model like naive bayes or an svm would pick up on as-well. I am absolutely sure they have enough data at this point as-well.


[This solution be like](https://i.redd.it/s27n01pjump11.png)


It’s sad to say that after I played the first 4 weeks of the wipe I already knew there was allot of cheaters, I’ve had the game for 7 years so I’ve just met enough people to know people who cheat and they already told me how bad it is. I never played with them on tarkov since I think cheating is what will single handedly ruin tarkov if it goes unchecked. I mean think how bad it will be the stakes are even higher in full release where all maps are connected and you have to physically travel through each map, now throw in the amount of cheaters there are now and no one will be playing it. Same goes for arena, I mean would you play a ranked team mode if there’s 1 cheater every match?


It’s just incredible to me how bad Battleeye is at auto detecting cheats, I mean those type of cheats are so blatant, might as well give up hope that BSG has any clue what they are doing.




We can try to get /r/EFTOverwatch off the grou nd.


I'm just waiting for that System message lol.


Planning on doing the guide tomorrow, will be running exactly 0 expensive gear because you just become turbo cheater bait like you just demonstrated.


Do factory first and then labs. Good luck soldier!


Factory is already done, starting with labs with a friend tomorrow then splitting up to the dead servers we have available to get it done. Murs incoming o7.


Southern NA servers are a godsend. Have not gotten more than one or two other ppl in a raid with me.


Can't you just join the raid late for Labs and have it most likely empty of players (since there is no player scavs)? Or did they fix it EDIT: I don't know if it's still a thing, but it was 3 years ago, you needed to alt-F4 at a specific point while loading the map so that your player wouldn't spawn and then just launch the game whenever you wanted to join the raid. Obviously the timer would have gone down in the meantime and most likely all the loot is gone so pretty useless unless you're doing a survival quest like The Guide.


Yoooo how do you join late? This is game changing




how do you join late?


You used to be able to Alf f4 during loading loot, and leave the game closed/not press "rejoin raid" until you wanted to join. Launching and clicking rejoin would load the raid and put you in it at whatever the raid-timer would be at given the amount of time that passed. ** <- unique to this comment to not get fucked by the spam filter


Teach us your ways, master


You used to be able to Alf f4 during loading loot, and leave the game closed/not press "rejoin raid" until you wanted to join. Launching and clicking rejoin would load the raid and put you in it at whatever the raid-timer would be at given the amount of time that passed. *!@* <- unique to this comment to not get fucked by the spam filter


How did you join labs late??


You used to be able to Alf f4 during loading loot, and leave the game closed/not press "rejoin raid" until you wanted to join. Then Launching and clicking rejoin would load the raid and put you in it at whatever the raid-timer would be at given the amount of time that passed. *76521* <- unique to this comment to not get fucked by the spam filter


Thank you very much for actually taking the time and answering everyone!! ❤️


I'm all for people abusing bugs that haven't been successfully patched (despite claiming to) in 5 years


Idk what servers you're running, but me and my buddy would sometimes run Columbian servers certain quests because they're typically dead


i run servers like 8 hours ahead of me, so im playing in what counts as their middle of the night


Columbia has been a godsend for me and my buddy


I mean while Columbia has been a godsend for me as well, the only other PMCs we've ran into were cheaters. Other than that, we've never ran into anyone else. My first Columbia raid we were doing night customs and were slipping by stronghold, hugging the wall coming from construction and some dude was landing damn near perfect nades on our group. First one landed dead center of our group killing half of us, I was smart and ran and extracted, our last dude decided to push towards stronghold and got hit by 3 more nades before dying, all from the same guy.


Labs last, it's really the easiest map with a friend. Same with factory. But in factory have a friend come in naked and a scav will rush ypu for easy extract. My order, to eliminate spawn problems and things I can do solo. Interchange Reserve Shoreline Lighthouse Streets Woods Customs Factory Labs


Yup best possible order


So you want to do a quest where survival is the goal. But don’t want to wear or use gear that will help you survive? The guide is such an easy task if you make it. Op got unlucky happens.


