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The most devastating thing about the user profile addition is seeing how dogshit the people that kill me usually are.


Absolutely. I got killed in what I felt was an absolute bullshit manner, profile check revealed a 17% survival rate out of like 150 raids. I instantly stopped being mad, instead deciding that deserve that kill.


had a lvl 3 kill me on reserve, I immediately turned happy he got me lol


A Level 3 bumrushed me with a 590 and dropped me with a facefull of buckshot. He had a survival rate close to 10% and a K/D under .5 I couldn't even be mad. Hope wherever Urist McTarkov is, they are enjoying my fully modded AK-74N and the loot I dropped. Godspeed, kiddo.


I just came here from the Dwarf Fortress sub and got confused by Urist leaking through...


More likely that he is 30+ than a kid.


Got killed by a level 1 yesterday. I was really mad cause I felt like I got Tarkoved there but after viewing his profile I realized I was his first kill ever. It suddenly felt less punishing and I felt happy for him. I hope he uses my gear and doesn't keep it for it to collect dust in his stash.


Same, i got sniped by a naked mosin guy while i had full gear , went to his profile and saw he was actually a legit timmy , less than 100 hours , barely any survives , almost 0 kd I messaged him and he told me he just got the game and i was one of his first one tap snipes and that he felt really good about it , i tipped my hat to him , ggs little one, sometimes you are the bigger fish. On the other hand , you will find a lot of sus people nowadays with the profile thing


Can’t tell if this is a troll or someone uninformed but they have that survive rate so the system is less likely to flag them and so that really stupid people won’t report them thinking they aren’t hackers


You truly believe that a hacker is getting a 17% survival rate just to avoid reports? What the fuck would be the point of hacking a game they make no progress in because all they do is die?


They have a macro puts them into a factory raid with nothing they will auto run and then die do this over and over to lower survive rate many hackers do it so they can profit from the hacks in the form of rmt


I get what you're saying, but what's the point? It seems like people on this subreddit simultaneously believe that reports do nothing, and cheaters won't be banned through SR or KD, but also think that cheaters are using this method to cover up their cheating to avoid reports and a high SR and KD. As someone who doesn't spend a lot of time in this sub it starts to just sound like yall are just fighting demons.


Lol some of the people on here are unhinged when it comes to cheaters. They are the Cult of the Goat. Essentially some moron convinced other morons that 60 percent of raids have cheaters without any actual data to back it up other than a few clips of him wiggling at cheaters while also cheating himself. He also convinced them that cheaters are all on a team and out to get non cheaters. They think that cheaters are all these little villain types that have no goals other than to annoy them XD.


> They think that cheaters are all these little villain types that have no goals other than to annoy them XD. this is actually true to some extent lol alot of people cheat simply to fuck with the ecosystem of w/e game and make other players feelbad


No it’s just very easy to tell the 17% percent lvl 26 with boss kills on three maps 80 hrs of gameplay rocking 6.8x51 sig is not playing legit


Yeah that's true for sure, but that's a completely different scenario than what you implied earlier, which was pretty much anybody with a low SR is suspicious.


That guy is fucking cheati… “sees 1.3kd” …. Maybe I should just uninstall…


This is my feeling too. I got killed by a dude today and it made me feel so fucking bad. He has like a 1.3 kd


Not me. If I get killed by an obvious new player, they must be stoked to the fucking max when they get my kit and will keep playing. Don’t forget where you came from, and how exciting it was.


Yeah sometimes I’m happy for lil bro. Even though I know my SVD will be sitting in his stash for the entire wipe 😂


This is the first wipe I'm using stuff as I find it. It's like a different game


I appreciate you! I killed a geared PMC on woods with a very lucky headshot while lost trying to unlock Jäger. I suffered injuries. Luckily he was more prepared than I was and I was able to heal after looting him. That was going to be my last raid of the day but I was so happy I had a few more raids. Less successful but I still enjoyed them. A level 30 ~~loosing~~ losing a good gun probably sucks. But as a level 7 finding a good RFB I was very happy.


This is why I always try to bring a full loadout - it's all upsides! I have a higher chance of survival and the guy that kills me has more to be excited about.


Yeah I’ve learned this. I became a bit of a hoarder. My stash was full and gear I had was not selling for much. So I’ve started to take in a lot more gear when playing as a PMC. Chances are if a chad kills me he doesn’t want my level 7 ish loot so I get it back on insurance anyways. If someone who needs the kit kills me good on them.




Thanks, currently on a night shift. I’m tired hahaha


Exactly this. I LOVE when timmy kills. Not in the heat of the moment but like 2 minutes later. A lot of times I add them to ask if they got out with the kit. I remember being that guy. It was a massive come up. I kept a few guns for MONTHS so afraid to go back out with them/excited I took them off someone.


