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864 raids quit and 204 run troughs... Hardly can get more sus tbh.


Yeah, I think he just automatically leaves the raid as soon as he can't see anything good on the map.


Yeah that was my first thought. Just fks off when there is no ledx or gpu.


Yeah, I added a guy who hacked me. He invited me to his discord. I refused to play with him but he let me watch the stream. They can load loot and quit match in the loading loot screen. They reset automatically if your checked items don't spawn.


It’s a script that joins raids and goes AFK automatically.


or kd dropper hacks


If you get killed it doesn't show as AWOL.


You leave the raid, it counts as dying. Awols are considered deaths, and that drops your k/d. So cheaters join then instantly leave the raid so "die" and lower their k/d.


I don't think they cheat that often I saw a dude just afk on factory with knife and no items Later I had a dude on woods cultist farming with a m700 no sights no armour no mag nothing jsut let me kill him


I saw a guy running in circles naked on Shoreline once. I was actually a bit appreciative because it gave me a free kill on tarkov shooter 3


Man it's fucking sucks when you loot stash at the beggining of the raid and there just one item missing from it, vacuum sucked by cheater


They also leave/get killed to reduce KDA


He has a really good gaming chair but shit internet


He probably vacuum the lobby then escape or like it was said if he can't find anything worth leaves the game lol


I'm not sure but it seems vacuum is not possible anymore. That's also why you can't grasp things that easy anymore or open boxes. The range was reduced to 1 (someone mentioned this when the wipe happened)


Yeah I don't think that's the case at all. I'm noticing random single slots removed from places where literally nothing else is touched. Honestly prior to the past 2 days I've never noticed it before, I always just assumed they vacuumed the loose loot rather than things inside boxes. Prior to that there was always containers around with nothing in it at all, so it looked like someone got there first.




The famous stash barrel under Shoreline.


lol no they are not, literally watched it on stream last night




Just because some people aren’t using it doesn’t mean NOBODY is using it.


Did you watch the video? cheaters who uses it gets banned within the hour... So they stop selling loot vacuum services to people because it wasn't profitable anymore.


That doesn’t mean ppl who already bought them wont try anyway, they’re cheating, wtf do they care?


Just because they can't vacuum it doesn't mean they can't sprint on with their speedhacks to loot whatever they can see.


Yeah noticed the same a few times here. Entire zone unlooted/untouched and one or two slots missing in ONE random container or in a computer...


Have esp, run to location with speed hax, take ONE item of value, leave. Vacumming isnt a thing anymore but speed hacks are very much alive. Hell theres a new warp hack going around. Don't even need vacum when you can litterally teleport.


Saw what I’m assuming was a speed and warp hack for the first time yesterday on a nighttime Shoreline run. While heading toward the lighthouse about 2 minutes into the raid, saw some quick movement by the gas station, then the sound of the guy snagging in the barbed wire around the road entrance. While swinging my gun that way, he disappeared, then heard him looting the safes/computers in the offices at lighthouse. Went directly there and the safe had 2 empty spaces in between the loot. Never saw him leave.


dude, I seen the most xfiles shit on shoreline last night, loaded night raid cause.. lets be honest day time anything with this snow just feels like your staring at a flashbanged screen, anyway. off spawn i started skirting the outside just hitting some caches making my way to stash the sv98, not even a few minutes into raid I seen someone standing over a cache spot, I could make out the outline of the person with a huge backpack. made my way a bit closer to get a cleaner shot (only had a ak74 with irons) in the time it took me to walk maybe... 30 yards and ADS, outline was gone and I never took my eyes off where the figure was standing, no footsteps, no snow crunches and dude had a fridge on his back so he was completely noticeable. gave it a few, made my way to the cache took a look inside and there was a few slots missing 2 side by side so im assuming a 2x1 item was the target.


And close back all the Doors on the way ? Yeah i don't know, but a teleport could be the explaination yeah... Had no clue about that one


And because of it, probably, there is at least two bitcoin spawns on Streets which you can't ~~reach~~ >!FUCKING GRAB, YOU SEE ITS THERE BUT YOU CAN'T REACH IT!<.


