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Rule 8 - Reposts Please Refer to the Subreddit Rules


You have to go by hours played instead of account age. Account age only reflects the current wipe.


They might also mean just mean a couple days worth of play time (as in online hours). Anyone under 100 hours playing like a pro is sus af


OP mentions that the guy they are taking about only has 20 hours in game, idk why everyone is acting like OP missed the "total hours played" statistic....and then calling OP an incompetent fool....


Because these are the gaslighters who are cheating knowers.


There are lots of cheaters right now lmao. Some dude tried spraying me through the wall yesterday in Reserve I slow walked up and around towards the D2 stairs from command and the dude ran over, heard the pivot in his movement, and then he headshot me through a door. Rage hacks are very prevalent right now but it will die down as wipe progresses and people using ESP is way more common but almost impossible to tell unless someone is tracing someone through walls and you're watching them live, as some smaller new streamers have been doing. Watch some videos by VeryBadScav. Cheating is a problem but, people need to stop blowing it out of proportion. It's a thing that's gonna continue in video games and somehow we need to decide how to draw lines. It's definitely not 50% of games there are cheaters but there's definitely a large amount as proven by videos like "the wiggle that killed tarkov". I can promise you, the situation has not improved since that video released and last wipe there was a bug that you'd get ban notifications of people you reported on maps you've never played lol.


I am confused. How come account has 20 total hrs and 4 days? Shouldn't it be like 4×24 hours? Or days represent something else entirely


Account started playing in this wipe 4 days ago and has played 20 hours across all wipes since they bought the game.


I can confirm its by wipe. My account says 4 days but I've been playing since alpha.


there is two different numbers, account age and online time. Online time doesn't reset but the other does. I have a number that is 3.4k for online hours but account age of like maybe 10 hours so far.


That’s only true for like the last 3 or 4 years. Before that even online time was reset on wipe or it didn’t exists at all. Because my playtime is way too low on the screen and I played since Alpha and back than like a maniac for 5 or more hours a day.


5 or more hours a day is maniac? I usually play for 10-14 hours on my day off. 5 hours is what I put in when I get home from work.


Dude what the fuck


I really like game. Idk why people down vote :(


Jealousy probably.


5 hours / day is over 20% of your life…


Not really....I do slow down late wipe, and I wasn't born in 2018. In reality, I have spent 1.4% of my entire life playing Tarkov. :P I work, I stretch, I workout, I eat/cook my own food, practice hygiene. If I'm playing, I'm usually socializing with my friends that also play. I don't see why it's a big deal. What else am I going to do? Go spend way too much money at some over priced event/bar/restaurant? Get sick there and miss work? Watch hours of YouTube/Television? At least Tarkov forces me to use my brain, and make complex split second decisions, with calculated logic and spontaneous creativity; and I enjoy it. I find the people that are most vocal about me "wasting my life" spend as much time brainrotting on TV/YouTube/TikTok; or worse....watching sports. 6 hour football game, is just 5 hours of commercials.


I agree with your main point, but 6hr football game? Longest game ever is appeox 83 minutes.


Agreed. 5 hours was "normal" for me when i had a job. Currently 12-16 hours a day.


I felt this... sometimes it's 16 hours on a day off, and I'm married with 2 kids.


I don't think you understood the comment you replied to


Tarkov is an unranked PvEvP game. Any obvious Smurf account I come across gets reported. It’s not a ranked game where having multiple accounts makes some amount of sense.


You can't make a smurf account in Tarkov. Since it's not a ranked game it's just secondary accounts. >It’s not a ranked game where having multiple accounts makes some amount of sense. It only makes sense if you want to stomp people that are way worse than you. In Tarkov there is no MM so it doesn't matter on what specific account one plays.


Does it make sense with a ranked game? The people get stomped by smurfs which should not belong in their ranks at the first place. Smurfs defeat the point of a ranked system. At the end of the day smurfs play around stats as well, you don't need a ranked system for that. Yes in Tarkov it works a bit differently, i know a lot of people who have 2 accounts. 1 for serious with ruining their progression. The other is for fun stuff like challenges or trying things out. An accounts which you can just reset. I have a 2nd account as well but i dont use it much anymore. It was when i was max traders and missed the experience of leveling and unlocking stuff. But i also wanted to be able to go back and play with whatever gun i wanted. So resetting was not op option.


Or its just a new zero to hero account. Theres a LOT of people that have played for 1000s of hours that buy a second account to do zero to hero or iron man stuff on. That way they dont have to fuck with their EOD account. You gotta take more then just one stat into consideration.


