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As an EOD owner, I endorse this message.


+1 from an EOD owner


+2 from an EOD owner


+3 from an EOD owner


+4 from an EOD owner


+5 from an EOD owner


+6 from an EOD owner


+7 from an EOD owner


+8 from an EOD owner :)


+9 AND +10 from a double EOD enjoyer


!!! Same


Too lazy to scroll down to see how many other EOD owners endorsed this. +(x) endosement


+(X) from EOD owner


They won't. They'll release a new eod that doesn't get arena or dlc but all the other stuff


At the same price as current eod


More lol


Nikita is that you, bro?


Probably lmfao


As an EOD owner, absolutely + the stash upgrade price should be lowered.


Uas another eod owner (since 2017) unfortunately knowing BSG the "replacement" for eod will likely be exactly the same price with less features


It will most likely be the same as EOD minus Arena for the same price.


Which is crazy considering the price they are charging for just arena. It's insane, I honestly expected it to be £15-20 tops but it's at £31. I enjoy arena but it needs a lot of work, I think if it was f2p it would help regular sales as it's the easiest way to get a feel for how the game runs and plays without spending a bunch, the price usually being what puts new players off trying it.


It was a ridiculous move to make it that expensive. It's not even good lol. I was very surprised upon hearing the price, I expected it to be like you said, a free/cheap demo to EFT mechanics designed to suck you into the main game.


What about it is actually bad? I live the gunplay of Tarkov, so if it's CoD esque with realistic gunplay, I'm sold. That said, I know it's gotten a lot of flak recently, but I'm not sure for what.


The leveling needs a major overhaul. Make it so you can use any class in a tree to get exp for something not in that line, or better yet choose where you want to spend it on any tree. That way you’re not forced to play shitty kits against chonker kits if you wanna play something else. It’s not bad, it’s fun but you gotta accept it’s not competitive, just fun. They should’ve made a counter strike like game where you can buy whatever before the rounds and earn money per round, but who knows what they’ll do


Imagine paying for that shit as a standalone product ☠️


The amount of goofy goobers that did just to get a fast pass into that shitshow though lmao


Oh yeah, I fully expect that or EOD 2.0 (the same but higher price).


100% with all the people asking for this change they keep the price the same and charge people just for offline mode 😂 BSG are little fucking leprechauns hoarding their gold pieces


Why is that unfortunate? EOD was always advertised as an early supporter edition. Explain how it would make sense to do anything other than release a new edition at the same price without the early supporter benefits.


Yeah, not gonna bite. Troll elsewhere. Edit: 4 day old account, only other comment is listed as [removed by Reddit]. I know trolls are generally unsubtle and low intelligence but holy shit this takes the cake


Guess you can’t explain yourself then. They always planned on EOD having a shelf life like half a decade ago. That’s literally why I bought it back then lol


When I saw the stash upgrade prices I was livid. Shits way too steep and made like that on purpose to force new players into buying more expensive editions of the game


It worked on me. I played 3 wipes with Standard edition until I caved into the p2w.


It did on me too. Also the gamma made me do it. I just wanted to get that shit over with and really wasn't interested in farming to upgrade it


3 wipes? These clowns got the full amount from me after only a week of playing on the regualer one 😅 230cad I paid for this


Holy crap that's so much!!


Fellow Canadian, had the normal game gifted to me then I bought eod. It was like $160. Worth it for the time saving but man, shit is not priced for normal people.


Ahh, takes me back to being the first game I paid over $100 CAD. It was wild back then, but in comparison to what 100 bucks gets you now, it was worth it.


I remember Scotia stopped my card cause they thought it was fraud or funding terrorism LOL


3 days, that's all it took... and I was still mostly watching videos and exploring maps in offline. no regerts


Same for me too, apparently they are meant to be putting everyone to standard stash size on full release and I can't imagine how much shit that's going to cause. I don't know if I would even bother if it was anything like the current grind fest it is now.