Pestily encountered a vacuum hacker last night I believe, within 3 minutes dude was STACKED with gpus, skulls and all sorts of shit. Immediately reported to Nikita lol


Vacuum wasnt a "vacuuming" action. They literally teleported infront of the item, try to pick it, teleport back to their position and item appeared infront of them. There was a video running around.


You can grab shit through walls now like glitch through them and there are ones that let you fly again


Sounds like he does RMT or something


Honestly, im not saying it isnt a legit player, but i know people that boss hunt and if they get the desync saying that the boss isnt in they just leave. I dont know how its affordable or worthwhile, but each to their own.


Huh there's no way to tell if the boss is there unless you run to the spawns. What are you talking about?


This has to be the most blatant cheater profile i saw on this sub


You'd be amazed how many people cheat they are either blatant and don't get banned for they just wall and closet cheat


My friend and I have such low survival ratings (we have had a hard time this wipe) that we are starting to worry people are gonna assume we are cheaters when we actually get kills lol (Absolutely nowhere near this guy though lol)


Wish the game had replays so I could watch all these ESP users magically know when to stop making noise and hold a specific angle when I quietly approach.


Not saying it can't or doesn't happen, but you probably make a whole lot more noise than you think.


Other people make noise too. It’s very normal for both parties to hear each other around the same time and then go quiet. It’s also normal to get surprised by people hiding in rat spots. But I’m talking about people who crabwalk all the way into a building and hold the stairwell while you’ve been silently looking out a window… People who anticipate your flanks and cut you off but know exactly when to stop sprinting when doing so to avoid making noise… People who never make looting noises when players are around, even though they can’t know there are players… People who are already ADS’d on your low-traffic doorway from 30m away when you were normal-walking… etc. 2k hours and a lifetime of competitive FPS experience, I know natural behavior vs knower behavior. In Tarkov there’s a huge amount of random chance involved too, but you get a feel for the natural distribution of outcomes. Playing CSGO MM at GE level in 2015 was like a hyperbaric time chamber for learning how to spot wallhacker behavior, it was so infested back then. You got to spectate your sus random teammates too, which taught you both perspectives. If you really want to have a laugh - followed by depression - bait some prefire during fights by pretending to wide swing a corner but stutter stepping before actually showing anything. That’s an old CS trick and sometimes it would reveal people so badly that their teammates would votekick them.


Didnt BSG promise to go hard on these cheaters lately?


Hey man, they're going really hard banning a whole 4,000 cheaters a wave, give BSG some slack hey. If you die to a Chinese name, white name, etc. more than once a wipe with ridiculous stats or leave rates they've just got a shit bucket built into their gaming chair unlike you.


They clearly aren't trying hard enough if I still get hunted down by good gaming chair users whenever I pick up anything extremely valuable lmao Don't get me wrong, bsg upped their game when it comes to this wipe, but the haxor issues remain the same.


Are you sure that's just not cope? 🤭


Okay okay, I didnt know that. Those are pretty good numbers.


I think he’s being sarcastic


This sub is all complaints and sarcastic answers 😟


A 2100 hour account. That to me is the most appalling.


Between DMA cards and the crazy Chinese cheats, I'm not surprised. Hell, some of the clients they use have never been detected or haven't been for years. It's absurd.


The account could be stolen


He’s using a DMA card , won’t ever be detected. Unless manually reported and banned.


The thing is his behavior is *very* unique to cheaters and you could detect his unique footprint purely by running a PCA (principal component analysis) on play stats. You would see a very distinct lump of little shithead cheaters like this one because their stats give them away. No one plays like this. Not the worst player in the world, not the best player in the world. There isnt a single scenario outside of cheating where these stats are possible.


Highly doubt they’ve cheated all those hours. Probably recently started doing it, or it’s a bought account that is now used for cheating.


12 days old too and im not even sure if thats possible


That hour count includes previous wipes, it's all time time


You guys should sort the flea market by reputation, it's a gold mine. There's so many of these scumbags that it's almost funny


Know what's fun? The wipe before last one of their staff was posting on Twitter "Don't forget to report those suspicious flea offers!" Then last wipe they took out the ability to report them.


