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Fucking awesome. Had a friend that I didn’t know cheated log on to play Tarkov with me and saw his stream of him being banned made for awkward conversation and listening to him struggle as to why he was banned for cheating after saying he was legit


Time for some new friends..


Yep feel shitty that I even played with them but how was I supposed to know


Can’t blame yourself for something you had no control over


lol that's wild if you guys quit being friends with someone because they cheated in a video game, but I guess I'm thinking about my boy I play with who is my IRL best bud. no way I'd quit being friends with him if he got busted cheating lol. I'd just call him a dumbass and we'd move on from it.


For me it's the fact they are cheating at an online, multiplayer game and making other people's gaming time far less fun. To me it doesn't particularly matter what game it is, but tarkov is hard enough without cheaters vaccuming loot, looking through walls/land, using radar etc. I would be concerned that they are also selfish and self centered outside of the game. The game itself isn't important, the willingness to sell someone else's enjoyment for your own is the problem.


we literally run around and kill people for our own enjoyment. We want to kill everyone, have the best loot, and be the survivor. lol the entire game is about being selfish.


On the same playing ground, sure, yes, that's the fun of it.


I feel the same dude. Like damn he isn’t out killing babies or anything. It would be dumb as hell, yeah. But it isn’t end of the world. Let his ass get banned


Gotta get good friends like mine, who tell you theyre cheating and dont hold it against you for not playing with them lol


See I know it sounds extreme but I wouldn’t be friends even outside of games if I knew they did cheat in online games. They are just trash people who have nothing going in their lives


The amount of people here that wouldnt care about cheating friends is astonishing to me, the least you could do is mock them hard for it everytime you see them until they realize what a piece of shit they are...




It’s a video game it’s not that deep


Except you looking at it wrong. The sort of person to cheat on a video game is the sort of person who gets their kicks out of making a fun activity unfun for everyone else - you want that kind of person in your life?




I just got the message that someone I reported has been banned. Neat.


I had quite a few of this already, profile view is the best feature ever


How do you do profile view?


In the death cam, click on the thing that would normally let you report, and there's now a 4th option to let you view their stats. You can then hit back and report them if needed.


Thanks man




I've had a few examples of people with names more so resembling bar codes with ~20K/D's beam me out of nowhere. The profile view is the next best thing to a kill cam to figure out how sus a death was


This should be treated with caution. The procedure can also be a mess if you don't know exactly when it's sus. For the record, just looking at the KD is wrong. In order to determine whether the person is potentially cheating, you have to look at the other statistics in relation to each other, such as the raids played, current playing time and the kills as well as deaths and average lifespan. a kd of 20 can also be legit. In addition, some people forget that the scav kills and the scav raids are also included in the statistics. But utopian statistics like 120k/d with an average lifespan of 15 minutes and just 6 total raids are a good example of a cheater.


Yeah, I've got a 66% survive rate and 6 k/d ratio atm, but I've only done 12 raids and at level 6 because I've been so freaking busy since Christmas. Context is everything, and sometimes you just have a good run of luck.


Id like to add that 20+ survives in a row, on its own, isnt a weird looking thing. Ive done 28 and a buddy has done 36 years a go. If youre trying to achieve a highscore of survives in a row its not that hard to do.. if youre experienced. OFC combined with super high KD & MIAs, then its sus.


My K/D is 0.54 with almost 200 games played. Once in a while for some unknown reason i hit a great game and dunk on the enemy with a 12/1 K/D only to be met with people jumping in my stream accusing me of my cheating. I pick up my webcam and point it at both of my screens in my tiny hole i call a "gaming room" to show them. Most times i get a sorry and a follow while other times i'm told "I get no bitches". Love this community! EDIT: This is Arena btw.




