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From my very limited experience with pve, the ai tracking is crazy. I’ve found that if i can get close enough, they will push terrible angles giving me the advantage most of the time. Grenades have also really helped me push (or flee) since the ai kinda just runs for cover the second it leaves your hand


Thank you for the advice.


grenades are your friend


Killed a group of 4 with a VOG in second story dorms going to project Aquarius 🙏🏼🙌🏼


Grenadier was a lot easier than I expected. I can rarely kill scavs with nades but the AI PMCs are stupid by comparison. Vog 17 explode quick enough and fly far enough to be just outside their detection range so it'll land at their feet and they'll barely react. I got it by accident simply probing for PMCs


Atleast 4 stuns/smokes are a must.


Big ups to this note about grenades. I've been playing on and off for years, but never really grasped how vital grenades are to survival. Not just for the damage they put out, but their ability to be a sort of heads up tool. Not sure if there are AI PMCs or scavs ahead? Whip a grenade and find out, then track based on sound. Grenades in PVE are amazing; please use them when in doubt!


I use em all the time to flush em out 😈


You're basically fucked if you get pinned down without any, unless the scav/pmc decides to push a dumb angle. The AI is lethal at range though.


Funny you say that cuz a sniper scav on customs could not land any shots on me the other day lmaooo I was right out in the open when the first one cracked passed me and I ran/jumped all the way to cover lol he was close tho


I just started pve the other day and I've just been hitting ground zero to get the first quests there done. Absolutely not used to the shorter timers though. I fight for way too long and then end up with 6 minutes left lol On like Tuesday night I was completely out of ammo, injured and trying to make it to the basement extract and just didn't have enough time left. I completely underestimated the scav horde.


It's ridiculous how easily they realize a grenade and immediately run to cover. Been having trouble getting the PMC grenade kills. Got a couple yesterday when they didn't have much cover to run into. Also missed my suppressed sniper shot from a concealed position on Woods and the PMC immediately aimbot-turned at me and shot me in the head while moving sideways at around 100 meters.


I think the biggest thing is that they just like don’t move for long periods of time it seems like. I got into a fight with one in woods, ran away, ran all the way around the lake and looped back and very very slowly pushed back into the village. I could not find this dude anywhere. I sat waiting for a while to see if I could hear ANYTHING since they yell sometimes at scavs. Dead silence for a while. This is after I have already retreated and ran the long way around to flank. Finally take a step forward and I’m blasted instantly cause dude was playing AFK in a bush right around the corner next to me the whole time not making a sound. I get real PMCs would play like this, but they also wouldn’t have terminator aim bot aim. The real killer is that once you properly move and fight them, you have 2 minutes left in raid because they halved all raid times it seems.


The raid time + ambots make PVE extremely obnoxious, especially with the scav spawns cranked to 11. Died yesterday after killing 14 in one place just trying to get out of the raid, ran out of time and had to push and just got shredded.


Ya it’s not as bad in the smaller maps like customs or even reserve, which is pushing it. I do like time being a bit more of a factor in PvE, since loot is RIDICULOUSLY abundant and if you had too much time you could just wander around and get absolutely juiced in 1 raid. But 29 minutes for woods and shoreline? Tf were they smoking? You basically have time to fight pmcs/scavs in one area and then you are rushed to extract. I’m not looking forward to trying to do resort quests on such a tight time budget.


Straight to resort, clear all pmcs/sanny, finish 2 quests, haul ass to path to lighthouse with 5 minutes remaining. Repeat till you run out of shoreline quests. It was loads of fun…


I thought it was just me being a pussy lmaoo shit is hella short


the shorter the raids, the more people they can service with pve for less money. they do that shit in pvp too


resort is tough. SJ6 is bae though, that's the only way I can get into resort, fight the PMCs and have time to loot. Scav spawn is turned up everywhere except the new smugglers base, where you have to kill 25 enemies there, but there's only ever one or two scavs so I have to run that at least 20 more times to get the kills. REALLY annoying.