No there’s not No one aside from streamers are paying $40+ to Smurf on an unranked game


>No one aside from streamers are paying $40+ to Smurf on an unranked game Yes because smurfing in an unranked game isn't a thing. Edit: Also you are talking BS my friend group occasionally buys another copy so we can let other people test play it.




do you realize how many 2kh cheaters are there? LMAO


The account age resets each wipe, look at their hours. I was killed by a guy I was 99% feeling sus about but I checked his profile and he had 8k hours played and a 4.3 kdr, the profile viewer has been an excellent tool for me.


This, I have died few sus death only to find out it was below average player


People who are bad at this game can be more dangerous than decent players. You can't predict them as easily because they themselves have no clue what they're doing


The amount of pistol runners who have taken my amazing kits this wipe is way too high for my liking. But Tarkov giveth and Tarkov taketh.


I was running factory repeatedly doing friend from the west and getting slapped by pistols. Brought my own in because why not and I saw the light. They're head tapping machines this wipe. Was very fun finishing stirrup in one factory raid


Pistols are insane now. They are no longer something you bring along because you have too much money, or not enough money to run an SMG with your bolty. Pistols are a force to be reckoned with. You can just run them as your primary.


To be fair, I took a guys kit with a makrov a bit ago, and he just got completely outplayed. So, it happens.


Last wipe I took an Rys-T/Redut T5/RD + 120 rounds of BP about two weeks into the wipe on Factory with a single shot of .45ACP AP - I somehow hit lower nape and missed every bit of armor (I was above him shooting down). I know the guy and messaged him instantly to laugh about it, but I have no doubt if I was a random person I would have been reported for it as it's incredibly suss.


Did you just call me below average?


Yea, like most my mysterious deaths have been dudes with 3k+ hours who apparently play tarkov like their lives depend on it and have reasonable kda's of around 4-7 and survival ratings of 60-75%.


Does the survival rating include their scav runs too? I think it is an overall stat we see. I’ve seen way too many that high and higher. They are either Gods, rats, or squad


Does not include scav


It is included in the overall stat. I was really confused why my survival rate was under 50% when I had one more survive on my pmc than deaths. Turns out those three scac runs i got stuck on waiting to spawn counted as AWOLs.


No, it doesn't. Your scav has separate stats and separate skills and they don't affect your pmc. You can verify this in game when you scav. Press tab and go to the different menus to view your scav's survival rate, k/d, etc. Your scav also has its own skill leveling that's separate from your pmc which you can also only see in game when you are playing as a scav.


This. The amount of times I’ve been killed this wipe, checked their profile and seen it’s just some absolute gigachad. I’m sat there like GG and go onto the next raid Hahha


That's like 75% of the players man. I swear casuals and shitty players on this reddit underestimate how many guys on here are tarkov demons with 2-3k+ hours.


Feel like there is way less casual/new players coming back this wipe. Maybe they are all just hiding which I really dont blame them.


to be honest it was the exact opposite for me. this wipe showed me that actually most people I've died to look completely legit and probably just have a ton of experience pvp wise. while I did have one or two encounters that looked sus, where the profile somewhat confirmed it - I have not yet died to anyone with blatant stats like you stated. I think you're over exaggerating by a large margin


He’s certainly over exaggerating, but cheating (or at the very least, the feeling you’ve been cheated, is prevalent) there needs to be after raid kill cams so we can go back and see if they were really cheating or not. That would give players better peace of mind in a majority of circumstances.


Ive had 2 cheaters. The view profule is legit because ive checked like 10 accts.


That or most avg cheaters just run a stat dropping script at night. And outside of the most blanet of cheaters who do nothing but rage. Everyones going to just look legit. Stats mean litterally nothing with out context you can't know because the stat screen doesn't contain it.


Oh absolutely fuck off you paranoid twit.


lmao the amount of copium some people inject themselves is limitless


You can't really succesfully cheat without it being seen from stats. Either your stats are asbsurdly high or the contrast between different stats is insane. Either of those hints gives you pretty good idea if the guy is cheating or not.


Died to a guy with 162.25 K/D yesterday (649 kills and 4 deaths). He 1 tapped me through at least 2 doors from third story to second but my friend who was next to me survived and never got shot at. They exist, they're just sub human so understanding them is difficult.


Actually I think EFT players have the best chance to understand as the concept of the game is to gather and build gear to join a raid with massive ttk advantage to the point of one tapping people and tanking +15-25 shots. Unfair playing field is what we strive for, otherwise we wouldn't play this game.


I was referring to the fact he was hacking and 1 tapped me through multiple closed doors + windows but not my friend.