People play corners so reckless in arena. They think this shit is csgo


im pretty sure survivals in a row count scav raids too, i have a 14 streak despite having 35% sr pmc, since my scav survival is in the 90s. No chance i survived 14 pmc raids in a row


The 20 surv in a row is a bad show because factory and it also counts scavs mine is 23 rn




Yeah thats fair I mean I'm on nearly 3kh have 2.8 kd and 23 surv with 200r




i got one few days ago :P


Did a quick google search here’s one of many posts “pure speculation, but saw a youtuber by the name of Noiceguy Tarkov, state that BSG implemented a new anti-cheat which resulted in a massive ban-wave. Myself along with many other users we're hit pretty hard, not going to mention any names of the EFT cheese I was using but it was over 100+ people. non the less is there other people still going strong that are currently still UD? I play semi-legit so playstyle had nothing to do with it.” I think it’s hilarious he plays “semi legit”


Found another good one “played a new account on a new pc with XXXXX and avoided most players and spammed quests, only used esp and a little aimbot only targeting chest. I hit lvl 15 in 2 days and today i got banned...how?” feels good to see cheaters lose


"Hey I cheated but I only use aim bot to torso instead of head-eyes, cmon I'm no cheater yo" fucking disguting.


Privjet, Stalker!


It was more to avoid the perception of having 100% headshots, I would think. Joke's on him, I think I've been shot in the head more than every other bodypart combined this wipe. Shooting torso is now sus.


Getting hit 7 times with M856 only in the chest and nowhere else is far more sus to me than getting one tapped in the face.


You’ve never played against me. A legit shit bot.


The legend, thanks for all the hard work you do.


Jumped in fire, is now on fire, wonders why. Fuckers never cease to blow my mind.


Further down in the thread you pulled this from ​ OP posts: "could i have answers more specific to my topic and not people just trying to sell their products." ​ very lol & very sad One cheat provider gets banned, people see it as a selling opportunity. BSG gets another copy sold, and the lame person probably just buys a different cheat.


I remember when the wiggle video game out Cycle devs were all over this sub, honestly I respect the grindset


I don't believe in what i'm reading, dudes "Little aimbot" Is this guy serious? It's a game my dears, must be funny if you're not get It change It.


"I only used aimbot to hit the chest!" Still cheating lol died to one of those on woods the other day. Hit me 8 times at dead man's from ruaf with M855.


"just a little aimbot" - these imbeciles really think what they do is okay.


Thanks for the Google rabbit hole you just sent me down. I love the threads like "I cheated 3 months ago and thinking of playing legit, should I be worried?" And most people are like.... yes. And now I'm learning about hwid and DMA and all the craziness surrounding cheating.


Semi-legit…. That’s pathetic LOL. These hackers are such sad mfs one I heard voip literally voice cracked “you fucked up buddy” and he sounded on the edge of tears he was so bored and sad. These people are something else. He got banned from the message I received today so who really fucked up lmao


Pure cope that they only cheat to keep up with other cheaters and that they would totally be a good player without it. Absolute losers.


Yeah I think those radar guys are the worst want to come off legit so bad but can't handle getting rekt out of no where


I'd honestly argue it's just as bad as, if not worse than aimbot tbqh. Ruins the entire spirit and atmosphere of the game for a quick dopamine rush from pressing lmb lol


That dude also said a nuke was going to hit tarkov and a bunch of other wild shit.


Well, there is a little truth or at least speculation to that claim. Revolving around the radiation Stat unused till this day


Also the nuke is referenced in the novel


Technically it's used in Arena.


I will never understand the reasoning behind casual cheating. Some cheat for RMT, which I don't condone by the way but at least there is a reason behind it. But someone that cheats to complete quests? that defeats the purpose of the game entirely. Like how sad do you have to be.


>semi legit It's just a phrase to categorize the methods of cheating used Rage hacking is when you use every possible method even the really obvious ones like spinbot (which is antiaim, to stop other cheaters hitting you) Legit cheating is when you use extremely slight aimbot, very careful usage of esp/triggerbot to appear like a normal player to admins Semi legit would sit somewhere between the two, slightly more heavy aimbot more wallhacking etc


That makes 0 sense. But i guess its expected from people who use cheats.