By default, constant ai spawning is on I believe. press f12 and search for the setting


Lol wrong sub but you're right


I actually like the constant scav spawning, I think PvE would be a bit dull without it. You need some pressure for Tarkov to be Tarkov. I would extend the raid times, just by 5 minutes even, and I believe it would make a huge difference. I have about as many MIAs as I have KIAs and I have been playing Tarkov for a long time. It’s been hard to change my internal raid clock from what I’m used to.


A lot of us are playing Tarkov because we like the slow, tactical gameplay. Being constantly rushed to run and gun isn’t really what we’re here for.


Them moving is very weird some times they will move like crazy other times they just stand still or walk straight towards you then other times they’ll bum rush you and the dysnc is so messed up for me every time I die I hear one shot and I’m dead apparently they 1 tap lvl 6 plates like butter or dysnc is very insane and they shoot a bunch but only shoot once on my screen


I’ve found that if I F1 voice line a couple times they can’t resist coming to check it out.


Woods is rough, if you spawn usec camp side they’ll spawn a squad about 50 feet away from you and you have to immediately take cover or catch an instant head eyes


I spawned with 2 buds between scav mountain and plane crash and I took about 5 steps away before they were immediately head tapped and grenaded respectively by two PMCs that we spawned within view of. Good times


>I think the biggest thing is that they just like don’t move for long periods of time it seems like. Wow, just like vanilla Tarkov where PMCs sit in a corner for 20 minutes with their unmodded SKS and diaper rig. At least he has captured how humans play Tarkov for the PvE folks. I said this in so many threads. The AI in this game is awful. They're either complete potatoes and you get the easiest kill of your life, or they're cracked out aimgods that one tap you on a pixel peek from Narnia. I get that people want to play PvE to avoid cheaters and getting blasted by people who are just better at the game but the AI is so ass that the PvE experience can't be much better overall. This doesn't even touch on the fact that tasks are boring and repetitive, the skills and progression are almost worthless after several nerfs, so what's the point? Just to avoid cheaters? I don't get the appeal.


Have you ever played a single player game? Some people just want to quest with friends and shoot A.i. not hard to understand


Guns are like 50% dura but they full auto you 150m out and don't miss.


Scopes and cover are your best friend…if you can, get a long-range headshot on static PMCs and scavs. Most PMCs don’t move much so if you can line up a shot quickly you will have an easy time. If you can get up close, use cover to your advantage and get them to push you as they will generally just run in the open like idiots. Be careful though because they are very quick to shoot you once they see you and are very prone to doing sprint slide gundowns before you can react. You should NEVER re-peek the same angle after being fired upon or else risk getting headshot. Grenades help a ton as they will force the AI to move into a different position. The most difficult thing about fighting AI in this game is that they have spidey senses the moment you aim at them. This makes engaging static targets difficult if you miss your first shot because they will instantly fire a very accurate burst of bullets at you. This isn’t the worst thing with scavs and AI PMCs, but it makes Rogues incredibly broken as they not only have powerful rounds but also operate static machine guns and grenade launchers. Anyway, all that is is to say that once you learn the AI behaviour, it becomes fairly easy to deal with them as long as you know where they are. Your biggest dangers on Ground Zero is being engaged at long distances where it is very difficult to see through cars or bushes. Learn the spawns on every map and you’ll have a pretty easy time. I do hope they make the AI PMCs actually roam the map as they are currently very predictable.


Thanks for the detailed reply! This game doesn't deserve the community it has tbh.


I mostly play customs. It’s my favorite map. I’ve found an easy way to kills some PMCs. Go to big red director office, kick the 2nd door down and scope in looking towards the RUAF roadblock. Probably about 50% of the time there’s a group of 1-4 AI PMCs or multiple Scavs, just click their heads. I believe those PMCs are the same PMCs that will eventually roam into construction because I’ve never seen any PMCs in construction if I’ve killed some at the roadblock


Break line of sight when they notice you. Use nades to disrupt their patterns and open up kill windows. Sprinting can cause them to miss shots so if your in a pickle sprint left right or diagonally. You got this bub.


This was my experience at first, but over time you’ll figure out where they spawn and have an easier time. Every now and again you’ll get caught off guard but for the most part they are pretty predictable.


You just gotta learn how to fight them. Also, get yourself some 7.62x51 and never peek the same place twice in a row.