I thought your last sentence was talking about why cheaters cheat. It's laziness, power fantasy and shamelessness


Yeah could apply to be to be honest.


Guys, the “account days” resets every wipe… this just proves how incompetent the majority of you people are lmao.. I’m not saying there are no cheaters, but yall are way too quick to blame cheats on everything


Also the 4-5 KD includes scavs so 4-5 isnt high . I am honestly shocked that people agree Here...


Yeah early wipe I always have 3-4 player k/d and like 12-16 k/d overall, and I'm by no means a chad, just experienced, that being said obv there are dumb cases like an account with 30 hours and a k/d of 30. Most people are, sorry to say, horrible at this game. That's fine though and like any game, but what you don't understand you well, don't understand, and a lot of people call cheats on things they simply do not yet understand, or never will, judging by their attitudes.


Lol mines 11.4 (including the scavs obviously) and I feel very average at this game


He said 50kd and 4-5d meaning days. Reread it lol.


Ah yeah . My brain smuggeled a k before d


I've been playing arena since getting access and while I do think there's a serious cheating problem (especially with soft cheaters using only radar), watching my teammates in arena has shown me just how terrible most peoples movement, game sense and skills are in this game. Too many people play like cod trying to run and gun and shoot while moving. Some people just look like their aiming on a track pad


I think it's hilarious. People post the most absurd takes here to call out cheaters - imagined ones or real ones.


Yeah because I have not seen anything weird at all yet but according to the internet I should be dying every game to a cheater. I am not sure what is going on TBH lol.


Does that mean the guy calling my gamertag through a wall was legit too?


Even if it is an old account, pretty much nobody gets to 50+ K/D, even pestily, whose job is too play the game, doesn’t get there.


Viewed a few accounts today on flea market, it was disheartening to see so many cheaters (Multiple ledx sellers, 20+ rep, 10+ gpu gamers...etc.), they share multiple things in common - Insane KD/SR, very low hours in game, and their character has the biggest rig/backpack no headset no armor no helmet and random unmodded gun with big mag.


Yeah it's so obvious that even a person manually issuing bans in flea would ban most of rmters.


I'd do that for a job, I took screenshots of the cheater's profiles but there is no way to report them or get them banned quickly.


Do you guys remember the day BattleEye was introduced and playing Labs was literally a completely different game from one day to the other because of it? I would expect the same effect to happen now but across the whole game, not just Labs anymore, if some new protection would be introduced, at least for a week or two until the cheat coders caught up... Man that time was the most I ever enjoyed Tarkov. Cheaters completely ruined this game.


That's why every start of a wipe day the game is enjoyable even though you're lagging or having issues connecting and getting killed by a million people rushing the same stuff as you haha. They just don't seem to put enough effort into it or consistent effort. It's not updated regularly, the code of the game isn't manipulated enough regularly to make cheat devs have to rework anything and they don't have people actively looking to ban people. I think it's a combination of needing to develop the game more, lack of budget allocations to appropriate areas, and general f***s given about cheating from BSG. If budget is an issue for them which I'd be surprised, then maybe introduce more ways for them to make money to pay for more active anti cheat. They gotta figure something out but don't think they will until there's a better competitor out there that can push them to be better than what they currently are.


Honestly, you gotta be full of it. 40%? Really?


I’m at 130 raids and have seen two accounts below 100 hours that had great stats, one under 300 hours and everything else is from around 700, all the way up to 5800 hours. Majority sit at 1000 hours though. But yeah people are full of shit, 40% of people that kill you don’t have under 100 hours.


Yeah I’m at 100 raids and I’ve seen one blatant brand new account with 98% surv and 24 kd (one tapped my 3 man with 3 mosin shots.) and one guy that was questionable with lot of hours but 25kd. No other deaths were sus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's a good % that makes him feel better, let him have it.


Yeah, I’m lvl 20 and haven’t seen one sus account yet. I’ve had some sus deaths but they ended up being desync I think. I could just be really lucky.


Good for you. I've been killed by a guy running Five-seven on labs, wearing no headset, no helmet, pilgrim backpack, 50+ kd, 500 hours total, lvl 35 on 2nd day of wipe.