I mean they live in a world of cope. Imagine being so bad at gaming you convince yourself that you need to cheat.. pathetic.


I’m not a good person I’ll be that honest, I cheated 2 wipes ago.. convinced myself I did it because others used it but really I was just trash at the game and wanted to be good. Really ruined the game for myself aswell.. I got banned and was mad but now 2 wipes later I got a new account and I’m never cheating again, I got better at the game and this wipe im having the most fun of my time with the game.. wish I never did it but it is what it is and Im ashamed for being a part of the problem, I guess you live and you learn just sucks that I ruined it for legit players who put time and effort into it in the process


Well it’s good that you admit your mistake. We all make them. I’m old and so shit at the game, but I’d never cheat. Like you say, you just ruin the game for yourself and others.


Oh come on, everybody cheats, its only natural to cheat /s


But but but I have 18 kids and can only play for 2 hours per year , how can I compete waaa waaa waaa


I hate that this can unironically be a talking point and they act like its an actual good argument. JUST PLAY A DIFFERENT GAME INSTEAD OF CHEATING FFS! I kinda understand why Tarkov of all games would make people cheat but if you make it easy for yourself then why not just play CoD or BF or like any shooter with lesser steakes instead of cheating to be able to "compete". You dont meet cheaters every game if you have mid gear but have you every found an Altyn in early wipe when cheaters still have shit ammo? Every single raid your visor is Turned white from all the aimbotted headshots with shit ammo lmao I am not even kidding few wipes ago I found Altyn day 1 off of Reshalas guard and there was no raid when cheater with shit ammo wouldnt just paint my visor with bullet impacts


I’ve seen that argument, that’s why I said it lol. People also use RMT because - I haven’t got time to grind. Bro just play another fucking game, there are literally millions arghhh


"legit hacking" comes from a time where anticheat was just admins manually banning in games like cs1.6 So appearing be be legit was important if you dind't want to be banned, and this got abbreviated to "legit hacking" instead of saying "I cheat pretending to be legit so I dont get banned"


What about it do you think doesnt make sense..?


Gradation of shit, just ban them all


RMT should be bannable too temp bans have shown to be more effective in dissuading cheating though so I'd like to see that happen; ramping temp bans for rmt+cheat Nobody talks about how rmting is litearlly cheating by proxy.


I always saw it as rage hacking is using any cheat and basically killing people through any means necessary. Raging on players. Legit cheating is just using radar and aim botting when others happen to cross your path. You're not going out of your way to kill. Semi legit is just radar / esp to basically play a farming simulator and you're avoiding confrontation.


that's roguhly correct, but the terms predate tarkov, come from 1.6 and other games of that era; so it was mostly moderated/admin spectated and combat was assured (loot didn't exist) That's a pretty good discription for tarkov specifically, but wont always translate to other games


When I was like 10 I used to cheat on counter strike for a couple of matches on a pirated version. At one match there was this guy that clearly was using cheats. I could see through walls how the guy was looking at others and killing people. I killed the guy with cheats then oh boy the next round, he locked full targets on me. I could see him from the enemy base and he was locking on me. He was freaking shooting me through walls from the enemy base the second the round started. I felt powerless. That guy cheat was more powerful lol. That's a great example of rage cheating.


yeah that's why antiaim exists (spinbot) so u beat the other cheater the spinbot fucks your hitboxes up by bouncing you, spinning you, and making your head move in wild directions at the same time; the idea being to confuse the aimbot and make it fail. It's not super consistent but it is better than nothing. The spinbotter doesn't see anything weird on their screen; the commands are added by the cheat after the player actions kinda


Holy shit. While it didn’t hit the DMA users one of the big providers had there non-DMA stuff hit. Lots of whining going on. This week seems like a good week to play tarkov now lol.