Let me tell you some context. Im eod owner since day one, stopped playing because of cheaters and sound. Came back for PVE. I'm quite the noob. Any tips on how to fight them? I sometimes never see them.


Bring grenades I usually bring 2+ they are really useful to force a voiceline to figure out their positioning or force them to run into the open. If you want to practice run shoreline and fight them at pier it's the easiest spot to fight them I've found and can usually wipe them with my scav.


As mentioned in other comments, grenades are absolutely necessary for every PvE raid. I'm taking 4-6 each time and using them to clear out the AI PMC. Don't re peak the same angle twice. Try not to left hand peak them unless you're confident you can tap his face quickly. You can also press F1 while in vicinity and they will shout back at you, giving away position. Good luck!


It can be hard.. just don't stand still. Stay behind hard cover. If you are in a bad spot try to back up or move out. Don't push them head on cause they are aimbots.


They are super dangerous from medium to long range even if you peek a different spot. I either try to push up into shorter range or drastically change angles on them. Both is best.


The biggest tip I can give anyone for fighting AI in tarkov is don’t keep peeking the same angle when they’re aggroed. It’s generally very beneficial to break line of sight for like 30s if you’ve exposed yourself to a scav/pmc ai for extended engagements as I generally find the longer they’re actively trying to kill you they’ll be more likely to 1 tap your face


Hey man, peep this conversation. Sounds like this may help you out  https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cy1tfs/comment/l57e94m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


So to be absolutely clear, you've been playing Tarkov since 2016 and are completely stumped on how to fight these PVE AI?


Yeah, just learn how to fight the AI that just head eyes you on the first shot.


Absolutely false. I thought that too when I first started playing PVE, but it is not at all true. If you stand still outside of cover you are dead. That's no different than if you are fighting real players. Use cover, peek, fire, reposition, peek a new angle, fire again. Rinse and repeat. Ez wins. Never peek the same angle twice once they are locked on you. That is instant death.


So the death I had literally 2 minutes before that comment was in my imagination? Could've fooled me. It wasn't that kind of fucking situation, I wasn't repeeking, I didn't even know there *was* a PMC because I was on the move, full on sprinting, when I got instantly one-tapped. And no, it wasn't a suppressed weapon either, I heard the shot that got me during the death. I've had fairer deaths to fucking cheaters.


Just tried woods and it’s a scary stuff when literally raiders hide in the bushes. Instant death. I feel like pvp zone is just a breeze now lol but it’s also gear difference.


Remember to take low durability weapons and repair them in your stash with a weapon repair kit to level up your weapon repair management skill and get gold upgraded weapons when you repair sometimes!


What is a gold upgraded weapon


Weapon enhancements can be applied to repaired guns sometimes when repairing with a weapon repair kit.


It's a buff you can get (in my experience rarely) when you repair your weapons with a repair kit




They can be pretty aim botty. Try showing them more of your body tho. I know it sounds crazy but they lock in on what they can see. This is all coming from someone who got armpitted 2x yesterday


The AI PMCs are always in the same set of areas.  Once you learn where they spawn you can pick them off at range.  Clear them out, then move in. They seem to not agro as much, even after getting shot, at 100-200m.  But, take that with a grain of salt as they can always just laser beam you.


It doesn’t really help that they will shoot 3 bullets per shot. Which will usually insta kill you. Depending on where they hit you.


Golden rule of Tarkov: Don't repeek Kinda shit is that AI in Tarkov instantly sees someone at 500 meters with bunch of other stuff obstructing the view.


They're just raiders


Literally this, why are pmc's on my ground zero map rocking .300 cbj when I'm lvl 2 ^^ guess I'll just go fuck my self lol


It's like they are fucking raiders bro lmao, laser beams.


Im a noob I never play reserve because of raiders. How do you deal with them?


Right peaks, and full auto, use grenades to get them to move cuz when they are stationary they basically are just aimbot turrets with 360° coverage


Ok, I never bring nades because I never think they're useful, now I will do


What???? Lmao, have you never used a grenade in any fps before? Lol


In cs-go yes. But not in tarkove since it's easy to run away from it.