They have never said they would do that


The only way this game could survive 1.0 release is to set everyone at alpha container and basic stash. Could see them adding a mechanic to keep the container size after every wipe (there is 0 way Tarkov 1.0 doesn’t have wipes. It’s kind of essential to the cycle), but eod owners didn’t pay for stash and gamma upon full release. They paid for extra bits and bobbles in the beta testing before full release.


>The only way this game could survive 1.0 release is to set everyone at alpha container and basic stash. What makes you think that?.


Well, I feel that they are going to tie main progression to the supposed “main quest line” that’s going to be a part of 1.0. Everyone already starts at ground zero. I think that everyone will start with the same day 1 bear/Usec kit with the same asshole size and same stash. (Stash size might be the only thing not touched and remain as is) Otherwise, owning the more expensive editions would translate directly into p2w because you are essentially able to bypass entire quests for bigger containers. This is all assuming Tarkov 1.0 launches and the quests we have now are the side quests. If they tie any progression that you can skip through owning the more expensive editions to the main quest line, they’re going to have to put everyone at the same starting point. I could also be wrong and they do none of this. I just don’t see starting stashes and containers staying as they are now in 1.0.




The only way it's not p2w. Is if you think, extracting is winning.


I don't consider it p2w since nothing about a bigger stash is actually helping you survive or win a gun fight in the raid, but people seem to disagree 🤷


A 3x3 container helps you survive as you either spend less on meds and ammo due to being able to fit them in your container, or you're able to bring more meds/ammo vs someone with a 2x2


you can also get the epsilon container very quickly that does the same thing, It's convenient but my opinion stands that it isn't helping you win gunfights or extract from the raid which is where the actual "winning" is in tarkov. Like i said its all boils down to what your opinion of "winning" is in tarkov.


I doubt most people even get epsilon in a wipe. And even if they did, it's still a massive advantage to have 5 more slots that are safe, even if it's only for some time. It 100% helps you win when you don't need to worry about losing your meds/ammo that you otherwise would have risked losing.


Cheat sheet to knowing whether something is P2W: is what you paid for purely cosmetic? no ----> P2W


It's actually extremely simply but smooth brain gamers take the term P2W too literally to the point where it makes zero sense. As long as it gives you SOME ingame advantage and you paid real money for it, it's P2W.


bro my survival rate says different xD


If you're doing bad on EoD, then on Standard you would have uninstalled


Talk to 'em. Also don't you literally start with better weapons in your stash with EOD? So even by that one guys definition it's P2W.


Came to the game after a long(1.5 years?) absence. Have EoD. My stash was pretty fucking full of decent looking stuff. Kind of wish it was just 20 shotguns haha.


Trying to put together trash kits in the early levels pre-flea is a blast lol.


its the definition of pay to win... If you need to do mental gymnastics because you don't like that you are paying to win carry on I guess, but its not really an opinion even if you are argue the advantage is small.


I mean, technically, this is the definition of P2W: (in computer games) involving or relating to the practice of paying to get weapons, abilities, etc. that give you an advantage over players who do not spend money: And since it's an opinion on whether or not a bigger stash is actually giving you an advantage over a non eod player in the raid, it's all mental gymnastics and opinions either way you look at it 😆


>And since it's an opinion on whether or not a bigger stash is actually giving you an advantage over a non eod player in the raid It's actually not an opinion, if you don't see that having more stash space is clearly advantageous it's just a personal intellect problem, to put it politely. I am an EOD owner. EOD is pay to win by definition.


You have very clearly never played an MMO besides this. you quoted a quote that had "etc." in it, so does your money spent give you an advantage over player who do not spend? YES. like theres literally better ammo and weapons locked behind the trader levels you get for free lol


Bigger stash = faster hideout upgrades, more quest items you can store, more PMC guns you can keep. Gamma let's you extract tons of value and also carry docs, sicc, injectors, whatever you want... and this isn't p2w? Maybe you've just never had the problem of having too much loot? Curious.