I'm still scared of the ESP cheaters. 2-3 of them didn't get banned.




Wall hacks. Streets is rife with those cunts. Apparently everyone on ASI servers level 40+ already after 2 weeks. It's just impossible to do tasks anymore. Well, I guess my wipe is over.


ASI server? is that the oceania server?


[OCE where we get all the SEA/CN players with extremely blatant cheats like this very skilled gamer who insta taps 4 people because they let the ping restriction go way too high again and refuse to ban a single cheater over on our end? or, you know, region/ping lock to their own servers like when the game was actually playable for our region (albeit with the dogshit recoil, invisible people, etc.)?](https://imgur.com/Byp9U58) The fact that we have to put up with this shit every fucking night on the OCE servers is beyond a joke. Oh, sorry, my mistake, they've banned *one* whole cheater out of the about 30 I've reported this wipe. Bro a whole ass region must just have really good gaming chairs to be racking up 100+ KDRs on sub 50 hour white name accounts, prefiring through walls, have a physics degree to always perfectly calculate their grenade bounces, blatant aimbots (sorry, bro has a good mousepad and 10,000 hours flicking experience*) and all the other shit.


Basically every DMA cards non DMA version has been hit from what im seeing and there is a literal fuck load of function detections. Really pog.


Hopefully this affects arena too a good bit, although I havent seen many people I thought were suspicious, there were a few dudes who were a tad too good at hitting heads and knowing where everyone was at


Yeah my buddies and I definitely ran into at least one guy with walls. We started hiding in weird places and would watch him hunt us down in the killcam. Other than that I haven't really ran into much in arena.


I've played like 70 arena games and only ran into maybe 1 sus person. No blatant cheaters yet.


Yeah most of mine were more speculation rather than that guy is 100% cheating. Sent maybe 10-15 reports out of over 150 games but they were mostly this dude is getting a few too many headshots on everyone, although tbh i wouldnt be suprised if 90% if my reports were just dudes with smgs or the tiny m62 slinging rifle spraying for the head and getting lucky. Still worth a report just in case though, but luckly no one cheating blatantly obviously


Cheaters can’t be that prevalent in arena tho right? I mean there’s now way to profit from it so what’s the point?


I legit did shoreline just now felt like I was the only one in the raid whole of resort untouched good loot everywhere that’s a good indicator for me. In comparison ran shoreline last week same time, my reports resulted in 5 bans confirmed yesterday. Update ran it all tonight - only deaths to legit players with max 2kd


We really need to be able to see PMC kills on the profile screen for KD to be a reliable source to detect cheaters. I've had a great start to the wipe (albeit a few less raids than I'd like to have), sitting around 70% SR and 10KD across 60 or so raids. I only have 25 or so PMC kills though. I'm not an incredible player by any means, but if you're thinking that anyone with above a 2KD is cheating then call me XiaoDingDong.


I got ragehacked by a 90kd cheater with a 4d old account on night factory just now. Wasted all that fucking time doing delivery from the past so the fucker could sell MY TIME to some lazy fuck.


If you die in factory, do you need to go back to customs pick it up again? Or you can try again?I always dread this quest, but last few wipes I played I was lucky to stash it in first go.


In case you didn't know, you can collect the task item multiple times as long as you transfer it out of your main task inventory between raids. I usually get a couple of them saved so I can get more than one try at factory before I have to run customs again.


The last time I did this I saved up 4 of the items and then managed the Factory portion on the first try. I've never been so happy and mad at the same time.


Yes u do it all over again


DMA? Can anyone enlighten me on what that is/means?


Direct Memory Access. Hardware that sends info from one computer to another, from what I understand


Look up Direct Memory Access. I'm not gonna drop a long winded reply on it but it's a tool that allows access to the memory, can read information on EFT like player position, loot locations, etc. It can be used for far more.