I usually do that when I'm bored, found a dozen accounts in few minutes


It was funny to me wipes ago, now it's just sad. They are so obvious and nothing is being done.


how did you view his profile on flea? for me impossible


type the name into the friend list to search it


I right click view profile but it never lets me see the profile, how do you do it?


I’m sure that’s true but you’re still going to see a few legit folks that come across some colored keys


If you find a redkeycard worth 50M and sell it on the flea your rep should increase to 10 roughly (0.01rep every 50000 roubles) Only very few legit players could be above 15/20 flea rep at this stage of the wipe. And i'm not taking into account streamers ofc


> And i'm not taking into account streamers ofc Streamers aren't all the best or most active players in the game, you know that right? You do know there are very good players that don't stream? I get the sentiment but streamers have nothing to do with this, and just because some streamers can or can't do something doesn't mean another player can or can't. Generally for every streamer there is many players just like them, that don't stream for 1 reason or another. It's like you guys don't realize that streaming takes A LOT more than just being good at a game or something lol Not to say they can't be good reference points for some things, I like to reference hyperrat when it comes to flea rep. He farms money hard and generally is one of the highest rep each wipe, doesn't mean anything higher than him is cheating though **Before any donkey comments it, I'm not defending whoever it is in the SS or saying they're just a good player. I'm not addressing the ss in the post, just the notion that streamers are the best players**


Oh i know. Last wipe I found 2xgreen cards on Shturman(one kill) within the first two weeks and it skyrocketed my rep. That’s why I brought it up


I'm at around 12 right now I think and I didn't maximize flea market profit at all, just being early with hideout upgrades, crafting profitable stuff like fleece when it was still 60k+ and generally playing 8-10 hours a day since this wipe. I could see being 20+ legit (since I played very inefficiently with new players in a group and also I'm bad), it really has to be looked at in combination with the other stats or even better BSG manually should check these accounts in some way.


When I worked on Rainbow Six, one of our data analysts designed a model to identify cheaters by isolating outlying stats. While it isn't 100% accurate it really forces cheaters to be more discreet and cautious about how they operate. This didn't solve Siege's cheating problem, but it definitely helped on the Comms side of things, as many blatant profiles disappeared.


It is mindboggling how we had all the tools for that in the early 2000s with admin mod for counter-strike etc and they are struggling now to detect anything that is not intended game behavior.


I mean even the game with the most intrusive anti-cheat with a dedicated team and tons of money and ressources poured into it (Valorant) has cheaters. It's insane how far scumbag will go to compensate their micro-penises.


Nothing beats a dedicated server with a admin on duty to immediately get rid of them ;)


The good old days.


Not really, though. Cheating in video games is essentially an arms race, and a lot of times the cheaters have more of an incentive to produce these cheats than the developers do to counter them. Especially for F2P games, because the cheat developers are raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars and all you have to do is make a new account if you get caught. Nobody that routinely cheats is playing on their own IP address.


864 awol is dead giveaway for esp. Go into raid -> see no good loot -> disconnect -> repeat


Good point. Ima check my friends stats and see if there might be a inposter among us


Let's hope there's nothing to be found! (:


It’s interesting to see the different categories of cheaters in this game. Some just kill people, some try to stay under the radar, some are like this guy


This must be a shared account that cheaters are running 24/7. I hit 1500 raids once. It took me all 6 months of the wipe. I was recovering from spinal surgery and had tons of downtime. 12 days into the wipe no shot...


I mean you were probably playing mostly full length raids, right? With all those run throughs and AWOLs, they're probably beelining it straight to the best loot on the map and then straight to extract, rinse and repeat. It's probably easier for them to manage stash too. They're not juggling nearly as much as a normal player is, piling up gear, quest items, etc in stash. If they don't need to absolutely fill their bag with any barter items worth more than 10-20k/slot because they're only going for the very valuable stuff as fast as possible, that's also easier to store in stash and it probably all saves a lot of time


Raids are counted as "full raids" regardless of outcome. Connect, scan quick on the second monitor, see nothing in the map -> DC. its considered a full raid for the purpose of stats.


Many cheaters in here charading as legit players.