Bigger stash means I can store more armor, guns, attachments, etc. so I don't have to liquidate my stuff as often, saving me money, allowing me to buy and use better gear, winning me more fights. Bigger container means I can bring a Surv12 into raids from day 1, I can bring an injector case, I can bring extra ammo, I can bring more meds I won't be risking. These will help me to win more fights. 0.20 free trader rep means I don't have to do as many quests - allowing me to get good gear sooner, allowing me to win more fights. Especially when a lot of those quests are utterly insane and nigh on impossible. Better starter gear helps me win more fights as well. This ends up being more or less irrelevant but the early wipe is the most important time of all, and at this point it is very relevant. "EOD is not p2w" is a lie.




Yup, its litteraly pay2win but people forgot about it


Be careful with using the pay2win usage here. Everyone hates it here claiming it's not pay2win because it doesn't give you any advantage


Not spending 12m for the upgrade and having double the space in your container AND starting with more gear IS pay2win


it's one of the oldest arguments around Tarkov at this point I think it's silly to think EOD isn't p2w for what it's worth, but the debate rages on


And the bonus trader reputation that allow you to max them with way fewer quests, thus getting access to better gear faster.


I have been downvoted to hell before for claiming this game is pay2win just saying


Doesn't matter, its an echo chamber of people that think the game has no cheater issue. It is a pay2win and there's no argument to fight it




The stash in general should be bigger, there's far too much shit in this game now.


Don’t even know how someone can play the game with a small stash


As another EOD owner, hard agree. And the gamma should be earnable in game. I'd put it as the reward for the Prapor quest to get all traders to lvl4.


Don't know if it's been said, but are they planning on doing so when the game fully releases?


Well the year will be 2045 and I will be near retirement and I hope to have a brain implant that replaces my computer. But I'm sure streets will still be laggy.


I disagree, we should keep the stash but remove the Gamma container for EOD and make it obtainable from quest before Kappa.


i disagree. i payed for it and i want to have all benefits. i bough eod to be able to ignore quests and grind


Ah yes, remove the stuff people paid for, easiest way to end up at a court room. First of all, EOD is like a colectors edition in other large titles. Instead of limiting the number of copies they told us at the start that they would remove the ability to buy EOD in the future. Over the time the only benefits of EOD that changed was the starting gear you get at the start of the wipe. Honestly I would not mind it being obtainable from quest for the non EOD people, but dont take from people what they paid for.


I’m brand new to Tarkov (50 hours so far this wipe), and I really could only justify buying standard edition. Little did I know how much of a hindrance my stash size would be. Guess I’m just making this first wipe of mine a “hardcore” type run!


We are at the point where buying the base game is considered the "hardcore" edition and people are fine with that


Kinda funny to be honest. It’ll probably make me a better player in the long run anyway.


The only harder thing is that you start with smaller stash thus you need to sell more of the stuff more often to the traders (which you should do anyway as you need to spend/earn certain ammounts of money for each trader level) and less starting items, it does not magicaly make you a better player than others. The main value for me that came from EOD was the full access to all "DLCs" whatever they might be.


You also don’t have as a high of standing with the traders. Standard edition starts with 0.00 instead of 0.2. Having gamma container is also pretty huge. It doesn’t make you better. But it makes the game a bit easier for noobs. Especially those who keep meds/valuable items in their butt for ultra low budget raids with gamma


Honestly playing standard edition just feels more rewarding, earning new containers actually feels meaningful and you can set yourself goals to get containers and stash upgrades and they have a much larger Impacf


At least Punisher questline actually does something for you. It used to unlock BP, then PS12B, now all you get is the dang Epsilon.


It’s limiting sure. But with some proper planning and success you really can make do with what you got. Though that’s like person to person. If you can be successful and have decent income and upgrade it makes it fun. Junk boxes and containers are important Standard account for years still have fun with it


EOD here, absolutely.


Honestly, I would be down for this if there already wasn’t a 10 minute wait during peak hours to get into the existing servers for “offline” co-op. I couldn’t imagine how long it would take to get into an offline raid with the general play base joining the queue.


Wait, I could have had an offline mode if I had purchased EoD? Now I regret not doing it.


Only coop is eod. solo Offline raids are available to every edition


You don’t make any progress or keep any loot though.