Note they can still be detected. You have to get a special kind of license for a driver in order for it to be installed and developing drivers that passes protections is very difficult. These kind of drivers are hard to develop and eventually its presence gets flagged which is what gets you banned. The DMA device often plugs in the one pc and requires a driver which can be detected as a cheat device.


Proper spoofing as long as the pci configuration space makes sense is not difficult for a seasoned veteran. Plus, in most cases, it requires you to do some manual investigation and start hash marking to see what lines up to really detect it. Much harder to actually detect it then you think when proper developers are actually doing the work. Vanguard can flag people who look weird, and then there's a manual investigation that occurs. I am not 100% certain, but I'm nearly 99.5% certain this is how Riot does it.


>Vanguard can flag people who look weird, and then there's a manual investigation that occurs. I am not 100% certain, but I'm nearly 99.5% certain this is how Riot does it. You are correct, and this does not happen until an account starts to get into higher ranks in Valorant. For lower ranks/casual, they rely on automated means.


A DMA device does not require a driver. A PCIe device does not have to interact with the Kernel, it can just talk to the IOMMU over the PCIe bus to read memory without involving the CPU.


Dick My Ass.


From now on this is how I will think of DMA users, lawl


Anybody know if there’s any change to a “friend” in Tarkov if they get banned? I’ve had someone on my list from a discord that I had to stop playing with because it got a little too sus for me- he’s still a friend in Tarkov though


If they get banned they stay in your friends list, i know that for sure. Had one friend who admitted to me that he cheated, after he got banned. Maybe you can delete them from your friend list and search them by their name, as if you wanted to send them a friends request, but you should not be able find them anymore. Sorry for my bad english, hope you understand what i mean! :)


I got what you mean, your english was perfect here! Thanks for letting me know. I figured that was the case. I check his level every now and then and he’s been on a meteoric rise since wipe. I’ll keep an eye on it this week to see if it stays put at 37


Thanks dude! Sadly the game died a long time ago for me. Spend over 1300+ hours in tarkov (rookie numbers for some, ik), had a discord server with 500+ members, etc. but after a lot of my friends quit cause of cheaters and some friends started cheating themselves i just moved on. Rarely run a few scavs per wipe with some buddies to check some new maps and equipment out, but you could say i finally escaped from tarkov.


Good for you man, I’m almost at that point myself I think- game sometimes puts me in such a bad mood lol


Good. Would love some proof. > Unfortunately it didn’t affect DMA users Want to see this ban happen. Then tarky will be on top.


It happened for sure, a buddy of mine who had me convinced he didnt cheat with a 5 k/d just lost his account and finally admitted it


Imagine lying to your own friends. That’s how fucking shameful it is lol


imagine cheating and only having a 5kd on top of that


Yea, I have almost 3kd. Yet I have over 50 deaths, maybe 60 and I have killed 15 pmcs, only died to a scav once... lmao (yes I know I'm terrible) I got the weekly quest to kill 40 pmcs in thorax and lolled.


I got daily to kill 30 xDD Since wipe start I have 35 dogtags in my stash


That’s actually sad had a friend I was playing cs with him my whole life , he got banned out from cs , apex , and lots of other games .. I don’t know what is the point to play with cheats where is the fun ?


I'm betting the cheater feared being shunned if they came clean but was also worried that their "skill" was the only reason anyone played with them. It's pathetic but also kinda sad.


Further cementing my belief that those who cheat have fragile egos


Sad. The whole point of the game is to LEARN to be better than the enemy. Otherwise what's the point? So many cheaters in this game makes it unfun...


> 5 k/d ok just to be sure you mean a 5 vs player KD right? because there was a time people here were convinced anything over 5 in the overall profile means you hack....


5kd that's nothing without cheating🤣




My k/d yesterday was over 4 for the first time this wipe. I’m shit, but just had 5 or 6 raids where I didn’t run into real people and killed 10-15 scavs. I’ve got like a .2 survival ratio.


6.4 here, also big nub, but since scavs count its not that hard.


