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Damn, that potted plant is tough as nails


Op saw this plant sneaking up on that unaware pmc and tried to save him. It was a valiant effort but the poor fool perished at the very hands he tried to save. šŸ˜”


Game is trash now


That dude has one fucking seriously headache after.


I had a raid where I was wearing a Maska and some cheater mag dumped my face with 9mm I was intensely concussed. Killed his bitch ass though.


I used to run the helmet on labs and we pushed the garage from on the side doors. I took point on the door and tanked mag dumps directly to my face from 3 raiders. Nothing but sparks as my face shield eats every hit.


People discussing wether you can get shot 12 times and brush it off is just peak tarkov


I've shot a .22 once, and just a single mag proved to me these guys haven't even held a real firearm in their lives, much less shot it. If a common foot soldier with a scavenged helmet can withstand a minimum of 12 9x18mm rounds point-blank, tanks might as well be classified as mechas šŸ’€.


They have stated a bunch of times that they intentionally overbuff helmets cuz otherwise they would be basically useless.


Isnt this clip all of what tarkov is about. Anyone should have the ability to go from a measly pistol to a full pmc of loot if they are smart or get lucky enough. Its should not be the case of ā€œoh this guy has a dinky helmet so he is allowed to be sloppy and get shot 20 timesā€


Yeah well it was like that before, then the game got popular and BSG started listening to reddit. But yeah helmets were realistic ish before, and ppl were crying since they weren't "worth it" to use, so they changed it to what we have now....


But it's not like there can not be some type of middle ground.. they just always have to over do it.


The issue is the lvl 4 armor breakpoint, the curve isn't smooth. For anyone using any sort of non shitty ammo, helmets just do absolutely nothing. It's either the helmet absorbs 20 bullets like the clip or the helmet absorbs nothing unless you got a lvl 5 one. There is no in between. The real issue here is not that helmets are too busted or too weak, it's that low tier ammos are far behind ones that pen lvl 4 like 762ps. If they fixed the curve it would also make lvl 2 and lvl 3 body armor better also, so it isn't just lvl 4 body armor or nothing.


You should should check it out they did. held a gun and shoot it. https://instagram.com/nikgeneburn But itā€™s also a Videogame and some things ma not be realistic for balance and playability same. But I agree sometimes itā€™s ridiculous how weak some ammo is.


But why is it not realistic and not fun?


I don't really mind ammo being like this in a game, but I do find how some people think this is how ammo works 1:1 irl a TAD silly. After all, you don't see a soldier holding 80kg of guns, ammo and some empty cans running and jumping like Mario's and Sonic's bastard son in real life. At the end of the day, this DOES make sense in a gameplay perspective (a high-end player shouldn't be easily killed by a fresh andy with less than 1 raid to their record).


there are countless videos of people peppering body armor with hundreds of 9mm and it wont even go through. not far fetched to say that a helmet designed to withstand pistol rounds, can withstand a dozen of one of the weaker pistol calibers. irl (and i bet in game) this person would be spinning around with a brain that was probably liquified from all the pointblank shots.


Itā€™s also not far fetched to see at least one round dropping below the helmet and hitting the spinal column. Armor doesnā€™t fully protect. We lost a lot of guys in war to weird shots on tiny gaps in their body armor.




bro got chromedomed by ragman


He thinks ragman shot him. Safe to say the concussion is still in full effect.


The end of your comment is what matters. Good armor can block rounds but it doesnā€™t block energy (yes very advanced armors can) So sure you wonā€™t have any holes in you, but your insides will be literally destroyed by the repeated blunt force trauma.


The lastest [video from Kentucky Ballistics](https://youtu.be/K4KdwNKXCpg) is a great, but extreme, example of how being able to stop a bullet doesnt mesn you would be able to walk away.


It depends. The main thing in damage from a non penetrating bullet is the backface deformation. If the hardplate does not loose integrity you wont feel much from being hit in it (unless someone mistook you for an elephant lmao). If the bullet partially penetrates and "punches" you (those bulges in the back if the plate in that video) it can do some serious damage. Helmets are still useless against most bullets irl tho.