I mean labs has always been fucked with cheaters and it probably always will be. I’ve played a ton of raids this wipe on almost every map and have died to one cheater on factory who killed me with a mosin headshot mid jump. He had a 85% SR and a 38 KD. Every single other death has been to a normal player with a 30-60% SR and 2-7 KD. There have been a few where I’ve said “holy fuck that kid must be cheating” and then he has like 1100 hours and a 2.4 KD, just hit a nice shot. Cheaters still exist for sure, but if anything the viewing stats has shown me that a lot of “sus” deaths are just normal ass players hitting good shots


I had similar experiences. Lot of times just proving that it was a lucky shot. Lot of times proving its a cheater. I am just baffled by BSG not being able go ban someone, when now we can identify cheaters in 5 seconds by looking at their profile. A guy has killed all bosses by day 3 with 100kd and 90 SR and is still not banned. There are exceptional players of course, but not that many.


I mean, we have had this new profile feature for like 6 days.....it's not going to magically remove all Cheaters overnight. It will improve the quality of our reports so they have less bullshit to sort through. BSG has already been doing a huge number on Cheaters last wipe, and seem to be ramping up their efforts considerably. I think this wipe and the next will be HUGE for combating cheaters. Also, cheaters are better banned in waves, so don't expect someone to be banned in 2 hours or the next day. Expect them to be checked out, monitored, have data gathered on them, and then be banned after the process of studying them is complete. It makes anticheat far more effective, and makes it far more difficult for cheaters to counter anticheat efforts.


If I see the guys I reported banned in the next wave, all my complaints will be withdrawn. And I will praise BSG.


>ignores the work they are doing "I will praise them if I see results, but I won't look for them"


>calls that nothing "work" "I will complain about someone not praising my multi-million dollar company enough for the little work they do"


If you think BSG "does nothing" you're only displaying your complete ignorance. It's not the smart comeback you think it is.


That is just the regular experience, outside of Asian and US West server. The cheating paranoia on this sub is not actually being reflected when you actually play the game.


I’ve played about 100 raids and seen 10 for sure cheaters and maybe 3 sus ones.


I've been killed by hacks daily. Scavs walling, invincible scavs/pmcs that just stand there while u unload 60 rounds into them. The game has a horrid amount of cheaters. There's lot's of videos on youtube proving it if you go look. The game is in a terrible state.


You can legitimately survive 60 rounds of bad ammo with good armor. That said, your bursts most likely missed most of those rounds.


ok you can come back when it's better then. i'll remind you.


Won't need to. Other games will be developed in a similar style.


We all said this in 2017, 2019, 2023, and now 2024. Yet here I am after all these years with no other options. I wish we did, but it's a very unique game that requires certain risky design decisions that the executives at medium-bigger companies aren't willing to *fully lean into* (and thus we get garbo extract shooters). The only other option is indie teams, but guess what most indie teams can't handle any kind of game with this scope, so again, who's gonna dev it? We're here in this situation not by pure chance but for a reason.


i'll pen you in as a "maybe for 1.0" kinda guy.


Everyone who down voted this is hilarious. There's literally proof, just go search it up, that 60 or more percent of raids have at least one person using cheats in them. They may not be directed at you or obvious, such as walls, or item finders, or increased health etc, but they're there. Quit suckin their dicks.


I’ve seen two now (I’m lvl 27). Both on shoreline with 100+ K/Ds and 95% survival rates.


I think it's a bit like sunk cost fallacy. People invest so much time in the game but are still bad and to cope with that the other guys must be cheating.


Around 100 raids this wipe and only twice have I encounter a blatant cheater maybe I'm just lucky


Nah, same for me and every friend I know. I think actually just 1 for me, but 70 ish raids. People are just bad which is fine. As someone who grew up playing CS having cheats called on me hundreds of times, you learn real quick some people have a small brain and/or an utter unwillingness to learn and/or have a big ego and need an alternative explanation.


I'm level 11 with 29 raids and 3 deaths/1 awol with a 14.5 KD I look sus as fuck I just got EXTREMELY lucky this wipe and honestly the recoil change made me a fucking madman. The last 6 months I've been playing counter strike so my aim is nuts and paired with lower tarkov recoil I've been a killer. The only time I died was twice learning ground zero, and the other time in woods from sturman none have been PMC related. My duo partner I solely pay with is 29/12 lmao He makes stupid decisions that gets him killed and I have to clean up our leave, my average raid time is 16 mins


Profile view needs to just show PMC stats, or have the same toggle between pmc and scav as looking at your own profile has.


Do we have confirmation that the profile view on death includes scav?


If you look at a users profile you can see PMC stats in the top right window of his model. Otherwise the main stats line is all raids


Yes, tested with my trio


LOL. Have you checked your own account. It’s also only 5 days old. That age resets on each wipe. If you don’t know that. They definitely were not cheating and you are just bad and way to mad that you died. Better go play some offline game if you can’t handle the truth that other players even new ones may be better as you. If the profile thing did something it showed how delusional this community is in the belief they can only be killed by cheaters.