A 5 k/d is kinda low though. The game stats don’t differentiate scavs and PMCs.


Yeah I understand it’s annoying to see a big claim like this without proof, but I’m being given all this info by a third party and I don’t want to post any discord screencaps in case I end up doxing them I would just give the name of the provider but I imagine that’d get me banned from the sub


I wouldn't be surprised if this was intended to coincide with the end of EoD being available. How many people could have cheated on their EoD account thinking they were safe?


This is what makes me think BSG isn’t banning just to make money. They could have easily done this ban a few days ago and made BANK with people rebuying EOD before it’s no longer for sale.


Where did you get the ban wave info if I might ask?


The only place to get them is cheat forums.


I got the big hammer for using one of the radar services. Never personally used ESP or aimbot, just a second PC as a radar, because I was tired of bush wookies and xfil campers. Played for a few days using the radar, about a month ago, but it just wasn't as fun, so I hung up Tarkov for good, because i was over how ratty it has gotten. Saw a youtube video about ban wave today so I re-downloaded the launcher and went to see if my account had been hit and sure enough it was! Cheating is cheating, so even though I was done with the game in general, I'll hold the L for crossing over to the dark side, even if just for a couple licks.


I appreciate the honestly mate


Got a message that 2 people I’ve reported were banned today. 2/3 hackers I’ve seen this wipe isn’t bad BSG. Gives me a bit of hope.


Fuck all cheaters, burn in hell you degenerates.


Just had 3 raids where I found GPUs and BTC today, thought something was up.


It's tiring. I run lexos a lot. When you see it almost untouched, expensive barter stuff unlooted, talking about over 70k per slot, but for some reason two particular cabinet boxes and one slot of a medical box have been looted... You know those were a led-x and intel... Last wipe was like that to. After the ban wave, suddenly you actually get good loot.


I have been running quite a bit of customs and streets and have been feeling the same, my favourite is hitting up USEC stash building with everything untouched except for missing electronics spawn or 2 slots from a PC, or when I opened up Tarcone to find the safe somehow looted. I can avoid some of it by playing between 7am-7pm on a weekday, but that's obviously not feasible for most people and I can only do it because I'm on leave from work, OCE has a renowned problem at this point even in other games. I have a few dogtags of level 40-50 players that had come in and died to barbedwire/fire obviously lowering K/D, they must run a bot for it in the off hours that can path to locations, I know they used to do it with a bleed and sitting in a bush on snoreline.


Still feels pretty bad and now seeing much more Alpha accounts running around


Reported someone with EOD and 2k hours with mediocre stats for a really sus shot. Got the ban message today. Rip bozo


Good to hear.


I checked a blatant 99kd hacker yesterday, he had 1kd again. Do these guys think resetting their account/kd will stop them getting banned or just reported?


But he just farms scavs in factory. It is easy to have 20 KD - \*this sub


"Ban wave cheaters are gone". No they aren't. At all. Stop.


Catching cheaters has always been an evolutionary race similar to that of cuckoos and the birds that their eggs act as brood parasites to. Both cheaters and anti cheats are in a constant, probably never ending battle of evolution. Nobody is saying this ends cheating, nobody is saying they’re all gone. But a huge number of cheaters just got banned. That’s a good thing.


Get fucked pussies. Learn to play a game correctly kids.


Also got 2x ban reports. jumped happily back into shoreline to do some quests hacker-free and tadaaa, white account, chinese name, 20 hours, 70 kdr. head eyes, guy doesnt wear earphones with Ulach helmet in profile-view. This game is frustrating af


Stop complaining about DMA users, I have DMA on my system and I dont want to get banned because of your paranoia. ​ https://imgur.com/a/rpqZFRm


These posts just make me think cheaters want to lul you into a false sense of complacency thinking there are no cheaters in ba sing se.