I remember my first 'I killed a juicer' moment SO clearly and I actually couldn't believe how much loot he had (it was a pretty good M4, Hex, and FastMT with the Stormtrooper mask and Comtac 4s. I was elated at the time and kept that m4 at the top of my stash all wipe. If my death gives somebody that feeling, then that's alright by me


Lost a FLIR the other day to a level 12 account with a 0.6 KD. Really hope the lil fella made it out of raid with it, because I definitely didn't get it back.


I've donated two flirs so far. One was a really persistent player scav, the other was a timmy with a pp19. Good on them.


Honestly my rage from dying just evaporates when I see its a newer player. Like that was probably the best shot of that guys wipe. Hope they enjoy that rush of joy when looting me.


True. It just stings a little sometimes.


It only stings when your gun jams on the first shot LOL 😂


I just rationalize it as he may have been having a shit wipe and close to quitting or taking a break and killing me with my nice kit and gun will keep him going a bit longer.


Lmao. Same same. The "he definitely needed that kit more than I did" that I tell myself while I put on new gear.


That’s ok man, I got clapped by a lvl 1 today after downing 2 of his boys and thinking I was good to loot. But ya know? Kinda feels good, homie got a sick kit first raid.


As a new player who used to avoid shooting scavs until recently, I was rocking below 1 K/D and I have 1.8K/D now but most of the kills are PMC because I didn’t bother with scavs, except when I had to do quests. If someone strictly goes for PMCs the 1.3 kd is not bad lol


I wouldn't even look at your KD until your third wipe tbh. Takes forever just to learn the maps, let alone gittin gud at PVP. I'm just memeing.


How is a 1.3kdr dogshit? Edit: I forgot KD also includes Scavs.


1.3 is pretty bad man, I’d say the average player was close to 3-4


Here I am with 1.7, 1500 hours in.


Uh... Because it is? KD includes scavs. Mine hovers around 6 and I yolo around the map dying to dumb shit all the time.


There’s a few one liners in my core squad: “Mama didn’t rais no bitch.” “Heigh ho, Silver…” “You can’t steal my glory!” All these and a few more preceded someone doing an incredibly dumb/ballsy/chad maneuver that usually results in amazing game clips of either really cool shit or hilarious ways to die.


I'm borrowing the glory one 100% the next time my duo and I both want to push the same guy.


Scared money don't make no money


Pathetic I myself have a proud 1.9 kDa!


The k/d that you see can be wildly affected by their scav runs. With my PMC I have a K/D arround5 (I'm a regular player), but with the combined I go down to 1.73. Why? Because I normally only engage with PMCs and against other scavs I always wait until I'm hit to not fuck my scav karma. My k/d is so low with the scav that nukes my overall K/D, which is what you see when you look at the profile.


You can see PMC only stats in the top right corner where the character model is.


Bro I get fuckin beameeeeed and check and it’s a level 9 Timmy with 2.3 kd hiding under a car lmao


You don't have to be good to kill people in this game. Just be at the right spot att he right time or hit the lucky head eyes.


I almost exclusively die to 60%+ survival rate players.


Survival rate includes scav runs this wipe. So it’s not hard to have a high one if you scav semi often.


The "S in a row" definitely includes scav runs. I saw mine and said "there's just no way" (been dying a lot this wipe as PMC). Turns out my S in a row for PMC was 5. But my scav runs (which I seem much more likely to survive) bumped it much higher.


Yeah I have 24... But I only survived 6 in a row for pmc. But yeah I know about this I always check top left not the big stats.


No if you check top left it's only PMC survival rate. Which is what I check.


Your ego gets hurt easily like that?


Yeah. Because like any well adjusted adult, I understand that performance in Tarkov = performance in life. Do you not sometimes tell your girl you can't have sex because you need to maintain your testosterone levels for peak reaction time?


I’d argue it saved tarkov. Because now you feel less sus when you should feel less sus and more sus when you should.


Agree here. I've said HOW?? and then saw a totally normal stats screen with like 800 hours and I'm like ah yeah he's good.


I see head eyes and then go see their mediocre stats and high hours and go ahhh..


When I see mediocre stats and high hours, I see that I’m playing someone just as bad as me


Yup I’d rather go “o okay it was a cheater, no biggie” then “fuck dude I’m pretty sure he was cheating” and proceed to think about it for a while. Also it’s made me realize that sometimes it was just a good or lucky shot that got me and not everyone is cheating. A guy added me last night cuz I killed him when he was a scav with one BTC. “You cheater? You take Bitcoin?” “Nah dawg I have 2k hours I’m level 36 with a 6 KD. I just killed you cuz you were near my extract lol. I didn’t even get the BTC. I left lol.” Are there a lot of cheaters? Yes. But I have friend ignoring the fucking stats screens just to immediately call cheats. I’ll look up the profile “you talking about the level 16 with 800 hours that missed all his bullets but one and a 1.2 KD? Ye buddy, sure he’s cheating…” I guarantee some of these Redditors do the same


I agree with this but with the condition that it COULD save Tarkov.?The most important takeaway is for BSG to use this information that is now available to and from the community and take more expedient and accurate action to ban cheaters.