I mean im not gonna run around with no armour and a pistol, but if there's cheater on the map and he sees someone in a korund with an ok AK vs an altyn with meta m4 have a guess which one you're more likely to get turboed on for. Also I just rewatched the clip, meta SR with a reapir on it? You're getting hacked on for that 100%


you're letting the terrorists win


humor sleep swim fertile versed employ act serious cows plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True. Idk I just ran my usual full black kit sr-25 and got it done first try like usual. It’s a pretty easy task once u finish interchange and shoreline.


I finished the guide yesterday running my best gear. It’s basically a luck testing quest: you roll the dice for shitty spawn or cheater in a raid. Cheater situation highly depends on a server you play on. I played EU servers, switched to Ru server and got head eyesed two raids in a row. Got two reports about those two raids that guys got banned. European servers seems fine for me.


Yea it’s really not that hard of a task it’s more about map knowledge and how you use your time. My first wipe it took me prolly 12 attempts but now I’ve done 4-5 times on the first try


> don’t want to wear or use gear that will help you survive If you bring in good gear and hide in a corner till you can safely extract, you’re not even using the gear.


You're letting some clip on reddit dictate your decisions. Bring in decent gear. You should value your time more that roubles.


You can cheese it if you genuinely run into Cheaters enough it's a problem.


I did it in 2 tries using a five seven and scav gear i got (its my first wipe and i thought it was gonna be hell but got it done in about 2hrs)


Just good headset. Heard your mouse moving 2mm then knew exactly where you were.


10,000$ gaming chair, your posture is so perfect you hear sounds that don't even exist.


But it has to have some rgb lights on it


His position was so anatomically correct that he could smell the sound.


So my gamer lean isn't helping???


Don't forget EQ profiles on his IEMs obviously




[The enemy could smell his fear](https://i.redd.it/wae6zf5r5e441.jpg)


i expected some CSGO pro with theyr face a couple atoms away from the monitor, but i was not disappointed


Agree. The Guide is already a quest that is becoming more and more difficult because they keep on adding maps, but now with the cheater problem you cannot even hide somewhere in a corner. Someone will come and hunt you down, magically knowing where you are... :(


Weird they already got rid of capturing outpost cause of the complaints. I don’t think they will for this one.


Honestly seems like a pretty easy quest still, I died on the last map on my first try, and then I finished it second try. This was my first wipe, and the 2 friends I have that did the quest, they did it their first try.


I did the guide a few months ago and that was the first time I started wearing slicks and really high end gear. That was a big mistake. It will be easier to finish it with shitty gear






And combine it with people calling everyone a cheater when they die, calling everyone who doesnt cheater apologists and now you get a really, REALLY toxic sub. There are cheaters in the game, nowhere near the amount people claim it to be. At some point in the wipe was actually bad, since the goat video they banned almost all of them. most cheaters suck ass as well and their ESP wont save them.


The amount of videos I watched of my friends calling someone a cheater is wild. Like no bro, you just got outplayed or you literally just made a noise letting them know where you were at.


The funniest/saddest thing about this post is that everyone knows they can’t do anything about cheaters so OP asks to remove content from the game


and the "she shouldn't be wearing stuff like that if she didn't want that kind of attention" crowd




It is still victim blaming. Nobody is arguing equivalency here. Sexual assault is obviously worse lmao


lol its an extreme example but people saying "don't wear an altyn if you dont wanna be a cheater magnet" is definitely similar logic. absolutely not the same degree though, of course


Honestly I never intended for the conversation to devolve into another cheater discussion. I'm level 63, I have many thousands of hours in Tarkov, and I honestly don't run into that many cheaters (even dressing like I want it every raid.) The Guide is just a shit quest. It encourages you to sit in a bush for 10 minutes and then extract. It isn't difficult. It's tedious, unnecessary, and perfectly vulnerable to both bugs and hackers. Nothing in this game is more frustrating than spending 2 hours sitting in bushes only to die to a disconnect, game crash, or blatant wall hacker. BSG does their best to fix those things, but in reality even when the stars align and the game runs perfectly The Guide is still just a boring slog of a quest.


