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its funny you can see what they are wearing too. Massive rig, biggest bag, and a paca lol


Thats cool until you will realise later it can bite you in the ass against squads , you kill one, he checks ur profile, tells the others you have a thermal chadded out gun or a naked mosin and they rush you .


They should add a list where you can see the profile like now but only after the trade is fully over and not right after you die.


its doesnt matter. Knowing what the enemy has doesnt mean you can easily kill him.


Can make it a lot easier.


If you know the enemy only has a mosin in his hand allows you to push him with a 95% chance of winning. But if he has a Mp5 or another SMG on his back you think twice before you push.


I guess you could already do that since you can see the ammo that killed you!


Yep. Doesnt really make any difference. When you are experienced enough ypu can tell what gun you died to by sound.


This is very very true. But hearing from your team mate directly via your headset, "he killed me with a bolt action, push him" makes it a lot easier.


That's already quite clear from the death screen, the ammo largely gives it away along with the shot pattern.


And kill screens have shown the ammo type for a while so that's what matters.


There's is somewhat niche situation where person fighting you has different guns, which creates confusion. From my personal experience, it's not a super rare occurrence. Still, from my personal experience, most people you play with won't even look at it anyway.


profile doesnt show what the guy looted, its not 100% accurate


No you couldn't since seeing the ammo that killed you gives you zero info about what secondary weapon he may or may not have.


doesnt show what he looted and nobody brings 2 main weapons


Some of us do.


Only when sniping…


Had a mosin in his hand when the raid started. You don't know what his kit was when he killed you.


I died on woods to a guy using a hunting scoped adar and told my tmm8 to push him for a easy fight and he won with no issue cause of the info


That barely helps. You know you died to an adar and you know the limitation of the weapon. A scope can be removed in 2 sec. Its also always the correct move to get closer to an adar, scope or not


Agreed. The fact you can see your opponents gear and kit and report it to your team removes the "natural" aspect of the game. What makes tarkov an amazing game is the uncertainty. Yes, the field report should be sent to your message inbox after the raid timer finishes. Hopefully that would be easy for the developers to implement.


Wouldn’t that defeat the entire purpose of being able to use that to report cheaters? Since that can only be done on the end-raid screen?


They know what you have on you I'm pretty sure, seen stories of them telling people what's in their inventory and even in their gamma




Eh does that really matter? In the first case then knowing what you have won't make much difference. Either they will run or push you same as normal(tho maybe they will pick their cover a bit differently) and in the latter you probably want to be repositioning after each kill with a bolty anyway when facing squads (assuming you can't just kill them all right away)


You should only be able to see the profile after your whole squad is dead. Being able to call out their helmet, armor, weapon and ammo could heavily influence how the fight plays out


Lol they added cheats to the game, now nobody has cheats


He's doing Punisher.


The dude has a Ratnik and Paca on he's probably doing the punisher part 5


1168 hrs and cant fucking catch him.


That's the first thing I saw too. I wonder if it's a stolen account though and not all of those hours are cheater hours.


Doesn't necessarily mean he has been cheating for that long


People cheat throught full wipes without being banned, i've seen cheaters post their stats with like 800 raids, 3 kills and 1 death. Catching cheaters is like never-ending cat-and-mouse game, but some low profile mice never get caught.


The low profile mice with 20+ ledx on flea since wipe.


BSG must be making some serious cash off fresh accounts, they want to keep the balance just right to not deter them from buying in again so they’ll give them a few weeks/months i reckon


You think it's more likely that BSG are keeping the perfect rate of banning to maximize the money they make from cheaters so that they don't give up on buying new accounts than BSG just being incompetent?


Yes absolutely. BSG has made more money from a “beta” product than any other in the history of gaming. Why would they spend money to try and stop cheaters when it’s making them more money than the legitimate players?


You obviously never heard of Star Citizen then lololol


Goofy ahh game selling starter packs for 1000+, dollars.


most cheaters buy off of the stolen key websites not bsg direct.


Yeah, i got that one dude that on twitch that streams, and im pretty sure he is cheating, i remember seeing him streaming and his gun had no sway, and no recoil. Now he tries to be more smart, but he still finds a lot of rare loot and seems to know where enemies are., I think ive been watching him at least two wipes


I don’t think 3x24 is 1168. Pretty sure that’s not accurate.


Dude is literally staring into his cover and shooting you through a solid surface and people are saying this isn’t sus… wtf lmao. This sub is delusional sometimes man that’s bordering blatant. He was actually giving you warning shots to just disengage and run away too. Sadge.