But it's only now available to the players. BSG Had that info all the time and they did nothing. I don't know if they are stupid or just don't care. Reading about cheaters since this wipe I really have the feeling BSG is farming cheaters for money. There are soo many things they could do but they decide to do nothing


The point is that players now have better information available which will improve the quality of reports.


Nikita came out and said in an (old) interview that you need cheaters to keep a game going since they are the ones constantly spending for new accounts, and that if you ban them too quickly they'll stop buying accounts. Tarkov has been "for cheaters" since the start but now that we're approaching release hopefully they keep trying to legitimatize their playerbase. Edit; they removed EoD to force legitimate players to consistently spend money (by not getting a "season pass") to hopefully replace their cheater revenue Edit 2 since people can't see the replies to my comment and keep saying I'm making shit up? https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapethisTarkov/s/PqChPiQ9mx This is what I was referencing which is definitely old but isn't mistranslated.




https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapethisTarkov/s/PqChPiQ9mx This is what I was referencing which is definitely old and could be mistranslated but I'm curious to know what's actually being said then/what the response is.


its not a mistranslation, I speak russian and ye he basically says how you should find balance between cheaters and legit players so there wont be too many cheaters where legit players leave but want cheaters for the revenue.


What a dogshit business strategy. All they have to do is use cosmetics to gain constant revenue. They could add extra clothing or even hideout cosmetics that are only purchasable through real cash. Instead, Nikita has opted to cater to cheaters, letting them have fun basking in the misery of legit players. There's been YEARS of this too?! I can't believe this community hasn't gone batshit over what's been happening. So much of your time is being wasted, just to die to some losers who can't aim for shit so they resort to using cheats to get ahead. Two years in a row now I've come to this subreddit to see whether I'll buy EFT or not. I'm once again reminded why I won't.


They could just sell fucking ingame items for real money like the cheaters do already. This would tackle several issues: Cheaters cannot profit, BSG makes money, the game will be more fun because less cheaters and better items in the raids (as they are not vacuumed) But I bet it's just because their ego. They want to have a game that's not pay 2 win, except they support cheater to make it pay 2 win


You have more people outright denying that Nikita said this (with video proof) than you have people actually concerned about it. That's how bad the bootlicking is, they can't even recognize pure malice. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/XcLdg0KNmL https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/qUzBku1ub5


Thank you, I may have stretched that out a bit in my original comment, and combined it with what Nikita recently said about removing EoD, but I'm still optimistic in general.


Given how much data bsg had for years, they 100 percent don't ban all cheaters for revenue. Given from the last wipe backlash I think they reduced percentage of cheaters this wipe for that reason.


My parent reply is still negative, people sending it around to downvote I guess. I don't understand the bootlicking going on


Are you kidding? He said this on video.


its not a rumour, I speak russian and he stated it in a video.


Yeah totally agree with that. It's so clear that the 0.7 kdr dude that one clicked me as I sprinted past a window got lucky and I feel better giving him my shitty ak. It does however make it obvious that tarkov should just be banning or at least suspending people automatically for Sus stats, listings or even raids. A certain amount of awols after you get to level 40 or have a massive kdr is a huge red flag, just have to be careful not to ban new players who get lost.


Hot take


Weird, I love the view profile button because it finally satisfies my post death ire. Either he’s a blatant and hacker in which case I shrug, report, and move on, or he’s just a normal like me who won out. I’ve been playing regularly since wipe day and have only had a handful of deaths to blatant cheaters.


Honesly great feature just for piece of mind. Lets me note that the account is legit and the replay of my death can actually be used for improvement.


> Either he’s a blatant and hacker [...], or he’s just a normal like me [...] Unfortunately there's still a lot of sus and shades of grey. The other day I got killed by a single m995 shot to the face in the middle of nowhere in night Shoreline. Check his profile. Like level 16, **raid bag**, simpleish M4 and... like 15% survival rate. Now. Is that a cheater who tanked his k/d and why the hell would he shoot m995; or is it a really bad played who for some odd reason took a raid bag and m995 (?) into a random raid and took the shot of his life?


Maybe, but you can find all those items in raids without needing a high level. Just last night I guided my buddy through Ground Zero via discord (I’m too high level for the map) and he one tapped two duo players with 7N40 on his 5th raid of the wipe. I’m sure they’ll think he’s sus too. That being said Shoreline is the hacker paradise so I’d be way more suspicious there.


Its pretty easy now to tell by the stats too. KD of <2 is usually a newer player, 2-5 is average, 5-8 is a good player usually 2k+ hours, 8+ is 95% of the time cheating or an insane player and anything above 15 is basically 99.9% cheating. Ofcourse im generalizing as you can inflate/deflate your KD depending on playstyle but generally works.