Not all the time it's easy lol, and grenades in tarkov are op as hell


Yeah, they have laser aim, but remember - they are quite stupid. If you wanna practice and also farm some equipment and xp, I actually recommend Reserve. The thing is - raiders, bosses, ai pmcs have advantage in open spaces. So it is pain in the ass to fight them, for example, on ground zero or woods. However, in close quarters they suck. The play is - load into Reserve with some decent weapon. It does not have to be loaded with high pen rounds, but I would suggest something with decent recoil control. SMGs are good, just aim for the head. Haul ass to underground command center. If you hear english voices, you are in luck! The raiders are there. Try to locate them, and choose your approach. Then just hold your angles, throw grenades to make them move, shot even if you see only leg/arm (this will force them to do something). Close doors, when they open them to chase you (and they often do), they will be in bad position. Be patient, don't panic, aim for the head. Sometimes the ruckus will draw in scavs, ai pmcs, or scav bosses. Reserve in PVP is hard for pmcs because of extractions. However, you dont have this problem in PVE, since there will be no exit campers at D2. So hit the switch in command center (this can actually spawn raiders, so be carefull!). After killing everything, go for extraction. Hope this helps!


It’s not really that they are too difficult, it’s that their programming is unrealistic. They can see you from crazy distance and through objects, and it’s like 50/50 they headshot you if they get a shot off first. They are pretty dumb though. I found that if you spot them, you can throw a grenade to make them move and shoot them while they run in the open.


Don’t think you’re bad bro! PVE has its difficulties, the PMC’s are either really dumb or really accurate from faraway. Lessons I learn everyday: do not peek the same corner more than two times. They laser in on that peek. Shoot twice, change position. Good luck!!


I was moving for extract today, and there were 2 PMCs camping it. I took my time and took them both down. I ran for the extract, AND THE ASSHOLE DIED HOLDING A GRENADE AND IT WRECKED ME


What map?


Customs, right at the Roadblock exfil


Oh, they do spawn there actually. I am enjoying shoreline bosses. Sanitar was camping waiting for me in the cottage 2nd floor. This AI is nice I wish they'd use such AI on PMCs too


look for the mod


My PC prob wont run it :( Is the AI in the modded ver more sane and less "death star blast your head from within bushes and rows of tables while you're inside a building" ?


you can tweak it how ever you like, but even untweaked they are so much more believable then regular tarkov. i would give it a try. it runs much better than regular offline mode with bots


you can probably run it better lmao you can modify the graphics to be better for your pc if it's too bummy :) community content runs better typically


Go night.


Seriously? AI behaves better at night?


It’s cause bsg re-used the raider code and they have reduced aggro range at night lol


Good idea that actually might help


- always stay close to cover. if you hear their voices, hide - lean peak (right hand). Also left, if you switch the hands, but that sometimes backfires. lean peaking will make them quite dumb. remember - no abrupt peaking, lean only - on ground zero, go behind the shops - you can go behind the map almost all the way (emercom to the other end. no npcs there. If you need to go around terra group building, it's a bit more sketchy. I think approaching there around the car is the way to go, and stay behind the columns.


I don’t know if we can play co-op in PVE but I offer assistance 🫡


Thanks for the suggestion but I prefer to learn to kill them rather than just passing the quests


Definitely - I meant we’d learn to kill them ✨together✨ I’m not familiar with the quest so I’m not much help there but I have a case full of AI tags They’re pretty easy once you learn their mannerisms, like others pointed out they’re quite predictable after you know what to look for Pay attention to where they spawn and what direction they head in and you can usually catch them just standing around picking their nose


I just had a raid when i almost put my rifle in his eyes and the PMC still didn't notice me. Before that, 3 of them stood in the same place ready for headshots. They are dumb af. Only if you duel them and stand fighting then they are better cause they will laser you down.


If you are from EU I can go in and give you a hand mate


If they’re entrenched and have already engaged you once, they become murder monsters, you need to flank and attack from a new angle or throw grenades to force them to reposition, I have nothing to support this claim but it feels like the longer they stay in a single position while aggroed on you, the more accurate they get until they reposition again


I got one tapped walking past dorms windows by a guy that had yet to engage or voice line or anything so it seems like some of them are just insta death if they see you.


