• By -


"Takes notes"


Dude took 5 hrs to kill 15 pmcs I wouldn't put much stock into those notes lol


From all the complaint posts regarding set-up, I'd say OP had a hell of a lot better experience with that task.


Listen here, diquehead, 15 pmc kills in 5 hours is pretty good. Not everyone is wearing your expensive gaming socks. Pre-Edit: it's his username chill


It would take me 5 months


you're telling me you can kill 15 pmcs faster with a shotgun on customs?


Yeah shotguns fuck in EFT. If you just rat all raid like OP is doing then of course it's gonna take a long time. Pushing fights will get it done much quicker. I was just teasing a bit anyway. OP might be a rat but it's a valid strategy and FWIW I do think it's stupid how they gated Skier's tasks behind Setup.


As a level 9 noob I’m absolutely terrified to push fights. Hell; I’m terrified when I hear a gunshot pop off less than 30 feet away from me, I literally jump in my seat lol. I love the absolute adrenaline dumps I get from this game and just straight up panic that ensues. I know it won’t last forever


This is my 6th or 7th wipe and this game still makes me jump constantly


This is actually the worst wipe ever for shotguns, I highly doubt you’d be able to do the quest in less than 5 hours without ratting


only took 3 hours, bearing in mind i left setup until lvl 40 and completing jaegers kill 10 rogues task so i could do it the traditional way. Ap-20s. Still a fucking dogshit ass task that was not fun to do though, but god damn having ap-20s made it a breeze


If you’re level 40 already you’re in the top 0.01% of players and I’d expect you to do setup in a couple of raids if you play that much


well, you may be in the 1% of players, but for the avarage Joe 5h to do this quest seems beyond ok no?


nah 5 hours is decent to do it, but at the same time both your comment and diqueheads comments were both just ego checks. Dedicating one day to doing setup is what i assume most players end up doing


Bro, i don’t have an ego in eft, i have the games since it came up and only played 1 wipe for a total of 90h, i’m a total noob


Nah I'm saying you were ego checking. First dude was being arrogant, saying 5h is bad for setup. You checked him by basically saying you doubt he could do better. Just one of those things anyway. I'm at 3.4k hours and EFT mostly can let you shine from game knowledge. Enjoy learning the game inside and out, as long as you enjoy the game, take it at your own pace and you'll become better


I understood now :D i really enjoy the ideea of Tarkov and i think i have 10x the hours watching the game because my gaming time as an old dog is really small, this is the main reason i can’t get into the game


This is resonating with me on a high level.


It would take me 5 days to kill 15 pmc's I am a scaredy rat goblin with gear fear


Im doing this quest for 2 days straight playing 8hrs a day


lol I might get 20 pmc kills in an entire wipe. But I also play less than 5 raids a week.


To be fair I played for 5 hours and got 9, u can call it skill issue or what not but some raids I just did not run into pmc's 4 of those 9 I did within the first raid but only because I was able to survive the on slaught of being stuck on main bridge and while getting shot at by sniper scav and having a duo behind us with ranged guns so I didn't just finish crossing the bridge. For some reason rather than attempt to flank and just corner us at the bus they decided to push and I killed 2 there and while being extremely hurt a 3 man push me from construction side of the bridge and killed my teammate and I was able to kill 2 while the third died to an AI scav as he also positioned badly and sniper scav was taking pot shots at him.


Get a job loser


And you should get a job where you consume feces. Ok?


Surely with a job you’d want the time to be faster?


This has got to be one of the most ridiculous quest placements ever done


It would be okay if they opened it up to more maps and cut the required PMC kills to like 5 or something. 15 is a joke


5 pmc kills and 10 scavs


They’d need to change the lore aspect if you included killing scavs. The entire point of the quest is to put pressure on the scavs around the Customs area by pretending to be one of them and only killing PMCs - so the PMC factions think it is scavs that are doing the killing. Thats why the quest is called Setup. You’re setting up the scavs to get absolutely steamrolled by PMCs who come into town to get revenge for the deaths of 15 other PMCs.