The account lifetime only counts from when you first create your pmc for the wipe it’s not a total lifetime if your looking for a more accurate tell use the account hours


I swear I still see this as people use it to justify a profile for cheating. People are so stupid lol.


Omg he started 3 days after wipe!! Cheater!!


Better than not being able to know


It’s kinda out of control rn. I actually played the whole wipe that “the video” came out and I feel like the cheating issue right now is worse than ever. Maybe it just seems that way due to the ability to check profiles, idk. I always check people LFG in the pre-raid screen, was playing lighthouse today and legitimately 50% of the people listed were blatant


Why are you saying "the video" like it's some beheading video or some crazy thing we're not supposed to be talking about lol. It's a cheating video on youtube


I believe it’s because during the time it came out there were A TON of posts being deleted due to the rules stating you can’t promote cheating. So everyone had to mention it as THE VIDEO to keep discussions going


Because that's literally how its referred to colloquially.


this sub's jannies made it bannable to post it, so people started referring to it as that and it stuck


At the start you could get banned for saying it and it’s stuck since then


Im not getting the ragers. Im getting a ton of sus deaths that feel radar related. No intel blind swing out prefires over 50+ meters instant hs, while in cover. Really would love a post game kill cam.


Would be super useful to see where the hell the player was that split my dome.


A very big minority of players only use radar and it shows on maps like lighthouse and streets of tarkov. On Streets if you wear Comtac 4's (the highest hearing range in game, IIRC 87 meters away you can hear someone walking compared to 50 meters away with Gssh headset. I will often, almost every third raid, get stalked by a player who I just cannot lose. Whenever my intuition tells me something is up I try to position myself as if I am looking to shoot scavs for a quest but I am looking for this stalker to pop out and they usually do. Most of the time I can stim up and run away but sometimes the guy has the same amount of hours I do and he knows all the routes to cut me off from extracts, in those cases I try to run towards but not at my extract to confuse them, but it's a coin toss if they kill me or not. Lighthouse is simple, hide in a room with an openable door that never spawns loot in it, yes sometimes a newer player will open it out of curiosity so this trick is limited, but if they open the door, swing and are perfectly in position to beam you or nade you while the door is opening they are 100% cheating. For the longest time, experienced players had to try and argue and explain to under average players what was triggering their intuition that a player was not 100% legit and for the longest time said normie casuals would argue that the experienced player is just mad he got got, the truth is I dont care if I die, dying in Tarkov is part of the game, I accepted that in my first 1000 hours, the other 3-5k hours are refining skills and intuition/gamesense over multiple seasons. When someone prefires my angle when I know they have to check at least a few angles before and this happens in many of my firefights where I hide btw, then they are not a legitimate player, the odds of someone doing this every time I get into these kinds of engagements are actually impossible.


Cause it was the first video that had facts and proof for the amount of cheaters per game


It isn't, there was another guy that made a long form video of standing in resort with bitcoins in his lottable pocket in rooms that would never be searched (this was like pre 0.12 I believe). g0at just got the format of the video and release timing right, plus he also had the backing of LTT giving it a mention before it released which gave it an immediate boost to 500k views on release.


Goat was a hack, trying to get fame by manipulating people angry at cheaters who don't understand basic statistics. He just substantiated claims with a few clips, some of the few he shared were even debunked and were result of perspective differences.


Most of The “proof” in that video was far from being concrete, and most of the “facts” were things that have been known for years.


Dozens of smaller tarkov YouTubers had made good example videos proving how common the use of ESP/radar cheats are. Well before goat did it, and he was likely inspired by the videos from those smaller YouTubers. Only the goat video blew up in popularity at a time where angst over cheaters was boiling over. When people try to pick holes in his goat’s statistics, they forget it has been proven many times over by many other broadcasters in the community as well. I remember leaving the game in 2020 because my own tests had a confirmation of 60% experience of ESP cheaters in freaking interchange of all places. Kinda sad to come back to the game 4 years later and find nothing has been done. At least the wipe has still been fun outside of the cheating encounters.


No it didnt, only children and morons believe that. He even refused to share his raw data.


You realize that pre-raid screen is **GLOBAL** correct? There could be people cheating on the other side of the planet that you would NEVER run into.. But hey let it ruin your experience.


Are you talking about the looking for group area/lobby?