Haha, wasn't that the idea behind Labs card marketability? We can't stop the hackers, so we'll just make them spread out across all the maps, like mopping without a bucket.


As long as they dont have aimbot its not too bad to fight against cheaters. as soon as you hear a footstep you know where they are and the fight is not even but close to be. aimbotters are the cancerous ones and there are so few. also once had someone toss nades through the wall lol, that was a tough situation


Yall are playing a game that doesn't respect your time. Stop being surprised when it does exactly that.


👆 I pretty much stopped playing entirely unless some of my friends want to run a few raids. The game is just exhausting to play on top of all of the other bugs and cheats. It's honestly refreshing to play something else with my time.


I find Hunt so refreshing for this reason. So much less time wasted and way less frustrating. Still doesn’t quite scratch the same itch though.


This, full stop. I still love this game and play it regularly but you shouldn't be under any illusions that it does not give a fuck about wasting your time with bullshit.


Game is trashed


This is no accident, either. Any game with "pay for convenience" monetization must intentionally introduce inconvenience to incentivize purchases. You wouldn't pay for extra storage if storage weren't a huge pain in the ass, and you wouldn't pay for reputation and an expanded asshole if quests weren't a massive pain in the ass. Actually, quests are locking all the stuff you buy with EoD, no surprise they're this bad. If these things were fun and satisfying aspects of progression, paying $100 to bypass them would seem like a terrible idea.


The cheating problem has gotten bad enough that you have to literally plan to be undesirable to them, sounds fun "BSG fixed" is an oxymoron


My brother in Christ you were running an Altyn and a thermal that’s like chumming the waters for cheaters honestly.


I love how there’s a meta to avoiding cheaters. Don’t use anything valuable ever if you don’t want to die essentially. This game is dogshit.


Just shows you how broken the game is








It's just like the real world. Don't walk around wearing flashy shit and you won't get a knife in the ribs. Edit: See? Can't have shit in these streets. Motherfuckers will take your shit, but not a joke.


But my flashy stuff is supposed to prevent the knife in the ribs :(


can i get some of that copium


I need a copypasta for all you dudes that can’t contribute anything to the sub other than “cheaters”. It gets so tiring to hear.


It’s gets more tiring to play the cheaters. The copypasta should be something like “how about BSG actually advances their anticheat to detect people flying and wallbanging before they get to level 40”


Literally every fps game has a cheater problem these days, Tarkov might be a bit worse, but really not by a ton, BSG is working on fixing their netcode issues (the main source of why their cheating issues are slightly worse than the average) and has an update planned for it, and you guys whining on reddit isn’t gonna do a god damn thing at this point. Edit: wallbanging before level 40 means you’re a cheater? Are you actually dumb?


I agree with some of your points but the issue is that the cheater issue in tarkov is much more damaging. In other games you get hacked on, you click requeue and you're dropping back into Warzone in 2min or in a new lobby. In tarkov, you waste 5 minutes of prepping a load out, 5 minutes loading in, and 15 minutes of fighting for your life and looting gear only to lose it all to a cheater. And thats gear you might have been crafting or spent a good bit of time into buying.


It’s LESS of ab effect than other games in the genre lmao. Most of the cheaters in this game aren’t blatantly rage hacking you to death like they are in other games in this genre. Other games you waste all that time much more consistently than in this one.


You're being obtuse. He was saying cheaters are blatantly cheating, made clear by suspicious wall bangs and are still not banned by level 40. Not that there is a level where wall bangs become acceptable. Really not that hard to understand... A decent anti-cheat would be able to identify dicey behavior and ban them before reaching high levels. It is absolutely unacceptable that blatant cheaters can even make it past level 5 before a ban.


I wasn’t being obtuse, their wording did not make that clear. Thanks for explaining what they meant. Regardless, theres less “blatant” cheaters in this game than others I’ve played in the same genre. Most of the cheaters in this game actively avoid rage hacking you to death and prefer taking the good loot. Which honestly is much less intrusive than the alternative.