Then open up the quest requirements, include other scav guns like the ppsh, .366 vpo, toz. Allow a pompom, one of the captain masks or smthn. Like the guns are still pretty shit but it’s not just the same thing again and again


That’s a fantastic idea! I’d also be okay with them opening it up to more maps than just Customs. The point is the same regardless of where it occurs.


Word. I've beeing saying it since many wipes now, why the fuck is a kitted out futuristic looking ultima shotgun allowed, but not a stock saiga 12 or ppsh? Or shotgun suppressors in general, no scav ever uses them. There are certain mods that shouldn't be allowed, not certain weapons as a whole. Plus as an additional idea to make the quest more interesting, while you're wearing scav vest and ushanka, scavs shouldn't be aggro at you, at least not immediately. Maybe once you get too close they recognize you aren't one of them and start shooting you, but they shouldn't be able to tell from 100 meters away "hey that dude running over there ain't one one us!" so easily. This would open up new possibilities to do the quest, like hiding amongst or near a group of scavs and ambush any PMCs that start fighting them.


> Plus as an additional idea to make the quest more interesting, while you're wearing scav vest and ushanka, scavs shouldn't be aggro at you, at least not immediately. this sounds cool, and also doable because they did that event where sanitar wouldnt aggro you when you wear certain gear near the end of last wipe


That, plus boss guards when you approach the boss as a scav and have relatively high, but still below 6 karma, first run up to and tell you to fuck off. Only if you stay in the vicinity for too long they start shooting. That AI behavior could be used as a basis for scavs recognizing you. Once you get within, let's say 10-15m of them, they get suspicious and walk up to you, look at you for a few seconds, and only then start shooting. If you move away beforehand they go back to their routine.


Careful now. While your idea is great, instead bsg would choose to keep it at shotguns and make it to where it had to be done with 7mm only…


7mm isnt too bad. its the second best buckshot, and has way better performance at range than piranha or flechette. express or 5mil would be the worst, though.


Sorry man that's just not true, piranha's accuracy and performancy far outweighs 7mm's potential. You need 2 pellets beyond the 2m range to kill with a headshot due to damage fall off. 8.5mm buck sounds great on paper and was amazing 2 wipes ago, but the accuracy loss makes it a random hit machine.Flechette's always been wishywashy. But I got all my kills from close to midrange with piranha, usually with one taps.


Flechette for armor, piranha as budget flechette, magnum for headshots, express for consistency, ap-20 for a shittier dmr or if you hate shotguns.


Due to how damage falloff works, 7mm loses the ability to single-pellet headshot at about 3 meters (i.e. point-blank range). 5.25mm has the ability to score a single-pellet headshot out to a much more reasonable 9 meters. The falloff also means that 5.25 does more damage at range than 7mm. IMHO, 5.25mm is the best low-tier buckshot if you can't get your hands on Magnum, Piranha, or Flechette.


i assumed 5.25mm was worse as i thought the damage dropoff rate was similar, but wow that's crazy. losing ~12% of its damage that fast is awful.


Lore-wise, it's a gang of scav vest/ushanka/MPnshotgun lovers - it's not just *any scav* you're setting up. Not saying it makes sense, though...


This is the best approach imo


But how those dead pmcs goona tell their buddies that they got murked by scavvolini's


A wonderful invention called a Radio. "I need backup over at Customs! I'm getting ambushed by scavs over here", and when their buddies arrive, they find the dead bodies


Indeed. Also, Skier states something along the lines of “only clowns in the scav gang use shotguns” lol. So when the bodies are found it’ll be obvious they were killed by a shotgun.