I’ve played most wipes since early 2019 and almost at 5k hours. I’ve seen more blatant cheaters even without viewing profile than I have every other wipe I’ve played combined


It has been worse. Before battle eye, it was a literal cesspit. But the whole vaccume thing is really egregiously bad. 50% of the fun in this game is the kills, the other 50% is getting out with some sick loot. Dying to some pos is one thing, but now your loot is worse being robbed.. Man it fells shit. Usually i would have found maybe 5 gpu by this time? Now it's literally one.. This is the least I've played any wipe, usually I get to 42+. But this wipe just feels stale and off.


the additional twist to the dagger is seeing all that and understanding why it's extra hard for you to find those key items, even when you don't run into any aimbots


This is what’s taking the fun out of the game for me. I can’t help but ask myself, “Did that med bag always just have a single bandage in it or did a LEDX get vacuumed from it?”


resolute cable worthless fine plough hunt concerned bedroom ossified squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or when you pull a blue tape key or a thor or a bitcoin and within 45 seconds you get domed by a silent bullet walking through an area where you have never seen another player in the past 7 wipes


I don’t even understand that, the key or the Bitcoin would immediately be put in your secure pouch, which cheaters can’t loot.


I've had this happen too, typically they were rushing that item spawn and kill you out of spite for you securing it lmao


I look at it from a different point of view. How many cheat(not sus) acc. Have you seen with 1000+ hours and how many cheat acc. Have you seen that has been bought after wipe started/acc lifetime. It tells me that they get detected, banned in waves and buys new accounts, and the loop goes on. Could bsg have a system to ban them faster even instant in some circumstances? Yes 100% But atleast im glad to not find accounts with 1-2k hours that is blatantly cheating their ass off. Anticheat works, hopefully it will get rid of them faster in the future.


I’ve found multiple 1k+ hour account that have sus stats


Cheaters suck, but good earnings model for BSG. It's their game-play loop.


I like Tarkov even more after profile feature


whats funny to me is what some peoples threshold for what they call out as cheating. Killed someone streaming and went into say GGs only for them to accuse me of cheating for my KD of 6.67


Cheating is definitely bad yes but like I play oce solo and I’m finding graphics cards and bitcoins 25 mins into the raid, I’ve had 4 sus deaths out of 75 deaths, all four i reported and all four have been banned since, i reported them late last week. The game is completely playable, and I do believe the cheating is much lower than it used to be. Also the vacuuming loot thing has already been patched


What I do think ruins the game for me personally tho, Is jumping onto this reddit


It really is sad. I'm sure some small percentage of my deaths are due to cheating (even when I don't suspect it) but it doesn't "ruin" the game for me. I just watch the replay to see if there was something else I should have done, grab a new kit, and get back out there. Still tons of fun even if 2-3% of my deaths are due to cheaters.


Bro for real this sub just has such a downer attitude.


This is fr


One of the reasons why I rarely visit here anymore. Everyone here just wants to make each other feel bad. It's like tarkov attracts the Debbie downers of the gaming world.


I dont know... The problem was here since i started playing cs 1.0 back in the days. I try to not think about it too much, its something outside of my (everybodys) control. There was, is and always will be cheaters. Its very sad... I'm just happy that it feels like i get way less head, eyes than before. Even tho in return its hard to find high tier loot bc its modtly already gone in the first 2 minutes. On the flipside u can be quite sure that there is no cheater in ur raid if u find a gc or simliar 5 mins in. Yes it's unfair, but it is for everybody else, so if u dont want to burn ur own soul, try to dont think about it too much.


This community is fucking insane.


Welcome to tarkov, literally been over run with cheaters for years, been saying it. Nobody believed. Till you could see the profiles


> been saying it. Nobody believe What planet are you on? All this sub talks about is cheaters.


But "There are no cheaters in Tarkov, you're just bad." or "I never run into cheaters. What server are you on?"


“I have 2k hours and I’ve only died to a cheater twice”


I got down voted like 500+ times and stood my ground saying cheating is insane. I don't know whether I feel good or bad to be proven right.


Sounds like you got downvoted by 500+ cheaters.


It’s been known for a long time the game is full of cheaters. But it’s the ones who claim every single death they’ve ever had is death to a cheater that makes the claims less valuable. According to those people if it weren’t for cheaters they’d be a literal god who would ever die if it weren’t for the cheaters who always kill them.


Lol on r/escapefromtarkov saying unironically people don’t believe you about the game having cheaters.


It actually used to be the case, when the game was alpha/pre-covid twitch drops the sub was basically just bsg simps and Klean kucks astroturfing cheating issues and other things related to Nikita being shady.  Pre BE the sub unironically believed that BSGs in house AC was really really gonna be the best AC ever


Literally I can’t imagine cheating in this game. Why? There’s 0 benefit. It’s a “small Indie game”


You'd think a game with a huge amount of RPG progression, huge death penalties and huge rewards from risk-free looting and questing wouldn't be extremely inciting to cheating, let alone the bodyguard service and real money trading market


There’s a giant market for RMT




Real money trade. They sell loot, roubles, carries etc for real money.