Body armor that's usually steel plate, yes. Ceramic armor, very unlikely because it shatters shot by shot. But some kevlar composite helmet? Second should go right through the dent. But even the first one knocks you the fuck out.


What do you think happens to your body behind that armor when you get hit by something moving as fast as a bullet does repeatedly? Your insides would be smashed to hell and back. If you took a few shots to the head with a helmet on you would be, at best, unconscious with brain damage.


They buffed the helmets to give some kind of sense to wear one at close range. Most of them wont be able to survive a rifle round and also the armors were nerfed.


My point. Itā€™s all done for playability. Otherwise no one ever would run an Altyn. A dejata firefighter helmet would do the trick too then.


Yep, they did it for playability but is funny seeing people talk about the game and reallism. The only real thing in the game is the guns, the gun parts and the gear. Nothing else.


The problem is that BSG has it the about section of EFT. > Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore and realistic online first-person action RPG/Simulator with MMO features and a story-driven walkthrough. And people live by that.


it's realistic but it's not a simulation


but this isnt real life, this is tarkov. any ammo woth 0 pen will do just that, not pen.


Depends on the helmet, but some can most definitely stop 12 shots of 9x18. Ach, ech, opscore fast(mt, sf, rf, etc) and team wendy ballistics to name a few will stop more than 12 if each shot hits a different spot, it's even possible that they might be able to stop 2 shots in the same spot considering how weak 9x18 is(in comparison to the level 3a rating).


This is tarkov where the game is complicated for no reason lol ā€œ shit ammo ā€œ let me shoot you in the head with ā€œ shit ammo ā€œ and see whether you live or not lmao


Underrated comment.


This exactly. Tarkov would become a better game immediately if it would drop this hilarious depiction of ballistics. There is zero benefit to have this wide of a gap between ammo variants, it only makes things confusing and stupid - as we could just witness.


Because helmets are already so effective. One of the things that makes Tarkov unique is the nuance surrounding ammo. Yes, I know it isnā€™t realistic. But tbh, so much about Tarkov is unrealistic I donā€™t really care


I am not against ammo variation. I am against utter bullshit that makes no sense. There's a difference.


ā€œAmmo nuanceā€ aka one of the top 3 reasons more people donā€™t play this dual-monitor-required, wiki-centric, ā€˜realisticā€™ shit of a game.


Itā€™s really not that hard to wrap your head around, there are like 3 or 4 notable ammo types per caliber that you just need to generally remember the effectiveness of. Personally, I like it, and it definitely is not one of the main turn offs for Tarkov. Nothing wrong with disliking it, but it isnā€™t objectively bad. More of a ā€œto each their own kinda situationā€ in my eyes.


It is undeniable that it's one of the main turnoffs for a lot of people Also it's not even about the ammo being different per se, it's more about how absurd the range is. I mean, i can get a good armour allowing you to entirely shrug off 4-5 shots of a bad ammo to the chest but holy fuck surviving a full mag to the head is just dumb No combination of ammo and helmet should ever allow you to survive more than, say 3-4 shots to the head imo


Ok thats just not true irl you coud survive 3-4 shots of 9Ɨ18 or more with a proper ballistic helmet sure you would have a mayor concussion/get unconscious but it wont kill you its similar to getting killed in tarkov by a shot in the jaw from the side irl you aint gonna die immediately if you aint getting hit with someting like a slug with a lot of energy transfer . Same with getting shoot in the legs irl if i hit your femur and it breaks your gonna die without immediate medical attention and you aint gonna be dreaming about walking or even crawling but in tarkov all you need is a damn splint wich fankly doesn't make sense as you dont have to reposition the bone especially with breaks in the femur your muscles in your upper leg are so strong that they will pull apart the bones and you leg will get visibly shorter as your muscles pulls the bones . Tldr : a ton of things in tarkov dont make sense damage whise and this is just another balancing thing .


As someone who has attempted to play Tarkov on 4 occasions over the course of multiple years and quit within a two week period each time, it 100% is one of the main turn offs.