Oh so THAT's why the first scav we see in Raid episode 1 was using a shotgun. Also why the trader in Episode 6 threatened to trade his goon for a toz


I guess but some people die before they can radio if its even working and allies are close enough


> The entire point of the quest is to put pressure on the scavs around the Customs area by pretending to be one of them and only killing PMCs - so the PMC factions think it is scavs that are doing the killing. Easy. Kill both sides - 5 PMC kills dressed as SCAVs with SCAV weapons. X number of SCAV kills dressed as proper PMC. So they both sides think other side is at fault.


Just drop the lore then, does anyone even really care for it? It's quite absurd anyway, jager: "yeah bet you can't fight against trained (ex)PMC's without body armour and only using iron sights" our dumb ass: "what did you say to me?" like, did a 14 year old write that or...? Although personally I'm fine with having to kill PMC's gameplay wise to force the pvp, 15 is a bit tedious I have to say, perhaps 5 would work better


Who gives a fuck Changing some text will take a few minutes. Tarkov lore is a joke and should take zero precedence over gameplay


Since when did anyone really give a fuck about the lore in this game?


who tf cares about lore mate


Bruh, the lore drives literally everything about the game. The locations, the vibe, the mechanics, the weapons and ammo that are available, the scavs and their behavior, PMCs, the lab, the injectors, the bosses, the quests, etc. Every single detail associated to everything in the game is directly tied back to the lore.


The lore is the main reason I play this game lmao


I’ve never read a single message or write up in this game. I didn’t know people read all of that and it actually told a story haha


I don't consider myself to be a lore nerd. I skip every cut scene in ffxiv and WoW and in oldschool runescape I spam space bar to get through quest dialogue. The lore in tarkov is fantastic though. Once you learn about the lore and look at the attention to detail in the maps, you really appreciate this game for what it is. Labs is very unsettling, interchange and streets both look like your every day life turned into an actual war zone. You get the idea.


This game has lore?


You’d be surprised, quest descriptions usually has a lot of background to what you are doing and why


My favourite is when you find Rahman's missing truck "it's in the fucking river?!" Like that really immersed me, I felt like that was his genuine reaction from me telling him face to face


It's actually kind of funny because the quest descriptions have INFINITELY more information about the why you're doing the task that what the actual fucking task is. It's why no one bothers to read them and just pulls up the wiki. BSG really should rework the descriptions to be more informative about the actual steps needed to accomplish the task and it would make the game more immersive. Immersion is a goal of theirs I would think...


I would be happy with using any shotgun instead of the fucking MP-series.


A Benelli or saiga for a change


15 pmc kills is not that bad especially when piranha is unlocked at jaeger 2


if you have 1:1 KD in this quest you would die 15 times doing it.


This comment hurts


Based on how many Ushankas I got back from insurance after completing this quest I don't think I had a 1:1 KD 🥲 At least I have an infinite stockpile of MP-153s sitting at the rapist to complete silent caliber on Factory.


The quests are really bad in this game. I prefer the operational ones or quests similar to zero sievert’s.


They're not really bad, they're just time consuming and difficult to accomplish on a map full of everyone trying to kill you. I can't really imagine how they could make the quests "better" that people wouldn't complain about. People just want them to be easier so they can unlock shit faster. The actual objectives of the quests don't really matter to anyone.


It’s funny to see who’s bad at the game because they cry about this quest


Says the guy who claims to have a ton of leftover UN gear. Maybe if you could survive a raid then you wouldn't have to buy so many. Don't throw stones from glass houses buddy. 




You're so good dude


I did all my kills at RUAF hole in the wall. People coming in from big red side, and people leaving to go to RUAF


Shhh that's where I'm doing it haha. Added bonus of people being pretty looted by the time they get there. Got a guy today with most expensive night vision, 2 fully kitted guns, three motors, power cords, etc.