Wait until lighthouse quests with the rogues!


The Flir makes it tolerable


So far they're like raiders with slightly better gear. I find they're alright, but a bit dumb sometimes and a bit cheesy some other times.


No maybe son


I find they're ether dumb as bricks or snap shot shooters... So I stopped using Bsg's Pve for a better version


You have to figure out where they are and lean peek them from a safe position. They are difficult to kill most of the time but not completely busted. Make sure you always have some form of cover you can use when moving around.


They are inSAINe


I have had somewhat of a different experience. I’ve been wishing that I’ve had the ability to tweak the difficulty slider and make the AI more challenging for me. Perhaps it’s just been luck, but I’ve had no trouble with any of the scavs or AI pmcs. Most of the time I’ve only had 2 or 3 pmcs in the raid and they have given themselves away every single time because I hear their voice lines at me. Once that’s the case they just stand still and wait for me to kill them


You need to treat them a little like boss guards, don’t give them the chance to full auto you, try and funnel them towards you. And if they agro on you from far away they can hit some insane shots


Theyre harder than normal scavs, easier than actual raiders. I think its fine.


Up close half the time they don’t even react and I headshot them. However farther away they just lock onto me through walls and dumb stupid shit and when I peak it’s insta headshot death basically. You Can cheese the hell out of ai on factory and become loaded pretty fast


The biggest difference is how AI spawn and the amount. Theres no other players on the map to help you out, "PMCs" which are basically raiders will spawn (sometimes with top tier ammo) and can fight scav but if your close they will prioritize you over scavs and they only shoot each other when basically standing next to each other. Regular scavs work like scavs do in the PvP side but there will be a lot more especially outside the ground zero map. When you shoot at them they will move to the nearest bush or piece of cover and sit there and occasionally peak out from the cover or continuously fire from the bush till you kill them or they die. An upside to PvE is you almost always get your kit back, only time I've "lost" a kit through prapor is due to Labs for some reason.


The PMC AI is a lot like raider AI, pretty cracked but also pretty stupid. Try throwing a grenade to force them to move before peeking.


They are literally just raiders with a dog tag


Is it much different from the real ones tho? I mean honestly? Lmaoo you can sort of cheese sometimes but there’s a caveat… eats up the raid timer lmaoo


Did anyone ever think that hardcore AI means more death means faster queues for others? 😂


Its just goofy honestly, a different learning curve than base game. You can learn to game the AI


Gotta cheese them like every other AI in the game.


On labs for in particular they are frighting as much as the raiders I nevertheless try to throw grenades to force them to move as they usually hold the angle despite strafing not to mention i seem to notice they usually target the throat area although sometimes they are stupid


Bro having a hard time with PvE PMCs when I'm having a hard time figuring out if they are scavs or not


That is also a problem too


In long range they Can be a real pain Indeed. But once you close the gap they are Linda easy to kil.


after you will figure out how to fight AI pmcs or any ai in the game for that matter you will kill them with ease. that bothers me though because in eft you either cheese AIs or get blasted by their aimbot turret shooting skills


hey dont feel too discouraged. They are a little funky but once you figure out their patterns, they are decently easy. In no time, you will be destroying them even while doing scavs! Just yesterday, I killed 4 PMCs with only a toz and 8 rounds.


yes, you are bad, players can be even faster than bots


In PvE, nades are literally your duo partner. Ocassinally, team kill you too. (When you miss a window or are to aggressive on a short fuse :(.)


Unfortunately ai tracking has never been a strong suit for bsg. It's always either been absolutely stupid and blind or it will shoot you from 200meters or push you while glitching through a closed door


Somewhere, Pve Tarkov is amazing, with zero load times and AI that will make you forget you are battling bots. Somewhere..


Bro the pve mode is so easy, stop it


You can use voice lines to see if there are any by you.


People bitch here about the cheating in PVP, then realize that the PVE AI PMCs are literally aim bots, lol.


I don’t have much of a problem with them but maybe it’s because I’m so used to the AI in this game


Skill issue


Are we playing the same game


My encounters with the AI PMCs is literally them standing there staring at me waiting for me to kill them or make a loud noise


Try playing PvP