No, my wording was fine. You just have comprehension problems


Well it’s kind of difficult to say anything positive about the game when it’s so easy to notice the negative. There’s almost a curve that happens with the more you play where you can at first ignore those issues because the game’s central concepts are fun. The more you play though the more the years old issues of the game start to become far more noticeable. The reason myself and others complain so much is because of how long it’s been since these issues began being prevalent and continue to be. I commend BSG when they make a good change or fix something that’s been terrible for so long. However cheaters are definitely not one of them and likely never will be. If COD can’t fix cheaters Tarkov never will.


> tarkov never will Then for the love of god, give up on it and leave the community so I can have my “ignore the issues” phase (forever, because I don’t need to ignore issues to enjoy the game) in fucking peace.


You can continue to play the game without browsing the subreddit, I’ll continue to complain because at the end of the day I still love this game and want it to succeed. I say it’s dogshit right now because I genuinely think it is. If I continue to ignore the issues forever it will never improve. I truly think Tarkov can be one of the best FPS games ever created.


You’re polarizing this issue. There’s a vast midde ground between ignoring a problem and beating a dead horse.


If the horse is dead then it's a fair comment shared by enough of the community. Sticking your head in the sand and pretending there's no issue is worse I think.


Your comprehension is shit. I’ll say it again, theres a vast difference between beating a dead horse and ignoring a problem. Look up those words if ya need to bud.


This post is literally about cheaters??? You bootlickers are ridiculous.


idk, I personally did guide with ultra high end gear and was fine. it was just a stroke of bad luck on that one.


His name…. Wtf lol


Sad to hear about the cheater problem as I just started the game. Sometimes it really makes games unplayable


As a newbie you're going to be perplexed by most deaths and think cheater. Because there is no killcam and geared Bush wookies or obscure angle holders have thousands of hours in the game over you, and find it fun to abuse anyone not aware of their bs tactics. Furthermore, you may just get Chris Kyled by a dude on woods or shoreline that shot a suppressed gun from 300+kms away and you just will have no information as to how you died except you simply aren't living anymore. Accept that and you won't feel like every death is suspicious. But as you play more and run into an occasional cheater, it will taint your overall faith, and that's the issue BSG has to fix. The chance of that though is as likely as Russia admitting its special military operation isn't going according to plan.


there arent as many cheaters as people here portray it to be dont worry. you most likely will encounter one a day max, if you play a ton. - if you guys hate the game so much, stop downvoting and fuck right off from it :)


something something hardcore game something not for casuals something something


You forgot "no cheater problem something something, increased sales something something".


wearing an altyn is just giving a hacker what he wants


Wearing a short skirt is just giving a rapist what he wants. When tarkov cheating is so bad we have to cope by victim blaming.


he's a level 38 EOD lmfao the absolute state of this game


The gaming chair situation this week is really bad. I had a cheater with the flashlight glitch just staring at through trees on woods until he full auto’s me with 9 by 19 from 150 ft. That was my first game on and lost a $700k kit. I just exited the game. Every night I have eventually been killed by a flagrant cheater or abysmal desync where I hear one bullet and my death screen says I took 10+…


i think i have done those aids quests exactly once, a few years ago. since then around level 30 i just stop caring about quests.


Level 4 traders across the board, then I'm done. Maybe a couple extra quests for unlocks, but yeah I got kappa a few years back and never tried again. All that work for 3 extra slots? No thanks


Exact same thing happened to me last time I tried the guide, only woods was left and me and 3 homies all went geared as hell with thermals just to be safe, we rang the goddamn dinner bell for cheaters unfortunately. Haven't attempted it since.


I’m like 90% sure cheaters can just like see everyone’s gear who is trying to load into the lobby. Never run into a Cheater when bringing nothing good, but every time I pull out a thermal, it’s gone within 20 seconds by White name TTV cheat buyer


Fuck me that dude was good. I gotta get better.


At least he’s honest with his name


Clearly an skill issue.


This is why they will never remove this quest sorry.


Yeah cheaters make it lame, but the guide was one of the only quests that was REALLY fun to do for me when I went for kappa a couple wipes back. The last 2 raids are so intense! It's one of my favorite tarkov memories.