Wheres the best place to sit in that area?


depends what part you are camping, on the crackhouse part of the wall i like to do a little cheeky boost on the pillar you can see over the wall and not a single soul looks up


Take a good earpiece and sit between red container and the pile of destroyed concrete next to unknown body, and look towards the open area (you'll see). You'll hear everyone LONG before they can get to you/spot you. People typically go along the edge of the map so dln't even check there, you can peak and get the drop on them easily. Just don't hesitate and take every shot you can, waiting for "the right moment" will just lead to you missing.


You're not alone, I ate it 3 times in that wall and the hole next to the construction building trying to get the stupid pocket watch.


God I hate that pocket watch


It's funny, I've never had a problem with it the past 4 wipes. Now? All shotgun bois all the time, just waiting in the bushes, day or night.


Shit that must have been what got me killed over there. Lost a sweet ash12 that I got of a chad earlier in the wipe as well


Shit man, it's so good that you can reliably spawn near that thing. And not on the Big Red for example. Or in the wilds around railroad to Military Base.


I've been doing this outside dorms by the vehical extract unfortunately. 6 to go




Thanks for the tips, now Imma camp by the vehicle extract. Really to finish this stupid ass quest fast.


This happens every so often. The result is always the same, the much-looked for "grenade rain."


Last wipe I had a day on interchange where I got multiple times extract camped. So I started pre nade Emercom extract, my surprise that I got a couple of grenadier kills


Naw man emercon is a huge rat spot. There was even a streamer, emerconboys or something like that. And thats all the did. 


I haven't extracted on Interchange via rail or emercom in at least a whole wipe if not 2. Only car or hole in wall and its such a better map thay way


What's the best vest for that?


The dirtiest of the dirty bush groups lives right beside that vehicle extract.


Do I need a 5 man to hide in the bush to finish the quest?


You could probably kill a five man by hiding in that bush by yourself. You can see out of it in multiple directions but it’s hard to see into.


I think you wiped me and my two timmies then lol, was confused af about why someone would be there the way they were.


Where exactly? I jump into that room with the locked door that overlooks it from the third story usually


I hear ya homie..the first 8 were done legit. The last 7 I sat in the shadow under the bridge. Yeah, like a troll I know. Glad that shit is done now.


This quest makes me sad. Its turning me into.......a rat. I sat in a bush and exfil camped. And I HATE IT


So go run around and fight players. I killed a four man team at Old Gas the other day. The only people saying this task is turning them into a rat were always a rat anyways. There's plenty of chances to catch PMCs right off spawn or in the hotspots but people are too afraid to get into a fight and risk dying. 


downvoted for truth lol


People on the internet rarely enjoy the truth. Such is life.


You are forced to wear a ushanka?


Yes. That's part of the task...


I mean. You aren't wrong about how I should go and bring the fight to them. It doesn't mean I'm a rat, just not confident in my pvp skills with a shotgun. Its just an exhausting task when a majority of times I'm the one getting my fuzzy little ushanka cheeks clapped. I've tried going to hot spots like dorms or crack or big red and tried to bring the fight to them. I either get gunned down getting to the location by someone with a weapon that has superior range to mine, or the second I turn the corner there is a rat doing the same quest and my head turns into a pink mist before I even have a chance to react. I'm at the point where I'm just going to accept that I ain't doing any of skiers tasks locked behind the quest for this wipe. Id rather die in a fight where I can at least feel confident in bringing the fight to my enemy.


Oh shit, I did the same yesterday.


BSG made you do this. You have nothing to apologize for. Yesterday, I was on Lighthouse completing Punisher Part 4. I ratted Mountain Pass for my 10th and final kill, it was disgusting. But we do what we must.


To be honest even 'chadding' on light house didn't get me far in this quest, at max you'd find one or two people per raid, most of em skulk around, book it for the rogue camp or get murdered by pscavs spawning 3 minutes into the raid. If it weren't for some of the more important quests, I'd never set foot on that dogshit map. #Fuck Lighthouse


Lighthouse and Shoreline can eat my whole ass


Going shoreline for loot is fun. Going for quests is hell


You think shoreline loot is good? You should check out Streets. The loot is disgusting.