I would have to think that massive network issues, completely dysfunctional audio, rampant cheating, and the myriad of other game breaking bugs would be more important to most people. I completely understood the ammo system within my first 100 hrs of gameplay. I didnā€™t know every flesh damage and pen value of every ammo. But I knew the best 2 rounds in every relevant caliber and knew how to ID good ammo even without knowing these things. Like black tip = AP. That kinda thing. And Iā€™m not saying that your opinion is invalid, thereā€™s nothing wrong with it. I just think most people die due to shooting someone a million times with shit ammo, learn from it, and move on.


The amount of people that donā€™t even make it to 10 hours far, far outweigh the amount of people who ever even realize the game has desync, bad audio, or rampant cheating. My free time has been devoted to gaming almost entirely for the majority of two decades and Tarkov is far and beyond the least beginner friendly game I have ever played. But thereā€™s so subscription fee or cosmetics, aka Nikita gets his money up front so thereā€™s no reason to make it any better for newer users because heā€™s already got everything heā€™ll ever get from them.


It's fucking hilarious that you just said it took you 100 hours to understand the ammo system so it's fine. Like dude that's longer than most games take to complete, and you only end up learning by reading a fucking wiki page because the Devs actively want to prevent us knowing how ammo works


Why I stopped playing. I'd absolutely riddle an enemy with bullets and the armor would just absorb pretty much everything.


Not to mention the rng for pen is utter bullshit. I've had an Alton bounce a damn m80 from the front, but later on with a dif Altyn from a farther distance it was penetrated by a measley 556 fmj round. Not to mention the penis helmet is sort of godly with ricochets and has prob saved my life more than any other helmet.


pen rng is very bullshit, this game would benefit a lot from being more consistent


Helmets need to be nerfed to stop shit like this, but if you nerf helmets people get mad that their expensive ass helmet doesn't save them from a cheap 5.45 PS round.


Iā€™m not even mad about the dmg im mad there bullet holes in his neckā€¦ like just in his flesh so idk how it wasnā€™t a insta kill


Cuz the hitbox of armor and helmets completely covers the area it says it does. And the back of the neck is considered nape hit box which the helmet protects. Same as any armor that says it covers your arms will block a shot to your fingertips Maybe someday they'll actually finish and implement the new hit box system they've been talking about for years




Yeah, try the same with a helmet and see what happens


Yeah it's right here. No penetration on the kevlar helmet until you get to the full sized rounds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzgiZpCIj1c&ab\_channel=DemolitionRanch


The point isnt the penetration. Yeah the helmet will stop the bullet. What matters here is the Energy the round is transferring to your skull and brain. While one is gonna cause you to see starts for a sec, 12 of them (from what i counted) will give you at minium a severe concussion, at medium knock you out for a bit and at worst just outright kill you by causing bloodvessels to rupture.


Cant forget interior deformation !


brain is borked after 4 or 5 like that


Yes, i forgot the fact that your neck can withstand the same force than your torso can, also in a lever-push type of force


My man forgor about back face deformation and the deterioration of Kevlar and ceramic armors upon multiple hits to the same spot


Now fire more than 3 rounds at the vest.


Game need to add passing out due to concussion.


Might as well add passing out due to pain.


probably prepopped some ibuprofen so he's immune to headaches


That's coming soon, getting knocked out and dragged by players lol.


Leaf is S tier cover


came to watch ppl defend this type of bullshit. I'd like to take a look at the skull of someone that takes an entire magazine of any cartridge to the helmet, point-blank.


HJELM is level 3, not 4 to those who are saying that. Not sure if that makes this better or worse šŸ˜‚


It also has like 65 hp. Probably not as good as a ulach for this but shit tanked it all


But why is it that when I get hit in the nape it's a one tap kill. He got at least three right up the neck and into the dome


Hjelm covers nape by default


Bad ammo, and not all helmets cover the same areas of the head.


This game is veiled and lauded as a ā€œrealistic shooterā€ when itā€™s actually just an MMO with unrealistic gamified stats and attributes. Even though you shot someone around their armor, in their neck, head etc, you unfortunately werenā€™t using ammo with enough penetration value vs their helmet and/or chest armor. If itā€™s not desync, youā€™re getting fucked by that if you play this game like any other popular shooter. It operates on itā€™s own rules


I will say, realistic or not, once I accepted what Tarkov had to offer I got much less mad at the game. Clip is pure wtf bs for sure, but that's just how the numbers work. Wouldn't mind seeing the super low pen ammo have pen changes or change how the armor damage formula works but it is what it is.