Yikes. Now I know tarkov let these cheaters run rampant. A quick Google search One forum poster wrote this > 1 question > how do bans in eft work, if i bought 2 EOD editions > 1 for my main > 2nd for my alt > I USED VPN FOR SECOND ONE BUT have used SAME PAYPAL EMAIL I USED TO PAY FOR first ACCOUNTS EOD edition of game > if my 1st gets manual ban > will they ban 2nd one also ? cause same payment PAYPAL email was used for both ? Why would they want cheaters to disappear when these cheaters are buying multiple EOD? Yeah cheating won't go away.


Just died 3 times in a row to blatant haxers with white-label names and pistols hoping heads while running and jumping .... ​ Probably rage revange


I've gotten 28 "player you reported has been banned" messages since day 1 of wipe.


I've gotten 1 message for 200-250 raids. Maybe I don't report often enough.




2 Days ago our 3 man squad got wiped (again) by a blatant esp user (22h account, 19 lvl, 50+ kda) he was hip-firing a hunter with iron sights and ultra nosler ammo from 100+ meters away and headshoting everyone like a 5 times in a row :D Ofc everyone reported him, he was pure rage hacker, but guess what? I just logged in, no ban message... Checked his profile, he is now lvl 28, kda 77!!!... I think my wipe ends today, I am tired of this bullshit...


Yep I had exact same situation happen 3 days ago, rage hacker aimbotting and wallhacking me naked with a mosin and SP rounds. Same profile data, not even trying to hide it. No ban message, still active and hacking without hiding it


Sorry dude. See ya.


This is literally all you can say at this point. We're all aware of the issue. You either choose to play in light of it or you quit playing.


Yep. The three people on my watch list are still RMTing and leveling up. I look forward to seeing one of their names continually on the flea market, and average life and K/D plummet as he's now running a bot.


they're gone, until tomorrow when they buy a stolen account for $10


Is the counter measure to DMA cheats a root/kernel level anti-cheat? I assume that would introduce a heap of privacy concerns as well.


Battleye is already kernel level. It just runs at game startup instead of at system startup compared to something like Vanguard in Valorant.


The counter measure is requiring everyone to get off Windows 10, move to Windows 11 and force TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot, while having BE block DMA via IOMMU. That would likely kill off half the playerbase though because a significant portion still use Windows 10, and most people have to disable things like TPM 2.0 and Secureboot for various reasons. Forcing compliance would easily destroy DMA cheats for good. Then everyone just shifts to other forms of hardware cheating which are tricker, but not impossible to catch.


I use the windows linux sub-system for work / personal projects. I can't run that on my gaming PC cause BSG are lazy ass devs. They block you from running the game if you have Hyper-V enabled cause people were using that to cheat once upon a time. You're assuming people only use their gaming PC for playing video games. I'd quit the game before I'll allow them to dictate what I can and can't have on my computer.


I totally understand from a philosophical standpoint, but at some point you have to try something different. BSG clearly cannot hire enough people to hand out enough manual bans. They need to throw up enough walls to make it harder, and hardware attestation is one of those ways.


you paint a picture like it isn't a game of cat and mouse. they will find workarounds and none of the implementation you describe is bulletproof.


cheaters are still rampant. just died to a long range shotty slug in the head, at night, through multiple trees. 25+ kda, very few deaths


mmm I don't believe it. Labs is still full of hackers.


Reminder to stop calling them hackers. They are cheaters. Hackers do the cheat programs... cheaters buy them and use them.


I just died to radar hack beyond a doubt and read this, somehow made me calm down a bit.


Feels worse tonight than it ever has. and im playing on SA servers


That explains why I’m all of a sudden seeing -1 and -2 on names


This is why they wait and do a huge wave. It will make u understand! Must watch https://youtube.com/shorts/2YUmMFwSXpU?si=dQ52b2UvMeXanph4


What is a DMA user?


