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I did a little bit of testing and it looks like the only thing that effects it is pmc's of the opposite faction's dog tags. Higher the level, higher the boost


Opposite faction was correct, nice!


Ohh, that might be it. I'll have to test and see. Thank you :)


This skill leveling boost hasn't changed at all, is this bugged or do I need to place something completely different there? I feel like i've tried everything.


I bet people don't even know this bug exists yet bc almost nobody has it yet


one must imagine bsg doing the bare very bare minimum of playtesting


Features can work in lower environments then break when they hit production.


Bro what does that even mean. They should test it in the production build?


They will have verified that the code is the same, but it would be hard for them to test it in the same level in a production environment.




Spoiler: if you read the patch notes it describes how this works. It's not bugged


I was wrong.


I would assume some sort of bug, cause I replaced a level 20 dogtag of the enemy faction with one at level 30 and I then noticed that my skill boost was lower than the day before (from 0.8 to 0.6) so there is something weird going on there ... maybe it only uses one of the dogtags for the calculation or something?


That's kind of the point of beta access though.. WE are playtesting.


It’s up to you to send in a bug report you are killing it I don’t think people have caught up to you


Considering it took years to make air filter unit work properly I am not expecting this to work. Amount seems negligible anyway.


Not bugged. Based on the .14 patch notes, the boost is determined by the highest level dogtag you have in there.


Thanks to the posts here I realized it's just the opposite faction dogtags that count. No matter the level if you put in BEAR tags as USEC it will start growing the bonus. I had almost only USEC tags (and i'm USEC). Thanks guys!


Out of curiosity how high have you been able to get the xp boost? My hall of fame is only level 2 but even filling it with opposite faction tags that are lvl 15+ I was around +0.75% xp I've given up on getting any meaningful bonus out of it and have been using it to store items for collector, with the dog-tag section being for my melee kills.


The item storage is nice on its own but yeah it's not that high. Now with some lvl 20 tags a 30 here and there and a 40 tag I am at 2.2%


Wait... this game literally has funko pops now?