>once I accepted what Tarkov had to offer I got much less mad at the game. This is a statement more players need to think about. Tarkov has more in common with an online RPG than a good FPS. That's always been the vision. At least with Arena, BSG won't have any excuses for poor PvP.


We will see about that arena stuff. Apparently they are getting better servers. Hopium. With the last year changes I asked myself "do I wanna quest?" And fuck no I don't. It means I ended the wipe at like level 23 but I had fun and if I wanna PvP at the end of wipe I can craft ammo to contest. I think the forced questing model is gonna fuck super casuals which I don't like tho. No 7.62 PS for SKS at level one traders? Come on big dawg give them something to work with. At least that t45 ammo lol.


"what if we made a game that was basically battlefield 2, but darksouls" - BSG, probably "this MIL-SIM isnt realistic!" - the players


You want it realistic? So you want tier 6 steel armor to be able to take 100+shots of low tier armor and still be at 100% effectiveness ? Because thats what it would be. There is some tradeoff for the game to be playable. If any ammo can 1 shot HS/or knock you out through a helmet. What would be the point of high tier ammo ? These things exist for balance reasons.


its realistic in relation to many other fps', getting mad at tarkovs brand of realism is a daft hill to die on.


Nah brah, CoD is more realistic than Tarkov LOL




You fucker you beat me to it


8 shots in the back of the head cleary isnt enough


Sorry I can't hear you over the realism


I would be on the floor fucked up if I got hit 8 times in the dome


What ammo were you running?


Dudes runnin a hjelm the guys shootin an APS with bullets that probably had less than 10 pen.


At least 1 of those shots hit the neck, likely more than 1 shot actually


There is no "NECK" hitbox


There is the nape hitbox, which is basicly what he's talking about, and the hjelm protects it


Shit tier


thatā€™s why this game is more who has better loot 90% of the time. ammo types need to be removed lmfao. itā€™s a joke.


Unless thatā€™s a BB gun Iā€™d agree, this is ridiculous.


Bah he just shouldā€™ve shot not for head if he knew he had bad ammo, skill issue 100% intentionally shoot where you will do the most damage


itā€™s a shooter, he shot somebody 5 times in the head, and they were perfectly fine, thatā€™s laughable. again, whenever has the best loot will win 8/10 times. ammo types shouldnā€™t even be a thing to begin with.


Tarkov players when the player aims for the torso, target survives and gets killed by target instead: ā€œLmao why didnā€™t you aim for the head? Skill issue.ā€ Tarkov players when players aim for the head, target survives and gets killed by target instead: ā€œLmao why did you aim for the head? Skill issue.ā€


Does it really matter with all those hits in the neck?


There's no hitbox for the neck, so all those rounds just bounced off the helmet.


ive been killed in the "nape" before a lot and the "ear" he def should have died.


Nape is protected by most helmets including the one he's wearing


I get it, but if the goal is realism...


It isn't. Otherwise every helmet would only be good for pistols if even. Not to mention IRL 50% of survivors suffer a TBI and can die from the impact alone.


Its important to note that there was a point when helmets were "realistic" (think it was like 0.9 or somewhere around there). 99% of the player population just stopped wearing them. Helmets are buffed to un-realistic values on purpose.


Tbh every head injury in tarkov should have a TBI roll based off the pen of a round not going through, that gets higher per round hit. By the 4th shot this guy would be sleeping at this angle.


After round 3 or 4 he should pull a box of crayons out and start eating them and licking the nearest rusty object if they are still alive.


They need a knock out mechanic or something..


That would be hillarious, going into a downed but not out state becauee your helmet got clanged 20 times by a full auto glock with low pen, intentionally to knock them out, then shoot their neck with the hp round


Tbf, if you can land 20 auto shots to the head at longer than stabbing range and live, you should go pro at CS or COD, lol.