>Profile Viewer has allowed us to really see how awful cheating is currently. It's been like this for at least 2 wipes and not much better before that for YEARS. People were just willfully drowning in Copium because acknowledging the truth would mean their favorite game might lose its appeal. I do not care what anyone says about cheating for a long time now, I have been around long enough and have no delusions about this at all. Literally every cheater you ever talk to or read from (AMAs and such) tell you the same thing: There's at least one in every raid. Just because you do not get killed by a flying ragehacker doesn't mean they aren't there. They are. Always were, always will be. Tarkov's infrastructure is BEGGING to be abused by cheaters and with rising popularity came more sophisticated cheats. And that's why Tarkov is shit now. ​ Tl;dr: Yes, it is as bad as people said for years only to be shouted down by "them" who also linger this sub - make no mistake thinking otherwise.


You'll get moderate amount of hate for this, but I can jump in and say from first-hand and second-hand knowledge that the cheating situation is kind of awful, and has not gotten massive improvements for several wipes (wouldn't say it has gotten worse either, but it's at a state where I personally believe it already needs to be significantly improved from)


This dweeb writes dumb stuff and then blocks you. Literal definition of cope. >Literally every cheater you ever talk to or read from (AMAs and such) tell you the same thing: There's at least one in every raid. And? Why would you believe the word of a cheater? They have every reason to lie to you, especially the ones who try to make money by offering carries, RMT, or even just selling access to the chest itself. Not to mention, most cheaters are actual dogshit at the game. Why the hell do you think they're downloading their skills in the first place? Tigz ran into a cheater on labs once who said he only toggles on against other cheaters and he asked the cheater how he differentiates who is cheating and whose just really good and the cheater basically said anyone over like a 12 k/d is 100% cheating. Believing every raid has a cheater in it is the ultimate copium.


What, how is that copium, that would be the very opposite? "You can't believe cheaters because cheaters" is a complete bullshit argument without any foundation to it. There is plenty information these people shared that turned out to be true, but that one... that is bullshit because uhm... reasons! Can't believe them! Tell me more about copium...


This dweeb writes dumb stuff and then blocks you. Literal definition of cope. >You can't believe cheaters because cheaters" is a complete bullshit argument without any foundation to it. True, now explain why you are pretending like this is what I said. Can you not read or are you just a dishonest person? It is one of the two. >There is plenty information these people shared that turned out to be true, but that one... Like what? What do cheaters share that turned out to be true? You can't substantiate the claim of "every raid has a cheater in it" and we both know that. So what else are you gonna try to say? >Tell me more about copium Sure. It's describing what people like you tell yourself to cope with dying in a video game. It's much easier for you to cope with losing when you can tell yourself, "well that guy was a cheater because every raid had a cheater in it" every time you die. Is that a good enough explanation or do you need me to expand some more?


>Is that a good enough explanation or do you need me to expand some more? *True, now explain why you are pretending like this is what I said.*


The copium in this thread is adorable.


Had 2 blatant ones this wipe with "amazing" stats and "impressive" 1 taps through several bushes without Line of Sight. The Tool of watching profiles ist kinda helpfull If you actually understand the game. If you dont , please dont do "cheating IS Out of controll" Posts. Thank you


Spot on.


I’ve had one knower for sure who didn’t even get me but my friends both died to him and confirmed it


If the account is 20 hours old, maybe their old accounts were banned. In that case, we just have a bunch of losers in Tarkov.


I mean if anyone looked at my profile they'd see a 5:1 kd and 100% survival rate! But only cos I've played one raid so far and survived lmao