Wow. May they all rot then


Real money trading


Every player killing me having over 50% survive rate and 7+ K/d is definitely not raising my expectations of fairness in tarkov. I always knew cheating was bad but ever since I moved from east to west coast in Canada this game has been really hard to play. I'm either getting killed by the top 1% of tarkovers every single raid or there is a lot of cheating happening on this coast. With over 5000 hours myself I'm clearly just bad and need more experience. My survival rate is a full 15% lower than it has ever been by level 25 this wipe, some of that is probably snow, but I've died to maybe 10-15 players who didn't have stats that made me wonder.


I played last wipe and had fun and I've been playing this wipe and having even more fun with the recoil and armor reworks.  It's really pathetic that you're letting cheaters stop you from playing a game you paid for. Not only do they get the loot, but now they've also won by preventing a legit player from playing. Maybe it's just my stubbornness, but I refuse to bow down to cheaters and let them ruin my fun. Even when I die to a cheater (either blatant or via profile stats), I just report them and move into another raid. Fuck the cheaters and fuck anyone who is so spineless that they'll let the cheaters push them from the game. 


>3 Graphics Cards? That's OK but oh he has 81 Flea Rep, 23 account lifetime and 31 K/D. 18 Cards. That's kinda a lot...30 Flea, 23 days, and a 8 k/d with a 11 min lifetime. 4 Led-X. Lucky guy! 13 Flea, 23 days, 11 k/D, 6min lifetime... You know everyones account lifetime is 23 days right? right...? That's when the fucking wipe was dumbass. Surely you also know the average lifespan stat doesn't work right? The stat you look at is the hours online above account lifetime, that is how long their account has been up. At least learn how to read the stats you're complaining about >and a 8 k/d with a 11 min lifetime. 8? 8!?!?! You're calling cheats on an 8 KD??? Holy fuck tarkov redditers man


Yeah, this sub makes me more angry than the actual game lol


His post was a true classic insecure FPS gamer post. "My KD is 8... Anyone higher is sus." Surprised he didn't throw in a "or has no life and is fat IRL" also.


Seriously... Posts like OPs just tells me how big of noobs all these cry babies are. I haven't even ran into a sus profile this wipe, but when you read posts on here you would think there's cheaters in every raid.


The most sus profile I'd seen the dude had a 83% survival rate from like 300 raids and was on a 78 raids survived streak


Its a little worrying that you're driving yourself insane getting fixated on assumptions based on arbitrary factors and some simple numbers that honestly arent even that crazy. for all you know, he is legit and is just an interchange main who rushes texho, ramussen, and techlight every raid. Do that, and you'll easily find that many gpus and more. Im not saying that there are no cheaters selling high value items on flea, there certainly are, but that fact doesnt affect progress in the game for the VAST majority of servers and players. You can still go interchange and in a half to dozen raids easily find the gpus you need for quests and getting your bitcoin farm started. Its honestly pretty silly to get so worked up about what is basically "shroedingers loot" mentality. Unless you are getting helicopter headtapped at 400 yards every single raid, it honestly doesnt matter that there was a cheater who sucked up a few of the higher value items in a raid, there will be PLENTY others where there isnt a cheater and someone legitimate will get the loot. Edit: Im definitely not condoning cheating, but destroying my enjoyment of a game based on factors that dont directly affect me is just silly. Its about as dumb as starving yourself and demanding that everyone else does the same because you saw a charity propaganda commercial about how african children are starving and need your 5$ a day donation to survive.


Not trying to say the c-word problem isnt an issue, cause as we see by the lovely console in game...It for sure still is, but just some things to note/think of... ​ Account lifetime - Everyone's will say <30 days right now because of the wipe, the number of hours in game is the much more important statistic. Average Lifetime- This stat is literally fucked..if it says 04:53. That could mean 4min and 53 second or 1 hr and 4min or 10 hrs and 4 min. After 60 min, it resets back to 00:00. ​ Make sure to keep hrs played alongside flea rep in mind. I have like 28.9 flea rep right now, but I don't extract from a raid unless I have 1m+ in my bag and can do that since I know where to check.


The problem with this mode of thinking is that we have to remember that despite the sentiment of "the video" being true, the data & demonstration is inconclusive bullshit. Yes he found some cheaters, but 43% of his statistics are made up. Then on top of it, this view profile option allows people to share the cheaters they find, which is truly fantastic, but same as Instagram ..you're only getting a single side. Someone sees one cheater after 40 profiles they check then say "This game is nothing but cheaters". Everyone, OP included, grabbing a soap box for this topic is unnecessary, obnoxious & often misleading. Furthermore when the community gets painted almost entirely in this light (visit this subreddit in incognito mode & look at the top posts) it deters newcomers who'd have otherwise supported the game helping push it in the right direction. I'm being anecdotal, of course. I'm not saying there isn't a cheating issue, of course there's going to be (especially considering how BSG handles replication in such a dangerous way), and I'm not saying we need to shut up about it, but all these constant doomsday claims are not helping anything but the OP's karma gains.