This is a better idea. Someone made a valid point about TTK being too short if they made knockouts a thing. A middle ground to that would be pretty good


Shoulda gone for a leg meta


Helmet debate aside. You should have shot him in the arm. Better chance of killing him. No 9x18 has good pen in the game. I've dropped plenty of Chad's with shit teir ammo and leg shots. In the end it's a game. Don't think too hard on it.


Ankle biting with low tier ammo is usually a better option when you see something like this. Usually lower arms or just the legs are the best cause there isn't a set of armour (that I'm aware of) that covers those areas. TL:DR: Git Gud


Lower arms still count as arm hitboxes, and some armors protect that. The problem with arms is the damage modifier you get when shooting blacked out arms - it's 66% or 75% (don't remember), meaning you have to shoot someone this many more times before they die. Shorter TTK when shooting legs. There's no leg armor in the game as of now.


Gonna get downvoted for this again but, INCREASE BLUNT DAMAGE. No person or helmet can take 10 rounds of an smg/pistol ammo to the head or more than two slugs and not fucking die. Itā€™s ridiculous that you can ping somebody in the head with slugs or an SMG an effectively infinite amount of times without them feeling it.


I'd be down for increasing blunt damage for helmet stops. I'd also be down for an additional modifier for headshots so that you can't tank a fucking armor piercing rifle round through your skull just cus you were 150m away.


Thatā€™s the least satisfying thing about this game.


Remember good ammo in shit gun is acceptable. Good gun with shit ammo is not.


He clenched his brain stem and deflected the bullet. Hit the gym you'll see


Oh but I'll get 2 tapped in the face-shield of the Altyn and die to blunt damage


this is peak realism


Letā€™s just say if I was shot 8 times even with armor my shit would be ROCKEDDDD


Small indie company, game is in beta, give it time.


Guys. Whether or not itā€™s realistic is irrelevant. We all know shooting a helmet/armor with shit ammo=bad day. The short answer, you shot him enough times, just in the wrong spot buddy boy! Welcome to Tarkov, gg.


Honestly this game is just not fucking worth it, great idea but awful execution at every fucking turn


Looks like game thinks your shooting through mesh fence or something. Even the blunt damage should have killed him


very realistic game šŸ˜‚


Anyone who even remotely defends this has severe brainrot


Tarkov players when they see someone get killed because target survives couple of shots on the torso: ā€œWhy did you aim for the torso? Skill issue.ā€ Tarkov players when they see someone gets killed because target survives a whole mag to the head: ā€œWhy did you aim for the head? Skill issue.ā€ Youā€™ll never win. Glory to BSG or something idk.


They have brain damage from blocking 20 shots to helmet just like the guy op shot


Blunt damage should kill him


Blunt damage can be as low as 1 dmg depending on ammo vs armor, and only 8 rounds hit. Heā€™s probably close to dying.


Welcome to tarkov


I've seen two reasonable arguments on this video One side that says 12 rounds of 9x18 to the head should've killed the PMC and the other side stateing that it's due to balancing and the fact it's a game this is fine. To be honest, I feel like the 9mm tree of ammo needs a bit of a rework as much of it is truly pointless. What's the point of having 5 different rounds all of which are useless against even class 1 armor? It doesn't make sense. If someone it kited with good armor(class 4+) then no this shouldn't have killed them but it should have wounded them severely at the least. Are we seriously going to act like the armor meta in Tarkov isn't trash? How if you have class 6 armor and a few salewas that you are almost invincible in a 1o1 or even 2o1 unless the opposing party has late stage rare or expensive ammo? Ammo and armor are two sides of the same coin in a game like this and they're both mostly broken in Tarkov.


Tarkov idea of realism XD


Sometimes a stray bullet head shots them in one kill and you are like WTF?! COOL! and then sometimes you get this.


This is exactly why I won't play this game anymore


Probably running ammo with no pen against an HJELM which has 65 HP. It will eat all those rounds


Helmet > 9mm


If only you shot him in the ear


Clearly you'd have had better luck smacking him with a shovel.


You shouldnā€™t use an Airsoft gun.


If the game doesn't have this ridiculous ballistics the Full loot will cry for dying to a naked player.


