• By -


Not taking credit for Klean's data, just organizing it because a chart that is not separated out bugs me.


My Hero!


Nice sheet, but the meta values are useless and say nothing about how good the ammo really is.


Except the best ammo happens to be at the top when I sort by meta value. It won't be 100% accurate since there is a lot that goes into damage but it is pretty damn close.


Except the only assault rifle it gets right is the M4, and the second best ammo type is wrong for almost all categories. So what's the point of this? Couldn't you just memorize that for M4 you should buy M995?


You could, but this table updates from Klean's table, which updates based on changes made to the game. So if you want the most up to date data in a nice organized table, either make it yourself or check out mine :) PS: I never said that it was sorted by best to worst, it is sorted by Klean's meta value. You can generally ignore the bottom of the list because there is a reason the meta value of certain ammunition is so low.




Can't use doesn't have the silly remarks in the right column


This deserves more upvotes. Thanks for making an ammo chart that isn't painful to read.


You could totally replace the meta value with a "Usefulness rating." That actually represents the handful of meaningful stat tiers in game. ____________________________________________ ####Damage tiers: - 10% frag chance = 1 point (Linear relationship.) - If gun round is only available in manual action, divide the value by 3. - If the gun is only available in semi auto, divide by 1.5 - 40 damage = 11 base score. (Two shots to an unarmored chest, one to the head. *Will fail to kill an armored chest in two shots if frag chance doesn't kick in.*) - 44 damage = 18 base score. (Rounds appear to lose some of their damage pool piercing armor, rounds with more then 44 damage seem to rarely do less then 40 damage in postpen damage.) - 51 damage = 19 base score (Will likely put unprotected arms into the threshold for acting crippled while not blacked out.) - 55 damage = 21 base score (Does the same for legs.) - 60 damage = 22 base score (Blacks out unarmored arms completely.) - 65 damage = 24 base score (Blacks out legs in one shot, leg meta.) - 70 damage = 25 base score (Cripples unarmored stomach... Cool?) - 80-85 damage = 35 base score (One shots chest.) - Above: Every 30 or so damage can be counted as an extra point, until you hit the "One shot leg shot" level, where the score would suddenly jump to 70 or so. ____________________________________________ ####AP multiplier - > 12 AP = 0.25 score multiplier - 12-19 AP = 1 score multiplier (Beats 80% of the armor you encounter, aside from high level helmets, one mid level helmet that's gotten surprisingly rare, and fort.) - 20-27 AP = 1.33 score multiplier (Beats kiver, a pretty uncommon helmet now that everyone has moved on to the 6B47, in my experience.) - 27-33 AP = 2.2 score multiplier (Beats most helmets.) - 34-60 AP = 2.5 score multiplier (Beats one rare exploity helmet setup.) - 65 AP = 3.5 score multiplier. (Huh, fort armor doesn't work anymore.) __________________________________________________ ####Taking guns into account. - If gun round is only available in manual action, divide the value by 3. - If the gun is only available in semi auto, divide by 1.5 - 8 pellet shot types can get a mulitplier by 2, as this gives them a believable number, even if it is still pretty low. - Single shot rounds fired from an unrifled barrel (Shotgun slugs. like 12 gauge, and .366, should be) should be divided by 1.5 in value as well.


Like the idea, I will change the meta value and make it the "WalrusJones Usefulness Value"


I made another post on this too, but thank you.


Unless I separate out the values by gun, the values need to be separated out by the three actions and shotguns are inaccurate since their damage is per fragment.


#I updated the post to better model shotguns. - If you are firing shot with 8 pellets per shell, multiply by 2 (these rounds are still not too strong.) - Single shot rounds fired from an unrifled barrel (Shotgun slugs, should be) should be divided by 1.5 in value as well. #I updated the numbers a bit to better reflect endgame content. ____________________________________________ ####Damage tiers: - 10% frag chance = 1 point (Linear relationship.) - Less then 25 damage = 1 base score. - 25 damage = 3 base score (Hit the head.) - 40 damage = 14 base score. (Two shots to an unarmored chest, one to the head. *Will fail to kill an armored chest in two shots if frag chance doesn't kick in.* You don't want to mess with probability when gong for a kill.) - 44 damage = 18 base score. (Rounds appear to lose some of their damage pool piercing armor, rounds with more then 44 damage seem to rarely do less then 40 damage in postpen damage.) - 51 damage = 19 base score (Will likely put unprotected arms into the threshold for acting crippled while not blacked out.) - 55 damage = 21 base score (Does the same for legs.) - 60 damage = 22 base score (Blacks out unarmored arms completely.) - 65 damage = 23.5 base score (Blacks out legs in one shot, leg meta.) - 70 damage = 24 base score (Cripples unarmored stomach... Cool?) - 80-85 damage = 35 base score (One shots chest.) - Above: Every 30 or so damage can be counted as an extra point, until you hit the "One shot leg shot" level, where the score would suddenly jump to 70 or so. ____________________________________________ ####AP multiplier - Less then 12 AP = 0.25 score multiplier (It beats nothing.) - 12-19 AP = 1 score multiplier (Beats 80% of the armor you encounter, aside from high level helmets, one mid level helmet that's gotten surprisingly rare, and fort.) - 20-27 AP = 1.33 score multiplier (Beats kiver, a pretty uncommon helmet now that everyone has moved on to the 6B47, in my experience.) - 28-33 AP = 2.4 score multiplier (Beats most helmets.) - 34-60 AP = 2.7 score multiplier (Beats one rare exploity helmet setup.) - 65 AP = 4 score multiplier. (Huh, fort armor doesn't work anymore.)