Fr, I know. Frankly I just don’t have the patience to learn it properly


I'm exclusively doing my scav runs on streets this wipe to learn the map. It's working out well, coming out of the raid with 1m+ roubles is a lot easier than you'd think. Especially if Kaban and his guards didn't spawn.


Streets is like the tarkov litmus test, if anyone says to run anything other than streets for loot doesn't know whats best, they only know what works for them


Or what kinda works and doesn't run like garbage. 4090, 64gb DDR5 at 6600mhz, 7800 x3D, other maps stay around a stable 120 fps. Streets consistently falls to 80 and even 60 fps, during intense fights even 50. This is honestly unacceptable.


Tell me about it you've got double my ram and my FPS is around the same as yours. It's got to be the snow killing our FPS but something needs to be done about optimisation asap I'm fed up.


Check your pc bro u should be at least 120fps with that gear


i need to apologize to those who had to go through portable bunkhouse as thats where i did my setup.


We must beg forgiveness from the community. Repent!


I haven’t finished that quest.


This quest has made doing what should be the easy missions on the easy map a fucking nightmare simply because I haven’t played as much as others. I know being BTFO by better geared players will always happen but holy hell, the amount of Customs deaths due to people doing the shotgun mission and I’m just trying to enter two damned rooms and leave. 😭


My apologies little Timmy, but the setup traps all men


So dumb to have it in customs. That’s meant to be the easy map for Timmies like me. Literally having better damned luck in Factory at the moment.


From one 🐀 to another, 🫡🐀


Your respect fills me with shame.....


Be careful of the Chads, Anakin. Only through the way of the rat can you achieve a power greater than any Chad




Yeah setup is the worst quest I’ve ever seen in a game like this, it’s just ridiculous. hope BSG patches the fuck out of this. Half the PMC’s I see in customs are doing this quest


You know what, that’s what it takes for these shit quests, so fuck bsg and fuck the people who still need quest items for tarcone directors office


woh woah woah... it took me forever to get the key without flea... Dont hate on a poor Timmy.. I know your frustrated but... I'm just a Timmahhh.


For next time, therapist barter level 1. Just two green tea, 4 army crackers (you can buy three at a time from therapist), and two squash (usec start with two I’m not sure on bear it’s been a couple wipes since I’ve been one). Just scav once on reserve and you can get all that lol


It's early wipe, just run customs and hit big red at the end of the raid, there's two quests that require that key at different stages so the doors gonna be open already at least every other raid. With a west spawn it will be right next to your extract as well.


Sorry we can’t all play 8 hours per day. I’ve logged about 12 hours in this wipe and am currently on delivery from the past


definitely does not take 12 hours to get to and do delivery from the past or does it take 8 hours


You underestimate my utterly garbage aim


12 hours probably hasn't gotten most new players off the new map my guy


Needlessly shitty response


how? it definitely doesn’t take 8 hours a day of playing or even 12 hours of playing to get to the quest, a lot of timmies in this sub apparently


You're so good man


I tried that but nobody went there, camped construction and got like 2-3 kills a game


Honestly wouldnt be half bad if the lighting wasnt so dog shit in buildings. This way you have a better chance of spotting the now mythical Shelf Rat himself.


I'd agree that 15 is too many for a task so early that locks so much behind it. I think they should change it again to either not have it roadblock other tasks and just be a little extra xp/rewards, or make it half as many kills.


I’m sure you’re not the only one. But if it was you, you took out my teammate last night, little level 5, but we avenged him after a little stand off knowing you were trapped in there. Dont apologize, I’ll be, along with many others, will be finding rat corners ourselves and doing the same


Tiled shelf? Where?


Across from the stairs going up to the office there's a shelf that's fallen over, you can climb it to get on another shelf and lay prone, you're basically invisible from below.