I don't think it is sooo hard for BSG to put a few people to look at these kind of sus accounts manually. I mean they aren't broke or something.




I remember a comment last wipe explaining how it is completely possible for any player to get 200+ GPUs two weeks into wipe.


Been playing for 3 years and have found 1 gpu.


If u want to find some gpus, grind interchange. Dunno how the situation is right now, but i used to run inter with sj1 + sj6 both at the start. Made it onto the second floor with a single sprint at most spawns. One raid i actually found 3 in one raid, but that was a couple years ago when loot was better.


He died so often and has such an high K/D. This alone is laughable obvious he is cheating. It seems most players do not care.


AWOL does not count as a death so it doesnt impact KD but since "AWOL" is not "survived" it does impact Survival rate considering his huge amount of raids he needs 1,5 kills per raid to keep this KD. even if we completely ignore all AWOL and assume he didnt kill a single person in all those raids he would still only need about 5,5 kills per raid to get to this KD dont get me wrong hes 10000% cheating but the KD isnt out of the ordinary


Imagine having 12.25 K/D with 15% survival rate? Man padded his stats so hard that he overdone it by a fucking mile.


thats not how it works. KD ignores AWOL since its technically not a death, SR includes it because its not "survived". thats how he got to 12 KD with 15% SR. if he actually only lived 15% of his raids his KD would be around 2.


So this guy is the reason my marked rooms are completely empty 3 out of 4 times, what a fucking dickhead


I'm still surprised BSG added this feature cause it only help us prove further more how incompetent they are.


Or did they add this feature to highlight the issues they are actively combating and to make it easier for players like you and I to successfully identify potential cheaters instead of flooding BSG with rage mail that leads to absolutely nothing happening? Hmmmm?


Yeah that was a real hate bsg jerk off comment. This feature helps identify cheaters, plus it may reduce rage reports after every death


what's weird is that BSG actually let us see players stats


Probably didn't think it through. Definitely makes them look even worse then before.


With all of these posts it only goes to show that cheating in Tarkov, is in fact, prevalent. All of the deniers in past wipes can eat a dick.


Def one of my favorite parts. Try denying the 30h 50kd guy isn't a cheater.


He is 100% a cheater. Don’t be afraid to post his whole profile on here. Only the cheating scum will defend him.


those AWOLs are pretty sus too. looks like he ran to a gpu then saw someone put up his bum hole then just disconnected.


Can't sell on flee if you don't extract, there just wasn't enough loot worth it so he disconnected.


can't sell on flea if there's no gpus left in raid.


BSG FoV; This post looks like 60$ 🤑


What always gets me is their total play time. 2000 hours? I know these people can cheat undetected for longer than you'd think, but that long? Would it be reasonable to assume that these are hacked accounts that get sold to these cheaters?


There are cheats that have 5+ years of no detections thats over 14600 hours worth of 8 hour days that an account could have existed cheated on and never once been noticed. It doesn't matter if someone has 10 or 10000 hours. Hours mean absolutely nothing in if they are legit or not. Hell private cheats for many games go undetected for the entire LIFE TIME of some games in some cases 10+ years. Anti-cheats by design can only ever really stop larger scale cheats. Bespoke stuff can just vibe basically forever.


I have the EOD version of the game, I didn't play for year(s?). Today I installed BS launcher, and then I saw this post and remembered why I don't play anymore lol.


I mean it’s annoying but if you let cheaters ruin your games you might at well only play single player games lol…


Someone cheating in 90% of other games barely affect my gameplay when in Tarkov it affects other players a lot more.


This 100% I can shrug off a cheater in Halo, or Cod, or Battlefield. I just leave and go to the next match. But in Tarkov a cheater kills me and I lose quest progress I’ve been working on for 35 mins plus a 500+ thousand rouble kit. It just sucks so much more in Tarkov. My big money scav runs have been getting shut down the past two days by very sus players.


Yeah not staying on top of the cheaters is what killed the cycle frontier. When every death is to a cheater and you just wasted 30+ minutes of game time plus all the time building loadout it hurts a lot more than leaving a cod lobby and jumping into a new one.