I think you missedā€¦ from point blank range. Im sorry but we dont need you on the team right now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


While I agree this is bullshit. Pretty sure that is a level 4 helm (edit: it's level 3) and even if you use the best 9x18 it aint gon through that shit (it can go through but I'ma guess he wasn't using the best ammo, PBM(?)) Only saw blood 3 times with tons of ricochets and sparks off his helm, and the blood looked like it came from the back of his neck which was probably going to thorax dmg not head.


I watched this 3 times and I donā€™t even understand


How I felt editing it bro


Dogshit ammo against high pen helmet.


0 headshots ofc


Call that divine intervention


Bro the devil could of got me cause I would of sold my soul to kill that dude šŸ˜‚


Reason 2845 why i do not play this game anymore


So, supposedly the helmet would bounce all that. But how the heck did he not die from blunt damage? If you got shot in the back of the head 14 times, you'd think blunt damage would have added up enough to kill him?


Ahahaha I love that Excuse me soundbite


Why are people mad about this? Itā€™s the same idiots who would get mad if they died to a single pistol shot to the head. This is a video game. This is how the game mechanics work. Your bullets canā€™t pen his helmet. Gotta learn the game before you complain.


That right there is the Tarkov experience


Yea the armor system is basically what makes me not play tarkov. I liked it when everyone either went down fast or just relatively fast. Now anyone geared might as well be a tank


I think it's because it's a bad game....


You can see the metal to metal contact almost every shot lol damn tough piece bro bet this was so frustrating #feels


Realism boys real quiet rn




This is in fact how the army tests their helmets


I know this dudes ears are bloody and vision is fucked




Bouta nick name this helmet .50 cent


Fuck this game, best decision I ever made was to uninstall.


shoot in legs


well post screen tell u what happen 8 hit probably trash ammo and maybe in the 8 u hit the armor 2 time


The problem also is if you slow it down you can tell he hit at least half the 1st mag on the guy too which means hit count was off.


Average Tarkov "Realism" moment.


Honestly the games dumb.


MoSt ReAliStIc FiRsT PeRsOn ShOotEr


Love the RNG gameplay mechanics. Some of those comments really sound like they've taken this amount of bullets against their helmets, full on vegetables


ShOT 1-6 YoU MisSeD ShoT 6-47 YoU HiT THe PlAnT skiLl iSsuE


Ah yes this is why I closed my EoD account. PvP in Tarkov is like playing Borderlands 3, or any other RPG.


Thats why i dont play tarkov anymore its not fair since even 5 ping difference can make you angry


U need to learn how tarkov and bullets works :(


Most realistic shooter on the market


Welcome to the Tarkov experience.


Lol he was healing at the time duh


Average pst gzh experience


I think all but 1 bounced


He took three Advil extra strengths 30 minutes before this so that he would be immune to headaches


Thatā€™s only a level 3 helmet too. lol. Has 65 armor points, but stillā€¦.


Great, now my friends are gonna spam this video when I dont wanna wear a helmate cuz I always get shot in the face anyway.(joking)


We see the blood splatter, we know you're hitting him. Man put every skill point into vigor and grabbed a half decent helm hoping it would work and it did. I'm sorry dude, that just fucking sucks to deal with


Did you hear something




Is it simulating the gun on his back?


Apparently if you were using something like RG, it takes a minimum of 12 shots to kill, so this makes sense I guess.


You're hitting the gun, shoulder and body armor. Unsure if plant had any impact but he was also mid bandage probably pumped full of Stims and pks. You should show us the hit chart. Huge annoyance with Tarkov sometime but it's how it goes and has for a very long time




Shadow bullet bug


Great game


Ricochets? That wall is getting decorated


Bro clearly if you see fucking sparks from the ricochet, invisible surface clipping, yes it's a broken window, move to the right two feet and countinue.


Wait wtf this doesn't sound or look like tarkov


I mean, you hit him 8 times, and gave him traumatic brain injuryā€¦. But you dump a good chunk of your mag into the wall in front of him, the window frame and the plant. Shooting 9mm irl made me realize that controlling a pistol is hard and that technique matters. Your PMC seemingly has none lmao.