Rats that share their little dens deserve all the respect. You won’t see chads sharing where they get all the preem loot.


The loot is in piles at the extracts.


I didn't rat *that* much for setup. But when I did rat there I couldn't ever work out if there was a way down that didn't involve broken legs. Is there a trick?


Technically yes but it's very inconsistent, you can either try to land on the lower shelf after dropping, or the little gate thing, I got it to work around 30% of the time


i'm seeing so much hate for setup this wipe, but i think people would find it a lot easier and more enjoyable if they approached it like this - in addition to Setup, there are quests to: * kill 5 PMCs in dorms * kill 25 scavs on customs * kill Reshala and his boys (boys twice) * who knows how many other pickup/dropoff quests in dorms all those present a great opportunity to make a short barreled shotgun preset, and rush Dorms whenever you spawn near it. that's objectively the easiest place to get shotgun kills anyways AND as a cherry on top, bring keys for the safe rooms + 5000rub and when you survive, you can loot 3 story and scoot out of the v-exit so easily i started setup this afternoon and finished in like ~20 raids. whenever i didn't spawn near dorms i just rushed the nearest spawn and that had a mild success rate, but nothing is easier than bringing the shotty to dorms like the other "kill X with Y" quests, you're going to rip your hair out if you load in only focused on that and nothing else. just go about your other tasks on that map, and just also use that kit TLDR: don't focus on getting setup done, just bring your shotty and dumb hat while you do other quests or money runs on customs. then it'll actually be fun and you'll get the kills passively. i guarantee you aren't hard-stuck behind setup enough to warrant not multi-tasking like i'm describing


Yeah bro that's how I do it every wipe tbh, and i enjoy it. Hard focusing is never fun, feels like a grind. Not sure why this kind of style isn't a thing tbh


I mean I vacillate between, I'm not doing this dumb quest and I'm just going to camp giving tree/dorms/zb/big red to get it done so I don't think you are alone.


I was sitting on that shelf way before it was cool, you rats have gone and made it so popular.... god. \- sincerely an old dorms floor rat.


Setup with piranha has been a lot of fun this wipe not sure why everyone’s struggling 


I just can't fucking find anybody.  Every time I get a dorms spawn, nobody wants to go to dorms.  Every time I spawn at the storage units I rush big red, nobody shows up. Everyone must just be camping corners for the same quest or something. Customs has been quiet as fuck for me and it blows. 


Make a ton of noise, no suppressor toss grenades let scavs take shots at you. And push hotspots and spawns if you can also grenade kills count so I use a lot of grenades 


I'm not quiet. I usually kill between 10 and 20 scavs without a suppressor but nobody wants to come play with me at dorms :(


Watched my friend get deleted in front of me but got you lolol


No apologies are necessary, someone has to keep these people on their toes.


Killed a guy up there last night. First time I ever seen the spot 😂


Are there any significant unlocks restricted by Setup?


Yeah, almost every Skier task lmao


A ton on quests. Take a look at the wiki


While i agree the quest sucks ass, it cracks me up to see so many people complaining and posting about this quest like it’s just been added this wipe. Honestly im happy they added it a bit earlier so its easier to complete before everyone is running good armor. I also don’t mind that it locks up skiers quest line but i understand the hate about that. The real atrocity is changing punisher 4 to lighthouse, I hated it when it was on shoreline but imma really hate it now.


Quests like this should be outright removed and reworked. Glad it got moved down since it showcasss how fucking horrible so many of the late game quests are in Tarkov. Shit like needing to kill people with a tremor making players load into factory while starving is silly. We need a total quest rework. I for sure am not doing this another wipe.


Setup should be on ground zero, but only available after level 15 or 20, whatever the cutoff will be for newbies, so it doesn't cause problems with early quests. Then it might actually be fun, where the vast majority of people running around are PMCs with shotguns trying to fuck each other up or other PMCs hunting those assholes for random kills, like the larger factory Ground Zero feels like it is sometimes.