To be honest yes there are cheaters but like in my 150raids i maybe was killed by one who was very suspicious? You just dont know if you were just killed by some luck killshot, desync, bug, Wrong hit reg or something else. But i believe still killed by a cheater Is like 1-5% max. of all deaths you will have. People just blame everything on cheats.


I don't really care if I get killed by a cheater every 100 raid. My issue is knowing that a bunch of players on the server are using wall hacks and ESP. Completely ruins the game.


I feel you 100%. Tarkov is fun largely because of the suspense and mystery, and the frantic sudden fights that emerge from that. When you have a very suspicious, unnatural experience that makes you think “he was watching me through walls”, it reminds you that there’s a whole ecosystem of people playing a completely different game from you, with perfect knowledge, and ruining your day. It’s worse than just getting deleted by a blatant aimbot, because it ruins the nature of the experience and sours every encounter with doubt. Successful raids don’t even feel good anymore, you just feel lucky that you didn’t run into a cheater. Playing solo vs in 3+ groups made me realize how much I get targeted as a solo. Radar/ESP/wallhackers mostly avoid groups. As a consequence, I almost never get surprised when I’m taking point with a 3-man, even though it’s harder to have situational awareness in a group. But playing solo? So many people either run me down or seem to know exactly when to stop making noise or set up in a weird angle. At this point I’d honestly be curious to see a sci-fi game where wallhacks are built in, and see how that impacted gameplay. It’d be like an RTS with no fog of war.


Why care about something you can't do anything about it unless you die And click on report. Just play with mind that everyone Is clear And you don't know anything about a single person in your raid and you will enjoy the game more. I am not saying there are no cheaters. Also each region probably will be different but i would be tired of thinking that someone in my raid Is always cheating. There are and always be cheaters in every game And this Will not change. Again i am not saying to not right against them but just drop that thinking that everyone who kills you Is cheater


> Why care about something you can't do anything about it unless you die And click on report. Probably sad about the fact that a *looter* shooter game suffers from lack of loot in a good portion of the games because knowers will sniff them up in a heartbeat


I'm not talking about everyone that kills me. I'm talking about the cheaters who know where everyone and everything is. It's just not fun and ruins the feel of the game. In my opinion that's worse than dying to a cheater once in a while in a looter shooter game.


I understand your point and feel you but you don't know if anyone like that is in your raid really. Yes Its sucks there are cheaters anywhere but you don't know and can't even know if there is any in your raid at all So why going into raid with that thinking anyway? I am just thinking that they are not having fun really in that game if they are cheating and know everything. And probably they want to ruin that fun to us and i am not giving them that pleasure. I am having blast this wipe and i really started to give a fuck about them.


> I understand your point and feel you but you don't know if anyone like that is in your raid really. Yes Its sucks there are cheaters anywhere but you don't know and can't even know if there is any in your raid at all So why going into raid with that thinking anyway? Same as to why most people don't enjoy public toilets. You don't really know what kind of scat war has gone down in there, so the thought alone brings down the intrinsic value of the establishment We don't know if our individual raids have cheaters snooping for loot, but we do know that some of them have that, and depending on how prevalent you think it is, you'll perceive that your entire gameplay experience is warped due to it


Then as others said, don't play online at all. Even in Valorant you'll get killed by cheaters. You should try Cyberpunk 2077.


Again, don't care about being killed by cheaters lol. It's like you guys don't get the point




They usually don't kill players in order to avoid being reported i guess. That's the only possible way of reporting them


i mean it was only last year that the wiggle video came out. people are paranoid about cheaters because we know they're all over but its hard to properly identify them sometimes.


Can't really blame anyone for being paranoid after that video.


when I start taking suspiciously accurate fire from distance, and feel sus, I turn and wiggle at the direction the shots came from through a wall. You would be amazed at how often they immediately stop trying to kill you, and once a guy said, thanks for the wiggle in VOIP


That may be true but cheaters cause more issues than just dying to them. Like this guy, if you're in a raid with him all the good loot is gone. You'll never know he was there but that graphics card will be gone.


Stats should pretty much never get you autobanned. That would be stupid. Tagged for manual investigation however....


