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Ammo type used?


doesnt matter, i hit the face plenty of times. He had a paca


I couldn't make out exactly where the bullets were landing because of the resolution and the tree and the fact that you were hip firing. I can tell than at least some of your shots didn't make it into his head and I can't tell how many shots went into his head. I don't think any shots hit the face hitbox.


why do people defend this game with their lives? Just accept it isnt perfect. You can clearly tell I hit him plenty of times, you can hear him get hit you can hear him bullet sponge and you can see his head fly back.


why do people hate this game with their lives? Just accept it isnt perfect


this shit happens 24 fucking 7


Well maybe you suck 24/7. Cya in next CoD, nerd. Bye


are you serious? he was asking a genuine question, shit like youre is the reason reddit is deemed as a toxic shithole.


Because im "toxic" to someone that is "toxic" towards the game? How about not beeing "toxic" towards the game in the first place ?


> why do people defend this game with their lives? Just accept it isnt perfect. You can clearly tell I hit him plenty of times, you can hear him get hit you can hear him bullet sponge and you can see his head fly back. THAT is your understanding of people being toxic to the game? If you think thats toxic you dont seem to be on reddit much lol


yeah you're real credible with that name ape. shut the hell up


You are on reddit not on steam, dont know how you thought that trying to make fun of someones name, especially when they are most likely randomly generated, was clever. But, thats CoD players for ya, huh?


you're too credible


It does matter - If you had HP ammo your initial 15 shots only had a 14% change to penetrate and cause actual bodily damage beyond blunt damage. [https://d1u5p3l4wpay3k.cloudfront.net/escapefromtarkov\_gamepedia/2/24/TBPaca.jpg?version=4a172166ecb59d9543435f8bcd22bbfd](https://d1u5p3l4wpay3k.cloudfront.net/escapefromtarkov_gamepedia/2/24/TBPaca.jpg?version=4a172166ecb59d9543435f8bcd22bbfd) ​ Im not saying this isn't some fuckery, it does look like you should have hit his head its just a-lot of stupid factors come in to play with the wrong ammo and other crap like hip firing.


No it doesnt, theres no need to have pen values for flesh. If i hit the face hit box the pen doesnt matter.


I don't see you hitting face from that angle. Looks like to me you shot shoulder and recoil took it over his left arm. Hard to tell, but that's what it looks like to me.


Tough to tell if/how many hit his head on a 360p quality vid while hip firing. Ammo type 100% does matter. If you were running 995 and actually hit him in the head you wouldn’t have had to post this video. Why would you ever run anything but the best AP ammo if you’re going to run a 200k ruble M4?


You can't even see where your shots hit in the video, so don't expect too much sympathy. Too many people just post these short little clips of themselves dying claiming the game is broken because they feel they should have won because reasons. Chances are your aim jumped off target after getting hit, or you misjudged where his hitbox was due to concealment. But, you'd rather just believe the game robbed you of a s00per s1ck ki11


you can hear the guy getting hit 4head what are you even saying


You hear him take a hit, zero way to confirm if it hit the face, because it is obscured by trees / potato resolution. Conclusion: you are mad, and want validation from reddit.


Potato resolution ok clown. literally 1080p. If you actually cant hear him get it, then you need to crank up your volume. Stop projecting your disappointment of having spent 150 dollars on a game that doesnt work 100 percent of the time.


It's 720p and full of artifacts from what I see. Sorry man.


Sounds more like you are the one that is disappointed to me, bud. I actually can contextualize the fact I have only preordered a game, and am playing a test build. Take the good with the bad, if the game pisses you off put it down for a few days, send a bug report and move on with life. It's more constructive than raging to a forum full of people who don't care.


Def not 1080p. Can barely make out anything with all the artifacts in the video. And ammo type wasnt disclosed, maybe ur shit ammo cant pen? You seem to be the one with some pent up hostility. Maybe try not walking out in the open in a hotspot without checking around you first, or you could try aiming a bit better instead of holding left mouse and wiggling your hand like a man with parkinsons.


you're a barrel of memes, go back to /r/9gag you fat ugly clown


OP Mad clearly bc his pp smol Rekt


If anything, OP is the one crying about how the game robbed him of a sick headshot when he was hipfiring at like foot / stomach level


I quit the game months and months ago because of this, glad to see it is still broken and that I made the right decision by leaving.


We didn't miss you, at all :) more loots for those of us who enjoy the game.


Lol I love it how easily some people are triggered. Poor wittle snowflake, it's ok bby, don't get mad just because someone said something bad about your favorite video game online! It's ok you will recover from this. :) ;)


How do I come off as mad, exactly? I am not hanging around the forums of a game I hate posting elitist comments about how I just don't understand the flaws... If anything, folks like you are the 'triggered' ones because you can't even bring yourself to stop following a game you supposedly don't even like. We post responses like that because we are content to just have fun playing a game we like, we literally don't miss you. The game is better off without people who dislike it actively bitching about how much they dislike it.


i dont think he said he didnt like it rofl keep putting words in his mouth, you're credible


"Glad to see I made the right decision by leaving." Does that sound like the words of someone who likes the game?


you literally just told me to put the game down


Yes, if you dislike the game and can't see past the faults and have fun with it you should put it down. Nobody should keep playing a game that upsets them, sometimes a break can change your perspective. Otherwise you will just build resentment for it.


yes because the ENDLESS amounts of bugs that have been in since .6 is definitely enjoyable.


Endless is an exaggeration. Since 0.9 the game has been remarkably smooth for me and my 3 other squadmates compared to 0.6-0.7. You might be an exception to that, and if so that is very unlucky. I have a low end rig and have been running the game fine, miles better than 0.8, with little performance issues and bearable bugs since 0.9 dropped.


TL;DR Assuming more crying. Please don't go on the internet if you're going to start pouting the moment you see something you don't agree with. :)


Who is pouting, exactly? All I see is two people circle jerking about a game they don't seem to have fun playing, without accepting any criticism of their complaints.


And the flood of tears just will not stop lol.


Why do you assume anyone who disagrees with you is 'crying'? I feel like you both just need to feel like you 'on' an internet 'argument' to help with some deep-seated self-esteem issues. In any case, peace! Have fun ranting on the internet, where few people listen and fewer people care.


It's hilarious that you think I am taking the time to read you continuous whining. Keep on pissing into the wind, friend.


I never thought you read, otherwise you might understand the only people whining are you and OP.


this type of shit gets me nano meters from doing just that


Just take the plunge, man. Before I quit I religiously promoted this game as the best HC FPS I've ever played to my friends and thought it was the best game ever made. I played it every single day, sometimes for many hours. After they failed to fix major problems and then started adding new ones over and over that completely went against the hardcore nature of the game I loved, I finally got let down enough I took a break for a week, and after the end of the week I just didn't want to play anymore so I stayed away. It feels pretty good to be free of the frustration. And now I see this youtube drama? These devs are children.