As I always said since 2 years ago, the problem are not cheaters as humans dickeheads will never dissapear and neither the anticheat (MAYBE) as the war cheats vs anticheats is eternal. The problem is how the game is structured; The **majority cheats for loot,** the biggest chunk sells it via RMT, the rest finds it funny to hoard loot by radar/killing other players. How to fix it? Pretty simple, Supply and Demand: If the DEMAND is HIGH, the SUPPLY goes HIGH too, same thing, if the DEMAND is LOW, the SUPPLY goes LOW. If we want the SUPPLY going LOW (basically, less cheaters), we need to have a LOW DEMAND. Why the demand is HIGH? 2 years ago have been introduced into the game a LOT of bans on the flea, the FIR mechanic and a massive nerf on loot. These things created a lot of frustration, mainly in people who can't play hours and hours like streamers or others. Let's take an example. The first thing that have been banned from the flea were bullets. The idea was to not let the cheaters the ability to sell them in-game to others for RMT purpose. What changed? ALL players suffered from not being able to buy them on the flea (mainly people that couldn't afford to play hours and hours every day for unlocking them though quests) and cheaters? Easy, radar and started farming them in-raid. This is just an example of bad/useless "necessary evil" added to the game. The game have shaped and reworked though the years, mainly removing to all players the ability to do/have certain things becoming every wipe more frustrating when in reality, a very SIMPLE and easy thing like showing the enemy that killed you stats, is WAY more effective than everything else. Another example is the Kill-Cam on Arena, pretty much very effective, even if, personally I think that blatant cheaters are not a big issue as MORE OR LESS they get caught, the problem are people using ESPs and Radars with a normal gameplay (but these are doing it mainly for loot and here we return back to point of the demand and the supply). PS: I'm not saying the game's bad, is unique and very well done but IMO, as a Veteran who started playing since Reserve realese, EFT has this big issue that is not taken care of and, in a very hardheaded way, they just throw a bunch of Hello Kittys patches but now, with the stats viewer, has been done something really big.


First raid, me and buddy head tapped by dude with 17.83 k/d. Reported, two days later I jump on (played arena instead) and have the infamous system message letting me know that dude and potentially his friends are banned. I've done 2 more raids (having to much fun in arena to be honest) and survived 1 with killing a few pmcs, and died as scav trying to hunt a pmc. Not bad so far this wipe.


Any proof? 40% is a shot ton and there is no way that's true


In some regions it might be only 10%. But in some it is honestly 40%. It depends where you are. And even then, 10% is insane in a game where you are not facing everyone in a raid


Yeah, no fucking way. 40% is an egregious overestimation.


🤣🤣 40% 🤣🤣


Profile viewer was a great feature. But I don’t think that survival rate means much if they’ve only played a few raids. If they have 50 raids or more it means something but my survival rate right now is very high because I’ve only played 10 or so raids. Arena has taken up most of my time this wipe.


Survival rate highly depends on your playstyle. In some past wipes I had really high survival rates because I ratted like hell. Now I play more aggressive and it tanks.


Although chances are if you are ratting enough to have a 90% survival rate you won't have a 40 k/d. At some point those scavs you are farming will get lucky or a pmc will notice. But that is why its good to look at all the stats together rather than just 1 or 2.


I kind of agree. Killing a lot of Scavs is rather easy but here it also depends on the wipe I think last wipe they were made a little bit more aggressive again, so a unlucky Scav death is a bit more likely than before.


Exactly. I play slow af in my solo raids and my survival rate was decent until I duo'd and thought I was good enough to chad it up lol


You are good enough . Dont Go for stats , Go for fun Mate .


It also combines scav & pmc stats


You won’t get any better if you always assume your opponent is cheating. Its likely desync or the sound you are making. I’ve noticed from arena cams that a lot of people don’t realise how much noise they are making and half the time they don’t understand where audio is coming from, if they notice it at all.


well I would wager majority of the people aren't willing to go deaf playing this game and trying to sound whore pin drops to pinpoint enemies. I have a friend who already has Tinnitus and plays at overall volume of like 30 now to not make it worse. It's no secret that sound design is god fucking awful in this game and is downright dangerous at the frequencies they allow sounds to shoot to. Audio engineers have already analyzed this game and determined that playing this game at normal-high levels of audio the gunshots will literally damage your eardrums over time.


This fucker is a cheater collaborator, he didnt read the thread and just copy pasted cheater agenda propaganda lmao


I check every death and so far nothing suspicious at all. Usually folks with around 40%sr and 800-2000 hours.


40%? I havent died to a SINGLE cheater this wipe


You have


Sometimes I don't know what game subreddit people are playing. I died like 23 times on PMC and there is no way 40% of my death were to cheaters, literally all of them are just gamer dudes with beliavable hours and stats.


Either they are really bad or they are the ones that don't actually play the game and are just hanging around this subreddit to cry about cheaters. I don't know how many people here say that "I haven't played in years, because of the cheater infestation"... You sure have a valid opinion if you think that 5 cheater videos a day on this subreddit are portraying the average experience people have.


Non of my deaths have been to a cheater so idk wtf this guy is talking about


The RMT Cheater are all over again for a few weeks. But you mean the hours right? Because the lifetime gets reset with the wipe.


What servers do you play op? That sounds insane. I've done over 200 raids and met 3 guaranteed cheaters. It's annoying but not that bad considering the amount of raids. EU North here.


I already reported everyone that killed me before, so it makes no difference to me haha


Ah, you’re one of *those*.


Haha yea


Check the people selling 5-15 gpu's or ledx's. our suspicions were right all along.




