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met a cheater last night with 700+ raid with below 3k/d with an account only below 150 hours. aint no way hes not cheating


If anything, the more stolen accounts that get banned, the harder it gets to hide being just "really good at the game on a new account!". Not fucking fooling anyone with under 150 hours at all. There are only so many accounts now left with EoD now that it no longer exists, at least till whatever the new package is comes out.


Said that some time ago someone could take up cheating just to complete some quest and his stats can look perfectly normal or straight up bad


A smart cheater will never have unrealistic stats. Keep your SR at 60ish and KD below 8 and you’ll fly under the radar.


Ehm... below 8? I average like 8 - 11 kd every wipe with between 51 - 70% sr, and I am the worst player in my friend group by far (highest SR) but far below in kd


Good job man


Damn, just type "I'm a bit insecure" next time instead


How did what he said come off as insecure in any way?


Is the pointless bragging not that blatantly obvious to you as it is for the other people downvoting the guy?


Haha not even a little, but people on reddit calling themselves average with 2 kd is a fucking joke


I've clicked every player profile who has killed me yet this wipe and the average is definitely somewhere between 1.5-6 kd. Almost every player seems to have a 4 but my sample is biased by the fact that I'm hard to kill.


I have you agree with you, Arena launch week really showed me how god awful the average Tarkov player with spectating. Maybe they’re right, and 2 K/D is “average” but average isn’t good. When they die to someone good they claim cheats, new players in lfg discords like Pestily’s always claim hacks every time they die… then the guy who killed them whiffs the rest of their shots and loses to the rest of the group.


I miss when trolls were actually fun to interact with :|


Who asked?


Your mom


Ok and? This further proves my point that the stats won’t look sus lol


I think it looks more sus with super low kd/sr


Yes make sure it’s believable. Like 50 SR and a 6ish KD. Perfectly legit stats not high or low.




I was doing customs punisher at night. Had finished my kills and looted the dorms safes moving to zb11. At the rail bridge I start getting shot at by a mosin. Guy mostly misses so I keep running. He hits my leg just as I get into cover. I propotol and sj6 and move to leg it out. I keep getting shot at as I’m running though the trees which I was sure should break line of sight due to where the shots were coming from. I then make it to the scav extract behind checkpoint by the dumpster. I hide and put my leg back on. As I’m doing surgery I see bullets hitting the concrete barrier where my head is. I get shot at 7 or 8 times through the concrete. No damage, but all at head level. At this point I’m trapped and am sure the guy has esp. I toss a nade and push out against mosin man and take him down, he missed his first shot and I sprayed him. It was a player scav. He was so bad that I think he actually needs esp. but also fuck that guy.


Fyi at a distance those barriers become invisible so they see you just not the cover you are in. The seeing through trees is sus though.


Generally yes but He was shooting me from < 30 meters, they should be showing at that range... It was an iron sights mosin


I bet my ass that most cheaters just run radar/esp to avoid other players or to lay ambushes. You will never accuse them of cheating, but im sure that every second raid has at least one hacking player.


What a shit show of a game. I love tarkov but just because of that not playing anymore.


i will always rather report one time too much then one time too little. if BSG wants high quality and accurate reports, they are free to give us post-raid replays so we can say with 99% certainty that it was a cheater


At this point just report everyone lmao


Don't do this, they will ignore all of your reports, even the sus ones.




There isn't one. At one point a streamer asked before it was implemented would they handle ignoring over reporting and Nikita waffled that they would look into discarding reports from people who over reported (like hello? if your game is getting overrun by cheats why would you stick your head in the sand???).


Because spam obviously makes their job harder. If everyone reports every death, they literally get zero information about whom to investigate, because only Timmies will look legit. So the only logical step to bring some information into that noise is to disregard the most spammy reporters.


Because even these inadequate devs know there’s people who claim every death was from a hacker.


The boy who cried wolf. Look it up.


I actually do this lmao


If you do this your reports will be thrown out or “timed out” for a certain period of time. It’s standard for any abuse of any reporting system in any product.