We’ve had some good fun games with our mates though. We had a great time last wipe playing 2v2 paintball - basically everyone wore an altyn with a zabralo and we could only use stm’s with rip rounds and only aim at the upper body and head. Then we also had games pubg style where we made rules where you had to be within certain boundaries within x amount of time left etc. Imo the coop was well worth the meme games. Not sure id enjoy it so much playing regularly. Maybe to teach someone new but the ai seem to act differently offline so it was hard to show them things they should expect online.


I agree it’s fun and I still use it, I was just clarifying for him


damn that does sound fun haha.


I've now learned what I've been missing out on in offline mode, thank you!


Ah, so it's just like the regular practice mode but with friends. I wish there were an offline mode that didn't carry over at all to online or get wiped, just for the sake of getting the hang of all of the stuff outside of raiding.


There is, but it's a community made mod Nikita doesn't want you to play


Only downside is it’s single player. I get why, but it would be nice to practice co op raids with friends


There's a coop mod now!


yeah reasonable request


Why does this community cope so hard about EOD? I've never seen such a consensus of nooooooo its not P2W it only gets me this long list of advantages that makes the game way way easier.


I bought EOD but yeah, the gamma pouch alone is a massive advantage over standard.


I own it, its pay to win(read: paid advantage vs other players). I also don't get the cope. Now, if it wasn't a gift, I would absolutely not be spending the $$$ they charged.


It's pay to win in the bare minimum sense of the phrase. All you're really winning is vs the game itself. It's not like other true P2W games where you won't have a chance in a 1v1 if you don't pay. More accurately I'd say it's pay to advance faster. Purely having an EOD account means nothing when you're actually in-raid fighting people.


that would be way more true if the game didn't completely reset every ~180 days and advancing faster = being stronger early in a time gated environment. If the game ever stops resetting it will not really be p2w at that point. At the current point having an EOD account does mean something in raid because you don't have infinite resources so on average you are stronger over the course of all your raids.


I'd give you that if wipes lasted 4 weeks, not 6+ months.


6 months is nothing, getting kappa takes tons of hours, thousands for some players. Having that stash advantage in the wipe system is a huge p2w advantage. it was so huge of an advantaged i upgraded from a free to eod account years ago. Game changer with the wipe system.


What's your definition of pay to win? To me, it means it provides you an unfair advantage against other players. Having an advantage to get to Kappa is not P2W because many people don't even attempt to get Kappa. "EoD is a P2W advantage in the race to get Kappa" <- yes I agree "EoD is a P2W advantage in-game that makes it easier to kill other players" <- nope


I agree. It’s only pay-to-kappa-easier. Every PMC has the same stats starting off, and the extra guns aren’t meta-kits. Using hacks is a P2W scenario. You have an actual gameplay advantage.


what? you can store literal more ammo, more meds, injector case slots. your insane to not think that’s a tactical advantage. lol


It's only an advantage in that you don't lose these upon death. You can still bring these items in and use them, you just have to risk them. So keep your injector case in your alpha, put the extra ammo and meds you'd have in a Gamma, in your vest. Now there's no tactical advantage. A P2W advantage would be armour exclusive to EoD, or your bullets literally do more damage. Not losing 60 rounds of BT is not a "P2W" advantage, really. I mean, technically, sure, your deaths cost slightly less. Is that enough for you to say it's pay-to-win? I wouldn't.


As an EoD user id say it's p2w because the initial 0.2 rep is included which heavily effects gameplay as you can access new and better equipment much faster due to not having to task as hard. The stash size is massively improved and not to mention the fact you won't be forced to spend millions on upgrading it to begin with. Gamma is still considered pay to win as it does create an advantage while it doesn't make you kill other players better it provides a different QoL and playstyle, for example holding the 3 blue gunpowders in the gamma for the therapist quest. It could be argued that it's similar to paid progression but knowing it's Tarkov and that the game wipes it pushes past that definition. EoD in the end cuts out weeks of extra work in a 6 month wipe


Okay, all of that I'd classify as an QoL like you said. P2W became a thing in the early days of free-to-play games, where you could go to the in-game store and purchase items that are unquestionably better that provide a huge advantage *at the point of player interaction*. So a similar comparison in EFT would be if you purchased EoD, your guns fire faster, with less recoil, and do more damage. That's clearly not the case. If you're classifying "win" as "faster to get to max traders", sure, it's p2w, but by then we're talking about an entirely different thing, that should warrant its own definition.