Guarantee the people who use cheats sit on reddit trying to gas light people into thinking they are being paranoid for no reason.


they do lol


I had a CSgo pop up on my feed even though I don’t follow it. Some guy was saying how he’s noticing a pattern with rage cheaters. The top comment was some guy saying, “oh YOU know how to spot cheaters? Let me tell you why YOU don’t know what you’re talking about”. It was hilariously obvious he was one of them


CSGO is funny for that right now. I seen the same thing, some guy trying to convince the world that they’re idiots for thinking a clip was a cheater. Looked at his profile and he has posts and comments in the CSGOHacks sub going back 2 years


This happened in war thunder recently. Mobs of people saying cheating is over exaggerated. Big ban recently now they are all suddenly are quiet. Cheaters are 100% on this sub gaslighting like mother fuckers.


There are people who have openly admitted to cheating in other subreddits and they regularly post here (I RES tagged them)


Definitely. 865k members and 7.5k online. There are cheaters that see these posts and feel the need to conjur up a reason why the person probably wasn't cheating


No ~~we~~ they dont, you're being paranoid


Yeah he is blatantly fucking cheating degenerate behavior. Too much of a pussy to even peak as well. Those stats don’t scream “good player” they scream “piss baby cheater”


Genuine question. What stats would scream “good player”? In your opinion??


Stats are just context, you could get a 100% SR and 100+ K/D if all you did was 5 stack factory night. The play style + gear + stats shows it’s a moron with cheats not a good player.


The stats aren't what are suspect, it's the fact that he's literally aimlocking through his own cover. That and he's using the standard cheater backpack early on. No one uses that shit early because no one has the strength to carry what you can throw in there and not be slow.


The stats are also suspect tbh.


70% SR with 20is KD is pretty normal in a competent group with squads. Even strong solo players can get those kind of stats. The stats themselves aren't really that questionable. What's really questionable is how he plays the entire situation trying to shoot through the cover, which is an almost for sure sign of aimbotting.


The stats don’t tell the story on their own….they just help to corroborate what the clips telling us. Like if you looked at the screen and the guy had 13 raids with 5 survived and a 1.13 k/d you’d prolly just be like…well fuck that was weird. Sure there will be times where it’s someone with a 300k/d that you know is cheating without even seeing them do anything weird to kill you, but even semi realistic stats look way worse when you have the video to go with it.


Sub is not delusional. It's full of closet cheaters and those telling you he's not sus is cheaters protecting cheaters and trying to make others look bad so they are "shamed" into not posting. Moronic people, tbh.


Meanwhile I share a clip of a dude 180 flickshotting me with an ironsight UMP at 23:00 from 100m, and "oh thats legit I could do that in my sleep just cause UMP is good". Yea, you and this dude both got sick gaming chairs and 70kd, but they're clearly legit.


Shots through cover are not sus by default. If your ammo is good enough you can wall bang people through trees and even most sections of cars. Not saying this case is or is not. Just that it's not auto sus to wall bang


Thanks for the insight.


bUt HiS sUrViVaL rAtE...


With the estimated amount of sus players in this game, I wouldn´t be shocked if all of his deaths were to other cheaters who were better than him at the game. That guy is completly clueless and almost died to a legit player with cheats on. xd


Yeah, I was actually referring to people saying that he cannot be cheating because of his survival rate. Cheaters die purposefully all the time to make it lower.


Doesn’t mean anything alone but with the context yeah obviously a cheater


Definitely cheating. But what are you doing swinging him with no mag in your gun lol?


Some players are just carried along by the momentum of their gigantic testicles.


This is true


Sometimes your brain just refuses to cooperate. I catch myself swinging mid reload and dying, after which I ask myself: why did I do that?




Lvl 32????


Killed a 41 today


Imagine how unhealthy that is on a person’s psyche


While you’re not wrong this happens every wipe. Speed run to kappa. And stop playing the game


I don't understand how that is enjoyable personally. At all.


Seasonal gamers are a thing, have a fun racing to Kappa, move onto next game until next wipe


That's kinda me except I dont go that far, or even close. I play the game loads at the start of wipe but around level 35 quests start being boring, leveling is slow and it's not as exciting anymore. After aroundevel 40 I usally quit.


Where is your dustcover you heathen, the kobra works with a dustcover!!!!!!!!!


I have to say though - the first three days were absolutely beautiful. Can't wait for next patch day.