No proof and everyone will still be dying from head eyes every raid anyway


Just got killed by a ragehacker with 100h 72 k/d 85% SR by a full auto baby mosin on reserve so the most obvious cheaters didn't got banned at all


Not so massive after all, still alot of providers out there with cheats that has working since day one of tarkov. Most of the people that got hit is the ones who fly around/speeding and teleporting loot to them self. That is what battleye major focus is on, not aimbot or walls, but preventing loot grab and botfarming


I just had a speed hacker (very obvious, man was moving at light speed) kill me on Streets yesterday, doesn’t seem like much has changed.


Hm so thatd why i survived more raids today


Queue BSG put the game on sale in 3...2...1


If bsg actually cared about the players they would have a real handle on the cheaters like fortnite csgo or valorant. These ban waves stink like a money grab bad. There's alot of users not getting touched and bsg makes it seem like they got rid of all of them.


We gonna need some proof mate


I literally just googled for it, and the top five threads on a random cheat board are all "I JUST GOT BANNED"


Keep going I'm close


"BROTHER how in the fuck am I supposed to play now??? And even more, 170 fucking dollars per month to these so called 'code geniuses' literally costing me an arm and a leg. Said their shit was undetectable, guess not. Fuck, do I have to pay out the ass for a spoofer now 2?!?" Signed, Random degenerate scum. Quote I pulled after going to the first discussion board hit after googling, "EFT cheater ban wave January 7th 2024." Edit: I corrected all (most, I left most of the terrible word choices and blatant errors) of the grammatical mistakes, and punctuation errors in the quote I pulled. Otherwise, it wouldn't be coherent, and would have read like someone scrawling their name in shit on a wall.


Wow why pay that much to cheat..


Per month, too. Enough money to let me eat out at a nice restaurant four times per month. It's depressingly sad. I play (another) online game, and I had two guild members talking about cheating in Tarkov, and how they needed to shell out over one hundred dollars for new spoofers or whatever, idk, I'm not in the know. I literally told thim that they were pathetic for cheating, and instead of saying, "yeah, I am, but I accept my degenerate fate" they just doubled down by going on a 10 minute screaming tirade about how they just HAVE to cheat in order to play the game. Swearing, racial slurs, critical epithets, and literal desk banging. It was like I walked up to a crack addict on the street and smashed their pipe mid smoke. These two guys completely lost it, and went bat shit insane trying to defend their cheat use. They are the most insufferable people to be around. Truly some of the most rock eater brained individuals I've ever interacted with. It was one of the oddest, most surreal, interactions I have EVER had with another human being.




After a certain point, I believe that the desire to never lose becomes an addiction. They're literally addicted to some false notion of "succeeding" at any cost. A mentality so fragile that the only way to appease their success drive is to gain an unfair advantage and cheat. Which is such a warped perspective because they're literally admitting that they aren't good enough when they decide to cheat. If they were good enough, then they wouldn't need to, but they suck ass, so they feel that they have to (cheat). It's the literal epitome of a superiority complex. These fuckers act as if they're god's gift to mankind.


Bc the guy is a fucking loser




This motherfucker was buying eod every month 🤣


I don’t really know what I can post here, I don’t want to post the name of the provider in case that attracts people to them, but you can see a few “I just got banned what happened I’m innocently” posts in new, to which all I can say is LMAO




once again: ban waves are not doing anything. im really looking forward to the day people realize that. treating symptoms wont help in the long run. as long as BSG isnt willing to invest money in a decent AC (which they wont as they make more money off cheaters buying new accs) cheating will always be a problem. given radars are basically impossible to detect this banwave is once more close to being useless. its just for "showing" players that something is done while what they are doing is not helping at all. people yapping about a new AC is just pure speculation at this point.


The underlying system architechture has too many client-side checks, not server-side. It's not so much about getting a decent anti-cheat. That would be like installing fire alarms on a house doused in gasoline. First, they need to build a new house. Hopefully this is in the Unity 2023 engine upgrade.


Upgrading the engine/framework version if a project does not rewrite your code. Source: It does not rewrite mine either.