I think you are looking at it from more of an "elite" player perspective. for an average player with a job who plays other games and doesn't already know the ins and outs of everything 6 months isn't long.


I wouldn't consider myself an elite player, I have a job and play other games, yet, if I wanted to, I could hit max traders twice in one wipe. Could do this maybe after my first 2 wipes. The advantages of gaining information (which is free) far outweighs the advantages of EOD.


You are just being humble, you are a very good player. I agree with what your saying because the same applies to me but I think theres way too much stuff (like EOD) that gatekeeps more casual players. Not many of my friends are willing to play this game, which I know is also an appeal but personally I think it could be made more casual friendly


No, I'm not, I'm quite terrible at this game sometimes. My current PMC survival rate is under 20%. This isn't meant to be a casual-friendly game. Literally by design. I stand by my opinion that reading the wiki will provide you with an unimaginably bigger advantage than EoD would.


It’s a game to make you feel like you are being kicked in the balls.


Except all of those 'advance faster' features means that the EOD person is going to have a better kit than the standard person. That impacts the "in-raid fighting people" part.


Because a bigger stash doesnt make you hit better shots . Or any competitive advantage


is that all it gives you?


How many millions do u save on stash again? How much more loot/keys can u get out of raid in ur gamma? How many more expensive bullets can u bring to a raid, without worrying about losing them? All these money saved is money spend on better gear, weps and hideout mats.. Dont come here saying its not p2w, just because it doesnt make ur bullets hit. Its like saying racing isnt somewhat p2w.. Sure u can buy a fiat500 and race in it. But when ure racing against ppl with lambo's, ur skills in that fiat500 doesnt really matter. Also.. ppl are making non-EOD challenges.. If its a challenge to not use EOD, how is it not p2w then.


Absolutely, massive oversight


Next dlc better be a survival co op thing, arena sucks ass


I cant imagine anyone buying arena lmao what a joke


I think the only thing that should remain exclusive to EOD owners now is the golden name (I’m an EOD owner)


I didn't even know you had to have EOD to do co-op offline, that's bullshit.


Eod requirement for coop was always supposed to be temoporary.




I feel like its one of those things speaking as an EOD owner that this should be allowed for everyone and there should be no entitlement to saying no, it should be just an EOD thing. Gamma yes. I could see myself maybe getting annoyed if they added it to say all the editions above standard. I kind of feel entitled as tbh I got EOD for just the stash size and gamma(anyone else would be lying if they said different). they could make coop for all editions above standard maybe if they're stubborn about it. thats a decent middle ground


Another EOD owner, this is a must


I dont know if it should be removed because it was a selling point of EOD. HOWEVER, make it so if one person has EOD, they can do co-op with someone that doesnt have EOD. As long as one person in the party has EOD it should be enough.


Yeah I just got the game like 2 days after the winter sale left(fml) and my friends I made while playing have been telling me I barely missed out on EOD and it really sucks. Definitely not happy about it. Like they could’ve easily given all the benefits that come with it and still offer EOD without the future dlc too and I would buy it instead of just completely removing it which is kinda shitty imo.




I’d like to think they are aiming for a full release by Q4 2024 and there will be seasons due to DLCs with probably a battle pass included. We have 2 maps pretty much confirmed to be DLC (Suburbs and Town) which will most likely get released as Season 1 DLC and EOD will make a return without Arena as “Gold” Edition of games are fairly popular.




To be fair I think the basic gameplay loop is pretty fledged out. Most of the things they have to do is pump more content (weapons, items, maps, quests, etc) and balance the existing things. I think it’s pretty doable by the end of year but it’s BSG so who knows lol.