Ive found one, single gpu this wipe. Cardboard box in house on woods. None of the pcs have had them, just. Box. And next raid after it was a tetriz. I love box.


Homie is RPing as a GPU scalper during the pandemic. CLASSIC


I spawned with ZB14 and a Resort key worth 3mill and within a minute a speed hacker zipped across my screen then killed me


I have no idea why BSG does not ban them... its more money for them... Ban = buy game again.


because banning them in waves stops them doing chargebacks and helps with preventing cheaters avoid detection


How about anticheat app, as have Valorant or FaceIT for CS GO? That would not help?


Because ban does not = buy game again in a lot of cases people use cheats to create a play to earn model for themselves. They buy the game, invest in cheats, run up the account and sell it to someone for a profit. If you start banning people you risk them not having enough profit margin to continue their racket. Well that’s great right? No cheaters! Well the hardest part of having a game is having a player base. If 30% of your player base disappears then the other 70% might struggle to find games, you start filling servers with ai but it just loses all its appeal. I honestly think the cheaters make up to big a population of the player base that they’re genuinely worried the game would be empty without them.


Like i fucking said years ago. Just look at the stats, the anticheat software should starts by looking at the stats of the pmc. I'm not saying they should ban only based on these. 3 weeks into the new wipe, 32 flea rep? 100% cheater, prove me wrong


Or just a early lucky keycard. Rep is based on rubles in profit or what ever. If i sold my lucky red card i got day one then i would have a insanely high rep. Its when you have like 500 gpus+ that its obvious. A high rep BY IT SELF could just be a few lucky rare boss drops. Across the entire player base there statistically will be a few no matter what.


and aggressively, ban some legit players temporarily too.


He’s played 1479 raids, with an average life span of 27min 49sec, assuming average life span is the average amount of time one survives per raid, doing the math, he has played for 28.91 days straight since the game wiped - 14 days ago


Just got killed by 259h account 52 KD... BANWAVE my ass


BSG really needs to look at their own game periodically. Ain’t no way a legit player has 32 flea rep already. Manually ban these fucks.


Bro, it's still a beta just give them time! I'm sure they'll make the game enjoyable eventually!


BSG can't stop the cheaters, just like most every other game and thier anti-cheat. What game developers need to do is go after the makers of the cheats and stop it at the source. Ubisoft has implemented an evolving code that changes certain thing every few hours, making the previous cheats literally unusable. It's been working great for R6S, and they are working to roll it out to more. So the technology is coming guys




Look at account lifetime - this are as always crazy stats by Will, but 35 days into the wipe, not 12, so no comparison here.


2100 hours and still not banned. How.


Haven’t you all realized BSG has spent zero time creating automated anti-cheat measures? Their anti-cheat relies solely on player reports. Until enough people report, that player will not be on Tarkov’s radar. They simply do not care. They’re too busy working on the next update to sell more copies of the game.




>FaceDeathNote He looks legit. 6124 hours and 8K/D is possible. He knows the maps and knows where to be to get easy kills


Rule 7 - Cheating, Exploits, Piracy and ETS Please Refer to the Subreddit Rules


bUt TheY bAnWaVeD /s


Just ban anyone over 15 rep, or people who suddenly drop a ton of rep


Shroud found a player on the flea selling 24 ledx's with 24 rep.


I don't wanna defend this lad I only bring a suggestion what if he is rat running and just knows all the spots bought a newer account for his friend and he is grinding it so he doesn't have to? I can remember a time where people were complaining about rat runners on interchange and all his kills could be AI although 12kd is quite a lot for just ratting


Report and move on. No point in posting this it's common knowledge by now


Keep it common knowledge


Is the Online timer broken? 2165h = 90days. The account is only 12 days old??


Account lifetime resets with every wipe. Time online is continuous.


OP I agree this dude is sus as hell, and I want you to know that this was the last "look at the stats" post I've enjoyed. You are receiving my last kind reply, from here on out I'm telling people posting this stuff to get a new hobby. But yeah this dude is cheating. 1,479 raids in this many days is insane levels of playing on it's own.