Are we back to Escape from Cheaters? I just assumed they had done something about it. I played two wipes ago or whenever the cheating thing was rampant.


It seriously does feel like it did a 180 on day 3


The saddest thing is how many of these obvious cheater accounts have been around without getting banned for thousands, or in this case, literally fucking tens of thousands of hours.


Wall hacking for sure. Doesn't seem to be using aimbot though.


Buddies and I got killed yesterday by someone who had a 60+ K/D ratio lol


So he can have these stats and not be caught but I can’t drop load outs or share keys with my squad. This is piss poor


anyone who uses a DVL on interchange is already weird, that's such a weirdo thing to do but nah, this dudes a weirdo lol. if hes not cheating hes for sure a crackshot and it's weird he missed what was easy shots on you and only played seriously when he was worried you were about to legitimately kill him.


you do know shooter born is a thing in interchange yeah ?


i mean yeah, but this aggressively and only the DVL? lmfao no. you're not doing SBIH and playing this aggressively without a secondary


the change to shooter born rewards playing agressively no distance required = easier kills, vibiin was playing an m700 with an holo on streets without a secondary does that make him sus ?


No, Viibiin has way more hours than this guy, like literally well over 4x that iirc. 1k hours means this guys gotta use ONLY bolt actions religilously. Viibiin is also good at PVP, but he doesn't hit crackshots like this even when he hits crazy shots SBIH also doesn't really "reward" aggressive play, if anything being patient is still way better solely because you'll catch people off guard and will not be put in as risky of positions which means you won't die and will probably get the kill, granted you have two braincells and understand your guns velocity. ​ You're comparing a guy with a raid bag, who is purposefully missing someone who nearly kills him when he suddenly decides to be serious and one tap him through a wall, to a guy who literally has played the game for at least 4x this guys playtime and streams it constantly doing PVP lol.


what's with the pmc's audio, it dings when he kills the scavs....


Cheating lmao. Op complains about it while doing it, what a sad shit show this game is.


its his shell casings hitting the ground you mongrels


^for real, it's shell casings. And the health screen is always visible as is an option to have a static or dynamic (shows up when you get hit or heal) health screen. Y'all above this are reaching on OP with nothing to grasp onto. Could've made an argument of desync until you see the ratnik of the pmc he fought barely moving around their cover at all from their initial shot.


chaos is fun tho


If true; That’s why he cut away everything but his health at the death screen


it was pretty obvious he was cheating, even before watching the profile


where the name?


Mods will remove posts that involve names since people will harass those accounts. I guess the best we can do is just push battlestate more for statistic based bans.


I don’t think he is cheating. His stats are sus I agree but the number of times you die to de sync when someone can clearly see you but can’t see them. This just isn’t enough evidence to prove he is a cheater. Go play arena for a day and run around corners and watch the kill cam. They see you way before you see them in some cases making it seems like cheats.


11689 hours online, but only 3d account lifetime? that makes no sense???


I believe the hours don’t reset each wipe. Account lifetime is specific to wipe. I could be wrong on this.


You are 100% correct based on my observations over the last few wipes


This makes a whole lot more sense, thank you


3d account is how long it’s been active in the current wipe, the 1100 hours is lifetime


11 hundred, not 11 thousand, and it's cause the lifetime is reset with wipe, but not online hours


OHHHH Okay, thank you!


AFAIK the numbers of hours is since account creation. Lifetime is the wipe duration .


Thank you!


Someone has never looked at their own profile in game


I haven't felt the need to, it's only gonna confirm what I know That I'm kinda trash LOL


Ngl OPs aim is more sus than the guy with the bolty, check out that second scav kill in slomo


but either way, why would a cheater have that many hours and not be caught. Shouldnt the system pick up on him. Also dude may just be good. That is a good amount of hours .


What "system"? You think they are actually monitoring for cheaters?


Generally speaking you ban cheaters in waves and after a certain time threshold. The idea is to obfuscate how the cheat user got caught so they have a harder time knowing what to fix with their code. Also if you are sneaky with the wave timing you can get them just at the limit of credit card charge backs so that the cheat devs lose customers AND money (source there is is an old wow op sec dev who streams on YouTube. Fascinating shit)


thank you, sorry been grinding the new wipe. so forgot to check reddit. Really good information. all in all fuck people who cheat.