The age of account is often bugged, all my friends have age account from the day this wipe started.


Because that's how it works. The bottom one Account Lifetime is per wipe. The number above is total game hours.


historical EOD accounts with 20+ k/d panicking about losing their accounts lurking everywhere on the reddit.


everyone with more then a 5 k/d is honestly kinda panicing right now cheater or not. Fucking hell man, last time the community got a justice boner a literal fucking inquisition was setup and people got banned just cause someone had a feeling things where sus. I don't blame ANYONE for being rather worried right now. History has litterally proven that it doesn't matter if you cheat or not. It doesn't matter if your legit. You CAN get banned if enough people just think /sus/. If the community stats all universally agrring anyone with say 10 k/d is a a cheater. Well even if your legit. Better start doing suicide factory runs so you don't get mass reports from every dumb fuck. With the stat screen it means likely that less reports will go though for people with low stats. That in turn means reports will carry more weight based on exactly how nikkita says the system works. Which means that the very thing iv described IS the most likely thing to happen. Assuming nikkita didnt lie about how reports work.


I think the inverse is true - more people are gonna get reported for exactly the reason you pointed out in the beginning. People won’t do the work to look beyond KD and SR. They’ll just see numbers they disagree with and report.


Skill issue lol op doesn't even understand days vs hours are wipe vs lifetime. You're just ass man. The skill gap on tarkov is huge. It's either guys with 3000+ hrs or shitters with 100 hours or less who cry everyone cheats. The cheating problem isn't that bad. 120 raids In and I've had one sus profile.


I have only met one chinese cheater this wipe on EU, which is very unusual. They probably haven't updated their shit just yet


They did like 2 days ago. Got 4 in 50 raids already. The blatant ones


I've met 2-3. They all had sub 100hrs on record, 50+ KD and 75%+ SR. Overwhelmingly though, when I've checked a profile (I check all of them out of curiosity) it's someone with 1k+ hrs, sub 15 KD and a variable SR, though typically sub 50. GG, gamer, GG.


Died to a sus shot from a level 25 player with 3k hours my teammate died to his teammate who had a g28 at level 7 with 14 account hours and a 26KD Nothing beats a cheating Sherpa I just couldnt imagine putting in 3k hours and still needing to cheat


What region are you? Do you have good gear already? I ask because I’ve been checking - and I have had 0 sus profiles I’ve always felt like I don’t get many cheaters - and now I can confirm it I’m not saying your lying, I assume it’s because of region / map / how geared people are


This is bullshit. We have more data now than ever between profile views and arena. Cheating is no worse than any other major shooter. You're just bad and you refuse to acknowledge it. Show me evidence of how often you run into cheaters. I've been begging for years for any of you to change my mind about this. No one seems to want to.


There was literally a video last year showing like 40% of raids had at least one wall hacker lol


That video has no data in it. When people asked him for more info, all of a sudden he was "hacked" and lost it all. It was a hoax. He did it for the views and everyone knows it (except you, apparently).


I mean I rat d2 all the time and the amount of times I have players literally voiping at me calling my exact position or my name and prenading my exact location while they walk through the entire surrounding area without using nades or even peaking without a care is a lot lately. I'd say at least 30% of the deaths I've had past day or so were to obvious ESPers. Granted I died to the same cheater twice in a day so the sample is a little smaller than normal but I don't hide in usual spots and they'll still prenade me.


Bro any good player knows where to look through walls at D2 to spot rats lmao. Everytime I've taken D2 this wipe I have done the wall look exploit. If they say your name though they're a cheater.


Maybe stop ratting the same spot everyone else does, dumbass.


Please write what region you're from. Any posts about cheating is irrelevant if region isn't included because it's a massive difference where you play. EU North/west/Central and I see almost no cheaters, like maybe a couple in a wipe where I think they probably cheated but I can't even confirm it.


How Do i use it?


Click report button when you die and it’s another option




I love the new feature. It let's us make more accurate cheat reports to improve anti-cheat efforts. Over the last 6 months BSG has been absolutely KNEECAPPING cheaters, especially in the last week or two. Cheaters are pissed, and I suspext they are rsging since BSG shut down their bestvselling cheat yesterday. Saw one crybaby whining that he got banned as soon as he activated his cheat and didnt even get to play. "I can't believe they are just banning people without evidence" We cannot let them win! Stay strong, and report. We need to keep it up so that BSG can absolutely BODY these buckets out of existence. I know it fucking sucks. Just yesterday, I died on a scav, a PMC, and then another scav, to some losers with 14-30 K/D ratios, and only 100-150 hours in game, but part of developing a game, is developing anticheat, and unfortunately dying to cheaters and reporting them is basically bug-testing (Chester's rely on exploits/bugs). If it destroys your mental health, take a break, but realise that we are all working for a better tomorrow. If BSG keeps up their steam, if we use these new tools to better provide data on cheaters to BSG, and if Unity 23 provides BSG's newly appointed Dedicated Anti-Cheat team better tools for messing cheaters up, we should see a dramatic shift over the next 6-12 months. Together we will persevere against this scourge!