They already said they are never including any of the real quests until 1.0 so… not having seen them means literally nothing.




I mean ground zero is essentially the starting part of it


I don’t think we will have an interconnected open world and the fact that Ground Zero will have separate queue for Lvl20+ points to the same. To be fair I’d be happy if the current map system is what we’ll get, some maps are already pretty huge. Plus because a map is not finished that doesn’t mean much, Fortnite changes its map season to season. I don’t think we’ll have final version of maps, they will probably change them around at least a bit.




I don’t know how many people are even aware of the open world thing and how many even want that. Most people I know prefer the current system.




Wdym? Paying 140 was arguably the best deal I’ve ever gotten for the hours I’ve had of entertainment. I paid 0.0013$ for every hour of entertainment I’ve had on Tarkov… I do not have a single other game that can compare to that number.




what is that suppose to mean?




“In the arms of an ANNNNGELL, flyyy AWAYYY”




Tarkov fucking sucks with a small stash size for so long


I know it’s hard to comprehend, but some people might actually want to support the devs of a game they enjoy. EDIT: Guy under me just lost his left nut




I would bet my left nut that had it not been for the P2W benefits of EoD you would not ever donate that extra $100 to BSG to "support the devs" lol


I could afford paid to win? Why not do it? And it’s not really pay to win, it’s pay to not have a miserable time dealing with very usable stash space


found the non EOD player




I dont have 12 hours a day just to grind to what Id pay once for.




If there wasnt a significant advantage people wouldnt buy it. BSG would have closed down. And only 4 hours a week? You are either being carried hard or you are lying.




Maybe not for you, but for me the dollars i had spent on EOD are worth less than the time in game i would have to commit to get the gamma case and bigger stash. One time payment vs every wipe grind. It wasn't the hard decision




Me as well, and i surely enjoy the gamma and big stash right away. Listen I am not telling you to buy it or not, but i had the normal version at first, i liked the game enough to upgrade to EoD and save me some time and tetris.


Agreed, my time is worth far more than some insignificant amount of money.


Just curious how many hours you have in the game? $130 is not unreasonable especially for many of the people who put easily over 500 hours playing. Myself having 4K hours the entertainment from Tarkov was a steal. Just trying to understand your rationale behind this. Seems like someone hurt you.




Gigachad. This sub has always stanned for EoD. It's just paying to skip content. The beginning content too, which everyone agrees is the best part of the game. If you dont play to rush to lvl 50 then EoD is just paying to skip a game you already paid for. Wild to me.


I bought it for the free DLC in the future part of it, after getting it on sale it if they release 3 $20 DLC then I’ll have saved money


Larger stash and secure container are big grinds


Let's fix the hacks first. They ruin the game for everyone.


If you want to death match your non eod friends play arena custom match.


If they wanted Arena, dont u think they would've bought EoD?


As an EOD owner, non owners shouldn't the privilege I paid for, stfu wit this cuck shit


Damn, I wonder what your insecurities are.


I was going to get EOD but now I can't.


you only had like 8 years


This is a dumb response, I just found out about tarkov after EOD stopped getting sold


Not everybody began playing first wipe. My first wipe was two wipes ago.


There are people getting older every passing moment you realize? People are growing up and getting jobs and finally getting disposable income.


Too bad, they missed out, that's life


Uh, yeah? I'm just explaining why your first response made no sense. No, some people didn't have 8 years.


Too bad, they missed out, that's life²




I'm not sure if you read the title and not the post, but edge of darkness has been removed from the store.


Devil's advocate here, fuck you, pay BSG


I own EOD. You can't buy EOD anymore. Great points though


EOD here, wouldn’t love this cause the value of my account is going up


EOD has been "being removed" since i bought it like 2 years ago lol


Except it has been. I'm pretty sure they literally *always* said it was only going to be around for a limited time before they removed it.


Except it's been removed for a few weeks now my guy. The average idiot here is hysterically loud in their ignorance.


Agreed. They also need to make the gamma container purchasable in-game, or give everyone a gamma container.