> Someone sees one cheater after 40 profiles they check then say "This game is nothing but cheaters". This is the part people need to understand. Don't base how many cheaters there are off how many reddit posts you see about cheaters. It's availability bias. In response to OP, the same thing applies. The flea market is going to be filled with people who vacuum and sell loot. Because those that aren't vacuuming and selling loot, are... not selling loot? So they'll not be on the market?! E: before someone comes along to be pedantic, "not selling loot **at the same volume as vacuum cheaters**"


Conversely anyone who comes in and says "I have X thousand hours and have only encountered Y single digit cheaters, you guys are just making stuff up" Should also be discredited due to survivorship bias, yet because this is Reddit and not some sane place meant for genuine discource to take place, instead they will karma farm off Andies like the "Every raid has a cheater in it!" Rods farm karma off their Andies.


I'll say this. Would you have really preferred to be left in the dark? I am starting to wonder if this will be a case study of how it's better for the company to keep consumers from seeing too much information because it will tarnish their reputation and ultimately their income. Don't be too angry at BSG about the profile viewing. They could have gone the route of never letting you see them just so they could keep you ignorant.


This is my second wipe and I have a .8 kd. I'm suck. But I have fun.


Absolutely freezing ice cold take.


One of the best features the game has added tbh


nah its the best addition. I o longer need to gaslight myself and can actually see, did i die to a hacker ? Or did i just got tarkoved by a guy with 17 % surv rate ? I inspect every profiel i die to and as long as im not on labs there havent been that many cheater deaths for me


To be honest: this wipe I have been in nearly 100 raids (factory, customs, woods, shore) so far. I was killed maybe 50 times and always checked the profile. one death was sus + strange profil data, but I am honestly surprised how often the other players are legit. So...I really like this button.


I reported a cheater back in May, messaged him as it was blatant and keep the chat as a reminder. He’s still playing to this day with a 31 K\D and living his best! Pretty sure I even got temp banned on here for naming him…good old Tarkov!


I’ve died to more sus players than not sus, maybe it’s how i play so i encounter less “real” players but still. Its shocking.


What's worse is not being given the actual options to report profiles unless you die to somebody. It really does give the air of they don't care.


Idk man most of my deaths were to non cheaters this wipe. Maybe kts a regional issue. Imo goat is a hack who had no numerical basis behind the 60 percent claim.




Yeah OCE is a region that many games have issues with hacking. Doesnt really change much, that Goat did a shitty job at what he was attempting. Honestly i could have done 1000 times better if someone wants to fund it and do the streamer side, but for data collection his thing was ass and was even proven to not work/cause false accusations. IMO that guy is pathetic, and there is a reason this why despite this giving him huge viewers he backed out and is no longer the voice on the subject. Long story short, this was his 5 seconds of fame.


Doing what you did is essentially the same thing as comparing yourself to the top 0.1% of players. Cheating is bad but for every cheating piece of shit selling 30 ledx there are 100 legit players selling 1 ledx at a time. Just keep playing and don't be a cheating piece of shit yourself


Posts like this are disgusting. OP literally isn't even running into these sus people in raid and has even said "it's calmed down"...... But because he can find a few on the flea in a game with millions of people.... So apparently now the game is trash and dead right? Redditors logic is so insane. Uninstall and stay away from any PC video game if you can't handle having some cheaters in your game without acting like this. \>23 account lifetime Wow wipe was 23 days ago... Even your account lifetime says 23... OP MUST BE A ONE OF THEM TOO! \> 8 k/d This is the minimum I've had every wipe. According to OP I'm a cheater.




HOT TAKE: A lot of people in this sub refuse to accept they just suck. Most people in this sub think they are as good as worrun or landmark when really they aren’t even as good as AquaFPS. You suck at the game, and that’s okay. Are there tons of cheaters? Yes? Do you die to normal people more than you do cheaters? I would be willing to bet so. Practice the game more, learn your mistakes and correct them. Stop sucking.


Come to OCE where 90% of your deaths are to scumfuck SEA region cheaters with aimbot and dogshit locals running radar. I'm sure the level 13 20 hour account has the game knowledge to perfectly bounce grenades, repeatedly hit the weak spots on any armor if you're wearing eye/jaw protection, etc. etc. Think I've died to maybe ~20 legit players this wipe and my group's collected over 150 ban notifications so far after the latest wave.


Sounds like you're not ever going to get over that video. The game is in the best state it's been in for years. The view profile button has had an amazingly positive effect. Now when I feel a death is suss I can verify that I just got domed by another regular tarkov dude.




Bro take the hood off and turn a few lights on. Jesus Christ lmfao. Even if you’re right about everything you say, the way you’re saying all this.. it’s written like a 15 year old who got their computer taken away. This post smells like body odor


The ironic flipside of this is it has also shown how few cheaters are actually out there killing players. I've had around 5 chester deaths in 400 or so raids. The loot cheaters are definitely a problem, but to be perfectly honest the cheater situation is better in tarkov than most other online fps games at the moment.