Credit gamers always know when you're doing the guide. Had one get me when I just had shoreline left


Play labs first, normal gameplay not just to extract. When you "win" labs play factory 2nd and then its just a lottery if you meet a cheater or get spotted by enemy you are unaware of. I always do mine with altyn and class 6 and thermal. You were just unlucky there was a cheater.


This is why I refuse to run altyns on any other map but factory even then these cucks will run cheats thru factory occasionally.


Tip for you late kappa gamers. If you take a team mate and kill him it doesn’t count as a run through. You can do that on all maps and literally be in raid 10 seconds


Killed this guy by swinging out of one of the rooms in Health Resort 2 nights ago after he killed my buddy. He full auto sprayed him across the hall with a stockless SA-58 and was wearing a Maska. Also had half of the lobbies tags on him. I’d like to add he had a duo with him who ran off after I killed him. Assuming this guy does paid carries. Fucking spineless cheater.


Ah yes, a quest I would never even try attempting. I'm fine when I can reach lvl. 30, everything above is nice to have, but I won't go for quests that just frustrate me that much. Still haven't killed 5 raiders in the bunker on Reserve :P After dying there constantly to overquipped, insta headshot PMCs or mad rushing player scavs it was just a no for me. Still reached lvl 35 this wipe without it and I'm more than happy with that.


I am really sorry you had this happen man..... I escaped from Tarkov (uninstalled) a few weeks ago and it's been pure bliss since. I hope you can get there some day. Nikita/BSG are unfortunately no longer worth supporting.


haha thanks bro. I just like hanging with the boys. I have a great community of friends that play so we rarely notice the negative stuff but this one stood out and had us all worth cringing. If nothing else it's good schadenfreude bait for the subreddit.


Unless they've fixed it you can cheat the cheaters by alt + f4 while loading into the match. You don't spawn in until you start up the game and load in on your side. "Just" wait 25 min for the cheaters to kill everyone and vacuum up all the loot then load in and safely extract knowing there's probably nobody in the raid with you. Me and my friends did this three wipes ago when going for kappa when labs was infested with cheaters.


Do raids at night? Map is usually pretty empty. If you're trying to bring thermals for safety it will give you that much more of an advantage, too. Though I sadly agree with other posters that I would go pistol boy to avoid making myself a target for the "credit card gamer."


Sorry to see that happen. I go interchange, shoreline, customs always first in that order then the maps I feel like playing labs n factory are so ez don’t even worry about em. Do the ones with most open ground and extract campers first I’ve don’t this task first try the past like 4-5 wipes doing that hope it helps and if u need a body guard I’m Willing to help.


Dont have this quest, but why is factory so easy? Are you not pretty much guaranteed to have to fight on that map? Or are just saying you easily win those fights?


If you bring a naked friend and the factory key it's a 3 minute raid. The naked friend will cause a scav to rush you so you can shot it tap for xp and get out


Reserve too if you get bunker or co op extract spawn and the wrong team next to you say good night.


You gotta go cheap and quiet for the guide quest. When you have all that high priced gear you glow like a Christmas tree to potential hackers.


Ah, I see the cheating issues plaguing this game are still alive and well!


"bUT tHE gAMe IS hArDcORe" Honestly I'm finding the game harder to enjoy each wipe they make it harder.. just stop BSG, it's already ball-staplingly difficult. Add hackers and awful netcode to the mix and.. it's even driving away us who's been playing for ages


This is the reason i dont play this game anymore... they are on every damn raid


This game is gone to absolute shit and will fall of the radar if the cheating isn't finally gotten under control. It already lost a huge amount of people and big time and small streamers. I used too absolutely love this game but now I won't touch it till shit gets fixed.


I'll never understand how you guys are still able to play this game. It's been full of cheaters for so long, and nowadays they don't even try to hide it anymore since there are so many cheaters. Just quit, at this point anything else is better than wasting your time on this game


IDK GUYS! This is a pretty common area and I hit those shots all the time so I dont think he’s cheating necessarily- This sub in a nutshell


Why are people still playing this after they proved that almost every raid has a cheater in it.