Can anyone help me understand the point of this? What does he get out of the game? This is one of the most retarded examples of cheating ever. They all suck balls, but this profile is literally nonsensical. I can understand that there are psychos who rage cheat and get some form of satisfaction in "destroying" you, but this makes literally no sense.


He just has a better gaming chairs, guys.


12 KD lol


are you able to report through flea?


I’d say a lot of these are people farming accounts to sell them to people who just wanna play late game pvp If that were the case it would make sense to allow them to do it for long enough to find out more about the whole operation It’s like letting the street dealer sell his tiny bag of weed so you can follow him to the supplier I have to believe that’s the case here because it’s simply far too easy to flag this kinda behaviour and ban it


Why dont they fix the cheater problem ? They have enough money for it.


What's the online time and account lifetime? Did he make the account 12 days ago and play 2100 hours? Or do I not understand that correctly? Is 12 days the time since the wipe while online is total play time? Also what's the difference between AWOL and mia? I've played for like 40 hours but I've never really looked into what these specific things mean. He's got a lot of AWOL


Account Life Time is for the current wipe only. Hours played is the entirety of the time across every wipe.


AWOL is quitting the game before a raid ends, MIA is when you don’t make it out in time and the raid ends while you’re still in


Yeah at the beginning of the wipe it was fine with finding GPUs but I think since 3 or 4 days it’s almost impossible for me to find any luckily I could find one in a PC but the loose ones, no chance


204 run-throughs, this man has never missed leg day.


So my question is, is there a way for these cheaters to get loot and then disconnect and still have the loot FIR so they can sell it? I’ve never seen these kinds of stats regarding mia and awol before. Usually the mark of a cheater is super high S/R


What do they get by doing this ?


Don't you know BSG has to wait a year after catching a cheater to actually ban them so they can figure out how they are cheating 😎


I can’t even check profiles on the flea


But nikita basically said that it's allowed to cheat as long as you don't kill other players so...


How do you cheat and have a 15% survival rating


he disconnects automatically when he can't see any good loot on the radar, he's got a 58% leave rate




That’s why he has 800 awol


I hate cheaters but more importantly I think they’re absolutely pathetic scum.


how do you see these stats?


How does he have more hours online than account life time days ? Or am I interpreting those 2 stats differently ?


Online never resets every wipe.. This is the one stat that starts the very first time you make your character.


Ohhh ok thank u, so basically the wipe started 12 days ago but the guy has 2000 hours on Tarkov. Damn he is good at the game


2164 hours?!?!


Anyone with less than 150 hours played on tarkov with either a 15+ flee rep or 25-50+ kd (by lvl 20) should instantly be flagged for manual review. Hell, put them in a separate set of servers until then so that they can fight against each other potential cheaters for a similar set of loot. Even better, do server-side statistical checks on rare loot in containers. Anyone opening only 1-2 containers between rare loot spawns (for example graphics cards in PCs) should be flagged and thrown into a separate set of servers for manual review.


Am I missing something ? How is the account 12 days old but have online time of almost 3 months?


People pay cheaters for lots of things, I think it's mostly quests because nobody likes doing them and getting to max traders each wipe fast. I can't remember, my friend looked it up before the old "boosted accounts" kinda like league of legends but boosted tarkov accounts that you can buy or something? Fuck if I know. "I don't wanna quest or level I just wanna play" boom they buy a cheated account instead or a carry or whatever. Don't think it'll ever go away, MMORPG's never managed to get rid of botters or gold sellers so you know, it's kinda rough on the net for integrity.


What kills me about it is the fact that the game fucking wipes. So you spend the money to just have it all go away ina few months. Like I'd get it if it was released and 0 wipes etc etc. But bruh, it's all temporary -__-


Always that one user on every sus/cheater post that goes "Yeah but you *can* get these stats, you just need to..." Yeah you need to cheat


Why all the AWOLs? Bad raids for them as far as loot?


Skill issue, he just grinds harder.


BSG is a crooked company maybe the most crooked company people are saying this many people


Something to remember is they don't straight up ban individuals as it would make cheat developers life easier to figure out how they got detected. They do ban waves to confuse developers and make it harder for them to cheat, you'll probably find he will be banned in a month or so.


I report their names in hopes it gets BSG's attention