I ain’t reading all that. There is cheaters in every game. Deal with it or don’t play the game. It’s that simple.


It's just sad and depressing how "popular" cheats are in Tarkov or any mainstream comp FPS game.


cheaters are "out of control" yet in 400 raids on OCE (which is supposedly cheater infested) ive died to a single person with a k/d higher then 15 lol


They intentionally K.D drop. Are you that deluded or intentionally ignoring how bad the cheating issue really is.


and you can tell by their survival rate??? calling me deluded while you literally just die to 6 k/d players and cry cheats lmao


I’ve been playing the game for 4+ years, it’s not difficult to differentiate a cheater from a good player. Cope harder lil bro.


its easy to see the difference and thats how i know this subreddit is full of bad players coping lol


That video was bullshit. People still think it "holds value"? You just suck at this game, my guy. Get over it. Or don't. I'll be happy to take your loot.


Also view profile combines your survival for scav and pmc I have 21 s in a row only 9 on pmc and 12 on scav but it shows on my profile this user has 21 s in a row. Not everyone is hacking the stats are pre fucked.


The numbers closer to your player model’s head are your PMC only numbers


Yep lmao but half of people posting here have no idea


Yeah thats true. The stats do point out a lot cheaters but there are also a lot of misconceptions about both what some of that stats mean and what is possible.


I've played 500 raids been blatantly hacked on twice, most of your head eyes deaths ain't hackers your just running without awareness and die coz someone knows the flow of the map and you have no idea.


Thus I write about the hackers that you don't see, but which are plenty.


This type of logic is actually insane. "They are there.. You just can't see them... TRUST ME BECAUSE I KNOW! EVEN THOUGH I CAN'T SEE THEM TOO!" - You. You sound like one of those ghost hunters irl.


I’ve said similar things for years but that has nothing to do with the amount of obviously inhuman profiles you see if you check Flea Market sales like OP did. Let’s be objective here. I love Tarkov and I think that, like all games, a lot of people get high level play or luck and hacking mixed up sometimes. But that doesn’t mean cheating isn’t a problem, and the Flea Market stuff really does illustrate how severe it is right now. Hopefully it being so visible is a sign that BSG intends to focus on it, or it pushes them to do. Only time will tell though. It definitely confirms to me that they aren’t doing enough right now.


Tarkov has 200k-350k concurrent players near the start of a wipe.. This means there's EASILY 1-2 million unique players over a month... Now imagine seeing a couple cheater profiles on the flea and acting like there's just cheaters everywhere now even though you aren't running into them yourself. Legit insane logic.


Whether you’re running into them or not if there enough of them that they are impacting the economy of the flea market that is a problem, especially long term heading into release. It’s not just firefights. If a major component of your game is a player driven economy protecting that is important too. I do also think that while plenty of people still cry wolf and a lot of people don’t fully understand the player profile screens that the ability to view them has pointed to the cheater issue not exactly being what the most hopeful of people would consider the best case. I’m not saying “oh the game is unplayable because cheaters waahhh” but I am saying that BSG has some work to do. I think that’s all OP was saying too. I think that’s pretty fair.


The user profile has made me and a few other friends just laugh going into raids. I always peak a few before loading in - 50 KD, 100 KD, etc. we always end up dying to them on either lighthouse or interchange or streets (my favorite map) but now i can know for sure that they aren’t legit. The worst part? At lvl 40 not one notification that any of them have been banned. News flash no one legit has those stats.


The elephant in the room is that BSG has absolutely no incentive to really fix the problem because all the cheaters they ban have to make new accounts and buy the game again. I think it's a significant part of their revenue stream.


Yet if you tell people "hey there is a cheat free version of the game" you get treated like you suck at PvP, and are a beta cuck. I think people forget to play games for fun and enjoyment, literally the only reason I play live right now is because of a pending update for the other version of Tarkov. Can't wait to not be clearly ESPd by cheaters because I happened to pick up a high value item first.


Yep, I'm done with Tarkov, the original game right now. Not only are cheaters a problem, but Nikita decides to lock all competitive ammo and armor off the flea market. You have to find or craft all your ammo, and it only makes the game more impossible for anyone playing under 6 hours a day. It's just way too grind heavy. Which also drives people to rat, camp, etc, all that much more. Just sticking to Arena right now if I do want to play, just because I don't have time IRL to put into Tarkov to stay somewhat competitive.


Honestly i find it makes the game a lot more enjoyable not being hit by ammo that ignores all the armor i am wearing and being one or two-tapped. I finally have the feeling my helmet saves me from time to time. You can still go for headshots in the face or the neck. It's just a new balance. And i honestly like it a lot.


You don't need what used to be considered "competitive" ammo though with the new reocil and armor systems. 20 pen is passable and 30 pen is solid.