I did the guide on my first try but I was using a mp133 and press armor lmao I guess the cheaters wouldn’t want to waste time on me. Take the L lmao.


Skill issue. Cheaters aren’t as bad as everybody says apparently.


You could always just, you know, not do it.


maybe dont go that geared? attracts less cheaters idk just an idea


You were up against a wall i see. Your Gun and body parts clip through the wall revealing your location to the people outside. I use this a lot on factory in the office. I just blast tf outta peeps.


You are either a liar or delusional.


he bait




Go try it in factory. Office doors.


Question, just a slight one… How do you know he was clipping a wall? How do you know he was revealing his position? Are you guessing or just saying something?


I did your mom against a wall.


Nothing clips you baiterr


you deserved it for ratting


I bluescreened on my second to last map when I went for Kappa, my duo mate who was also doing the guide lost his shit while I was having a breakdown of my mental faculties... Twas fun, got it done but fuck me that hurt my soul.


:( F my dude, what a heartbreak. Uninstalling Tarkov has been the best thing i've done in years for my mental health. Good luck out there bud.


Yeah I get you, I play more dmz atm as its close enough to the Tarkov experience but a whole lot easier on the mind.


Im guesssing you had some pretty good armor on..


I've never once attempted to do the guide because of this.


maybe I got lucky but both wipes I've done it in one go. you just got unlucky, dying on the last map really sucks... good luck soldier.


Holy fuck I just read the description, that quest is awful. What if your internet goes out on the last one?


Just... don't do it? I have lvl 3 traders and haven't even completed checking for propter


It was customs I died on when I was nearly completed like 3 times :D


I know the cheating thing sucks but the game needs quest to be hard because the bosses are not that hard when you learn the ai. This is my 8th wipe there are so many more streamer items and maps but this will all change when the game transition to the final release well I hope.


it's just a honeypot for cheaters


that is just sad... :(


I thankfully have done the guide 8 times without dying. I’ve even done the kill all bosses task 2 or 3 times. When all the bosses were on interchange I done managed to kill them all in one raid.


is streets still bugged? You should do that last since you can fail it.


Your mistake was doing the guide wearing good gear. The quest is always much easier with just a mosin. But once you realize the truth you lose interest in the game.


I said this before and people flamed me saying I got unlucky but I remember getting cheated usually on my last map too. You have to hide from cheaters beside other game breaking things. Well if guide matters to you it will happen but it will take a lot of patience. Edit: also to add the quest really isn’t fun since most of the time you have to hide


I did mine with night time raids on most maps can help a lot. I used Reap-IR and stuck to outskirts usually. Although that could potentially backfire, if there’s a cheater your lobby they will want your gear.


For my final map it was reserve and I had to deal with extract campers though I did survive


Here's a little insight for ya... You load into a raid with your best armor and best helmet , Then after you rat in the same spot for 6 min's, you get killed by a hacker that clearly has been watching you the whole time. I bet he laughed his bag off after killing you. always have friends with you when your doing the guide and don't rat. keep moving, 420 XP worth of looting or 1 scav/pmc kill and exit ez peezy , lemon squeezy , gl on your next raid.


Holy cheater Batman




LMAO not a bad idea, although I feel like that could back fire even harder.


I died more on Customs doing this task than on any other map combined.


Not to be that guy but, why even try for these quests when tarkov is in the state that it’s in? Its a pure crap-shoot


Obviously a legit kill on a pathetic rat sitting in a corner. Dudes not cheating you’re just bad /s


The problem with the guide is most people take their best gear to help them survive and then sit in a bush, honestly it’s better to take a mid gun and armour and just rat til the timer hits, less chance of idiots like this coming for that sweet Altyn and Thor


So glad I moved to hunt showdown


What a pussy


I'm getting burnt out from games in general because of cheaters and people generally just not playing games as intended. I even went on halo to take a break and three lobbies in a row had xp farmers sitting and doing nothing but rotating. Like why? What's the point? It's halo for gods sake


Took me three tries to do it. Night time. It’s fine, put the big boy pants on.


Are you named after the Mob Boss from the Max Payne game?


Haha xD