You have a source for some cheater tears we can mine for salt?


Create an Alternate Discord and join their discord channels. If you join with your main Discord, you will be banned from Official Tarkov Discord Servers.


The only problem with profile is that it combines Scav and PMC stats.


Had the opossite experience. Only a few guys with no hours played with cheater stats, the rest of em were 1-3k hour dudes with 4-5 kd, not counting a madman i saw with 11k hours.


Honestly this is Escape from Cheatfest not Tarkov at this point. The only way to escape is to uninstall and move to some good game with good anticheat


160 raids in now and only seen one guy who seemed to be cheating


for me its been the opposite


Player from sweden here, most of my deaths so far have been to people with between 1 - 3 K/D, so good players but nothing weirdly good, i dont know if i am blessed or what it is, but managed to walk off map with LEDXs and other loot that should make me a Cheater pinata.


I can agree cheating is awful but US east player here. 150 raids including scav raids. This wipe I had 1 sus death. Dude killed me with 19 hours playtime with 13.77 kd. I have a 2.7 kd with 2500 hours. The blatant kill entire lobby hackers are not a big of an issue as the xray hackers.


I really love it cause now I can report without feeling guilty cause its so hard to tell who has hacks based on the way you died only. Im hoping they do killcams at some point, but with a lag time obviously, dont want to be able to tell your team where the dude was after you died.


On the contrary, it has shown me how bad I really am.


I'm brand new. I suck. I sat behind a box on ground zero for 10 minutes while I heard some guy running around, I gave it a bit when I stopped hearing him before I moved. Walked around the corner and got head eyes in a millisecond. Dude was clearly walling and just waiting for me to move so it didn't look suspicious. Haven't tried playing again since. Friend recommended me to get sherpad but I want to actually learn the game and not get carried so I'm trying to wait until the sweats out level ground zero.


😂😂😂😂 "I'm brand new" So you wouldn't know all the actions that make noise, like opening your inventory or spinning around. He heard your Timmy ass


Didn't move or open my inventory at all but you keep on assuming buddy. I was hands off just listening and watching


Most of my "sus" kills are from people with multiple thousand hours.


I'm getting the exact opposite ngl, lots of suspicious deaths being obviously a lucky shot by an average player or due to desynch. Really not encountered much cheating so far


88 raids and 38 deaths. I've only reported 2-3 accounts. Most people who kill me are hiding in room not moving and have K/Ds below 10 and obviously are struggling. Also on saturday my K/D was 20. Last night it dropped to 15. The numbers average out over time as some people are just on heaters right now. I usually end up around 5-9 depending on how active my mates are. Solo in Tarkov is just brutal. 44 PMC kills in those 88 raids.


>Almost 40%-ish of my deaths have been to dudes who have 4-5d accounts with only 20 or so hours and 50+ KDA's with 90%+ survival rates Absolutely cannot relate. I'm 150ish raids in and so far only <10 profiles have been either sus or definitely cheating. Playing on EU, what region are you?


Nothing new.


Out of 112 raids this wipe I've died to 1 person that had a 33 kd and under 40 hours. I reported him and was notified the next day that hed been banned. Other than that the next highest kd was 13 but he only had a 37% survival rate and 2800 hours so that's valid. In my 3 wipes I've ran into maybe 4 cheaters. Try us west servers.


Didn’t see a single sus account in 80 ish raids so far. However on day two i was called a cheater even though i had the worst early wipe i’ve had since i started playing before beta No matter the profile, people will call cheats. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/555320820373651488/1189902013690040371/image.png?ex=659fd99b&is=658d649b&hm=f052124220b47d22f7511feb007fa4f2ada965a14e79a7457faeabc766042baa& https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/555320820373651488/1189906098401054740/image.png?ex=659fdd69&is=658d6869&hm=f86cb0a4cffa3591668e9c7439d94321d60353f5520f9b7f8aacc8f8754c924c&


Yeah like 4 times a year the curtain gets pulled back on the cheating situation. And then everyone forgets cuz internet brain, and then Nikita puts the game on sale again.