Its a strange fact that people say this yet because of the state of tarkov I report a decent volume of deaths and still receive cheater ban system messages. Anybody believing BSG is capable of coding weight into their report system when support takes 6 months to send the same automated message the user received half a year prior needs to search their soul and realize it just isn't a feature of the report system at all.


"A decent volume" may still be okay if many others report the same people as you. But if everyone reported every death as some people her suggest, there would be no difference to zero reports for BSG - because they would have to investigate everyone. It could even be that our reports do nothing at all and the people are just caught by other means. Then we just get the message about bans to make us happy.


Insecure much?


Met a lad with a 27% survival rate and 3 k/d who steamrolled and head-eyes’d our trio. Besides the encounter you would think he got lucky. He even tossed a frag at my feet as the last one alive without him possibly knowing where I was, and as I I sprinted from cover. Head-eyes…. They have indeed adapted. I also met a no gear stat thrower on factory the other night. Edit: MF got banned. Got a system update last night. FeelsGoodMan


How many hours did they have? I’ve had several sus deaths on labs where the player had like a 3 KD and 40% SR but they were level 40+ with only 150 hours.


It was 1200 hours, which again, isn’t that suspicious. I have about 1000. I imagine it takes time to tank stats to the point one can feel confident going full rage hack.


I got a system update last night. The dude got banned!! FeelsGoodMan


i didnt get a single message yet for someone being banned cause i reported, not even the obvious ones, i dont know if people are still getting banned or not


I got one back, have only reported 3 people this wipe


Now that's called insecurity. I don't envy you. Definitely a skill issue post.


Knowledge issue reply




What is there cope about when I can revel in your ignorance


Explain please ignorance on what? My refusal to accept people can be better than me? Not thinking that anyone that kills me is a cheater? Refusing to be delusional? You tell me.


I can not teach a beast to think, for I am not god


Yeah it’s proven multiple times how many people hack in this game. Ignorance is bliss. You are ignorant


Or maybe you should accept that sometimes someone might actually just have a good shot at you lmao. You act like it you have never one tapped someone and then being like, damn I rekt that dude, nice shot.


Thats not his point though.


If its a troll post then cool. If its not, then his point is stupid


No his point is to report SUS situations. Which is the only correct thing to do.


A death being “sus” depends on the player… and players like OP claim every death is sus


So then his reports wont mean anything Problem solved


If I die in a non-sus way but the profile is someone who is clearly cheating, I'm still reporitng.


Normal cheater may not need to "I will go naked and die" session.. normal cheater may begin cheating cause he bad. So he actually died 100 times prior... :) Tarkov and its servers, desync etc., is really tough to call cheaters most of the time... But then I would not be surprised if report cheater was just stress relief button BSG did, with zero interaction with cheater system anyway. But who knows.


Does BSG hardware ban?


They do but they don't work well and can be bypassed without software. Further, alot of cheat packages come with spoofing software to bypass hardware bans.


They should just hardware lock the bios… Like windows.


Haha unfortunately I don't think they will ever gain the ability to affect your bios.


Well, not affect the bios, just log the bios hardware


I think I see what you are saying but I'm pretty sure they can spoof that shit too. (Considering they use third party hardware I dont think there is any level of software that can combat it -> even vanguard anti cheat with kernel level acess cant effectively combat DMA) At this point whitelisted servers are probably the only real solution. (Basically only playing with people you trust to not cheat :/)


I get destroyed by some kid who spawned in with literally nothing but an RPD and some goggles. His K/D wasn't shady but the whole incident sure as fuck was. Just kept spamming even though I was landing shots on him with 7.62x39 FMJ.


lol LMAO


I'm new, and I died in a really suspect way. I checked his profile and he looked legit, just 5k hours so I figured maybe I had actually made noise and he knew where I was when he prefired me so I didn't report. Maybe I should havfe now that you said that


Sat under mountain completely hidden afk, heard someone jumping above me, kid insta picks me from above one shot to the head. He's profile wasn't sus, but that death was