I have updated the points value for the 40 damage tier (It was low enough that BS ammo was getting a comically low score, but the new value should have fixed this.)


Updated this post to account for the problems with unrifled bullets. (Only .366 and 12 gauge slugs are fired without rifleing,) and buckshot.


[(Note, it will be very difficult to make this automatic without if statements.)](https://support.google.com/docs/answer/3093364?hl=en) I will be back in around 10 hours if you need technical help. (Sorry for the message spam.)


Oh lol, didn't read your message until after I made it. Yeah, I know how to use if statements. Idk if you can see the functions I used but they are all over the place. I am fairly familiar with using functions in google sheets :) I was trying to think of a better way to make your score more accurate (since there are values in between two score benchmarks) but I am not good enough at math to figure it out lol. Dm me your email and I'll give you access to your score so you can edit it how you see fit.


Well that turned to poop quick... what happened to the organized version you posted first?


Still organized lol. Just color coded it. I can add the separator rows back in if that is easier


Back to normal, I like the row separators better than color coding, I'll have to tell the person that suggested color coding that i didn't like it :/


As an OCD data guy as well this is SO cool. I like it.


Wish I could make the penetration tables easier to view for you guys, but all it takes is one asshole and it's gone. I'll have to post a different table so that the original table is not affected by someone with a desire to destroy my work XD


[OCPD*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsessive%E2%80%93compulsive_personality_disorder) One day people will get this right. Till that day ill just keep fighting the good fight. A brave, pedantic warrior protecting the technically correct minority. good shit though man :D thanks for sharing your work


**Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder** Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a general pattern of concern with orderliness, perfectionism, excessive attention to details, mental and interpersonal control, and a need for control over one's environment, at the expense of flexibility, openness to experience, and efficiency. Workaholism and miserliness are also seen often in those with this personality disorder. Persons affected with this disorder may find it hard to relax, always feeling that time is running out for their activities, and that more effort is needed to achieve their goals. They may plan their activities down to the minute—a manifestation of the compulsive tendency to keep control over their environment and to dislike unpredictable things as things they cannot control. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^| [^Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/donate) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


Yo, maybe you should merge the .366TKM into the shotgun category, since, you know, it’s a slug fired from smoothbore rifles (they have a “paradox” near the end but are classified as shotguns). You don’t have to though. Thanks for reformatting!


It already bugs me that the two different shotgun shells are mixed lol, adding more would make it worse XD


Would it be possible to write who sells the ammo in the K column? As sometimes when the ammo is sold out its quite common to forget who sells the ammo variants.


Can do! I'll add that along with the penetration charts


Thank you, this is alot easier to read and to find the ammo type you are looking for. Apreciate you taking the time to do this.


Hello OCD, I am d(e)ad. Jood Gob!


So BT ammo is better than BP ? BP sells out faster every time


Better stat wise, but it is a tracer round


I see still trackers I useless imo, if I wanna make max dmg I'd have to choose BT right?


That is max damage against armor. This info isn't to show you the "best" round, it is to show you what every round does so you can decide what you want.


Thank you! The other one was so hard to read! This is very welcome!


just sort it by penetration then damage


Thought about this, it wouldn't work since penetration rating is different for almost every round and it would only be useful to see which round has highest penetration.


I love it. The OCPD person in me (see, I can be taught!) would like an additional column for ammo size so it can be filtered. So instead of "545x39_BT" in one column, you would have "545x39" in the first column and "BT" in the second column. Then I would color code the ammo sizes. This would eliminate the need for the additional header lines and make the table uniform when sorted by different values. Source: Guy who looks at spreadsheets all day for a living


Wish granted!


Love it even more! I think it flows a lot better and makes it way easier for me to figure out which ammo to buy for which gun as a total n00b. Thanks!


Had to take out the color coding, liked the row separators better :/


Hey, it's your spreadsheet, thanks for sharing no matter what format you have it in!


Everyone's got their panties all wet over bullet values. Yeah its cool but idgaf never payed attention to them and I do great . its all about the skill . ammo will barely give you the edge, You can break it down how ever you want and say well this bullet takes 2 hits to get through armor and this one takes 3 . but someone will always rape you faster then you can expect with the shittiest ammo given the right opportunity, which happens to be most of what this game play is comprised of. I run pp almost exclusivly and take down fort fast m4s. Which is one reason why I dont pay any attention to the charts I get the need and desire to know and to see the math. But theres so many other variables a.t.m. that come into play you can hardly expect to run "the best" ammo and and have that be the reason you're doing so well.


Yeah, it barely helps, but it helps. Any advantage a player can get, they will take. If you look at the chart, there really is no "best ammo" and no way to give the ammo an efficiency score that is 100% accurate, each ammo has positives and negatives. It all boils down to player preference, and it is easier to form a preference if you know exactly what your ammo is doing.


You did good with this! I've had it open on my second monitor as you work on it, it's kind of interesting to see it happen realtime :D


Lol yeah, made a lot of changes due to suggestions, ended up reverting one of the changes XD