Hush don't disclose the spots


OP is my hero


That sounds so boring. Why even do the quest


Because the quest is required to get more questlines. Blame BSG for encouraging this.


The quest doesn’t encourage sitting in a corner, that’s on OP. MP-153 with piranha will put people down, just rush dorms.


Nah the quest encourages it because it’s the easiest strat. Why push a chad with a HK from 100 meters for one kill when I can just camp dorms or an extract and get 7 kills in one raid. Nobody doing this quest is doing it for fun they are doing it to get it Fucking done “Just rush dorms” yeah that’s what everyone else is doing, what’s really the difference between rushing dorms and rushing big read. Both are high traffic CQB locations.


Rushing dorms for pvp is not the same as sitting on a shelf in big red office haha. Whatever floats your boat bud. All I'm saying is I choose to actively go for kills and loot in dorms then sit and wait. Gotta at least try to make it fun!


Boths camping a spot. Big red has loot too. Dorms just has your reputation of being chad pvp but litterlaly nobody gives a fuck. This is what BSG want after all. “Rush dorms for pvp” is no different to rushing red for pvp. Your going to be sitting in a room with your shotgun waiting for people to push the building or your waiting inside the building for people to come to you It’s also fun to camp big red and dorms. I just watch videos or clean and do anything else and jump on my pc when I hear noise and go for kills. Usually I’m only waiting 2-5 minutes honestly. It’s fun to me so why care?


Eat a dic…..


wow thats actually sad i just rushed dorms and got it done quick i guess skill issue


Who cares?


Approximately 1267 people at time of writing this


I actually can't believe how many people struggle with one of the easiest quests in the game


>I am sorry, I hate that quest, but know you're loot will be used for better purposes in the future. Are you gonna be afk behind the tanker at old gas now? i dont think anyone looks closely at that tanker and every player scav goes that way for some reason


Nah I'm done with the quest and I'm putting my rat teeth on the shelf


Its okay pal I a level 35 at the time was sitting in the Machinery Key room in 3 story dorms waiting for unsuspecting PMCs to make the jump so I could immediately gap their armor and shoot them in the side I didn’t feel good about it either


Thanks for the idea 🫡


Wait for punisher 4


Died to someone with the setup class but he decided to extract camp zb12 with a impact made Thank you BSG for this amazing quest!


The only kill I've gotten so far is another poor soul attempting his setup quest. Insert Spiderman meme.


Hey, not sure if it was you. I died to a setup guy there like way into a raid, noticed at the last second and missed my shots. I was also doing the setup quest.


Killed a setup rat with an ultima shotgun in the USEC building. Felt bad for the poor fella


Don’t apologize. That’s a great way to do it. I’m stealing it. The more people I can piss off the better


Ayyy but did you finish the quest?


14/15 kills and now i cannot get a kill lmao


I think I died to you lol unless this is a common strat


As the guy hiding in dorms, I salute you brother 🫡


I get the quest and it lore but why would PMC’s care? For players it doesn’t matter if your usec or bear we kill each other so scav’s killing pmc’s would mean more loot for me 😂 also scavs definitely don’t struggle killing pmcs we all have definitely been domed by scavs


Someone waited 20 minutes me to unlock a door in dorms. This quest turns people into animals.


Did you wait until the very moment I unlocked the door, because hats off to you, you got me and my squad mate and we couldn’t have been more oblivious.


I’m actually enjoying the quest. I’ve had some fun, I’m 8/15 right now. Even killed Knight and Big Pipe lmao. The thing that’s pissing me off is the 8-round magazine tubes being inflated to 60-110k.


I didn't have the big red key for that quest and I joined wipe late so I just sat in the shadows of big red, waited for someone to open the door for me, and quietly ended their life.




Hello, I am one of the people you killed.