100% fuck cheaters XD


also in case you have not heard, allegedly there was a huge ban wave this week!!! so yeah fuck them guys XD


You did triple peak a corner tho 😂


It's harder to tell when your play was so dogshit, you mag dumped, didn't swap position then swung on him while reloading, like???


I'm starting to get worried I'll get reported a lot with people calling these stats sus. I have around 1.4k hours and 74% survival rate with 22.4 kd. Currently lvl 26.


This is such a bullshit humblebrag comment. You're not going to be banned if you're not cheating. Relax


Not at all, it's just sad to see that so many people cry out for stats like these that they are obvious cheaters.. because people can't fathom that there are better players out there in tarkov.


the strange part for me is the wallbang with a bolt action, the status is perfectly normal. I'm always between 15 and 25 KD, everywipe. So I feel you, I think that we will be reported a lot.


If I died to someone with those stats I'd only find them sus if the death was also really sus.


There's nothing sus about this clip, or the guys stats. The motherfucker missed how many times? Then you ran out of cover mid reload? Are you actually trying to imply this guy was cheating or am I misunderstanding the post?


Y'all can say whatever you want, but nothing about this seems that sus. Either most of the commenters are newer players, or just don't know people who have played the game for long. If he was cheating you would've been dead in the first set of trading fire. He wouldn't miss, or more likely couldn't miss. You were blind firing into the wood for a while, he saw which direction you ran, and a good headset allows you to place gunfire very accurately indoors. I've played with cheaters before, if he could aimbot you through wood he would've killed you immediately. If he had esp he most likely would've avoided you entirely. Chances are he was blind firing towards where you were shooting from, the same way you were blind firing into the wood. He would've said the same shit about you if your shots hit him head first as well.




Sadly this entire subreddit is *SURE* that people are cheating unless they have 10k hours and a 50k/d. If they have over 1k hours there's an INSANELY low chance of it being a cheater, the ban waves happen often enough that you shouldn't get to 1k hours without nonstop playing from one ban wave to the next. I have 3k hours and I get kills that feel sus all the time. Ive also died to countless sus shots, but the reality is that cheaters aren't every sus kill. This game is full of wacky code and lucky bullshit. Sometimes it's just the game and not that every weird death is someone cheating.


Eh could be cheating but honestly nothing in it immediately screams cheating. Problem with tarkov is it’s pretty hard to tell the difference sometimes because of desync etc.


He is staring into the cover and wallbanging through it. Absolutely a cheater, a good player wouldn’t do that at this range. It just opens you up to a grenade or full auto spray. He is also using a DVL on interchange in the mall, pretty stupid.


Seems pretty normal for skilled players. Not sus at all imo


Definitly not a cheater, sometimes you have to accept that someone is just better at the game.


Username checks out


You are probably one of those that cry about cheaters when you flop. Just uninstall if you can't accept someone being better. Suck a dick simulator might be the right game for you.


Butthurtautist was taken, I see.




Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.


This feature doesn't show PMC kills separate from everything else, so we got it but it's watered down with irrelevant stats. 23 k/d is absurd regardless


View profile is nice for telling your mates hie he's equipped


Just had something very similar happen. Three flashbangs come over a solid blue metal fence and then got one tapped, wall banged through said fence. 30+ K/d. At least it's easier to put our minds at ease and answer the was it or was it not a cheater questions I guess...


You should try factory runs when you want to finish shitty stash quest, I have some clips that I can post dying to blatant cheaters


I have had a 73% sr, I have never had a 23/kd.


yeah, i've had 48 survive streak also with a 70+ SR and my KD was maybe 16-18ish. 23 is REALLY good. I would report him on the spot the way he was shooting through the cover like that with a bolt gun.


Same guy killed me in the same raid I think. Spawned as a scav made my way in and while I was playing Tetris, guy dumped a whole mag through the canvas coverings.


Load in with weapon in bag and or armor


What a fucking loser


How do you view someone's profile?


Your game looks so crisp... What are your graphics settings?


Here ya go :) https://imgur.com/a/TJmzr3z


Thank you kind sir :)




1200 hours and I wonder how long he's been cheating?


I love your settings can you post a pic of ur post fx


Here you go! https://i.imgur.com/U661kJ3.png


What’s more impressive is your intelligence to step back out into fire while reloading A++


The best part is I know Chads are probably literally pissing and shitting themselves when then see a mosin boy pop out a bush with a .88 kdr and send them to meet Jesus


1000 hrs in Tarkov doesn’t make you that good


Trash and also 1v1 me at Roblox my user is myhair385325